Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ King of the asian sea ❯ The belittling of the boor ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ranma moved himself out into the center of the ring. " Let's get this going. We can't linger here for too much longer. One of those Spanish pansies may come across our path and I do want to have some fun." He smiled as his crew cheered. Glancing over at where the other two captives were held, Ranma could not help but stare at the shorter of the two ladies. There was something about her that just seemed to draw him in as no other female he had ever met had done before. The taller of the two was just as good looking as the first but she did not have the same effect on him as the first. His glance then crossed over to Ranko, his other half. She had noticed where his glance had lingered and she had a scowl on her face. He knew he was going to hear no end of it after they broke anchor. Mojo, who happened to appear beside Ranko, was wearing a smirk on that prunish face of his. Ranma didn't know which he feared more, Ranko's scowl or whatever thought was making the little man smile like that. His frame of mind was returned to the present as Ryouga literally tossed the pompous young samurai into the opening. <Must remember to speak to him about controlling his strength> he mused to himself.

Tatiwaki picked himself up off the deck where he had landed. As he fumed on the way he had been handled by these base commoners, he saw that there was a young man brandishing a blade and aiming a cocky smirk his direction. "So this is the pup you would have me fight? Feh, he is no match for the great Kuno Tatiwaki!" The boy across from him did nothing more than raise an eyebrow that cocky smirk still on his face. Tatiwaki then heard the cur say "okay give him his blade back...it's ShowTime." He saw one of the foul men that held him and his charges walk forward and with great disdain toss him his trusty katana. He snatched it out of the air and drew. "Will you tell me your name so I will know who I have sent to the great beyond?" Tatiwaki said, with all the arrogance he could muster, after all this fool could never match his skill. It was going to be, in his own opinion, a very short fight. The youth drew his blade, an odd looking one at that, and said, "I don't know what fantasy you are living, but as for my name, just call me the Black Stallion. Prepare yourself." Kuno had only a moment to collect himself. < This cur was the Notorious Black Stallion? > Was all the time he had to think before the fury of combat was upon him.

Kodachi watched the fight with intense interest. <So this is the Black Stallion, > she thought to herself, <I must say that he is quite the man. He truly is a master of combat, the way he flows and undulates> At this point Kodachi's thought stopped being rational and moved into the realm of the erotic. Scenes of her, this heavenly specimen of manhood, and various toys danced through her mind. She didn't even notice how badly her brother was getting beaten.

Ranma was trying to keep a straight face as he fought. <This fool is easier to read than a book! > He thought as he casually parried the poor excuse for a samurai's next sword strike putting another notch into his opponent's katana. Japanese blades may be very resilient but there was no way on earth that they could compare to his Damascus blade. As hard as he tried Ranma could not keep the smirk from appearing on his face at the expression of confusion on the pompous fool's, who was facing him, face. Deciding to end this farce of a fight, Ranma pulled a sweep kick up the front of his opponent, placing 60 accurate strikes upon him.

Akane watched as Tatiwaki stood there for a second as if nothing had happened then fell over backwards completely out cold. It had looked like to her that the young man had merely brushed his foot up the front of Tati's chest and face, but after he had fallen over the footprints were quite obvious. Something that bothered her immensely though was the fact that most of the moves the young man had used looked suspiciously like modified moves that her family's martial art used. As far as she knew her family was the only practitioners of the 'Anything Goes' style of martial arts and her father had as far as she could remember had never taken in any students. If she survived through this ordeal she would have to ask her father about it.

Ranko made her way to where her erstwhile sibling was standing. The crews that were in her way saw the expression on her face and quickly parted. When she was in one of those moods no crewmember who had an ounce of sanity wanted to get in her way. The last one who did wound up incapacitated for an extended period of time. It never ceased to amaze her how strong her brother was on the outside yet his heart could be won so easily at times. She had seen the look he had given the shorter of the two female hostage a few times before and every time Ranma had wound up wearing his heart on his sleeve only to have it broken. It was one thing for any red blooded sea dog to sow their oats while in port, hell even she had seduced a few sons of local lords on occasion for a bit of fun in the sack. Admittedly it had only happened to him only three other times, but after each of those heartbreaks it had taken Ranma weeks to recover before he was back to his usual flamboyant self. She did not want to go through one of those bouts again, it was just too damn depressing.