Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kill Taki Volume one ❯ Chapter Five: Showdown at House of Cyan Leaves- Part 1 Xian Pu's Triad Takeover ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is a trademark of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Video.
Kill bill is a tradmark of miramax picture and Quinten Tarentino.
Reservior dogs is also a trademark of miramax and quinten tarentino.
"Stuck in the middle with you" is owned by steeler's wheel.
I have no ownership to these characters, songs,or names i have no money please don't be mad.

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Kill Taki Vol 1
Xander Blaze

Chapter Five: Showdown at House of Cyan Leaves
(part 1 Xian Pu's Triad Takeover)

A.N. For this chapter , the main language will still be japanese, but when they speak
in chinese, the words will have {} in between the quotations. Also this chapter will have more
profanity in it then some of the other chapters so if you are under 18, stop reading. And again, if it says narriator
that means the bride is talking."
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In a british airport, The bride is waiting on line for the attendent to be done with the lady in front of her. As she waits,
she uses her ki to check on her New katana. Carrying it in subspace is alot better then having it in plain sight, she thinks
as the attendent waves at her to come closer. "Welcome to Air Europe miss, how may we be of service on this glorious
day?" The Bride smiles and says, "One way ticket to Hong Kong please."

As she sits in her first class seat, the bride begins to go over in her head what she learned about Xian Pu's
rise to power.
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Narrator:"It was one year after the masacre in Kyoto, Japan, that Taki backed his amazon progeny financially and
philosophically in her shakespearean-in-magnitude power struggle with the other triad clans to see who would
rule vice in the city of Hong Kong. When the final sabre was sheathed, It was Xian Pu and her powerful posse
the purple nekos, that were the victors."

A beautifully decorated room in the middle of Hong Kong was were the meeting took place. Beautiful asian artwork, numererous
lanterns and unique statues adorned the walls, while a pleasent rose red color filled the room. In the center of the room was a large
table, surrounded by chairs. On the sides of the chairs were the leaders of the five triad families. There was Lord Saffron of the
phoenix family, Lord Toma of the Togenkyo family, Lord Piccolet of the Chardin Family, Lord Shinnosuke of the Moss Family(1) and finally
at the head of the table overseeing it all was Xian Pu, the newly annointed leader of the Triad council. Dressed in An elegant Chinese dress,
Xian Pu smiled as the festivities began. She was surrounded by five of her subordinates. Two men to her right and three women to her
left. The first woman to Xian Pu's left is a young woman in her mid 20's with brown/blue hair cut in a pageboy style. She was dressed
in a conservative business suit and she had a cel phone in her hand.

Narrator:"The pretty lady to Xian's right, who's dressed like a new york city stock broker, is Xian's lawyer, best friend, and Second leuitenant.
The japanese ice queen of Hong Kong, Tendo Nabiki. Another former protege of Taki's, and someone once dear to me..."

Next to Nabiki, are two twins wearing school girl uniforms. The one closet to nabiki has pink/purple hair and looks very cute, while
her twin sister has teal hair and looks just as cute but with a more sadistic look in her eyes.

Narrator: "The two girls next to nabiki are 14 year olds, Ran-Ran and Lin-Lin, Xian's personal bodyguards and surrogate sisters. They may
be young but what they lack in age, they make up for in dementia"

A scene of Lin Lin and Ran Ran inside a warehouse is shown. Ran-Ran is cleaning her sword as Lin Lin is staring across the room.
At the other side of the room is a fat man tied to a chair. The fat man is bald and wearing a white gi. He is gaged and bloody and is
looking as Lin Lin proceeds to walk over to a radio next to the wall, and begins to change the channel. She stops and looks at the man.
"{You should never have insulted our mistress like that, Saotome san}" Lin-Lin says as she starts to walk towards him. Suddenly an american
song starts to play and Lin Lin Stops. She has a look of sadisticness as she pulls out a small dagger looks at Ran-Ran. "{I got an Idea, over}"
Ran Ran stops cleaing her sword and answers, "{let's see it, over.}"Lin Lin smiles and begins to dance as steelers wheels' song "Stuck in the
middle with you" blasts in the background. Lin-Lin has a sadistic look on her face as she dances closer and closer to the bald man. He is
sweating perfusely as she draws nearer and nearer to him. once she is close to him she proceeds to slash him on his face. As he tries to
scream through his gag, She dances away and sticks the dagger into his side. When she pulls it back, she looks at the dagger and licks off
the blood. With a bloody smile, she grabs The bald man's head and takes the dagger. The lights go black and all you hear after that is
the sounds of the bald man (genma) screaming and the sound of parts of his anatomy being cut off(2)
*end flashback*

