Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck if it had a Demon Wannabe and an Army of Chinese Solders ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: Ranma’s world was dreamed up by Rumiko Takahashi, produced by Kitty in Japan, and was licensed in the U.S. by Viz Communications, I’m just going to borrow them for a while to tell another story. This isn’t for money, just for fun. This story also contains adult themes, like sex and violence so be warned. Then again, if you like sex and violence, come on down.
P.S.: still and always for Janice.

Ranma never realized how hard it was to actually get somewhere, at least without breaking any laws…much. She, Nabiki and Shampoo, with packs on back had left the Tendo training hall two days after Ranma had his fight with Genma, who had yet to return. During that time, Nabiki had conned, used her feminine wiles and outright extorted several people, the result being three seats on a cargo flight into Beijing.

Then, guided by Shampoo’s knowledge of China, and Nabiki’s instinct for working smarter, they had gotten a train ride, on top of the train thanks to Ranma and Shampoo’s leaping ability. The trio were able to see rather phenomenal views from the top of the boxcar, but soon had to leap off and run for cover when they entered a train yard and were almost found by local security.

From there, they hid atop a tractor trailer truck that was headed further inland. Shampoo and Nabiki had held tight to Ranma as she used her demonic strength to hold them on the truck, and her wings as a wind break to protect them.

For Nabiki, it was the most exciting week of playing super spy she had ever had, and on more then one occasion, her mental abilities had tricked a security guard or policeman into believing they were local girls out for a stroll. For Ranma and Shampoo, it was just another week of cross country travel, albeit a little faster then normal thanks to Nabiki insisting on using transportation options when available.

As she, Ranma and Shampoo gripped onto the undercarriage of a second big rig headed into the mountains, she couldn’t help but hum the theme from 007.

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 20
How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck if it had a Demon Wannabe and an Army of Chinese Solders

On the edge of the Jusenkyo valley, the Chinese military maintained a small garrison of troops in case any of the strange, very dangerous, and if rumors were to believed, sometimes mystical inhabitants of the valley tried to make trouble for the outside world. It was a considerable honor to be posted to command this small garrison, at least that was what the current commander, Colonel Wei Ting told himself.

The rest of the troops at the base thought it was a shithole assignment meant for screw-ups and embarrassments.

That did not stop them from snapping to attention when a local, a known Amazon Elder approached the gate. The troops had long ago learned that crossing one of the shriveled old women led to more pain and suffering then any of them wanted. So when the old woman announced herself and demanded to see the commander, she was shown in with great courtesy.

The Colonel ushered the Elder into his office and placed a small cup of tea at her side as she sat on his couch, “I must say, milady Enema, I was not expecting a visit from your tribe for a few months. To what do I own the honor of your presence?”

“Stuff it, Wei,” Enema said abruptly, “We have a real problem that may have far reaching consequences.” She sipped her tea as the base commander shifted uncomfortably in response to this news, but he knew that pushing for more information would only hurt his chances of getting out of the room alive.

Finally, Enema explained, “Three teenage girls are approaching the valley; one of them is a renegade Amazon. I want your men ready to intercept them and bring them to me.”

The Colonel politely asked, “If this is an internal matter with the Amazon Nation I’m afraid my orders forbid me from interfering. Perhaps if I knew more…”

Slamming her cup down, Enema pierced the younger man with a hard glare, “Yes, then we can go before your superiors and I can tell them how you forced a frail old woman to look the other way when you have kidnapped a local girl or two for your little side business.” Wei Ting stiffened and Enema continued, “Do not trifle with me, fool. Now go, and do as your better tells you.” With that, she brought her wrinkled fist down on his desk, splitting it in half with a loud crash.

The officer gulped and said, “If I could have a description of these renegades, I can dispatch patrols immediately.”

Many miles away from the base, the three teenagers in question were resting after a long day’s hike. Shampoo had led them to a small pond that was fed by a waterfall, and the girls had instantly shucked their clothes and were cleaning off miles of dirt and sweat in the pool.

