Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kill Taki Volume one ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is a trademark of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Video.
Kill bill is a tradmark of miramax picture
and Quinten Tarentino. I have no ownership to these characters, or names.
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Chapter 1: Prologue
It was another blazing summer day in Kyoto, as the sun reached it's peak. In a shinto shrine, all
hell had broken loose. What was suppose to be a marriage cerimony had turned into a violent bloodbath.
Among the 10 bodies on the floor of the shrine, only one was still marginally alive. A young woman in a bride's
outfit was sprawled on the floor, covered in blood and bruises. Even with the bruises and blood all over her face,
she still had a look of beauty to her.It was obvious she was pregnant, with her bulging belly.

As she lay there struggling to breath, she heard footsteps coming closer to her. Through her half swollen eyes,
she saw a man standing over her. The man knelt over her and said, "Does thou find me sadistic?" His elegent voice
resounds throughout the room as he speaks.He moves closer to the bride and proceeded to pull out a hankerchief.
The name "Taki" is embroidered on the hankerchief. As he begins to wipe the blood off of her face, he begins to talk.
"I believe that if one was inclined, one could cook an okonomiyaki on your head at this moment if one wanted to."
The bride glared at him with hatred as she felt his hankerchief cleaning up her face. "You know my beautiful lady," the man
says as he cleans her face with the hankerchief, "I'd like to believe that thou are aware that , enough anyway, that there is
nothing sadistic to mine actions." As she struggles to breath, her eyes are full of hatred and fear at this man
who cared for her yet hurt her in such a way.
He pauses slightly as he draws the hankerchief away from her face and proceeds to look into her eyes. The man
caresses her face, "Maybe towards those other bafoons, but not you." He touches her cheek lightly, then pulls away.
Her eyes widen slightly as a gun in pointed towards her head. The sound of the bullets rattle in the gun.
"No, no my dear, at this moment. This is me at mine most masocistic." The gun is level at her head, as she struggles to
speak. In a weak voice, the bride is able to say, "Taki, the baby is not yo..."
Before she could finish her sentance, the gun fires. The bullet moves from the gun and hits the side of her skull. As
the pain fills the side of her head, the last thing the bride sees is the eyes of Taki, before darkness overtakes her.
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Xander Blaze
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Author's note: The bride's name will be bleeped out until a later chapter to add to
the suspence of the story. Who the bride is will depend upon who you want it to be. However it will not be ranma. Go
easy on the reviews, this is my first really long fanfic. All flames will be met with massive smitings