Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kuno's Plan ❯ The Plan ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Since the story about Kuno finally finding out about Ranma’s curse became so popular so fast, I decided to write a sequel already. I still can’t believe it. I only posted the story yesterday on ff.net and it already has 315 hits. It’s in third place for my most hits. Though, it is in first for most hits for one chapter.   Disclaimer: I have said it before, but I’ll say it again. I don’t own Ranma ½.   The Plan      Ranma and Akane had just arrived home to the Tendo dojo after spending the entire afternoon trying to get Kuno to understand Ranma’s curse. While Kuno still didn’t get it very well, he did get that Ranma and his pigtailed-girl shared the same body. That was the most Ranma was hoping for when he decided to tell Kuno. They entered the dojo.      “We’re home!” They call out. Kasumi walks out to greet them.      “Welcome back, you guys. What took you so long?” She asks.      “Ranma was trying to get Kuno to understand his curse.” Akane explains.      “Does he get it?”      “Well sort of,” begins Ranma, “he now knows that we share the same body, but think we have different minds. He said something about freeing the pigtailed-girl spirit from my body.”      “Oh my!” (Guess who said that)        Kuno had gotten home and was in his room thinking while staring at a picture of his beloved pigtailed-girl on his wall. He still couldn’t believe this. That demon Saotome had had his goddess entrapped within his body this entire time. He wouldn’t allow it! It was bad enough at the thought of them sleeping together, but the fact that they had the same body. That was unforgivable!      “Pigtailed-girl, fear not! I shall free you from that demon Saotome’s body as soon as I can!” He screams. Kodachi walked by her brother’s room as he screamed this. She looks in to see him screaming as one of his pigtailed-girl posters. She smirks.      “Screaming at pictures now are we, brother dear.” She says with a smirk. Kuno turns to face her.      “Oh coarse not, my crazy sister, but I found out something disturbing about my pigtailed-girl this afternoon. She and that demon Saotome share the same body!” He screams and tells Kodachi everything that happened earlier to day, but leaving out the part where Ranma used instant Nyanniichuan to turn him into a girl for awhile. Kodachi gasps when Kuno finishes his tale.      “So all this time I’ve been trying to kill this girl; I was trying to kill my Ranma darling’s body! Oh, why did she never tell me? Does she want to kill Ranma darling? Is she out to kill him?” She screams into her brother’s face.      “I don’t know, but when I free her I’m going to finish that demon off.” Kuno says.      “Not if I kill that stupid girl first!” Kodachi screams.      “You demon Saotome/stupid girl, prepare to die!” They both scream dramatically at the same time, thunder clasping behind them.        Back at the Tendo dojo, Ranma suddenly sneezes. “Oh my, did you catch a cold?” Kasumi asks.      “Didn’t think so.” Was Ranma’s reply.        “Maybe someone is talking about you.” Akane suggests.      “With my luck, that is probably right.”        Back at Kuno mansion, the two Kuno siblings where discussing their plan on how they should split Ranma and the pigtailed-girl. “Now brother dear, are you sure this will even work?” Kodachi asks, “Is there even anyway to split them?”      “I have no idea, my twisted sister. We should keep our eyes open to anything that may work as well as anyone else that may have been to this Jusenkyo place.” Kuno explains, “Not only may they know away to split the pigtailed-girl from the demon Saotome, but they may also have one of these spirits that need to be freed.”      “Right, brother dear, we should splash everyone in Nerima.” Kodachi suggests.      “You think you can do that, my twisted sister?”      “Of course I can, brother dear. I am the best gymnast in Nerima.”      “But you did once lose to my pigtailed-girl.”      “That won’t happen again.”      “Of course it won’t.” With this they both start laughing hysterically with their hysteric laugh.        All over Nerima at this moment, everyone with a Jusenkyo curse sneezed. Heck, even toughs in China sneezed. Ranma was wondering if he was going to get another fiancée. Genma was wondering if Nodoka was planning on making him and Ranma commit seppuku, even though she already found out about the curse and said Ranma was manly. Ryoga was wondering if Akane said she hated him. Shampoo was wondering if one of Ranma’s other fiancée’s said something bad about her. Mousse was wondering if Shampoo hated him. Pantyhose Taro was wondering if Happosai wanted to change his name to something worse. Herb was wondering if Mint and Lime were going to turn him into a girl and do something perverted. While Rouge was wondering if Pantyhose Taro was going to try to steal her stuff again like he did last time they met.     To Be Continued…   Please review and leave any comments you may have.