Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kill Taki Volume one ❯ Chapter Five part 2 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Please read and review, i would appreciate the comments on how to make this better.

Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is a trademark of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Video.
Kill bill is a tradmark of miramax picture and Quinten Tarentino.
Rurouni Kenshin is a trademark of someone who is not me.
Gravitation is also not owned by me. Eva is owned by Gainex
I have no ownership to these characters, songs,or names i have no money please don't be mad.

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Kill Taki Vol 1
Xander Blaze

Chapter Five: Showdown at House of Cyan Leaves
(part 2 Party Crashing)

A.N. For this chapter , the main language will still be japanese, but when they speak
in chinese, the words will have {} in between the quotations. Also this chapter will have more
profanity in it then some of the other chapters so if you are under 18, stop reading. And again, if it says narriator
that means the bride is talking."
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It is the day after The Bride's plane landed in Hong Kong and she was preparing for the upcoming battle. As she sits there and
comptenplates her moves, she pulls out keys to her new motorcycle and puts them in her pocket. She then looks at the
Katana that Himura Kenshin the third had made for her and begins to practice a simple kata with it. She whirls in a tight
circle as she practices the basic steps to the ryu so sen. As she brings the sword down on her invisible foe, she closes her eyes
and sees the face of her victum...Xian Pu.

At the same time, Xian Pu and the Purple Nekos are preparing to celebrate their master's anniversery of becoming the Triad
Council's leader. Dressed in A formal Kimono is Xian Pu, smiling and walking proudly. Flanking her are Ran-Ran and Lin-Lin both
wearing their school girl uniforms. Behind them are Herb, Pantyhose, and six of the purple nekos. Mint, Lime, Basil, Condition
Lotion, and Soap. As they all march from their headquarters in a line, the purple Nekos head to the parking garage underneath
their headquarters. Waiting for them are several motorcycles, one for each of the lower purple nekos, a black limosene for Xian Pu
and a second car for Tendo Nabiki. Ran-Ran and Lin-Lin walk up to the car and open the door for their mistress. As Xian Pu enters,
Ran-Ran proceeds to close the door and walks to the driver side of the car and enters it. Ran-Ran starts the car and feels the engin
roar to life. Lin-Lin looks around and motions for her sister to take off. Nodding her head, Ran-Ran puts the car into gear and drives away
leading a procession of motorcycles all carrying Young people wearing kato masks and brandishing chinese swords on their backs. When the
last of the motorcycles leave, Lin-Lin slumps down next to Nabiki's Car and waits.

From the entrence walks out Tendo Nabiki. A 20 something lawyer with a cold as ice attitude, Tendo Nabiki is one person that
if your not on her side, you better watch out. As she walks towards her car, her phone rings and she answers it. "{Tendo Nabiki
how can I Help you ?}" From the other side of the line, she hears a voice talking to her about her client Xian Pu's involvement with
a crime organization. She thinks for a moment and answers "{ Sir, unfortunately for that statement, my client was no where near that
warehouse when that man was tortured. Yes I understand, But do you understand that this line of questioning is unlawful and if you
try to strong arm me again i'll see your ass in jail to be raped by a axe murdering sumo wrestler named bubba before you can snap
your fingers. Oh. I see we have come to an understanding. Alright. Goodnight." As she hangs up the phone, she looks at the watch on
the readout. 7:45. She is going to be late for the appointment with Xian Pu. She hurries up towards her car and sees Lin-Lin leaning
against her car. "{Lin-Lin, is everything alright}" She asks the young assassin. "Lin-Lin not feel too too good.", answers Lin-Lin with a
sad look on her face. "{I think that i will go home, can you drop me off.}" Nabiki nods as she opens the door and lets the young girl
hope in. As Nabiki closes the door, she notices a flash of yellow, in the distance, she shakes her head as thinking it to be her
mind playing tricks on her.

