Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Doctors, Dildos, and Dumbasses, Oh My ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: Ranma and friends were created by Rumiko Takahashi, produced by Kitty in Japan, and was licensed in the U.S. by Viz Communications, I do not own, rent, or lease them. This was written purely for the entertainment of all of the Ranma fans out there. This work may contain material of a sexual nature, only those 21 and older are legally allowed to read, so check the ID’s at the door.
P.S.: for Janice.

Nabiki sat on her sister’s bed and Akane worked on her homework. The two girls had been talking about recent events, and Akane was once more questioning her sister’s choices over the last few days.

“I still don’t understand why you agreed to marry that pervert.”

Nabiki, who was flipping through a magazine, stopped and answered, “I didn’t, I just agreed to be his fiancée. There is a difference you know,” she paused and smirked, “And Ranma’s no more a pervert then I am.”

Akane looked shocked, “Are you kidding me, he’s a boy that turns himself into a girl and leaves his pants hanging in a tree. He was probably trying to sneak into the girl’s locker room or something.”

Nabiki’s eyes narrowed as she glared at her sister, “She was trying to get away from that letch that keeps chasing you around, as any clear thinking girl should do. And you’re the one that keeps coming up with ideas as to what Ranma could be doing, ever think you were the pervert here?”

“Yeah right. Perverts are boys, Nabiki. And Ranma’s a sex changing freak.”

If only you knew, little sister, Nabiki thought. She began to imitate some of the exercises in the magazine, lifting her long leg until it was parallel with her body. Holding this position she told Akane, “You really need to be more flexible, Sis.”

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 6
Doctors, Dildos, and Dumbasses, Oh My

Ranma had finally been introduced to the class, but everyone seemed to already know about him. His battle with Kuno had already made him the talk of the class, and as he took his seat, he felt the eyes of every student on him. It continued like that through the first half of the day, and just before Ranma began to fall asleep the lunch bell rang. Immediately he was surrounded by the other students, asking question after question. Their voices blurred together, and Ranma felt a desperate need for open space.

Leaping to an open window, and checking to make sure the pool wasn’t below, Ranma jumped out and headed into the tree line again to get away from all the questioning students. After a few moments, he was able to catch his breath, and enjoy the solitude in the small stand of trees.

“Not too good with crowds, are you?”

Ranma jumped and spun around, ready to strike at an attacker. Behind him stood Nabiki with a smirk on her face.

“I felt what happened, and followed you out here,” she said and leaned against a tree.

Ranma relaxed and did likewise, “I’ve been on the road so long, and it was a little overwhelming.” He paused and asked, “You were able to sense my mood from your classroom?”

Nabiki shrugged, “Not exactly, I was already on my way to see you when it happened. Kuno saw me with a certain redhead yesterday, and figured I could deliver this.” She held up a folded envelope with formal calligraphy on it, declaring it was for ‘The Tree Born Kettle Girl’.

Taking the envelope, Ranma asked, “You read it yet?”

“I’m just the messenger here, but Kuno was pretty intense when he handed it to me.”

Ranma read the note, and crumpled it up, sighing as he slid to the ground, “This guy just never quits, does he? He wants to meet her after school in the soccer field. It’s written like he talks, but I think it’s a formal challenge.”

“Be careful here, Ranma,” Nabiki cautioned, “he hates to lose, and this may turn ugly really fast.”

Ranma shrugged, “He’s good, but I’m better.”

Nabiki sat next to Ranma, and the two teens sat in comfortable silence for a time, neither feeling the need to disturb the quiet clearing. Nabiki did her best to keep her mind from wondering, as she had done since yesterday, so her new ability to read minds didn’t go astray. It was getting easier, and she was able to block out most of the noise in her head. Now she felt like testing herself further and tried to speak without talking.



Nabiki turned to Ranma, saw him looking at her and tried again, “Ranma…”

Ranma looked confused for a moment, but then he asked, “Is that the thing you did yesterday?”

Nabiki nodded and tried again, but her thoughts became jumbled when she tried to string more then a few words together, and she reverted to talking, “It’s hard, like pushing through a gel wall, but I figure I need to get a handle on it sooner rather then later.”

Ranma nodded and said, “I guess it’s like doing a kata. The more you do it, the easier it gets.”

