Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kill Taki Volume one ❯ Chapter one: 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is a trademark of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Video.

Kill bill is a tradmark of miramax picture

and Quinten Tarentino. I have no ownership to these characters, or names.

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Kill Taki Vol 1
Xander Blaze

Chapter 2: Chapter 1-Two

The City of Juuban, Japan
in the distance, we see a modest sized japanese home with a white roof on it.
In front of the house, a car pulls up and parks in front of it. Out of the
car, the bride walks out. No longer in the wedding robes or covered in blood,
we are able to view her for the first time. She is a 5 foot, 5 inches tall
woman with a modest figure with long hair tied in a pony tail. It is also
obvious that she is not pregnant as well.The bride's new attire is a black
leather jacket with tight jeans and leather boots.She moves gracefully as
she walks towards the front door of the house.

As she walks closer to the entrance, she notices the numerous toys and gym
equipment all over the ground. noticable there is a gymnest ribben next to
a rose bush that is bloomed with black roses. The bride shakes her head to
clear memories of the past as she makes her way to the door. When she reaches
the door, she proceeds to ring the doorbell. After a moment, she hears
footsteps walking towards the door. A high pitched voices shouts out
"coming." as the footsteps move closer to the door. The door opens and in
the doorway is a tall raven haired woman with a thin figure wearing a
black kimono and holding a spoon. As she is opening the door, the woman in
black says "Suki!, I cannot believe you are early for your gymnastic's
lesson." When she looks up to see the person at the door, the woman in black
stares into two chocolate colored eyes. Her smile drops as she looks at a
woman thought to be dead.

As she looks at her prey, the bride feels fury and rage as the memories
fly back to her.
The bride, in her wedding dress, is knocked back by a ribben. The woman in
back is wearing a leotard and strikes again with the ribbin adding a cut
to the bride's face. The woman's evil laugh resounds through the room as
she laughs out loud

End Flashback
The bride's eyes narrow in furry as she stuggles to control her anger.
A Vein in The Bride's forehead begins to pulsate and before
anything else could be said, she sends a haymaker directly into the jaw of
the owner of the house. The Bride and the woman in black FLY into the
center of the living room, crashing onto her tea table in front of
the sofa.These two wildcats go at each other savagely, tumbling over the
couch, clawing and scratching all the way, landing together on the plush

The owner of the house kicks a book at The Bride's chest, sending her
CRASHING backwards into the small table where the phone, a note pad, and
the mail is kept.The woman in black scrambles up on her feet, but is
caught by a flying tackle from behind by The Bride that sends them both
into........ An ornamental iron and tempered-glass bookcase that has
framed family photos, display toys, a kabuki mask, and a
collection of trophys all for martial arts gymnastics. The Bride and
The woman crash through all this reducing everything to rubble.

They land hard on the floor covered in broken glass, locked in grapple,
each trying to get the best of the other one,... When The woman in black
headbutts The Bride in the nose. The woman in black hops off The Bride,
runs into the den, opens a drawer and comes out with a baton. The bride
rises from the floor, and whips out a knife from her left boot known as a
SOG. The woman in black slashes with the batton at the bride and misses
leaving a huge hole in the wall where the bride was at. The bride takes a
stab at the woman in black and is blocked by the baton which springs
spikes from the tip of it. "Let's see if you still wanna Fuck with me
peasant" the woman in black snarls as she lunges at the bride again.
The Bride dodges as she backs up into the mess of the now totally demolished
living room.

The two woman stalk each other, each holding her weapon, each looking like
they know how to use it, each waiting for the other to make a mistake so
they can plunge their blade deep into the other one.Blood and sweat dript
off of the faces of the two womenlocked in life and death combat......

When all of a sudden, a loud sound is heard outside. In a window across
from the pair, a schoolbus appears in their view, and a tiny girl walks
out of the bus towards the house. The little girl is dancing through the
toys as she makes her way towards the house. The woman in black glances at
the bride and glances back at the little girl for a moment. Her eyes
flash a look of pleading to the eyes of The Bride. The bride nods as they
both lower their weapons and put the weapons behind their back, right as
the front door opens.

