Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kill Taki Volume one ❯ Chapter four: The man from London ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is a trademark of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Video.
Kill bill is a tradmark of miramax picture and Quinten Tarentino.
Rurouni Kenshin is a trademark of Animeworks and belongs to Nobuhiro Watsuki
I have no ownership to these characters, songs,or names.

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Kill Taki Vol 1
Xander Blaze

Chapter Four: The man from london

A.N. For this chapter , the main language will still be japanese, but when they speak
in english, the words will have {} in between the quotations.
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It was a typical summer's day in London, rainy and gloomy. Outside of a unique fish
and chips bar, a cab pulls out in front of it. When the cab stops, a woman walks out of
the back. She is wearing a scarf around her head and black sunglasses which keep men
from staring at her eyes. She reaches into her purse and hands the cabbie 20 pounds and
walks towards the bar. As she reaches the resturant's doors, she removes her glasses, revealing
herself to be the bride. The bar is a small, cozy place with few tables and some stools in front
of the bar.At the bar, is a man in his early-late fifties. He has long red hair tied back
into a ponytail and across his cheek is a X-shaped scar. If it weren't for the shape of his
eyes, one could mistake him for an englishman with some scottish blood in him.

The bride walks into the resturant and in very poorly accented english, she announces herself
"{Herro sir.}" The gentleman at the bar looks at her and smiles a bit. he replies back, "{hello
madam}", he takes a closer look at her and says in chinese, "Are you chinese?". "No, Japanese
actually." A huge grin crosses the man's face as he motions her to come closer. "Welcome,
Welcome My Store, I no speak Japanese goodly, but i try." She smiles and walks up to the
bar. "May I sit at the bar," "Yes may sit down, like anything to drink would you?" he asks her with
a stupid grin on his face. "Umm, yes please, can i have some earle grey tea and some fish and
chips." The gentleman nodes and yells out in english, "{Hey Pandi, my good man we have
a customer wanting herself some earle grey tea. Could you bring it out} " Suddenly from the kitchen
door, a sign sticks out from it saying,:{Can't bring out tea, Watching the telly} He sighs as he
sees the sign,"{Pandi, if you don't get your bum out here right now with that tea, I'll beat you
so bad, your knickers will rip in two!}" He yells at the door. Shuffling and grumbling is heard
from behind the door as the gentleman breathes heavily. The bride looks at him with a smile
on her face and giggles. "Sorry bout that miss, tea'll be out momentarily." he says with a
slight blush. He begins to get a plate cleaned when the door to the back opens. Out of the
door comes a Huge Panda bear, carrying a tray with tea on it. The panda puts the tea down
in front of the amazed woman and nods at her. Suddenly out of the blue, the panda pulls out
a sign board and begins to write on it. {Can I go now, I brought her her bloody tea}. The gentleman
snarls at the panda and in a accented voice, says "{panda, what did I tell you about the customers}"
The panda begins to sweat and pulls out another sign. This one is addressed to their customer.
{Miss, is there anything else you would like today?} The bride looks at the board puzzled and asks the owner
,"umm sir, what does that say?" "oh says want anything else?" The bride shakes her head in the negative
and smiles at the panda. The panda looks at her, grumbles and returns to the kitchen to finish making the
fish and chips and continue watching the television. As they wait for the food to be prepared, The gentleman
decides to strike up a conversation."So what bring miss to London, Business?" The bride looks at him strangely and
says, "I'm here to see someone." The man turns around and pulls the fish and chips from a window
between the two doors (what is that window called again i can't remember.). He hands it to her
and replies, "Friend in london?" She pick at the fish and chips, "No, I've never met him before."
The man's eyes narrow as if in disbelief, "not friend? What name of person, If one may ask?" the man
asks this as he starts to wash a glass from behind the bar.The bride looks the man squarely in the eye and says,
"Himura Kenshin the third" CRASH The man drops the glass that he was cleaning, and looks up at her face.
"ORO" The bride straightens up and says, "I need your help Mr. Himura, and please stop
the english act, you look like a fool." Himura smiles and replies, "How did you know who i was?" The bride
looks at him and answers, "no man in england can speak japanese so badly, unless they are trying to fake
not knowing it... Also the panda gave it away." Kenshin sighs and looks The bride in the face. "So what kind of help
do you need from the last Master of the hiten Mitsurugi Ryu?" " I need a battosai's weapon and skill." Kenshin Himura the third looks
at her and says, "Why do you need those things?""I have vermin to Kill." " ORO? You must have big rats, if
you need Kenshin Himura's steel and skill." Says Himura with a serious look on his face. all she says is, "huge"

Once the conversation is over, Himura leads the Bride down to the basement of his bar/resturant. There you see a room
with several swords on hand carved wooden racks running the length of 1/2 the lower level of the wall. On the other side of the
room are numerous scrolls each depicting different techniques for the coveted Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. The bride walks
up to these beauifully crafted weapons and begins to reach for one. She pauses and looks at the weaponsmith for permission.
Himura looks at her and nods,however when she is about to touch the first one she sees he stops her and says, "Try the third
one from the bottom on the 2nd shelf." She goes to the 2nd shelf and counts down to the third from the bottom. The sheath is
a magnificent black oak with a metallic sheen to it. She grabs the hilt and slowly lifts it from it's rack. She turns around with it and
proceeds to unsheath it. From the sheath comes a sword unlike any other. The sword, a sabatou with a look of it that it is almost mystical.
she slowly pulls it our completely and places the sheath on the floor. When the sword is completly removed, she begins an
intricate kata with it. Moving left and right swinging it in a ballet of thrusts and twirls, she stops when she hears clapping. She turns towards
the clapping and sees Himura smiling. He reaches for the sword, which she gladly hands to him. Himura slowly sheathes the sword and
places it back on it's mount. "I wanted to show you these..." He begins to tell the Bride as he walks away from her
"However someone as you, who knows so much must surely know, I no longer make instruments of death. I swore to my grandfather,
Kenshin Himura the Hitokori Battousai, on his death bed that i would never make nor pass on that can be used to kill another.
I keep these here for their ascetic and sentimental value. As for the teachings of the hiten mitsurugi Ryu. I swore never to practice it
again. Yet proud tho I am of my life's work... I am retired."