Nabiki nodded and turned her thoughts inward again, and decided to ask another question, “You spent four days with the Amazons, and all of those nights were with Shampoo. Why didn’t you ever sleep with her as a guy?” She turned to look at him again and opened her mind. She figured if the boy stumbled around the answer, or couldn’t figure it out, this would help her understand. And she could use this as another exercise.

Ranma nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his head, and asked back, “Isn’t that a little out of left field?”

“Yes,” Nabiki answered, “but it’s a real question I’ve wanted to ask since yesterday. I may have a few ideas, but you’re the one who can answer it.”

Ranma’s mind flashed back to the one time Shampoo had managed to get him as a male, giving him his first blowjob. Nabiki saw the blue haired girl between his legs, her breasts jiggling as she bobbed her head up and down his shaft. She felt Shampoo cup his balls and begin massaging them, sending electric jolts up between his legs. Before the sensations he remembered became too arousing, she cut herself off, closing her mind once again. He never noticed this, as he tried to come up with an answer.

Finally he said, “When I’m a girl, it’s like I can’t help but think about it, I guess it’s the demon part of me. When I’m a guy, I just don’t think about it much. Elder Cologne told me that my father had raised me without the ability to relate to people. He never really let me attend much school, never let me keep any friends. As soon as I was beginning to fit in anywhere, he dragged me away to continue the training trip.”

Even without trying, she could tell Ranma was sad, and asked, “But you were there, and Shampoo was willing. Your dad couldn’t interfere, and I know you like girls, so what stopped you?”

Ranma looked away and answered with embarrassment, “I don’t know what to do.”

Nabiki looked surprised, “You sure seemed to know what to do yesterday.”

“Yeah, as a girl. The demon seems to instinctively know what to do, I just start, and there it is, but it’s like a dim memory when I change back.” Ranma flicked a rock away and looked up at Nabiki, “I think I’d freeze up if I had tried talking to you before all this happened.”

The poor boy is so starved for affection, and the demon side of him seems to know this, and looks for the affection he needs. Nabiki thought, I hope he’s not going to develop some weird spilt personality. She took his hand, and gave it a reassuring squeeze, “Look, I’m used to working the angles, finding new opportunities. If we stick together, I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”

“Thanks Nabiki.”

The bell rang to signal the end of lunch, and the two teens stood and dusted themselves off. Before the two went to their respective classes, Nabiki said, “I can understand why Shampoo fell hard for you. You’re honest and loyal, and normally I take advantage of those kinds of people, but I’ve been in your head now. You’re a lost puppy that turns into a wildcat, and I could fall for you too if I’m not careful.” She stood on the tips of her toes and gave the stunned boy a kiss on the cheek, “See you after class, Ranma.”

The rest of the day seemed to blur by for Ranma. For the second time in his life, a girl had turned him upside down. Shampoo and Nabiki both seemed to accept what he was, and both seemed to like him in spite of it. Admittedly, he had only known both girls for a few days, but it seemed so easy to be drawn in by them.

Maybe Nabiki is right, Ranma thought as his last class ended, I just don’t know.

He was about to avoid the press of people once again by jumping out the window, when Akane caught his arm and dragged him back in.

“Are you trying to get into trouble?”

Ranma shrugged as Akane dragged him out of the classroom, “I just wanted to get out there and deal with Kuno before everyone jumped me.”

“Kuno,” Akane asked, “What does he want?”

“Nabiki told me that he wanted to challenge my other side after school.”

Akane laughed, “Nabiki probably got paid a good bit to set that up.” When Ranma looked at her funny, she continued, “Nabiki runs the betting pool here at school. If there is a fight between you two again, you can bet she already figured out a way to make money off of it.”

“What are you talking about?”

Akane stopped and faced Ranma, “Nabiki almost runs this school, and she has her own little empire for gambling and dirty pictures.”

Ranma looked Akane in the eye and said, “She told me yesterday she deals in information, not that other stuff. Aren’t you being a little harsh on your own sister?”

“Not really,” Akane answered, “Nabiki knows what I think, and she doesn’t care. Personally, I’m looking forward to when she sells you off or something, and you’re out of her life.”

Ranma was about to fire back a retort, when he decided, it’s not worth it, and Nabiki can take care of herself. I have more important things to worry about.