The young girl walks in and yells "Taidaima" and stops as she notices the
mess in the living room and the disheaveled look of her mommy and the
woman in the jacket. As the woman in black looks at her daughter her
voice switches back to her mommy voice. "Hello Flower, how was your day
at school?" The Little Girl is flabbergasted at the mess, and the
condition of her mother, who looks like she's just been in a bar room brawl.
the little girl slowly says "Mommy, what happened to you and the living
Room? " The mother gets a grin on her face as she sweetly tells her daughter
"Oh, that good for nothin pet of yours, got his little bottom in my lab again
and the result of is was he ran into living room and acted like a damn fool,
that's what happened, Flower." The little girl moves closer to the room as
she is shocked her little kitten, could do such a thing. "Neko did this?"
She asks her mommy, not being able to comprehend how a little kitten could
destroy a big room like the living room. She then tries to enter the living
room. The woman in black gives her a stern look and in an authoritative but
sweet voice states "Now Flower, you can't come in here,there's broken glass
all over the floor, and i wouldn't want you to cut yourself." The little
girl's eyes go to the other lady in the living room who she has never
been before, who also looks like she's been fighting. The Bride smiles at
the confused Little Girl to calm her nerves down a little bit.

"This is a old friend of mommy's I have not seen in a long time." She tells
her daughter to answer the questioning look in the young girl's eyes. THE
BRIDE kneels down to the little girl's level and softly says "Hello honey,
I'm *(BLEEP)*, what's your name?"
(A.N. as stated in the previous chapter, the identity of the bride will be
revealed in the end of the story. The only assurance i will give is that
it is not Ranma and it is uma thurman either. I think you will be suprised
at who she is when i decide who i am putting in this role, there are at
least 14 choices right now. but either way, back to the fic.)
The shy, suspicious little girl doesn't say anything, she just stares at
the pretty lady. The woman in black looks at the bride and says, "Her name
is Lily." "Lily. What a pretty name for such a pretty little girl. How
old are you Lily-chan?" Lily still says nothing, only stares at this stranger
The housewife's eyes harden at her daughter's disrespect to their guest.
"Lily, *(BLEEP)* aked you a question." Lily, slowly comes out of shock and
tells the bride "I'm four."

The Bride gets a odd look in her face as she remembers the baby she would
have had, if that day never happened."Four years old, huh. You know I once
had a little girl. She'd be four right now also. Maybe you two could have
played with each other and been friends." After The bride says this, her
eyes seem to dim. The Woman in black decides to protect her child and tells
her "Now my little flower, me and *(BLEEP)* have some grown-up talk to
talk about, so I would like you to go in to the dojo and begin to practice
your gymnastics and leave us alone till I tell you to come out." The girl
doesn't move, so the mother repeats herself. She snaps her fingers and shouts
"Lily- to the dojo- now." The little girl nods and slowly walks away
and disappears behind the door of the dojo.

The two women turn to face each other, masquerade and combat
both finished. Remembering that she has a guest. a homicidal guest, but
never the less a guest, the woman in black calming asks, "Want some tea?"
The Bride nods her head as she replies, "Yeah, sure." The two women
move into the kitchen. The Bride re-sheaths her SOG, and The Housewife
puts the baton into a drawer for safekeeping. The Bride sits down at
the kitchen table, while The woman in black proceeds to prepare the tea.
"Do you still like sugar in your tea?" The woman in black replies. "Yes,
please" As The Housewife makes the tea, the bride relaxes for a moment
(A.N. This is from the bride's point of view)

This Juuban homemaker's name is Sakura Ono. Her husband is Dr. Tofu Ono.
But back when we were acquainted, four years ago, her name was Kodachi Kuno.
Her code name, was "Black rose", Mine was "****** ****". As we sat there
drinking tea out of the ceramic mugs,I decided to start a conversation.
(A.N. back to 3rd person point of view)

"Were you expecting me?" asked the Bride. Kodachi looked at her and stated
"Yes and no. My brother, Taki, got in touch with me right after you woke
up, and then again a little later after your episode in China." she pauses
for a moment to take a sip from her mug. Once she finishes, Kodachi continues
"So I suppose it's a little late for a apology, huh?" The bride gets a stern
look on her face and answers "You suppose correctly" "Even if I was
sincere?" says Kodachi while smiling sweetly. "Oh. I'm quite positive
you're sorry, now." The bride retorts with sarcasm in her voice. Kodachi is
insulted by this lack of faith on her guest's part. She furiously looks
across the table and says in a low voice, "Look bitch, I need to know if
you're gonna start anymore shit around my innocent child!". The Bride gets up
and moves next to the counter. She takes a sip of tea "You can relax for
now. I'm not going to murder you in front of your daughter."