Himura sighs then begins to walk away. " Then why not give me one of these swords and the scroll." asks the bride to him.
He looks at her with a glance that shows his passion about this. "They are not for sale!" She walks up to him and stares at him.
"I didn't say sell them to me, I said give them to me." With a look of disbelief on his face,the former master of the Hiten Mitsurugi
Ryu looks at this upstart and decides to set her in her place."And why should I be obliged to assist you in the extermination of your
vermin?" The bride spits her answer out with anger in her voice, "Because my vermin, is a former student of yours. And considering
the student, I'd say you had a rather large obligation." Kenshin suddenly looks older and more shamed. He slowly walks over to a
plaque on the wall. He looks at the names on the plaque and at the very end is one name that is crossed out. KUNO TAKIWATE.
He looks from the plaque to the girl in the room. She nods her head as if answering an unspoken question. Himura slowly walks to
the exit of the room, pausing at the end and pointing towards a mat. "You can sleep there..." he begins to walk out, but he continues to
speak. "It will take me 3 weeks to make the sword...." As he disappears from the room, his voice rings from the hallway. "I suggest
you spend it practicing. Look at the scroll with the red seal on it." As she looks at her temporary home, she walks towards the
scroll rack. She begins to search through the scrolls, until she finds the one she is looking for. The scroll with a red seal on it.
The bride gently prys off the seal and reads aloud the insription on the scroll. " Advanced Techniques of the Hiten Mitsurugi.
Ryu-Kan-Sen, Do-Ryu-Sen,Ryu-Sou-Sen, Ku-Zu-Ryu-Sen, and the Ouki Ama Kakeru-Ryu no hirameki." She begins to study
the scroll.
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one week later
we see the bride practicing the Ryu kansen, and doryu sen doing it not well. Himura is melting the steel
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two weeks later
Himura is now forging the sword as The bride is practicing the Ryo Sou sen on mr. Pandi
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One Month Later
We now see the bride kneeling in front of Himura dressed in a white Gi, Himura is wearing the gi of the
grandmaster of the hiten mitsurugi Ryu, and next to him is Mr. Pandi kneeling and looking thoughtful.
"I'm done doing what I swore an oath to kami and my grandfather 30 years ago to never do
again. I've created, "something that kills people." and taught someone the art of killing someone.And in that
purpose I was a success." He looks at the bride with kindness in his eyes, "I've done this, because
philosophically I'm sympathetic to your aim." He takes the Himura sword and removes it from its shiny
black wood sheath. At the base of the sheath, by the handle, he's engraved the Mark of the Himura
clan, An X.He moves the blade left and right to test the balance before placing it back in it's sheath.
"I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should encounter Kami,
Kami will be cut." He hands the sword ceremoniously to the bride. After he hands it to her, The panda
hands him a headband. On the headband is the hiten mitsurugi ryu crest. "Since you have mastered all
but the succession technique to the hiten Mitsurugi. I present to you this band, to remind you of what you
have learned." She wraps it around her brow and bows to him. "When the time comes, you will realize the true
secret to the Ouki Ama Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki. When you realize this, you will be ready to utilize hiten
Mitsurugi to the fullest. until then you will be at odds with Taki." he warns her. As he looks at his final
protegy, Kenshin himura the third gives her some final advice, "Revenge is never a straight line.
It's a forest. And like a forest it's easy to lose your way...to get lost... to forget where you came in. To
serve as a compass, a combat philosophy must be adopted that can be found in the secret doctrine of
the Hiten Mitsurugi. And now my long haired warrior, go". The bride bows to her master one last time
and thanks him, "Domo."
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to be continued.

That was not the best chapter i've written. Most likely i will redo this at a later date, but right now I want
to get all the ideas out of my head before I lose them. Well some of the best things in this chapter is
the fact mr. panda was the stupid assistant and Kenshin was the hattori hanzo character. We'll see more
of them at a later date, i guarentee it. But for now, the next two chapters are going to be dedicated to
the battle between Xian Pu and the Bride.
as per usual I will List who each character is that has been revealed and allow my readers to leave
ideas on who the remainding people will be.

HE BRIDE:---------------------
BILL: Kuno Takiwate
Vernita green:Kuno Kodachi
O-ren Iishi:Xian Pu
Elle Driver:Kuonji Ukyo

Boss Matsumoto: Happosai
Charlie Brown--------------------------------------
Blue Leaf Owner:----------------------------
Hattori Hanzo:Himura Kenshin
Hanzo's assistant:Mr. Panda
Pei Lu:----------------------------------
johnny mo--------------------------
Sofie fatale:------------------------
the groom to be:saotome Ranma
the reverand:-------------------------------
the reverand's wife:-----------------------
Nikki:Lily (original character)
Sherrif:Gosunkugi, Hayao (original character)
Dr Bell:Dr Tofu
I accept comments, however no flames. All flames will be met with massive smiting. note If you don't have something constructive to say
don't leave a post. Flames will not be tolerated