He pulled his arm free from Akane and headed outside, “You’re entitled to your opinion, just don’t expect me to share it. And as far as Nabiki’s life goes, that’s her decision, not yours.”

Akane growled, and was tempted to pitch her book bag at the boy, but she decided that watching Kuno beat the hell out of him was enough. She knew from experience that the crazed kendoist would never give up as long as he breathed. She just hoped the two perverts would kill each other in the process.

Ranma soon arrived at the equipment shed and found Nabiki waiting for him.

“What took so long,” She asked.

“Your sister seemed to want to tell me that you were a mob boss or something.”

Nabiki shrugged, “Oh, that.”

“Is any of it true?”

“What, little old me? I just keep things from getting out of control around here. Akane probably forgot to mention how bad it was before I began calling the shots.” Nabiki handed Ranma a small paper cup of cold water.

After changing to his female form, she asked, “How bad was it?”

“This area had a few members of a small time gang that usually operates in the larger districts, they always wanted to prove how big they were, and it got violent. Most of the kids around here have never taken an interest in self defense martial arts, and wound up having to do grunt work for those punks. Akane was the only one to stand up to them, and she put a real hurt on them, then I convinced them that she was my muscle, and if they wanted to make it out in one piece, they would turn over the whole thing to me. I’ve spent the last year undoing the more harmful parts of the mess, but I keep the little stuff going for a little pocket change.”

“That makes it sound like you’re only a little less of a criminal then they are.”

Nabiki turned away, and grunted, “No one is getting hurt, and as long as I keep control, no one will. There are no drugs, and no one is getting shook down for money. The only bullying that goes on is the stuff with Akane and Kuno. Don’t you think that’s better?”

Ranma came up behind Nabiki, and wrapped her arms around the taller girl. She spoke into her neck, “I’m sorry, I don’t know about things like that, I’ve never been in a school long enough to see that stuff.” Nabiki felt the warmth of the redhead’s breath, and the warmth of her feelings as Ranma held her close. The two stood alone for a moment, simply sharing each other’s company.

I may be giving her a friend, thought Nabiki, but it seems it works both ways.

All too soon, Ranma released Nabiki. The girls faced each other again, and nodded understanding to each other. With that, they shared a soft kiss, not passionate, simply one of a shared connection, and turned to exit the shed.

As they neared the field, Nabiki fell behind, giving a reassuring squeeze to Ranma’s shoulder before stopping a distance away from where Kuno stood. Ranma continued on and stopped a few feet away from the contemplative looking boy. Seeing that Kuno held no shinai, Ranma wondered if the boy wanted to fight barehanded, but his stance was all wrong.

Finally she asked, “Pretty confident to face me without your sword, huh Kuno?”

Kuno lowered his gaze to Ranma and answered, “Confident enough to give you this.” He whipped his hand into his robe and threw an object at Ranma. She reflexively caught it, expecting a dagger or kunai dart, but found instead she held a single red rose.

“I love you,” Kuno said and turned away to leave.

Both Ranma and Nabiki fell to the ground in shock, and watched the upperclassman walk off towards the school clubhouses.

Ranma was the first to recover, standing and yelling after him, “You sick fuck! I’d rather die than have someone like you say they love me!”

Kuno stumbled in his believed cool stride, and looked back at the redhead tigress that had just sworn like a sailor. Nabiki could almost smell the smoke from Kuno’s brain and decided to intervene.

“Um, Kuno,” she started, “You remember Ranma?”

Kuno recovered himself and struck a noble pose, “Of course, the coward that ran from our fight and left this fiery sprite in his place.”

Ranma was about to object when Nabiki shot her a quick, “Shush!” She then went on, “Kuno, this girl and Ranma are of one mind and body.”

Kuno thought, then contemplated, then he pondered, finally he speculated. In conclusion he shouted, “That fiend, molesting one as innocent and full of healthy beauty as this one! I shall away to free you from the clutches of the monster and deviant Saotome this very day!” He then stormed off to find his sword and begin his honorable quest.

“Thank you ever so much for helping,” Ranma groaned out, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Nabiki scratched the back of her head and winced, “That didn’t go as I planned, sorry.”

Ranma sighed, “Now I have to go around and kick his ass again because he thinks I’m some kind of creep that enslaved myself.” She stopped and rubbed her temples, “That sounds so stupid it gave me a headache.”

