Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Outside the Garden ❯ Wild Horse at the Gates ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Akane Tendo: This is a non-profit fan based parody. Ranma ½ is the property of Shogakukan, Viz Media, Kitty Films and Rumiko Takahashi. Please support the official release... if you’re into that sort of thing. <3

Outside The Garden
The First: Wild Horse at the Gates

The cloudy sky over Nerima City looked threatening to Ranma Saotome as he strolled ahead of his old man, Genma. They had managed to make it this far without trouble, and the last thing he wanted was a sudden downpour to ruin everything after he had gotten so far. He looked back at his father, who more leisurely brought up the rear while shouldering the heavy pack he carried on his back.

“Damn it, it’s going to rain.”

Genma looked up at the sky and huffed. “Relax, boy. The sky may look threatening but it’s just passing overcast, it isn’t about to rain.”

“What, you’re a weatherman now?”

Genma adjusted his round glasses and snorted. “I haven’t been wrong about the weather yet, have I?”

Ranma muttered something barely audible, but Genma most certainly heard “Cursed Springs” at the end of it.

Genma stopped in mid step. “I heard that!”

“I’m just worried. We don’t have umbrellas, and I want to meet these so-called ‘gorgeous daughters’ this Tendo guy goes on about as a guy.”

Genma felt a small quailing of unease ripple through him at the mention of the girls. While Tendo had never been shy to praise the girls to heaven and back, the last couple letters had swung between hymnal praise and the ravings of someone sure the apocalypse was here. He was almost having second thoughts about subjecting his animal of a son to such saintly girls.

“Well?” Ranma asked with a huff, rolling his eyes. “Let’s get a move on then.”

Almost, but not really. “Be quiet boy, I’m just thinking.”

“Oh, so that’s what that burnt smell was.”

Genma thought of chasing his son about, but that’d waste too much time.

“Can it boy, we can’t keep them waiting.” Genma shuffled his pack a little, removing a small buckle that was digging into his back.

Though Ranma rolled his eyes, he picked up speed all the same once he was sure his father was lockstep behind him. Bad enough he’d be ran out of one heaven because of a certain affliction of his but now... Now he could see it before his eyes.

“Oooh, he’s so cute!” Yeah that’s just what they’d say... wait, he didn’t think that. Ranma’s head snapped to the side and he spied a couple of high school girls giving him the old eye. The two were on their way home from the nearby school when they happened across the handsome boy and his significantly less handsome father.

When he looked their way, the girl who verbally indicated him–the slightly taller of the two with her brown hair tied into twintails that rested on her shoulders–quickly averted her gaze towards her friend, a girl with darker hair tied up in a ponytail. Both quickly talked among each other and giggled excitedly as they stole glances his way.

Right away, the first thing Ranma noticed was how healthy they were. Both girls had figures reminiscent of an insane Chinese girl's, or at least what Ranma remembered of her bouncy curvy figure amidst the blood-curdling terror. The ponytail girl in particular had probably the second biggest pair of tits he'd seen to date, while the twin-tail girl was easily a close third.

It took him several seconds to remember that the two girls had faces, too, and to his enjoyment they were both very cute faces.

Hot damn! he thought before he smiled and nodded to them. “Hey.”

The two girls looked to one another and giggled again, before the short busty girl spoke. “Hey yourself, stranger! Welcome to Nerima. I'm Sayuri, and this is Yuka-chan, who would you be?”

“I'm Ranma Saotome,” he made no effort to be humble as he strolled over to the two of them. “I'm just a wandering martial artist, looking to hang around here for a few days.”

Genma gave an annoyed snort. One moment concerned about the sky opening up on him, and the next bantering with attractive girls. He really didn’t need to be wasting time with this.

“Oh, a martial artist?” Sayuri asked.

Ranma folded his arms and smirked. “The strongest you’ll ever meet.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Sayuri said. “We know a lot of strong martial artists around here.”

Ranma’s smirk grew. “Well, wait until you get to know me.”

Great, here he goes again. Genma gave the two girls a look and rolled his eyes as they were slowly drawn into Ranma. However, when he gave the two a second glance, the elder Saotome noticed something... off.

Yuka began to twirl her finger around one of her tails, the young lady impressed by his candor. “Get to know you, hm?”

Sayuri bit her lower lip briefly. “We were on our way to have something to eat at this nice cafe down the street, would you like to come along? We can show you some of the sights along the way.”

Ranma already had an idea of the sights he wanted to see. Unfortunately, Genma had other ideas, as he grabbed Ranma by his shoulders and shoved him along. “We don’t have time for that, boy! Tendo is expecting us!”


Both girls reacted with surprise, the moment Genma mentioned ‘Tendo’, and they quickly looked to one another. Yuka then grew somewhat disappointed, while Sayuri smirked at her crestfallen friend. The latter girl lifted her hand and waved after Ranma.

“We’ll hang out later, okay Ranma-kun?” She called after him cheerily.

As Genma frog-marched his boy away from the girls, he glared at the back of his son’s head. “You aren’t here to make another mess of the female population, boy!”

