Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kuno's Plan ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I’m finally back with another chapter. Sorry it took so long, but you know how it is.   Disclaimer: I don’t own Ranma ½.   The Beginning   Ranma and Akane were on their way to school. Ranma was walking on the fence like he usually does with Akane walking beside him on the side walk. The only thing different today was that Ranma was looking very nervous today. He had a feeling something was going to happen today, but he wasn’t sure what.   Elsewhere, Ryoga was lost as usual. He had no idea where he was. The only thing he knew was that there were lots of buildings in the area he was in. “Hum, am I in Hokkaido again?’ he wonders to himself. He continues to walk down the street. Like Ranma he had a feeling something was going to happen today. Boy was he right, because just then he heard very strange laughing followed by a big wave of water. He managed to jump out of harms way on to the top of a tall building. “What was that all about?” he asked as he looks at all the soaked people on the street. Kuno and Kodachi then step out of no where.   “No one here seemed to change.” Kuno pointed out. He looks up to see Ryoga on top of the tall building. “But it seems that guy managed to dodge the water entirely. We must soak him to see if he changes.”   “Indeed, brother dear.” Kodachi responds. She and Kuno pull out several buckets of water. Ryoga just stares at the both of them.   “What are you two up to?” he asks. They were holding buckets of water. This could not be good.   “Come down from there!” Cries Kuno, “I must find out if you posses some poor spirit of an unfortunate soul, which drowned in some cursed pool at the cursed training ground of Jusenkyo.”    Ryoga was dumbstruck. “How do you know about Jusenkyo?” he asks.   “It was just a few day ago. That demon, Ranma Saotome, came to me. He revealed that he has trapped the soul of my beloved pigtailed-girl within his body. I must somehow free my pigtailed-girl’s soul from his evil body, but first I must find out if there are others who are enslaving poor souls within their bodies!” Kuno cries.   Ryoga looks like he is about to fall over. “Huh, what was that about?”   “Silence!” Kuno cries.     “We must find out if you have trapped a soul within your body. Now get down here and get splashed.” Kodachi tells him.   “N-never! You will next splash me!” Ryoga cries. He leaps off the building and goes flying at the Kuno siblings ready for battle. He kicks Kuno in the face then elbows Kodachi in the chest.   “Why you little,” both Kuno siblings say, “get wet!” They both splash their water at the same time. Ryoga jumps out of the way. He lands on the ground then uses the braking point on the ground. The ground crumbles and sends shards of rocks soaring at the Kuno siblings. They both get hit hard.   “That does it!” Kuno swings his bokken and nails Ryoga in the ribs. Kodachi follows up with her ribbon. Ryoga gets all tangled up so he can’t move.   “Now, brother dear, SPLASH HIM!” Kuno raises another bucket. Ryoga stares in horror.   “You’ll never POUR THAT ON ME!” Ryoga tears the ribbon to shreds. He whips out him umbrella and blocks the water. He then closes his umbrella and uses it like a baseball bat.   “AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!” He yells as he swings it at Kuno’s head. Kuno ducks out of the way. He brings up his bokken and charges at Ryoga. Ryoga blocks with his umbrella then swings at Kuno. Before you know it, they are having a sword fight with a bokken and an umbrella.  Kodachi decides to help her brother out so she uses one of her razor hoops to cut Ryoga’s umbrella in half.   “Now I’ve got you!” Kuno cries as he stabs Ryoga in the guts. Ryoga cries out in pain and hits the ground unconscious. Kuno smirks at his victory and raises another pail of water.   A while later, Ranma and Akane are sitting in their classroom at school during lunch. Nabiki then walks in. “Hey, have either of you seen Kuno-baby today?” she asks them. They both shake their heads. “Hum, that’s odd. He hasn’t been in all day. I was sure he would want my set of nude pigtailed-girl photos.” Ranma spits his juice all over the place.   “Hey! What do you mean nude pictures of me? When did you take pictures like that? Besides why would he still want them when he’s already figured out my secret?” Ranma screams. Hiroshi and Daisuke were listening to this whole conversation.   “But Ranma, he still thinks you’re two entirely different people. He just thinks you two share the same body and that’s all.” Hiroshi tells Ranma.   “Besides, even if he did know the whole truth, he’d still probably buy the pictures anyway.” Daisuke finishes. “By the way Nabiki, can I buy the nude pictures of Ranma?”   “YOU PERVERT!” Ranma screams.   “But Ranma, we’re buds. Can’t you share your body with me?” Daisuke asks. A cold glare from Ranma quickly tells him no.   After school Ranma and Akane start to head home. They are pretty silent, mostly because Ranma is still mad about the picture incident at lunch. Their walk home would have been normal, but just then…   “Ranma, prepare to die!” Ryoga screams as he jumps out of no where at Ranma. Ranma blocks Ryoga.   “Hey Ryoga, what’s up?” he asks.   “This is all your fault, Ranma!”   “What is?” Ranma asks, but he soon finds out. Kuno steps out from nowhere.   “Greetings, Saotome. I’d love to chat, but I have more important things to deal with.” He says.   “Yeah, like what?”   “Like my quest to free my pigtailed-girl from your evil body. But my quest isn’t limited to just you. You, what’s your name?” He points at Ryoga.   “Me? I’m Ryoga Hibiki!”   “Yes, Ryoga Hibiki. Well Ryoga Hibiki, I swear from this day forth, I shall free the spirit of the little black pig my dear Akane calls P-chan from your body!” Kuno cries. Akane is wide eyed.   “Free P-chan from Ryoga body? Ryoga, what is he talking about?” she asks.   “At last, it is true, my dear Akane Tendo. That fiend, Ryoga Hibiki, enslaved to soul of your little black pet pig in his body. But fear not, Akane Tendo, for I shall free your pet pig and win your heart!” Kuno tells Akane. Akane’s eyes couldn’t get any wider.   “Ryoga, is this true? Are you really P-chan?’ She asks. Ryoga is in tears. He had always feared this day, when his beloved Akane found out his deep, dark secret.   “Oh Akane.” he says, “I’m so sorry!” Tears flow freely from his eyes as he runs of into the distance. He couldn’t believe it. Akane now knew that he was P-chan. His life was over. This was all Ranma’s fault.   TBC…   Well I hoped you liked this chapter, Please review!