“Just let it go,” Nabiki said, “He may never get it at this rate.”

Ranma began walking back to the school and said, “No, I got to stop this before it gets any worse.” The two girls went back into the building, and soon a boy and a girl left and headed out to the club’s area to find Kuno. They found him searching behind the building, shinai in hand.

As soon as Kuno saw Ranma, he leapt into an attack yelling, “Enslaver of the pure! Defiler of the innocent! I shall punish thee for justice!”

Nabiki backpedaled to get out of the way leaving the two boys to fight and thought, first the rose, then that corny line. I think someone is a closet Sailor Moon fan.

Ranma was dodging and ducking, allowing Kuno to use up his energy while waiting for the perfect opening. With each slash and stab Ranma was learning Kuno’s attack patterns, and finding the counters. The combatants reached the end of the building and Ranma ducked around the corner, setting up a massive ax kick for when Kuno charged around. It was in that instant that a large amount of cold water was dumped on his head.

Looking up, Ranma saw two girls holding an empty fish tank. Apparently they were in charge of cleaning it out, and had simply poured the used water out the window, figuring that no one would be on the path below. Dropping her kick, Ranma quickly gathered her now loose pants and redid the simple tie so they would fit again, but the second it took to do so was one too long, and Kuno appeared in front of her.

“Ah, Pigtailed Girl,” He exclaimed, “You have rejoined my side to witness my triumph. It is truly a sign of your affection towards me.” With that, Kuno grabbed Ranma and dragged her into a tight hug, “I shall always hold you and never let go!”

As Ranma came into close contact with the tall boy, she began to feel his lust, and it nauseated her. She had felt Nabiki and Shampoo, and their lust was mixed with care and warmth, but his was like an out of control animal, snarling at anything that caught its eye. She had seen the lengths Kuno had gone to in attempting to entrap Akane, and knew that he would do the same to her if she allowed it. She was about to release her demon wings and force the guy off her, when she felt hot water pour on her neck.

He smirked as Nabiki stepped away with a kettle, and tried a new approach, “Kuno, I didn’t know you felt that way about me. Sorry, but you just aren’t my type.”

Kuno jerked back in shock from the male Ranma, and looked wildly around, “You wretch! What have you done with my Pig Tailed Girl?!”

“You can’t be serious; you didn’t notice the change while I was standing here?”

“I see,” Kuno stated, and dropped into a ready stance, “You have spirited her away with a foul magic. I shall defeat you and free her to be by my side!” With that he renewed his assault. Ranma jumped back to gain distance, but Kuno was already moving. Ranma had to rapidly give ground as Kuno thrust in a rapid pattern that left little opening. Soon he found a wall behind him, and jumped up to plant his feet, using it as a springboard to launch a vicious roundhouse kick to Kuno’s head.

After the kick, Ranma landed behind him, and saw a paper fluttering down from Kuno’s shirt. He grabbed it and saw that it was an ink drawing done in the old style of drawing, of a redhead and a longhaired brunette nude and clutching to a samurai standing in a noble pose.

Aside from the fact that it’s me and Akane clutching to this moron like a couple of slave girls, the drawing ain’t half bad, Ranma thought.

Kuno saw the moment’s distraction and lashed out with a strike at his opponent and yelled, “An opening!”

Ranma had enough time to roll with the strike, and lessen the blow, but felt it none the less. He continued his roll until he found himself looking up at Nabiki and Akane.

“Hey, Akane, What’s up?”

Akane looked down at the boy and answered, “I heard all the ruckus and wanted to make sure my sister was safe. But you better watch out, Kuno is really going all out.”

“Noted,” Ranma told the girl, and looked up at Nabiki, “I like your panties better then hers, and pokadots are kinda lame.” Akane pushed on the front of her uniform skirt, blocking his view, and punted him away.


Ranma used the momentum of the kick to launch himself back at Kuno, and wound up for another assault. Kuno simply drew his blade back and launched a barrage of stabbing strikes at the airborne boy, and Ranma was forced to land early to avoid them, bending his knees and kicking upward in a blurring motion. As he flipped away, Kuno slowly fell forward, his shinai still extended.

The girls waited a moment, and then went over to examine the fallen upperclassman. Akane flipped him over, and Ranma’s footprint could be seen over a dozen times on his chest and face.