As the attorney drops off her friend, The Bride watches and smiles behind her biker's mask. "Good thing I've been driving several cars
behind her," she thinks as she begins to follow, Nabiki's car to the party. As she gets closer, the bride looks hard to look into the
window of the car. As the two vehicles pull up to a stop light, the Bride suddenly pulls up next to the Car and turns her head slightly to
the her left. In the window she sees Tendo Nabiki talking on her cell phone as if she didn't have a care in the world. The bride stares at
her behind the yellow helmet as memories of that bitch comes to mind.
It is the wedding day as the bride is being beaten by the Nerima Wrecking crew, as Xian Pu kicks her across the room, suddenly a
phone rings. It is playing Tumbling Down from the neon genesis evangelion movie, End of Evangelion. (1)As the phone rings, someone
picks it up. "Nihao" A young Nabiki is shown on the phone wearing an elaborite kimono. She has a long conversation on the phone
as the beating takes place .
*End Flashback
As the bride looks at Nabiki, she suddenly revs the bike and speeds foward through the red light and down the street.
Later at the House of Cyan Leaves, The Purple Nekos have arrived and are walking towards a private room. The house of
Cyan Leaves is a tea lounge that has a big main room, a sushi bar, a dance floor where a band is playing and several doors leading to
different private rooms. Leading the purple nekos are a couple that look slightly odd. The Woman has a big smile on her face that
looks fake as she leads the triad members away from the paying customers, next to her a mustached man is also leading them. Him
with tears in his eyes.(2) As they lead them to the room, The band begins to play a rocking song. On the Wall, you see a sign of what
the band's name is . "NITTLE GRASPER". As the lead singer begins to sing the popular song, Sleepless Beauty (3), a young woman in
a yellow biker outfit walks in and looks up. She sees Xian Pu, Nabiki, Ran-Ran and several of their anterage entering a side room.The young
woman pulls off the biker's helmet to reveal it to be The Bride. The Bride's eyes follow the Purple neko's movements as they enter
the small quarters. She then decides to ease drop on them to find out any more information before she begins the fight.

The four Members of the Purple nekos, Mint, Lime, Conditoner, and Lotion are all making fun of the Gentleman serving them. They
make fun of the way he looks as he trys to calm them down. "Hey he looks like someone" says mint as he slams his dagger against
his thigh. Conditioner squints at him through her mask and smiles, "{He's that guy from that school, the Tendo school of Anything
goes school of martial arts.}" The other three members nod their head and begin to laugh at the expense of Mr. Soun Tendo. As this
man takes this punishment, Nabiki looks at this man and shakes her head, 'look what happened to you dad, having to be a waiter
in order to make ends meet. Worse you don't even recognize your own daughter whose right in front of you, oh well. time to make
you pay.' Ran-Ran yells about wanting some okonomiyaki as lotion begins to hit on Soun. "{I'm sorry we don't serve Okonomiyaki}" answers
Soun trying to calm down the rambunctions girls. The woman next to him gives him a dirty look and says"{ Let's not be hasty, we can
get it for you immediately. Let's go soun}" As the woman drags him out of there they do not notice the young japanese woman
walking towards the now closed paper door. As she listens to the conversation inside, her foot moves to adjust her position and
she feels the board under her creek. Inside the room as if she has ESP, Xian Pun's head springs up on alert. It's almost as if she can
sense The Bride's presense. Xian removes a small dagger dart from the folds of her robe and throws it in the direction of the sound.
As the dart nears the Door, The BRIDE on the other side of wall moves back as the dart flies through the paper, streaks by her face
and almost takes off the tip of her nose in the process. The dart keeps going until it embeds itself into a wooden post. Meanwhile back
in the room Xian's action instantly brings the room's frivolity to a halt. She silently orders Ran-Ran to retrieve the eavesdropper.

The white paper door to Xian's dining room slams open as Ran-Ran steps into the corridor. As she looks around All trace of the Bride
has vanished. She looks out over the restaurant, and the patrons look normal. The only out of place people are two americans on
the dance floor, One hispanic and the other one a blonde haired blue eyed girl both dancing to Nittle Grasper's rifts.(3) Ran-Ran
looks around one more time and she concludes that whoever was there is gone now. She walks over to the dart and removes
it from the wood post. The Young assassin goes back into the private dining room, slamming the door behind her.

