Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ King of the asian sea ❯ Of greivances, gripes and bad questions ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Akane sat and brooded while contemplating her current situation. It had been two days since they had been abducted. While being confined to these quarters they had not been treated badly. Kodachi though was a little bit different story. She still had that semi glazed look on her face and that strange half smile. Akane would almost swear that she had been enchanted were it not for the fact that no such thing had been done. She herself had to admit that she felt a strange sensation throughout her body, as she looked at him but not to the extent of Kodachi's reaction. The captain himself, it was still hard to think of him as that, had treated them with complete courtesy even when she had attempted to hit him with one of the chairs in the room. Akane thought about the redhead that always seemed to be nearby. She had learned that she was the Black Stallion's sister and also first mate of this ship. There was something that bothered her though was the fact that she had heard some of the crew refer to her as the captains other half, but the way it was said made sound like something else than the bonds of matrimony. Akane also noticed, a bit to her distress, that she would scowl at her every time she saw her with a look in her eye that said that she would very much like to see her and Kodachi skinned alive. Another tidbit of information she had heard was the captain's real name, which turned out to be Ranma, which now knowing she could see why he used the moniker he did. The name was unusual to be sure but there was something else about it that sounded vaguely familiar to her as if she had heard it mentioned elsewhere. She was brought out of her thoughts by the door opening. It was the old man that had been bringing them their food. For some reason she could not bring herself to ambush him, there was something about him that reminded her of Kasumi, and after all where could she go. They were out on a ship in the middle of the sea and no idea how far out from land they really were.

Mojo came in and set the two young ladies meals on the table that was in the center of the room. The captain had given him permission to give them some fresh fruit from his personal stash. It seemed Ranma had taken a liking to one of the girls while Ranko was trying to protect him again by trying to scare them off. She even wanted to keep them cooped up in the cabin for the entire ordeal, but He had managed to sway Ranma over by pointing out to him that getting fresh air now and again would keep them healthy which would keep their worth up. Looking over to the shorter one, the taller one still seemed lust struck by the captains charms, Akane he recalled said "If you feel up to it the Captain has given permission for you to go above decks for a short time. After you eat just knock on the door three times and the guard will know to get me." With that he made his way back out.

Akane looked stunned as the old man made his announcement and left. <Rather sure of themselves aren't they? > She thought to herself then answered her own question. <Of course they are, I just went over this. > Sighing Akane nudged Kodachi bringing her somewhat back to earth. "Come on lets eat." With that they started to eat. Their food was a kind of a bland porridge but the fresh apples made up for it. After a short time they both finished their meal and Akane knock on the door like she was instructed. A few moments later the old man opened the door and said "I take it you a ready to go?" Akane merely nodded. The old man smiled and said "Let me introduce myself, my name is Mojo. If you need anything just knock on the door and say my name to the guard. He'll understand. Even though you may be held against your will there is no reason that you should be discomforted." Mojo looked at her to gauge her reaction then continued "Oh by the way, you are in for a bit of a treat. The captain is just getting ready for his morning workout and I have been told by several other 'guests' that we have had in the past that it is rather breathtaking for them to watch". After Mojo said this Akane heard a sharp intake of breath from off to her side. When she looked over she saw Kodachi had clasped her hands together and her eyes were open wide. Akane could almost swear she could see hearts in them. Looking back towards the way they were going she heard Mojo say something in a language she couldn't understand, but from the tone she could guess what it was that he had said.

Kodachi could hardly believe her eyes. She watched as the dashing swashbuckler moved across the crossbeam of the main mast. His graceful movements entranced her as he flowed from one form to another. The strikes and parries he did with his blade made him look as him and the blade were one. It was no wonder that her brother had put up such a pitiful showing; his skill was nowhere in the same class. <He's perfect! > She thought to herself, <I must make him mine! >. Once again Kodachi's vivid imagination took over, a placed her and the Black Stallion in some interesting situations which included whips and feathers. This state didn't last long as she felt two eyes boring into her. Looking over she saw the redhead looking at her with contempt. <So the hussy wishes to keep me away from my Captain-Sama, she will find I am made of sterner stuff I think! > She thought to herself as she returned the stare.

Akane was now certain of one thing, this Ranma had at one time been trained in the anything school of martial arts. There was no mistaking some of the moves she saw him performing amongst the half a dozen other styles she did recognize and quite a few she didn't. They were slightly modified but the foundation was still there. Akane witnessed him pulling off maneuvers her father had problems doing as if they were nothing before flowing into another style flawlessly as if it were a continuation of the same move. Akane watched in silent appreciation as the katas kept getting faster and faster. What made it even more impressive was the fact that he was well over 30 feet off the ground on a rounded beam and acting like he was on firm footing. <Yes when I get out of this I am most definitely going to have to ask father about you. Maybe that freeloading bum, Genma Saotome knows something as well. > Akane contemplated while watching him finish off with a leap off the beam to touch down as light as a cat onto the deck which shocked her completely. She had not even seen her father pull that kind of stunt off. Akane's curiosity was now getting the better of her. <I have got to find a way to talk to him, if anything else to find out how he pulled off a leap like that.> she thought, a scrutinising expression on her face.

Ranko held a bucket of water ready for her brother, as he always rinsed off after his morning workout, and looked over at the two hostages. The shorter of the two had been watching Ranma with an anilyitcal eye while the taller of the twowell she was acting like the rest of the females they had brought onboard for ransom. She still couldn't figure out why Mojo had insisted that they be allowed up on deck. She frowned at the goofy acting one and saw her scowl back. "Got plans for my brother eh?" she muttered under her breath, "Well not as long as I'm still drawing breath." She looked back over just in time to see her brother do his normal dismount, his form was flawless as usual. As Ranma pulled off his shirt she saw the two women's expressions change. The short one's jaw was slightly agap and she had developed a slight blush on her face. The taller one however was gawking outright, and she wasn't quite sure, it looked like she was drooling. Her sibling of course was not aware of the effect he was having, he never really did. Sure he had a few flings with lasses in various ports but for some reason he never figured it all out. As Ranma walked up to her, Ranko handed him the bucket, which he dumped over his head sleusing away the sweat but leaving his chest glistening in the sunlight.

Ramna was slightly puzzled. His sister had a look of disgust while the two young ladies had very.odd expressions on their faces. He knew that sometimes women felt attracted to him, yet he could never figure out why. Ranma never thought of himself looking out of the ordinary. He looked back over at the shorter maiden and once again felt his heart start to speed up. There was just SOMETHING about her, he couldn't put his finger on it, that was drawing him to her like a moth to a flame. Maybe it was that spark in her eye that said that she would not bow to anyone, or perhaps the way she carried herself with dignaty no matter the situation. She seemed to be a lot like his sister in fact. He shook his head slightly, sending a few droplets of water flying, he had stopped trying to figure out women a long time ago as trying to do so just made his head hurt.