“Well, he was all talk,” Ranma said calmly.

Akane looked at him incredulously, “He hit you hard enough to knock out a horse, and you’re just standing there?”

“No big deal,” he said, but Nabiki felt a pain in his side that he was hiding in his stance.

“You head home, Akane,” she said, “We’ll get rid of the idiot and see you later.”

Akane shrugged, “Fine by me. You can let him rot for all I care.” She turned and headed out.

Once she was out of sight and earshot, Nabiki went to Ranma and said, “You’re too macho for your own good, you know that?”

“What are you talking about?”

Nabiki pointed at his side and stated, “I can feel that, remember. You’re hiding it well, but that hit he got in hurt like hell. And during the fight, you got distracted by something.” He held out the drawing and Nabiki looked at it, “He always was good at this kind of thing, a little disturbing though.” She looked back at him, saw him hide another wince of pain and stepped up to him and looked him right in the eyes, “Are you going to make this difficult, or are you going to come with me?”

Ranma saw that he was trapped, and held up his hands in surrender. Nabiki’s mood softened and she led him off the school grounds, stepping on the passed out kendoist on the way.

“Doctor Tofu has been our family doctor for years,” she told him as they walked to the small clinic only a few blocks between the school and the Tendo home. “He takes care of all Akane’s lumps and cuts when she gets carried away by one of her fights.”

The two teens went in, and Nabiki went to look for the doctor while Ranma stayed in the waiting room, studying the acupuncture charts on the wall. He suddenly felt a boney hand on his shoulder and whipped into a defensive stance, backpedaling in surprise.

“Sorry about that,” said a young man wearing a dark gi and glasses, “Betty just wanted to say hi.” Ranma saw that the man was holding a full size skeleton that had been rigged with strings to control its movements.

Nabiki returned at that moment and said, “Still pulling that on the newcomers, huh Doc?”

“Just having a little fun,” he said, “but I do apologize if I overdid it.”

Calming down, Ranma said, “Don’t worry, Doctor. I’ve just had a rough day.”

“Do tell. I can see that you’re favoring your side. Let me guess, shinai?” Tofu led Ranma and Nabiki into an examination room and quickly checked over the red bruise on Ranma’s side while Nabiki told him an edited story of how it had happened.

The doctor quickly hit a pressure point and applied a cool gel to the wound, and said, “You did the right thing, standing up for your friend like that. Just try not to get into too many of these fights. I’d hate for you to come in as often as Akane has had to in the past.”

Ranma shivered, “Trust me, I don’t want to be hit any more then you want me to be, I just manage to piss people off no matter where I go.”

“Well, all I can say is try. As for the bruise, it should be fine by morning.”

Nabiki said, “Thank you Doc. Come on Ranma, we should head out.”

Leaving the building, Ranma said, “He’s good.”

“Well, he is a doctor, you know.”

“Not that,” he clarified, “he managed to sneak up on me completely, with a rattling skeleton of all things. He must be a really good martial artist to do that.”

Nabiki nodded, “I guess that explains why Akane has such a crush on him.”

“I thought she hates men?”

Nabiki shrugged, “It’s a schoolgirl thing, and she knows it’s hopeless because he already likes someone.”


The conversation over dinner focused on the challenge match with Kuno, and Akane added her two cents in to make Ranma look bad. After his father had accused him of changing gender to try and escape an honorable battle, Ranma had punted him into the pond and beat him like a bearskin rug. He excused himself and headed up to his room, the days events wearing him out completely.

He stripped to his undergarments, and lay down, as his body finally caught up to him. Sleep came quickly, and Ranma found himself falling towards the school pool, Kuno calmly falling beside him.

“I love you…”

Ranma shuddered as they hit the water and he came up, grasping the edge, but Kuno was already there. Ranma soon found that he couldn’t hold on to the edge, as it had become slippery and wet.

Kuno reached out and said,” Take my hand, and I will date you.”

“I’m a guy, damn it!”

Kuno looked confused, “You are not, I can see that clearly.”

Ranma looked down and saw that he was a she. Quickly she began to struggle, moving away from the wall, but something pulled her down under the water. She found herself drifting down, unable to move. She saw two shadowed female forms swimming toward her, but they were blocked from her sight when a nude Kuno drifted into view.