“I have never walked so far in my life,” Nabiki said, sitting near the shore, letting the cool water come up to her sore shoulders, “I never thought I’d be so glad to take a bath, even in cold water.”

Ranma swam over to her, flicking a small splash in her direction and joking, “You city girls have it too soft, but can you believe how clean the air is, how clear the water is. I’d rather be out here in the woods then trapped in any city.”

“Sorry Ranma,” Nabiki teased the redhead, “I need my internet connection and commuter rail. I just think you were born in the wrong century. I could easily see you running around with ninjas and samurai from a few hundred years ago.”

Ranma stood, and struck a dramatic pose, and in her best imitation of Kuno declared, “Ah, the fair Nabiki Tendo speaks truly. But if I was of such a noble time, would I have not met the beauteous Nabiki, or the fierce tempest of yon Shampoo. Verily not, and it saddens me.”

Nabiki stood suddenly, splashing a large amount of water at her fiancé, “I swear to any gods there are, if you ever talk like that again I’ll make you sleep on the couch for a year.”

Ranma pulled her arms under her chin and adopted her cute as a button look, “Oh please, Nabiki. Don’t leave me out in the cold like that.”

“You two are very silly girls. Maybe you jesters, not warriors,” came Shampoo’s voice. Ranma and Nabiki turned to see the Amazon girl under the waterfall, rinsing her hair out. She stretched, enjoying the water and her breasts bounced lightly at the movement, her nipples enlarged from the cold water running down her body.

“You may be the sex demon,” Nabiki said to Ranma, “but there’s a water nymph if I ever saw one.”

The demoness smirked, “Amen.” Nabiki turned to look at the redhead, and saw that Ranma’s hand had drifted below the waterline and was moving in a rhythmic manner between her legs. This wasn’t the first time she had caught Ranma masturbating during the trip, and she doubted it would be the last. Ranma had spent most of the trip in female form due to stops like this, rain, and accidental spills, and the succubus told the girls that occasionally fingering herself off usually took the edge off her hunger.

Both Nabiki and Shampoo had offered to feed the girl, and Ranma had taken a small amount of energy from each of them in turn, but the redhead insisted that both keep their energy up for the long road ahead. Through her mental probe, Nabiki had determined that Ranma was not starving yet, but soon the demon would need attention, and Ranma’s self sacrificing attitude hindered this. The Tendo girl hoped that this wouldn’t become a problem, but looking at Shampoo she found she was a little frisky herself.

Moving over to stand behind Ranma, Nabiki wrapped her arms around the smaller girl and began to caress her soft breasts, “You want her, don’t you?” A soft moan was her only answer, and Nabiki let one hand drift down across Ranma’s smooth stomach to join the redhead’s hand between her legs.

As Nabiki ran her fingers through Ranma’s pubic hair under the water, she leaned in; molding her chest to Ranma’s back and whispering in her ear, “Let’s get her.”

Ranma tilted her head back and gave Nabiki a searing kiss, then broke away, a hungry smile on her face. The demoness slid quietly under the water, and Nabiki traced her pert bottom as she glided towards the waterfall. The Tendo girl took a deep breath and joined Ranma under the surface.

Ranma had been right, the water was crystal clear, and Nabiki had no trouble following Ranma to the churning water near Shampoo, and before Ranma ducked into the disturbance, she signaled Nabiki to swing behind the bathing Amazon and attack from behind. Nabiki had no problem with this approach, and swam out wide, coming in until she saw Shampoo’s perfect hourglass hips half in the water.

In front of Shampoo, Ranma had glided close enough to see the warrior girl’s legs, and zeroed in on their juncture. After a mental signal from Nabiki, she timed her strike to coincide with the psychic girl’s own attack. Simultaneously, both girls pushed off the pond floor and struck. Ranma instantly latched onto a large breast and began to suckle on the nipple while her fingers danced along swollen neither lips.