“We were just talking,” Ranma protested.

“Yeah just talking, but that’s how it always starts. The next thing I know, we’re running for our lives from a mob of angry fathers, brothers, husbands, and boyfriends!”

Ranma huffed. “That only happened the one time.”

Genma’s glare intensified. “Remember Okinawa?”

Ranma looked up and to the left as he recalled their visit to Okinawa about a year ago.

There’s that motherfucker right there!”

With Ranma bound, gagged, and slung over his shoulder, Genma ran for his life out of a once sleepy coastal village now a storm of fire and rage as a mob of some hundred men charged after him waving torches, machetes, and spears.

Ranma laughed. “Ha, I certainly was a motherfucker. But that was just that one time.”


Ranma looked back at his father again, and then assumed the up and to the left recollection position.

That’s him, the pigtailed bastard who deflowered our daughters! Kill him!”

Dragging Ranma on the end of a rope, Genma fled down a dirt road leading out of town, pursued by an angry mob of farmers waving torches, pitchforks, and shovels.

“Don’t forget what happened in Kyoto.”

Ranma’s eyebrows rose. “Oh yeah...”

The two-timer’s getting away! Don’t let him escape!”

Running under a hail of arrows and over a wooden footbridge that spanned a pond in the shadow of Kyoto Castle, Genma carried a once-more tied up Ranma as he was pursued by a horde of angry Miko waving torches, brandishing swords and aiming bows.


Using his tied up son as a snowboard down a snow-covered mountain, Genma hit a mogul and perfectly executed a 720 degree spin as an avalanche of men on skis, snowmobiles and an Arctic Cat came down the mountain after him.

“... And Seoul.”

Together, Ranma and Genma ran through a subway station, pursued by an angry man in a suit and sunglasses and people in various costumes pretending they were riding horses.

“See, it was only the one time,” Ranma immediately pointed out.

Genma needed a second to realize what he meant, but when he did he smacked Ranma in the head hard enough to send him tumbling end over end into a telephone pole. “The point is I don’t want you sticking your dick where it doesn’t belong while we’re here, boy!”

Slowly getting up, Ranma shook off the hit with a hint of annoyance. “Whatever, it’s about to start coming down any second now. It would’ve been really embarrassing if I got caught out with those cute girls when it did.”

Genma snorted. “For the last time, it isn’t going to rain. Now look, we’re here.”

Ranma stopped and did a double-take when he saw the Tendo home, or rather the wall that surrounded it. “Huh, kind of old fashioned, huh?”

“The Tendo School of Indiscriminate Grappling, the brother art of our own,” Genma said with an uncharacteristic reverence. “Be on your best behavior, boy. You’re entering a real dojo and there are rules to go by with this sort of thing.”

He said this with a straight face, which surprised Ranma to no end.

“Soun Tendo’s run this dojo for over a decade now. He’s trained hundreds of young men just like you, so you must be on your best behavior and show the proper respect!” As Genma lectured him, they walked through the open front gate of the compound’s wall and to the front door of the Tendo Family home.

“Gee, it’s a good thing I have such a strong role model to follow or I’d be an utter bastard.”

“I’m serious about this boy. None of your usual antics, no talking smack, no picking fights, and most importantly don’t you dare disrespect any of these girls. Tendo is a proud, fearsome man, but a doting Father, those girls are his only treasure.” Genma knocked on the front door. “Now get ready to put your best foot forward, if you want even the remotest chance with any of his daughters, you’ll need to make a good first impression!”

Ranma looked up at the sky, expecting for the heavy clouds above to cut loose.

The sky chose to be merciful, however.

“Well, I guess the Gods don’t have a sense of humor-”

For all of five seconds before a torrential downpour fell on the Saotome men all at once, leaving the Saotome panda, and the Saotome woman standing on the front step of the Tendo Home.

The hammering rain pelted the two for an entire fifteen seconds, before a much shorter and far less male Ranma Saotome turned her head to glare at Genma, now an abnormally large (and clothed) Panda Bear.

“I have no words.” She did actually, but she was too angry to properly verbalize any other than the ones she had just spoken.

In his defense, Genma held up a sign that read “And had you not stopped to flex in front of those two girls, we would’ve gotten here sooner.”

The front door opened a few moments later. “Yes, who is–oh my!”

A beautiful young woman wearing a pink apron over a modest cream-colored dress, with her black hair done up in a tail over her shoulder recoiled at the sight of a very short and very curvy redhead beating a laid-out panda bear over the head with a wooden sign.

Her startled cry snapped Ranma out of her berserker state, and she lowered the improvised weapon. “Uh... oops.”

Kasumi Tendo, age nineteen years, blinked several times over the course of the silence that followed, before the thought finally occurred to her to ask. “May I... help you?”

Ranma sighed in resignation. “Hi, I’m Ranma Saotome... I guess you’re supposed to be expectin’ us or something...”

At the name drop, Kasumi’s expression lit in recognition, and surprise. “You’re Ranma Saotome?”