Kodachi relaxes slighly as she calming and sincerly says,"That's being
more rational than Taki led me to believe you were capable of." The bride
lowers her mug and puts one hand on her hip. "Well that's a demonstration
of Taki's complete ignorance when it comes to the subject of me, and what
I'm thinking, and what I might do. It's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness
I lack, not rationality." The bride pauses a moment to let the message sink
into the black rose's head. "I'll wait for now, but I won't wait for long.
I'll allow you to choose a time and place for us to meet again, preferably
as far away from Lily as possible. I could have just killed you, I didn't,
I demand respect for that. Since this is not an assassination, consider
it a duel. And as two former Nerima Wrecking Crew Members, we will observe
Crew rules of honor. One on one - no help - no bushwhacking - no treacherous
weapons - one weapon of choice - our skill and our bodies."

Kodachi says the bride's name in an attempt to calm the former crew member.
The bride acts like Kodachi never said anything. "I'm not through telling
you. Failure to keep our date, or duplicity of any kind, will result in me
putting a xoxo hollow point bullet into the back of your skull from a window
of a building across the street from Lily's elementary school. Now, feel
free to respond." Kodachi is white with fear and anger at the demands that
this woman, This woman who betrayed her brother made. Threatning to kill her
in front of her own daughter. "Look...I know I fucked you over. I fucked
you over bad. I wish to Kami-Sama I hadn't, but I did." The other woman
listens to the woman in black with a poker face. Kodachi dramtically puts
her hands together "If I could go back in a time machine I would, but I
can't. All I can tell you is I'm a different person now." The bride leans in
close , "Good for you.I don't care." Kodachi stands up and begins to wash
the mug she was drinking out of. "Be that as it may, I know I do not deserve
mercy or forgiveness." She puts the mug down and walks over to the fridge.
she pulls a picture of her daughter from it and proceeds to hold in in
front of her opponent. "However, I beseech you for both on behalf of my

The bride gets an angry look on her face as she spells it out for Kodachi
"Bitch, you can stop right there." The B-word stops Kodachi short, almost
like a cold-handed slap in the face. The bride leans in close as she
continues, ",Just because I have no wish to murder you before the eyes of
your daughter, does not mean parading her around in front of me is going
to inspire sympathy. You and I have unfinished business. And not a goddamn
fuckin thing you've done in the subsequent four years - including getting
knocked up - is going to change that." Once she is done with her statement,
the bride pauses to take a sip of her cooling tea. "You have every right
to wanna get even --" Says Kodachi as she is rapidly interuppted, "- But
that's where you're wrong, Kodachi. I don't want to get even. To get even,
even Steven. I would have to kill you, go into Lily's room, kill her, then
wait for your husband, the good Dr. Tofu, to come home and kill him.
That would make us just about even. We'd be square.No, my unborn daughter
will just have to be satisfied with your death at her mother's hands. You
are on borrowed time, Kodachi Kuno"

Kodachi knows no matter what else is said, blood will spill. She decides to
get this over with as soon as possible. "When do we do this?" The bride looks
at her "It all depends... When do you want to die? Tomorrow? The day after
tomorrow? That's about as long as I'll wait." Kodachi glares at her and with
a smirk confidently says "How bout tonight, Peasant?" "Spendid. Where?"
Kodachi begins to move slightly to the left side of the kitchen near the
cupboard as she tells of her plain, "There's a baseball diamond where our
little league has its games, about a mile from here. We meet there around
two-thirty in the morning, dressed all in black, your hair in a black
stocking, and we have a duel worth having, we won't be bothered. Now if you
will excuse me ,I have to fix Lily's afternoon snack. As they continue to
talk, Kodachi pulls down a bowl for her daughter and lays it on the
kitchen counter. The bride takes another sip from her tea mug and relaxes
for a second, "Taki said you were one of the best ladies he'd ever seen with
a gymnist weapon." Kodachi moves to another kitchen cabinet, and pulls
down a box of cookies with the name, "inu yasha crackers." Kodachi
smiles as she retorts, "Fuck you, Peasant, I know he didn't qualify it as a
true weapon, so you can just kiss my motherfuckin ass, Peasent." She
mutters to herself for a moment.