She heard a gasp above her, signaling her target’s approval, and then a giggle off to one side. Opening her eyes, she found herself greedily feeding on Nabiki’s hardened nipple. Turning, both girls saw Shampoo leaning against a rock wall behind the waterfall, her mouth bent in a smile.

“You no sneak up on Amazon warrior,” She said, mirth in her voice, “But that not mean that Shampoo not willing to…” She stopped as she noticed Ranma tilt her head, staring off into the distance for a moment. Suddenly, the nude redhead pushed Nabiki behind the waterfall to join Shampoo and moved to cover them both, using her wings to allow them to blend into the rock face behind the cascading water.

“Someone’s coming,” Ranma hissed and looked over her shoulder towards shore. The other girls looked as well, and sure enough, a small group of people broke through the tree line. Shampoo stiffened when she noticed the uniforms the men wore, and her hand reflexively gripped a mace that wasn’t there.

Nabiki was more interested in the guns the three men carried. From their movements, uniforms and weapons, she guessed that they had just encountered the Chinese military. Seeing as she had no real passport, or any identifying papers, or actual clothes on at the moment, she had no desire to be caught by the soldiers, and joined Shampoo in a state of advanced inertness.

The three men worked their way along the edge of the pool, and Nabiki saw that they were headed towards another trail, but their packs and discarded garments were along their path, and as she feared, the men quickly stumbled on them. She saw one of them hold up her bra, and fought the urge to yell out in protest.

“We can’t let them take our stuff,” she hissed quietly into Ranma’s ear.

Ranma whispered back, “I’m more worried about them finding us. Can you mind trick them into walking away or something?”

Nabiki concentrated for a moment, and then leveled a glare at the redhead hiding them, “They think in Chinese too. I can’t even understand them.”

“You two be quiet,” Shampoo hissed, “Is no good if we get caught.” Slowly, she evaluated the solders and leaned in close to the other two girls, “We take them quick, maybe we get away.”

Ranma shook her head, “We can’t take all three of them fast enough. And I don’t want to risk anyone getting shot. Guns have a lot longer range then fists do.”

Nabiki focused for a moment, and suddenly nodded, “I’ll distract them, and you two work around and drop them.”

“What, how,” Ranma asked, but Nabiki was already sliding along the rocks, getting out from behind Ranma and giving the succubus a mental push in the other direction. She saw Shampoo nod approval and pull Ranma away, and the worried look on Ranma’s face gave her pause for a moment. Then she refocused on her plan, and faced the direction of the three soldiers studying their belongings.

Mentally preparing herself, she once more stepped under the cascading water of the fall, and began stretching, rubbing her hands along her body, and lightly singing a wordless song of relaxation. She felt the men’s eyes upon her suddenly, and she began slowly rocking her hips back and fourth , lifting her hands to cup her heavy breasts as she threw her head back.

She kept facing slightly away from them, but kept mental tabs on their position, seeking out any aggressive feelings aimed at her. To draw the men’s attention further on her, she allowed one hand to drift down below the water to her front, and made it move in a way to suggest she was pleasuring herself. She felt one of the men almost drop his rifle at the sight and fought down her embarrassment.

Nabiki sensed that Ranma and Shampoo were almost in position and gave one final effort to drawing the men in. She once more threw her head back and let out a long moan that turned into a low growl. At the end of the noise, Ranma and Shampoo struck.

The Amazon delivered a fast knife hand strike to both sides of one soldier’s neck, making him drop his rifle in pain and spin around to face his attacker, who delivered a solid punch under the man’s jaw that had him out before he crumpled to the ground.

Simultaneously, Ranma dropped in between the other two from above and sent an elbow into each of their throats before landing and spinning around to punch both men in the guts. When the soldiers doubled over, Ranma struck them in the face with quick knee strikes, knocking them out one after the other.

After the attack was concluded, both girls turned to look at Nabiki, who had sunk back into the water, with only her head above the surface with a frightened expression on her face. Shampoo waved Ranma out to help her, while she tied up the men.