“Serve me, as a woman should…I love you…”

He drifted closer, and Ranma found herself slowly opening her legs to accept him in an embrace, but she caught sight of the two female forms again, one shaded in blue, the other in a soft brown. She kicked off of Kuno, and he faded from view, as the other forms came closer. Just before they came into contact, Ranma felt a pressure on her legs, and when she looked down, she saw Kuno grabbing on to her.

“I love you…You are mine…”

Ranma bolted upright and looked around. He sat on his mat in his room at the Tendo’s, and shivered at the memory of the dream. He looked down and saw that his father had turned over and flipped a leg over his own during the night. Carefully, he extracted his leg, stood and went to the door. Heading into the hall, he saw the wall clock, and it told him it was barely midnight.

Ducking into the bathroom, he splashed cold water in his face, clearing his mind and turning him into a girl.

Looking into the mirror, she said, “Just a dream.” She started back to the room she shared with her father, not even bothering to change back. Halfway down the hall, she passed Nabiki’s door, and a tingle shot up her spine.

Pausing, she reached one hand out to the door, and felt the tingle again, this time she recognized it, and her nipples tightened at the sensation. She gave a slight tap at the door, low enough not to be heard by anyone else in the house.

After a moment came, “Come in, Ranma…”

Quickly she opened the door enough to slip in and close it behind her. Letting her eyes adjust to the darker room, she looked at Nabiki’s bed, and found a sight indeed.

Nabiki laid spread out, legs wide, and in the nude. Sweat glistened off her body in the starlight, and Ranma was drawn toward the erotic sight.

Feeling a little vulnerable, Ranma said, “I had a nightmare.”

Nabiki smiled, “And you came for a little comfort?”

Ranma nodded, and Nabiki raised her arm to give a come-hither gesture to the girl. She approached the bed, leaving her tank top and boxers on the floor as she went, until she stood next to the prone Nabiki. She saw that the girl had something between her legs, and reached down to investigate.

Ranma found an object was buried in Nabiki’s pussy. It was thick and seemed to be rubbery, and as Ranma slid it out a little to get a better look, Nabiki moaned in pleasure. As she pulled it out further, and Nabiki continued to moan, she saw that it was covered in Nabiki’s juice.

With a slight pop, the object finally came free, and Ranma saw that it was some kind of phallic shaped item. She almost dropped it, but Nabiki took her hand.

“Sometimes fingers aren’t enough,” she said soothingly, “and we both know you aren’t ready for this as a guy, so I use my little friend here.” She saw the slight look of panic on the redhead’s face, and pulled her down into a hug, pressing their breasts together. She continued, “I was thinking about you, as a guy and a girl, while I used it.”


Nabiki quickly turned the girl and took the object from her, “It’s called a dildo, and you don’t have to think of it as a penis, just as a tool for getting off.” She sensed the fear in Ranma, no doubt due to the flashes of her dream that Nabiki was picking up, and moved to put the dildo away.

Ranma quietly asked, “Doesn’t it hurt?” Nabiki looked at her, trying to decide the girl’s mood.

Finally she answered, “No, it feels good.”

Ranma shivered in her arms and said, “In the dream, Kuno almost put his in me, and for a moment, I wanted it, but then you and Shampoo saved me.”

“If you want, I’ll put this away and never have it out in front of you again.”

Ranma thought about this, and remembered the sight of Nabiki when she first came in. Breasts heaving, legs wide, and lips spread, accepting the large rubber mass of the dildo. The thought was simply an increase of the image Ranma had when she had watched herself masturbate in China. She tried to think of it simply as a tool for that masturbation, and sighed.

“Can you show me again?”

Nabiki gave a small smile to the girl, and laid back, letting Ranma position herself on the edge of the bed near her waist. She slowly inserted the head of the dildo back into her canal, and let out a low sigh as the penetration washed over her. With slow strokes she began to slide it in and out, occasionally letting the bulbous end of it come partway out. She used her free hand to kneed her breast, pinching the nipple and adding to the pleasure as she increased the pace. Her wet tunnel contracted around the dildo, signaling an approaching orgasm, but Nabiki held it off, savoring the moment and deriving a little more pleasure from knowing that Ranma was watching her do this.

