Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom 1/2 ❯ Prologue 1 ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kingdom 1/2

By Kami of chaos

Disclaimer: i dont own ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS all of them are owned by their respective owners. im just using them temporarly.

Annnnnndndndndndnd begin.

Prologue one.. Dreams?

I've been having these Weird thoughts Lately..

Like Is Everything Real, or not?

He opened his eyes and almost flailed in alarm.
He felt himself falling. Falling Forever through the boundless sea of stars.
He cursed his luck as he fell into the sea below him.

For some Reason he didn't break upon hitting the water. When he emerged his first thought was he wasn't going to bitch at his dumb father for the weird training exorcises. He glanced up at a familiar figure with his back turned to him.

"R.." he was about to yell to his friend when his friend slowly turned around and held his hand out, A friendly welcoming; for him to take it.

But his friend's apperance changed to something more sinister. And like the rising torrent of water he seemed mindless of, his beckoning gesture seemed less inviting and more menicing.

Nethertheless, he was his friend and the tidal wave would surely kill him.
Heedless of the danger he ran towards his buddy to save him. He grimaced as he felt the impact of the water and braced for the drowning sensation.

To suddenly find himself near his other bestfriend. However she smiled when she saw him and waved him over. He started to approach when he felt something was wrong he looked up into the dusk sky past the falling stars and seen.. HIMSELF!

She seemed to see this as well and looked at him in alarm.

He also seemed weired out about this, verified by the fact that he seemed to fall into the world, just missing her hand.

His eyes closed once more as he fell through the sky and into the ocean once more. Sinking impossibly fast through the water and breaking through to land, on floor. He stared around looking at the darkness forever surronding him the floor was ethereally breathtaking.

Someone had painted a Beautiful woman with a bow strapped to her back.
All around her were pictures of other people. A monk, A woman with a ponytail, A little kid, And next to her face was a picture of a man with platinum hair and dog ears on his head. weird.

Suddenly he heard a voice in his head and all around him shaking him to the core.

" So much to do, so little time... Take your time. Don't be afraid. The door is still shut. Now, step forward. Can you do it?"

Emboldened by the voice he stepped forward watching with some amazment as three trapazoid pedestals rose from the ground each with some sort of item on it. He stared at each of them in turn. A sword, shield, and staff.

"If you give it form... It will give you strength. Choose well. " The voice seemed to whisper.

He thought long and hard, for some reason the shield called to him.
He waled towards it and went to grab it when it vanished in front of him,
his fingers tingling slightly.

The voice startled him slightly as it spoke. " The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek? "

He looked towards the staff, then the sword. Both would have offensive power to be sure and though his father had instilled in him a certain dislike for weapons, he still practiced the sword.

But in this dank place with no way out a shield may come in handy..
Plus his hand to hand would bail him out.

Still his answer to the question that had been laid out before him.


The voice seemed pleased at the turn of events.

"Your path is set. Now, what will you give up in exchange? "

He looked out at the staff and the sword and chose..

" Eenie meenie miney mo.." he said his finger ending at the sword. He walked to it and grabbed it.

"The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. You give up this power?" The voice said.


"You've chosen the power of the guardian. You've given up the power of the warrior. Is this the form you choose?" The voice seemed to want to make sure he knew what he was doing.


"All right! You've got it. Use this power to protect yourself and others. "

Suddenly, Shadows appeared. He got into a fighting stance keeping the dancing figures in his line of vision.

The Mysterious Voice seemed sad. "There will be times you have to fight. Keep your light burning strong."

He smirked as he tucked the shield behind him. and attacked head on in a dazzling display of martial prowess, only to hurt himself.

" Ouch! What are these things made of?" He thought to himself as he dodged what looked like a tackle.

Moving on the defensive he knew that he needed to do something remebering the shield he whipped it around and destroyed the shadows, slicing through them easily.

He was about to pat himself on the back when he heard a voice call out,

"Behind you!"

Spinning with a kick that seemed to stun the creatures he slashed with the shield destroying them also.

He stood slowly keeping his senses on high alert while mentally patting himself on the back. That's probably why he didnt notice he was falling into a hole and landed on his head.