Ranma waded out and lowered herself down next to Nabiki, taking the girl in her arms. The Tendo girl was shivering strongly, and Ranma could almost feel the panic radiating off her. Quietly, she helped Nabiki back to shore, and Shampoo brought a shirt over to cover the shaking girl.

After a few moments of gently rocking in Ranma’s arms Nabiki spoke, “I was so sure of myself. Just strut out, draw their attention, and let you jump them, and I did it. But they were armed, and probably would have shot me if they weren’t thinking with their dicks. I got so scared.” She turned to look at Ranma, and Shampoo over the redhead’s shoulder, “You two fight people all the time, how come you never get scared?”

“I do get scared, sometimes,” Ranma admitted, “I got scared when you risked yourself like that. And I got scared when I was fighting Shampoo. I was scared of losing either one of you. I have to put that fear aside, or I wouldn’t be able to act.”

Shampoo kneeled down and put a hand on Nabiki’s arm, “You fight fear and do job, that what warriors do. Warrior takes risks so healer, or farmer, or teacher not have to. You prove you brave, now you face what come after fear.”

“What’s that,” asked Nabiki, looking into Shampoo’s green eyes.

Shampoo smiled, “You is happy you alive, and not used to feeling yet.”

Nabiki chuckled lightly, sharing a smile with the Amazon, and leaned against Ranma for a moment before standing. Feeling the love coming off her fiancé, and a measure of fighter’s respect coming from Shampoo, she felt her confidence slowly return, and her legs grew more stable beneath her.

“We had better get moving,” Nabiki said, strength returning to her voice, “Those jokers will have friends out here, and I for one don’t want to be found.” With that, the girls gathered their clothing, redressing quickly and resuming their trek.

Shampoo took the lead, her simple short green dress allowing freedom of movement as she used long strides to make her way quickly along the path. Nabiki followed, khaki shorts and a crop top making her look like a jungle adventure heroine. Ranma trailed the others by a short distance, her wings once more vanishing beneath her red vest.

The three girls moved quickly, but after only an hour of travel, Shampoo waved them off the path and back into the woods. Nabiki quickly complied, and Ranma had already disappeared into the branches above.

Another group of armed men were walking along the path, and Shampoo and Nabiki flattened themselves against the ground to stay out of sight. The leader of the group was talking on a hand radio, and the men moved quickly on up the path, taking the way that the travelers had just come from.

“They looking for us,” Shampoo said after the soldiers disappeared from sight.

Ranma dropped back down onto the path, her wings wide as she looked for any more intruders. “Are you sure,” the redhead asked.

“They receive descriptions of us, and then friends say they jumped by us near water. Other soldiers must be free now,” Shampoo said. “Must move faster now or they catch up to us.”

“We need to get off the trails,” Nabiki said, looking into the forest. “And we need to move faster.”

Soon the girls were on the move once more, Ranma in the air, carrying Nabiki as Shampoo hopped from tree branch to tree branch. By taking a high road, they left no trail to follow, and with Shampoo’s acrobatic ability and Ranma’s flight they managed to cover twice as much distance in only an hour. At a small clearing, they set down to rest, and get their bearings.

“If soldiers still looking for us we need to go around long way,” Shampoo said, “It add maybe day to hike.”

Nabiki slowly rubbed Ranma’s wings and asked, “Why are they looking for us anyway? And how do they know what we look like?”

“We could always ask one of them,” Ranma said jokingly as she enjoyed the rubdown her wing joints were getting. Suddenly, Nabiki’s hands stopped moving, and Ranma turned to see a contemplative look on Nabiki’s face. “Um, that was a joke, Nabiki.”

Nabiki developed a small smile, “Maybe we should. What do you think, Shampoo? These are your stomping grounds after all.”

“They tough soldiers,” the Amazon answered, looking oddly at Nabiki, “They no break easy.”

Ranma added, “And you already said you can’t read their thoughts.”