After a moment, the Bride drops down from the ceiling and walks down to the bar to take a moment to assess the situation. She
sits at a barstool and watches as the couple from before bring drinks to the private dining room. As they near her position, she gets a
good look at the man. Her eyes widen as she recognizes him,and thinks to herself, 'What a small world indeed'(4) She shakes her head
to clear all emotions from her hint, then walks to the bathroom to get more comfortable. As she enters the women's restroom, Nabiki,
having drunk too much. As Nabiki walks towards the bathroom, The Bride has just entered a stall and proceeds to slip off her Biker clothes
underneath is a one-piece yellow track suit with a black stripe going down both sides, like the one Bruce Lee wears in "Game of Death."
As she begins to zip up her suit, Nabiki enters in and looks in the mirror. She begins to wash her face in the sink. In the stall, from
Hammerspace, The Bride removes the sheathed Himura sword. With the sword of vengeance in her hand, she feels that she has
the power to enact her vengence. Once she is done, she begins to stand up when she hears a noise from outside. Nabiki's phone
rings, playing Tumbling down as usual. As she answers it, The Bride Peeks out the stall and sees Nabiki talking on the phone.
As the attorney talks on the phone, The Bride's anger rises again and she looks on with hate at this woman who hurt her. She
grips the handle of the sword hard and proceeds to come out of the Stall. As The phone conversation ends,Nabiki closes her phone
and turns around. As she turns around she sees a ghost from her Past(5) "YOU..." Before she finishes the sentance, a fist goes flying toward
her. Meanwhile...

Aside from drinking like fishes, making retarded demands and reaking havoc, what is the queen of the Hong Kong underworld - Mistress
Xian Pui - and her private army doing while her best friend is being beaten up we cut back? Singing karaoke, of course. It's Purple Neko
Mint's turn at the mike and he's having a whale of a good time singing The Village People's "In the Navy," in Chinese....when all of a sudden...
A commotion is heard being made by the restaurant staff and the other patrons, from the other side of the white paper
wall...Just as they all start to notice it, they hear a loud voice omit from outside the room."{Xian Pu! You and I have unfinished business!}"
The bride's voice rings in chinese. Startled, The Purple Nekos spring to their feet. One slides open the door, as the others run outside to
see what is happening. On the level below then in the middle of the dance floor they see Xian's lawyer, Tendo Nabiki, standing in the
middle of the restaurant, her left arm completely outstretched, hand gripped around a post. She has a terrified look on her face as they
look on with puzzlement. Before anybody on O-Ren's side of the room can say anything,The Bride steps out from behind Nabiki. Upon
seeing the face of one who was suppose to be dead Xian's reaction shows how effective the element of surprise turned
out to be. She says The Bride's name softly to herself "******" As she looks up, The Bride stares at Xian Pu and gets that angry
feeling in her temple again. She remembers every punch and kick the amazon layed upon her at the wedding chapple. As she
holds this aggression in she decides to act upon it.The Bride raises her Himura sword, and Slices off Nabiki's arm at the
shoulder with one stroke. As the feeling of pain fills her body, Nabiki screams as her stump spewd and gushes blood.She twists her body in
agony, painting the floor and the walls with giant splashes of red, as her body hits the floor, twitching in both
surprise and shock. The Purple Nekos run out into the dining area and create a human wall between
themselves and their Mistress. The Bride looks on with satisfaction, 'I think i got their attention' she think...

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to be continued.

Next chapter
Chapter five: Showdown at House of Cyan Leaves (part 3: Battle)
SORRY! this was a stressful week with my final test getting done, but i am finished i hope that you guys
enjoy what i've done so far, the next chapter will be alot great. nice Cliffhanger though right
1) Tumbling down is a more twisted song to use for a ringtone i think
2) Yes that is soun tendo.He finally showed up. bwahahahah
3) Gravitation's best song from the soundtrack
4)HINT about the bride's identity

The Bride vs. Xian Pu battle is coming up. Next chapter will be alot longer and more questions may be answered. And as
Usual, the bride may not be who you think it is. Hope you guys enjoy and

THE BRIDE:---------------------
BILL: Kuno Takiwate
Vernita green:Kuno Kodachi
O-ren Iishi:Xian Pu
Elle Driver:Kuonji Ukyo

Boss Matsumoto: Happosai
Charlie Brown-Tendo Soun
Blue Leaf Owner:Tendo Kimiko
Hattori Hanzo:Himura Kenshin
Hanzo's assistant:Mr. Panda
Pei Lu:----------------------------------
Boss Tananka: Saffron
johnny mo:Pantihose Taro
Sofie fatale:Tendo nabiki
the groom to be:saotome Ranma
the reverand:-------------------------------
the reverand's wife:-----------------------
Nikki:Lily (original character)
Sherrif:Gosunkugi, Hayao (original character)
Dr Bell:Dr Tofu

I accept comments, however no flames. All flames will be met with massive smiting. note If you don't have something constructive to say
don't leave a post. Flames will not be tolerated