Grumbling about stupid voices and shadows he noticed a door. A barrel suddenly came from nowhere at his head. On instinct he whipped his fist out and smashed the barrel.

" What was that about?" He thought to himself as a treasure chest materialized by the door startling, uh suprising him. He brought his leg back down and opened the chest to find a key.

He looked at the key then the door, then shrugged. Sauntering up to the door he inserted the key and tried pulling the door open. It didn't budge.

He pulled and pulled and sighed. leaning against the door he stumbled backwards as it gave and light poured out.

"Hold on. The door won't open just yet. First, tell me more about yourself. "

He stood there looking around and tugged the little pigtail on his head.

Ranma's tiny chinese red and black vest came down to his mid waist a navy blue t-shirt was hidden beneath. Black kung-fu cargo pants were rolled up at the ankles, to keep the sand from the beach from ruining them. Two belts adorned his waist, and around his neck was a crown chain that she gave to him.

He looked up to see some of his friends from the island sitting on the dock.

He smiled and strolled up towards Tidus. Who was swinging his wooden sword in wild wide patterns. Tidus was a small blonde boy with blue suspenders and a yellow shirt.

Tidus smiled and before Ranma could speak, Tidus asked him.

"What are you afraid of?" Ranma seemed taken aback, he wasn't afraid of anything. Well almost anything.

"Cats. And getting old." He answered honestly.

Tidus raised his eyebrow at the first comment but spoke on the second.
"Gettin' old? Is that really so scary?"

Offended by his 'friends' words he walked towards his other friend.
Wakka. Wakka was wearing shorts and no shirt but had his hair spiked and gelled into a peak a headband holding it up.

Wakka waved at him as he neared and asked.

"What do you want outta life? "

"To be the best martial artist in the world, so i think i should go see other places!"

Wakka seemed to digest this before nodding and becoming quiet.

Ranma moved to the last person sitting atop a post and smiling brightly.
Selphie was a little girl in a strap dress with a jump rope attached to her side.

"What's most important to you?" She asked out of the blue.

He smiled that was an easy one. " To be the best number one!"

She smiled wanly. "Is being number one such a big deal? "

He stopped smiling as he stared at her. Whats these guys problem?

Just then the voice intruded his mind.

"You're afraid of getting old. You want to see rare sights. You want to be number one. Your adventure begins at dawn. As long as the sun is shining, your journey should be a pleasant one. "

Ranma smiled Grimly. "Gee thanks." he said sarcastically.

"The day you will open the door is both far off and very near."

Suddenly he was back in darkness this time a woman with long purple hair was etched into the floor. pictures of a teal haired woman a green haired woman and a red haired woman were near.

Seeing a Stair case and a light at the top, Ranma moved towards it, only to be attacked by shadow creatures. Ranma whipped out his shield and dispatched his enemies quickly.

After defeating them he noticed the light get stronger. he made his way to the light not noticing his shadow growing larger. he stopped suddenly feeling a prescence behind him. Gaping in awe at the monstrosity that rose from his shadow.

"The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes. " The voice said.

Almost falling off the pedestal he looked up to see the monster in full form.

"But don't be afraid. And don't forget..."

Reaching for his weapon he was too slow as the creature started to swallow him whole dragging him to the dark recesses of shadow.

"But don't be afraid. You hold the mightiest weapon of all. So don't forget: You are the one who will open the door. "

Ranma then woke up in the beach in the island. After he woke up, he saw..

" Woah!"

The girl giggled at Ranma.

" Give me a break Nabiki."

" You lazy bum. I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here." She mock scolded.

"No! This huge black THING swallowed me up! I couldn't breathe, I couldn't-Ow! (head hurts) "

Nabiki looked more amused. "Are you still dreaming?"

"It wasn't a dream! Or was it? I don't know. What was that place? So bizarre... " he sounded unsure even to himself.

" Oh ok."

To be continued..

I had to stop here cause im cutting the prologue into 2 parts.
and yes i have the worlds bosses and events planned out.

i have it all planned to kingdom hearts 2, kh chain of memories included.
Review please.

Next time Prologue part two- Traverse town, and the first world Land of the ninja.