Nabiki only smiled, “I’ve got a plan…”

An hour later, a patrol was working its way along another path, and the men of the small group were growing more frustrated by the second. One of the men fell back, bored and in desperate need of a bathroom break. Telling the man next to him that he would catch up, he wandered off the trail to find an adequate bush to water. After he completed his task, he turned back towards the path, but a short, redhead stood in his way.

He brought his rifle up to point at her, but before he got it steady, an unseen force yanked it out of his hands and sent it flying into the hands of another girl, foreign looking with brown hair, who appeared from behind a tree. A third girl, this time one of the blue haired Amazons of the valley, came up behind him and kicked the back of his knees, dropping him to the ground.

He tried to reach for his radio to call for the rest of his squad, but before he could thumb the switch, the redhead and the taller brown haired girl held hands and locked eyes with him. He froze as the redhead’s eyes began to glow, and a warm blanket seemed to wrap around his mind. An overwhelming calmness swept over him, and after a moment he simply sat, waiting. The Amazon girl crouched in front of him and asked questions. The soldier was so relaxed he answered them automatically, not realizing that he was being interrogated. When she was done, the blue haired girl stood and nodded to the other girls, and with a flare of blue light from the redhead, he passed into darkness.

Ranma let go of Nabiki’s hand and sighed as the blue light faded from her eyes, “That was hard work.”

Nabiki leaned back against a tree and nodded, “I didn’t think overwhelming him with a feeling would be easy. I’m just glad it worked. It did work, right?”

Shampoo considered what she had learned from the soldier and answered, “Old woman come to army camp. She say she Amazon elder and then troops told to capture girls that look like us. They think we renegades.”

“Who could she be,” asked Nabiki, “Who would even know we were coming?”

Ranma growled low, “Enema.”

“Impossible,” Nabiki countered, “Even if she figured out that Shampoo broke her spell, there is no way she would know we were already in the area.”

Shampoo shook her head, “Elders have many ways, some very secret. Even Enema probably has ways to find out. We keep moving for village, is only way now.”

The other girls looked at the automatic rifle lying on the ground and shuddered at the thought of being chased by a whole camp of men armed like that. To Ranma, it was a weapon of considerable power that she knew she could not dodge forever, and that one blow from its projectiles could disable or kill in an instant. Nabiki looked at it from the perspective of a schoolgirl thrust into the middle of a war zone.

She didn’t feel much like playing James Bond anymore.

They quickly set off again, moving as fast as possible while still leaving as little trace of their presence as they could. By the time the sun had set they had covered many more miles, but had been forced to change course several times as patrols neared their position. At one point they had to hide still for an hour while a heavy truck unloaded men and supplies and took another group back to their base. Once the men had dispersed, the three girls moved out once more.

As the stars came out, they rested under a large tree, moonlight peeking through the leaves as Ranma flew up to the treetops to keep an eye out while Nabiki and Shampoo took sips of water and bites of trail mix to keep going.

“You feel better now,” Shampoo asked the tired looking girl.

Nabiki swallowed a mouthful of water and replied, “I think so. This is the most time outdoors I’ve spent my entire life. And more adventure then I ever thought I’d have. You and Ranma brush it off like it’s nothing, but the age of wandering adventures ended about two hundred years ago. I sorry I’m just slowing you down.”

“No be sorry,” Shampoo said, sliding over to sit next to Nabiki, “You is very smart, and you help great deal. You remember that mind is power, and knowing enemy is power. Thanks to you, we know what enemy thinks. You prove you loyal by coming, you prove you brave back at waterfall, now you prove you wise with plans. Shampoo think you make good Amazon sister-wife.”

The Amazon leaned over and took hold of Nabiki’s chin, turning the girl towards her. She moved in and kissed the Tendo girl lightly on the lips. Nabiki returned the kiss, enjoying the soft touch that Shampoo had as she ran a hand along Nabiki’s jaw and down her neck to lightly rub her shoulder.

Suddenly, Ranma dropped back into sight, making Nabiki jump back in surprise.