On the other side of their leader, stands a tall chinese man wearing a cloak. His black hair stands on end as he stands there, On his face
is a domino mask and there is a smirk on his face. noticablely on his waist is a flask. What is in it, many people wonder. Behind him is
another man, this one has pink/white hair and is wearing a suit that seems to be made of a shiny material. Behind his domino mask
are two eyes that are reptilian in nature.

Narrator: "The guy in the cloak and the kato mask is Pantyhose Tarou, the head general of Xian Pu's personal army, the Purple Nekos. To
his right, is his head Leuitenant, Herb."

As the party goes on, one man is not celebrating. In his corner of the table,one council member sits there with a scowl on his face
and drinks silently.

Narrator:" Just in case, you were wondering how could a chinese amazon woman become the leader of all leaders in Hong Kong, I'll
tell you. The subject of Xian's heritage and gender came up before the council only once. The night Xian assumed power over
the crime council. The man who was sitting alone, decided to break the mood of these festivities is Lord Saffron. And what Lord
Saffron did..."

Saffron, enraged at the stupidity around him, shattered the glass in his hand. The glass shards fell all over the table as a hush fell all over
the council. Lord Toma looks shocked as Saffron glared at all of the members left to right. "{LORD SAFFRON! What's the meaing of this
outburst? This is a time of celebration.}" Saffron looks at the young member of the council and snarls. "{And what, exactly, are we
celebrating? The perversion of our illustrious council?}" The council members look shocked as the most rational of their number sounds
like a madman. Lord Piccolet stood up and pointed at the phoenix clan leader. "{Saffron, have you gone mad? I will not tolerate this! You're
disrespecting our beautiful and wise sister. Apologize}" As Chardin sat back down, Xian Pu clapped her hands once, signalling them to all stop
fighting. She then looked at Saffron and asked him in a polite voice, "{What perversion do you speak of?}" Saffron pulled out a hankerchief
and proceeds to pull out the glass shards from his hand. As he finished to wipe off the blood he had a nostagic look on his face.
He began to speak, " {My father...Along with yours, started this council. And while you laugh...like stupid asses...They weep in the
afterlife.}" The other council members were outraged at this statement. As they began to yell in protest, Saffron's battle aura showed. A
red aura surrounded him as he shouted out. "{SHUT UP! over the perversity commited today!}" Lord Toma shaked his head when he heard
Saffron's statement. The leader of the Chardin clan spat out a bone from the food he was eating and glared at the phoenix lord.
"{Outrageous, Saffron, it is you who insults this council}" Suddenly, the young leader of the togenkyo tribe threw a ki ball at Saffron to
shut him up.As the ball neared his body, Saffron's aura grew even brighter and deflected the ball sending it into the ceiling. As plaster
from the hole began to fall on the table, saffron started to channel Ki into his hand and got ready to blast Toma, when suddenly...