As the two females continue to talk, Kodachi reaches her hand inside the
cookie box. The bride lowers her mug as she calmly asks in reference to the
impending duel, "Weapon of choice? And if you want to stick with your ribbon,
IT's alright with me." Kodachi chuckles as the bride says this, "Very funny.
Very funny indeed, PEASANT" AS kodachi says this, she fires a gun that was
hidden insidethe cookie box at The Bride. The bullet explodes out of the
cardboard box, and hits the tea mug directly in front of The
Bride, shattering it completely. The bride throws herself onto the floor as
her rival pulls the gun out of the cookie box and fires again...

The bullet riccochets off the floor of the tiny kitchen as the bride rolls
out of the way. The Bride moves under the kitchen table, then using her
back, lifts the table off the ground and rams it straight into kodachi.
As she pushes with all of her strength the bride ends up pinning kodachi
flat up against the table top, and the kitchen counter.While her left
hand holds the table, her right hand goes to the SOG on her belt, her
fingers wrap around the blade's grip, lifting it up out of the sheath and
plunges it straight through the table all the way up to the handle, with
all the SOG's steel entering kodachi's abdomen.

The table falls back to the floor with the dying mother pinned to it.
The two former colleagues meet eyes. Kodachi spits out blood as she weakly
apologizes, "Sorry, bout the bushwhack. Please don't..." The bride grabs
Kodachi's hand and softly finishes the sentance ,"Do to your daughter, what
you did to mine...I won't." As kodachi dies, the bride slowly lets go of
her former co worker's hand and closes her eyes. As she goes to remove the
SOG from the corpse, the bride looks up and sees little Lily
standing in the doorway of her room. The little girl sees her mother dead
on the floor, lying in her own blood. And she sees the pretty lady standing
over her mother, bloody knife still in her hand. But oddly enough, Lily
doesn't cry. The little girl locks eyes with the big girl, and holds her

As she talks to the little girl, she removes an already stained with blood
white handkerchief with the name "TAKI" sewn on it. As the Bride wipes the
girl's mother's blood off her blade, she begins to talk."It was not my
intention to do this in front of you. For that I'm sorry. But you can take
my word for it, your okasan had it coming. When you grow up, if you still
feel raw about it, I'll be waiting." Once she is finished cleaning up the
knife and finished with that apology statement The Bride walks out the
kitchen side door, leaving the little girl toher mourning.

The Bride walks down the dead woman's driveway to her vehicle. She glances
at the lawn toys one more time realizing about all the innocence that has
been lost today. She climbs into her big, neon pink pickup truck, with the
words "Hentai Wagon" written across the flatbed's hatch door in a pimpy
font. She takes out a ringed notebook and turns to a page that's headline

On the page are five names numbered going down the page written in red ink.
The first name has a line drawn through it with black ink. The second name
on the list is;
Kodachi Kuno.
Black Rose

The Bride takes a black felt pen and draws a line through
Kodachi's name. Turns on the truck's engine and drives out of the
residential district
-----------------------------------------------------------------------< br /> End of chapter 2
Author's note: So i made Kodachi into the vernita green character. Don't
be so shocked. She was the person i least expected to put as vernita green
but it worked in the end. I know that she was a little bit OOC but in order
to have it flow right i had to tweak with Kodachi Just a little bit Now that
the bride has
killed off one of the
Nerima Wrecking Crew who will be next, WE shall see. We shall see. If you
guys have any idea on who should be the Bride, write your entries on
the reviews page or email me
at DartagnanX@yahoo.com
and as always
easy on the reviews, this is my first really long fanfic. All flames
will be met with massive smitings