“Lights in the woods,” the demoness whispered, pulling on her pack once more, “And they are moving this way.”

Nabiki reached into her pack, pulling out a compass and studying it briefly, “That’s three times in the last two hours, and we are being forced north again.” She closed the compass and put it away, then closed her eyes to concentrate.

“Come on,” Ranma urged, “We’ve got maybe ten minutes until they’re on top of us.”

“Shh,” Nabiki admonished, “I’m thinking.” Her eyes opened and she looked at the other two who wore curious looks, “We’re being herded. They don’t know exactly where we are, but for some reason, they have a general idea. They use the patrols to keep us moving in the direction they want.”

“A trap,” Shampoo realized.

Ranma groaned, “We can’t fight all those guys out there, and if we’re walking into a trap, there is no way they aren’t ready for us.”

Nabiki stood, “If we go back, we’ll get caught, and same if we go forward. I for one don’t want to get shot, so we have to find a way out of this. Ranma, could you fly us out one at a time over their lines?”

“Not before they caught up to whoever I left behind for the second trip,” the redhead said remorsefully.

Shampoo growled low and said, “I say we spring trap. Maybe they ready for Shampoo and Ranma, but Nabiki is mind-walker. They not be ready for her.”

“And I have a few more tricks then when Enema and I tangled last,” Ranma said, a ghost of her confident smile returning. Both girls turned to Nabiki and searched her face for any sign of fear or courage.

“It’s nuts,” the Tendo girl said, “Its suicidal, and at best we are looking at real trouble with the Chinese government…but I do love to gamble.” The smile she gave the others was nervous, but hopeful. Ranma took each girl’s hand in her own and the three walked forward, less caring about the trail they made as they walked into the jaws of the trap set for them.

In less then an hour, they came upon a clearing where a dozen armed soldiers were waiting for them. Quickly a group moved forward, and the girls allowed themselves to be taken into custody without struggle. Handcuffs were placed on each of them, and a blindfold was placed over Ranma’s eyes.

They had not expected this, but Nabiki’s mental reassurance calmed Ranma, and the demon girl focused on her other senses, including the twinges of demonic sense that gnawed at the edge of her understanding. They were loaded onto a truck and it began moving, presumably back to the soldier’s base.

During the ride, Nabiki managed to block out the claw of fear grabbing her heart, as well as the noise and jarring from the truck. Forcing herself into a calmer state, she reached out with her developing power, and felt the insides of the metal cuffs on her wrists. It took most of the ride, but she found a way to open the lock quickly when the time came. A simple snap of one of the levers on the inside of the metal bindings would release them instantly, and she sent this information mentally to the other two girls who were preparing their own parts of the escape plan.

As the truck came to a stop, the soldiers opposite them gestured to precede them out, rifles still pointed at their heads. Ranma and Shampoo hopped out while Nabiki worked her way off the tailgate, unaided by nervous looking troopers. Once the three of them were once more on the ground, they were escorted into the main courtyard of the base, where a high ranking soldier waited with a shriveled old woman standing next to him.

“Exile,” Shampoo hissed out.

Enema chuckled and replied in Japanese, “Don’t bother, these men are loyal to their commander, and he is my pawn, as I thought you would be, Shampoo. But once again you failed the tribe by not killing the outsider. It all works out in the end though; after all you did bring her to me. Now I can take what is rightfully mine.”

As she talked, she walked over and gave Shampoo a scornful look, but passed on and looked up at Ranma with eyes hungry for power. Even though Ranma was blindfolded she could feel the ex-Elder’s malevolent glare. As for Nabiki, she was hardly given a second look by the exiled Amazon, and with relief quietly undid the locks holding her friends arms.

As Enema passed in front of her, she signaled to the others, “Now!”

The three sets of handcuffs fell off, and Shampoo reached into the front of her shirt, diving into her cleavage to pull out a small sphere that she smashed against the ground, sending up a bellowing cloud of smoke. The soldiers were about to fire, but Colonel Wei Ting ordered them to stop. He had no doubt his men would mow down the captives, but if any of them killed the redhead or injured Enema, he would pay the price.