"{Gentleman}", says Xian Pu, as she paused for a moment, while these 'children' settled down. She addressed the council in a diplomatic
and reserved manner. "{Saffron obviously has something on his mind. By all means, allow him to express it.}" As he heard this, Saffron
writhed in his seat. He locked eyes with the woman and spoke. "{I speak, of the perversion done to the council, which I love, more
than my own clan, the phoenix people, BY MAKING A BACKWOODS, INBRED CHINESE AMAZON BITCH ITS LEADER!}" Suddenly as he
said this, Xian Pu disappeared from his sight in a blur. She appeared in front of him on top of the table. Before he could gasp in amazement
Xian Pu pulled out her Chinese Broadsword and loped his head off. As the head landed on the table, the rest od the council froze in fear.
Their strongest member Saffron killed in an instant. On Xian Pu's side of the table, Nabiki, Lin Lin and Ran Ran smiled. 'How dare that
bastard mock our leader' was on all of their mind. Lin-Lin leaned over and whispered into her twin's ear, "{He had that coming to him,
over}" her sister nodded as the sound of the body falling over sounded in the room. As the room silenced save for the sound of blood
dripping, Xian Pu began to speak. "{So that you understand how serious I am...}" she stood up and lifted her broadsword. She flicked the
blood off her sword, sending Saffron's blood all over Toma. "{...I'm going to say this is japanese.}" she sheathed her blade and then
as if a switch was hit on her back, she looked happier and nice. She begins to speak in a bubbly japanese voice, " As your leader," she
waited a moment for nabiki to translate for the council members,then continued. "Shampoo encourage you from time time and always be
respetfuls, to question Shampoo's logic. If yous no sure if shampoo plan work good or no. Tell shampoo so, but first let
shampoo convince yous. Shampoo also promise right now, no subject be bad ever." Suddenly as if the switch was turned off,
he face hardened and she spoke in normal correct japanese, "Except for, the subject that was last under discussion. As she waited
for nabiki to finish translating, she reached down and picked up something off the table. "The price you pay for bringing up either my
heritage or my gender as a negative is, I collect your fucking head." Xian lifted her arm and showed the council
Saffron's decapitated head. "Just like this Fucker here." In an instant, her battle aura exploded revealing a black haze surrounding her.
as she shouted to her terrified audience, "NOW IF ANY OF YOU SONS OF BITCHES, GOT ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY NOW'S THE FUCKING
TIME!" The council now scared beyond belief, just sat there shaking with fear. Satisfied that her point got across., Xian Pu
stated the obvious, "I didn't think so." She proceeded to drop the head on the table and grabbed her sword. She then motioned
at Nabiki who nodded and spoke a word into Pantyhose's ear. "{Gentleman, this meeting is adjurned}" her enterage stands up and
bows at the other council members. Xian Pu bows and then walks out of the room, with her army following.
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As the plane begins to descend, the knowledge of Xian Pu's rise to power leaves her mind. The bride leans back in her seat
and pulls out a piece of paper with some valuable information on it. Tommorow is the anniversery of Xian Pu's annointment and the
Purple Nekos will be taking her out to the infamouse House of Cyan Leaves for a celebration. As the plane lands, the bride looks at
the window and smiles. "You better be ready Xian Pu, Tommorow she's in for a big surprise..."

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to be continued.

Next chapter
Chapter five: Showdown at House of Cyan Leaves (part 2: Party crashing)
Sorry for the long wait for the update, finals week at college so not alot of time for fanfic written but it will work. Since this part
of kill bill was so long, I decided to break it down into four parts. If you didn't know that i was gonna use nabiki for that part
i would be very suprised at that. But new idea that The bride will have to face not only Xian pu, but also pantihose, and Herb. If herb
is there, will mint and lime be far behind, we'll see. we'll see.
By the end you will be very suprised at the fight between the bride and Xian pu.
1)All of the members of the triad families are all former enemies of Ranma. not all of them are chinese, but since this is my fic, i decided
to make them all chinese.
2)Since I killed the ladle lady in an earlier chapter, I decided to kill off genma as well. After what he's done to ranma over the years,
this is just desserts for him. If you agree tell me so. And what better way to kill him off then with the reservior dog's scene.
If you have a speculation as of yet the identity of
the bride, please leave a note for me. thanx. and let's look at the tally

THE BRIDE:---------------------
BILL: Kuno Takiwate
Vernita green:Kuno Kodachi
O-ren Iishi:Xian Pu
Elle Driver:Kuonji Ukyo

Boss Matsumoto: Happosai
Charlie Brown--------------------------------------
Blue Leaf Owner:----------------------------
Hattori Hanzo:Himura Kenshin
Hanzo's assistant:Mr. Panda
Pei Lu:----------------------------------
Boss Tananka: Saffron
johnny mo:Pantihose Taro
Sofie fatale:Tendo nabiki
the groom to be:saotome Ranma
the reverand:-------------------------------
the reverand's wife:-----------------------
Nikki:Lily (original character)
Sherrif:Gosunkugi, Hayao (original character)
Dr Bell:Dr Tofu
I accept comments, however no flames. All flames will be met with massive smiting. note If you don't have something constructive to say
don't leave a post. Flames will not be tolerated