Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ King of the asian sea ❯ Of old aquaintances (incomplete) ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The rock, it should be explained, is not a place as much as it is a landmark and only if you know how to read it. For those in the know it marked the deep passage in otherwise shipwreckingly shallow water. The carcases of ships that littered the area were testement to this fact. the passage was just wide enough to let a ship through with almost no margin for error.

It was through this narrow passage that Ranko guided the ship as Captain Wayneson had done before her. The hidden markers to show the way passed on to Captain to Captain and no other. After a near mishap where the side of the ship lightly scraped the edge of the passage, they finally cleared into the inlet area of thier destination. this place was off the coast of china and not located on any maps. The harbor they slowly pulled up to as the rigging was furlled belonged to a town that had no name. No name ment that it could not easily be located.

Ranko looked out at some of the other ships that were moored in the avilable harborspace. Alot of them were large Junks that the Chinese costal raiders perfered, a french style gallion that looked like it had been put through a meat grinder and was barely staying afloat and a dutch merchantman that looked really familiar. As the mooring lines were tossed to the awaiting shore hands the lettering on the merchantman became visable. It was the Von Lipstien. The ship Ranmas childhood friend Ukyo lived upon. The Owner and captain of that vessel had adopted her as thier own, after finding her wandering the streets alone and destitute as her parents were dead, and not sharing most westerners concept that all asians were ignorant barbarians. It is was also true that the Dutch were supposedly ruled by the Spanish they tended to ignore this fact as much as possible and when the chance presented itself without risk of reprisal put a stick in thier perverbial eye.

Ranma nad Ukyo had met up when both ships had been in harbor here at the same time. Wayneson to unload cargo from a spanish trader that had been a little careless on the watch and Captain Blaupunkt was there to load up on things that could be bought at a fraction of the normal market costs. It was a very profitable situation for all involed minus the poor spanish and portugese traders that got the short end of the shaft. It was one of the few times young Ranma was allowed any large ammount of free time. They had met at the Inn both captins had been staying at and a friendship had bloomed. Of course Ranma at the time had thought Ukyo was a boy as her mode of dress was not that of a lady but of a cabin boy like himself. That fact was rather shockingly corrected a little over 3 years later when they met again. It seemed that durring thier first meeting young Ukyo had become rather attached to Ranma and when she heard that both ships were going to be in harbor at the same time had asked her father figure if she could wear something a little more femine for the ocassion. Ranma's world had seemed to implode at that meeting. Ukyo had also been in for a bit of a shock as well when Ranma after pulling his jaw off the floor had walked over and flipped up her skirt to check her 'package' a to prove to to himself that his old pal Ucchan was just dressing in drag as some sort of joke to be played upon him. When a certain item required on males was shown to be missing, poor Ranma turned beet red and kept stammering appoligys for the next hour. The crew razzed him about the episode for the next week. Their next meeting was four years form that point and 1 year before Ranko was 'born'. It was also durring this meeting that Ranma got laid for the first time, Ukyo having gotten him slightly inebriated with some mulled wine with something added.