Inside the cloud, Nabiki had delivered the equivalent force of an elephant sitting down on top of Enema’s head, and the old woman was pushed to the ground, unable to move for the moment. Ranma had pulled off her blindfold and her glowing eyes burned red in the smoke as she launched herself skyward. Shampoo finished her work of knocking out the guards that were in the smoke and took Nabiki’s hand.

Nabiki smirked and changed the direction of the pressure on Enema.

The redhead shot out of the cloud in front of the startled troops, and her black wings blending into the night sky, but the fire shooting out of her hand did not. The flaming ball streaked towards the ground and struck one of the base buildings, causing an explosion and setting the building on fire.

At the same time, Enema also shot from the cloud, but in a less controlled fashion. She was flung bodily through the air and sent into the side of one of the transports parked in the yard.

Ranma spun in the air, sending a shower of smaller fireballs down into the field drawing attention to herself as Nabiki and Shampoo, crouching low, made their way to a jeep near the gate of the base.

“You do know how to drive this, right,” Shampoo asked as Nabiki pushed the ignition button.

Gripping the wheel, Nabiki answered, “In theory, sure. But I haven’t taken the drivers test yet.” She sent another mental signal to Ranma, who stopped her rain and launched one final fireball at the middle of the gate as Nabiki sent the military jeep tearing towards it. The heat stressed moving fence yielded under the impact of the speeding vehicle and buckled instantly, opening the path to freedom for the girls.

Enema got to her feet in time to see the jeep crash through the gate with Ranma flying above it. She stormed over to the base commander who was shouting orders to his men and used her staff to crack him in the knees, bringing him down to eye level with her.

“You let them escape, you idiot,” she yelled in his face, “Get after them, quickly!”

The Colonel glared at the old woman and countered, “We can not. The fire needs to be contained before it hits the fuel or ammunition storage. Your little plan has cost us dearly, and if we do not act now, our very lives may be sacrificed.”

Enema reached out and gripped his neck tightly, slowly crushing his windpipe, “Do you think I care about your worthless life, male? If I tell you to die, then you die. Now get after them!” Behind them, soldiers continued to battle the blaze as the fire greedily reached towards waiting gas tanks near the edge of the base.

Barreling away from the base at nothing resembling a safe speed, Nabiki drove into the night with Ranma overhead. She was slowly getting a feel for the army jeep’s steering as they headed in the direction of the Amazon village. Suddenly a large explosion rocked the night, and Nabiki stopped the vehicle to look back at where they had briefly been held. She, Shampoo, and Ranma watched as fire shot into the sky and the cloud of smoke coming from the base doubled in volume.

“That slow them down,” Shampoo said with a smirk.

Ranma landed next to them and said, “I just hope no one was really hurt back there. I didn’t really mean for that to happen.”

“She was going to kill us,” Nabiki told the redhead, “So you’ll excuse me if I’m rooting for the fire.”

Ranma shook her head, “No argument about that one, but I just don’t think we’re that lucky.” The girls moved out once more, this time with Ranma sitting in the back of the jeep, resting after her exertion. Shampoo guided them along the dirt roads of the region until they were less then an hour’s walk from the Amazon village, at which point Nabiki pulled the jeep of the road and the three took a short breather.

“I have really got to learn how to stop pissing people off,” Ranma quipped, earning a dry laugh from Nabiki and a playful swat from Shampoo as they got out of the jeep.

As Shampoo reached out to help Ranma out of her slouch in the back seat, Nabiki felt a flash from the redhead, who recoiled slightly from Shampoo’s touch. When she saw the warrior girls shocked reaction Nabiki walked around the front of the vehicle and placed a hand on Shampoo’s shoulder.

“It’s the hunger,” she said quietly, “She put so much effort into covering our escape that it drained her. And now our stubborn lover is resisting the urge to feed because we may still be in danger.” She turned to the redhead, who refused to meet her eyes and continued, “I asked you to be more careful, but you always give everything to what you’re doing. Good thing for you that it’s one of the reasons I love you.”