Finally, she came, and the force of it almost pushed the rubber invader out of her completely. She opened her eyes, and saw that Ranma was panting beside her, one hand between her folded legs in and attempt to relieve some of the pressure built up at the sight she had just witnessed. Nabiki pulled the dildo the rest of the way out, and moved it to her mouth to lick her own juice from it, then held it up to Ranma.

The demon girl was transfixed by the erotic display, and when she saw Nabiki offer her the juice covered dildo, she felt an urge to experience what Nabiki had gone through. She took the object in her hand, and Nabiki rolled to her side and made room on the bed. Ranma lay down, and looked up at Nabiki. The unspoken question of whether or not to continue she saw in Nabiki’s eyes was answered with a simple nod.

Nabiki placed her hand over Ranma’s on the dildo, and slowly guided it to the joining between the redhead’s legs. At first they moved the tip up and down Ranma’s lips, making sure that both girl and the object were wet enough for the actions to follow. Soon the head was at Ranma’s entrance, and Nabiki looked at the girl once more. Ranma simply reached up and gave Nabiki a deep kiss, and both girls guided the phallus in.

As the penetration began, Ranma gasped. She felt as if she was being filled, and pleasure pressed against her inner walls. Both girls continued to push it in further, and Ranma moaned, dropping her head to the pillow and rolling her eyes back at the sensation. Soon, the invader was in as far as it could go, and Nabiki reversed its course, slowly drawing it out of the shivering girl beneath her. Once only the head remained in, she waited for Ranma to come back to reality and look her in the eye.


Ranma managed to hiss out, “Yes…..”

Sliding the dildo back in, Nabiki began a cyclic motion, slowly pumping it in and out. As Ranma reacted to each insertion, she felt herself become more aroused at the sight. Increasing the pace, she watched Ranma arch her back, thrusting her breasts into the air. Soon the wet sounds of the piston like action of the dildo and Ranma’s deep moaning and sensual panting were joined by Nabiki’s soft sighs as she began to finger herself in time with the dildo’s thrusts.

As Nabiki once more leaned down, her head moved from Ranma’s mouth to her breast, and began to suck on the dark, erect nipple. Again, Ranma gasped, and arched her back, forcing the dildo deeper into herself, and pushing more of her breast into Nabiki’s mouth.

They both felt the first spasm, and Nabiki knew that Ranma wouldn’t be able to hold back any longer. She once more covered Ranma’s mouth with her own, almost laying on top of the writhing girl, breast to breast, and gave the dildo one last push.

Ranma screamed into her mouth as a thunderbolt of raw pleasure shot out from her mound to her entire body. She wrapped her legs around the brown haired girl, driving the blunt end of the dildo into Nabiki’s groin, brushing her clitoris. This in turn triggered Nabiki’s built up climax as well, and both girls pressed into each other, riding the euphoria.

Once they had both returned to earth, Nabiki dragged her hand back down to remove the rubber phallus from Ranma, and found that it had removed itself from the force of the ejaculation. She retrieved it and brought it up in front of Ranma’s faintly glowing eyes. Taking a long lick, she tasted the mix of Ranma’s and her own fluids mixed together, and leaning down, she kissed Ranma, opening her mouth and sharing the essence.

After dropping the dildo into the box on the floor and kicking it back under the bed, Nabiki pulled a light sheet over the two nude girls. Legs intertwined, they lay there, quietly regaining their breath, and holding each other close.

As Nabiki rested her head on Ranma’s chest, she said, “I hope you have better dreams now.”

“I will,” Ranma said, and kissed the top of the other girl’s head. Soon, sleep took them both, and two smiles were held on their faces in the dark.

As they slumbered, the bedroom door could be seen moving slightly. In the darkness it went from open only a crack, to closed and a single whisper could be heard.

“Oh, my.”

To be continued.

Endnote: Next time should be fun, ne? Nothing really to add here, just that I hope you continue to like this story and the direction I take it. For the most part I’m drawing my plot beats directly from the Manga, so most of the story has been told up and down a million times, but it’s a good story so why not use it. When Ryoga enters we will see more divergence, and after Shampoo comes to Japan, I may throw the book out and wing it, just keeping some of the major events. I have no idea, but it will be fun. C&C always welcome, and of course, DO NOT TAUNT HAPPY FUN BALL!