With that she climbed back into the jeep, a reassuring smile on her face as she pulled her top up to expose her breasts to the succubus. Shampoo watched as Nabiki lowered herself, allowing Ranma to latch on to her nipple. Waves of heat lifted off Ranma as she began lightly suckling.

Ranma fought to control her hunger as she felt the first trickle of energy pass into her, but the craving grew and her hands automatically began undoing Nabiki’s shorts. She fumbled with the belt, and Shampoo moved in to help her love.

Hopping up into the jeep, Shampoo simply pulled the hem of her short skirt up to expose her bald mound to Ranma. The redhead’s hand drifted from Nabiki’s waist to between Shampoo’s legs, sliding two fingers along the Amazon’s slit. As she began to feel a second line of energy from Shampoo, Ranma felt Nabiki pull away slightly.

The Tendo girl undid her own belt, and slid her shorts off. She then guided Ranma’s free hand to her brown furred mound, and sighed when she felt two fingers enter the passage within. Shampoo and Nabiki began to rock back and forth as Ranma played her fingers both outside and within their sexes, each girl enjoying the burning tug of Ranma’s feeding.

Ranma’s hands were not the only thing busy. Her mouth rapidly kissed, nibbled, and licked Nabiki’s breast, then moved over to Shampoo’s slightly larger mammaries and repeated her performance. The redhead began to feel her strength returning as each girl she was fingering shuddered from a first release, but at the same time, the hunger in her grew. She withdrew her hands and brought them up to her face, mesmerized by the coating of fluid on each finger. Ranma devoured every drop on her hands, savoring the taste of her two lovers as she struggled to contain the ravenous beast within her that threatened to take over.

As she began to reach back up to resume her meal, every nerve in her body seemed to fire at once, and she saw Nabiki stiffen as well, her head swiveling around to look back towards the destroyed military base. Shampoo looked around as well, a look of confusion on her face due to the other girls sudden stopping of their activities, and noticed that Nabiki’s face was slowly becoming panicked.

Nabiki breathed, “She wants to kill us…”

Out of the darkened sky, a figure swooped down and with clawed legs grabbed Shampoo by the shoulders before she could react. With a flap of heavy leather wings, Shampoo was lifted out of the jeep, and Ranma and Nabiki saw a flash of a manic grin from their assailant.

Nabiki rolled to one side as Ranma stood; reaching out for Shampoo’s diminishing form. The Amazon let out a cry for help, and Ranma’s wings once more sprung from her back to give chase. But the redhead hesitated and looked back down at Nabiki.

“Go,” Nabiki yelled, “The village is right down the road. I’ll go get help. Now go, quickly!”

With that, Ranma launched into the darkness, her burning red eyes a beacon in the night. Nabiki pulled her shorts back on and slid once more into the driver’s seat. Uncaring about stealth, she fired the engine and pulled back onto the road, turning on the lights and speeding towards the Amazon village.

Meanwhile in the air, Ranma quickly found the taste of lavender and the remains of arousal as she sped after Enema and Shampoo. The darkness was not a hindrance to her as the faint connection from her interrupted feeding still burned in her mind, and with forceful pumping of her wings, she struggled to gain on the other flyer in the night.

In the distance the valley opened up, and moonlight reflected off hundreds of pools.

To be continued.

Endnote: It ain’t Bill Shaky, but it works. We’ve been through twenty chapters so far, and as you can tell, I have no intent of stopping anytime soon. I am however going to drop my other ideas to focus on this, for while I have three other stories started right now, I have a little problem with focusing on more then one at a time, so you’re going to have to wait for anything else besides this. I deeply thank all my readers, especially those that have reviewed. Simply, thank you. Next time, we return to Amazons and cursed springs, and you can bet there will be chaos when that happens. Until then, It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…some dorky guy in spandex? Somebody call the FAA.