Ranma forgot all about her anger and the torrential downpour that caused it upon sight of the beautiful woman’s brilliant smile. “Uh...” She smiled herself. “Yeah.”

Kasumi smiled warmly to the two and stepped aside. “Please, come in! Come in! You’ll catch your death out here.”

Honestly, Ranma expected bewilderment on Kasumi’s part, not oddly pleasant elation. However, she was certainly happy to have her expectations defied. She grabbed Genma by his gi, now grossly stretched out by his panda body. “C’mon Pop before we get waterlogged.”

As he was pulled in, Genma was already dreading Ranma’s sudden cheeriness despite his affliction.. He looked at Kasumi, who regarded him with naught but a gentle smile, before allowing his son-turned-daughter to lead him into the living room.

Following Kasumi to the living room, Ranma looked up to Kasumi with a brighter smile, which the eldest of the Tendo daughters returned in spades.

A single thought went through her head.

I want to fuck her so hard.

In the Tendo’s living room, Ranma fidgeted as she sat on a pillow next to her Panda Dad, while Kasumi set out tea and cookies for her and some water for the bear. So far the eldest Tendo sister, as she identified herself, had been the very picture of a gracious hostess... but she so far hadn’t brought up the female elephant in the room that should’ve been male.

“This is so exciting, Daddy has said so much about you. Though, I must admit that I wasn’t expecting a girl,” Kasumi said as Ranma nibbled on one of the cookies.

Ranma blinked and looked at his Panda. “He has, huh?”

Kasumi nods. “Oh my, yes! He’s read us many letters from your father, regarding your exploits.”

Ranma narrowed her eyes at Genma. “My exploits, huh?”

Genma suddenly looked away from Ranma.

“Like your battle against the Chinese Atomic Men in Tibet, and how you mastered the art of the one punch kill.”

Ranma had to admit, despite them all being bullshit, those sounded pretty cool. Besides, she seemed to believe them herself. “Well, I wouldn’t call it one punch, it just looks like one.”

Kasumi blinked. “Ah, is that all?”

Ranma recoiled at her disappointment. “Huh?”

“It’d be much more impressive if you could kill someone with one actual punch. Making it look like one doesn’t really make it one.”

Well, that kind of wounded her pride a bit. The Panda seemingly laughing up a storm besides her didn’t help much either.

“You shut up!” She punctuated this command with a sharp slap to the ear.

The Panda yelped in pain, before baring his teeth and growling in anger.

“Now, now, let Mr. Panda be.” Kasumi soothed. Her gentle words quickly put an end to the violent tension, and Ranma soon eased back from the stand-off.

“Tch, you’re not worth it.” Ranma declared in a huff, crossing her arms and turning her head away. Kasumi giggled as Genma let out a growl of agreement and went back to his water.

Sheesh, this girl’s so carefree and easygoing. On top of being hot as all hell. Also naive as fuck, which the redhead found she could use probably use to her advantage.

As if reading her mind, the Panda narrowed his ursine eyes. The part-time-girl was already sizing up the full-timer up.

“Speaking of your old man, where is he?” Ranma asked.

Kasumi had a briefly distant look in her eyes at Ranma’s question, before she blinked it away and smiled once more. “Oh, Daddy’s off in his room and he shouldn’t be bothered. But when it’s time he’ll come out.” She looked imploringly between Ranma and her Panda companion. “Where is your Father, Ranma-chan?”

Ranma’s bright blue eyes developed a gleam as she suddenly saw an opportunity to get close to Kasumi. The very same gleam disappeared, as she lowered her gaze to the floor and reached up to toy with her pigtail. “Gee... talk about a mood switch...”

Kasumi hummed inquisitively.

Letting out a sigh. “You see... me and my old man, after the whole Tibet thing, we wound up at this village full of women warriors.”

The Panda perked up and glared at her.

“Oh, what happened?”

“Well, I challenged their champion to a fight over some food, because me and my old man were starving. I beat her, but then she flipped out and marked me for death!” Ranma looked back up at Kasumi, and then back down at the floor. “The whole village came down on me, but Pops held them off and I was able to make a break for it... I haven’t seen him since. The last thing he said to me before was to find you guys, and he’d one day catch up.”

Kasumi’s hands went to her mouth to stifle her gasp. “Oh, Ranma-chan...” She went over to the short girl and pulled her into a hug. “That’s awful.”

Ranma sank into her embrace and let out a sigh as she returned the embrace and nuzzled her neck. “It was so hard, leaving him back there...”

Letting out a comforting hum, the eldest of the Tendo girls gently rubbed her back. “There, there, if your Father is anything like our Daddy he won’t die so easily.”

“Thank you, Kasumi-san,” Ranma breathed against her neck. The effect was near instantaneous, as Kasumi tensed for the briefest moment and squeezed Ranma tighter against her. Pulling away from her just a bit, Kasumi gave Ranma a long, quiet look and gently rubbed her shoulders.

Genma, who was staring at the scene with a very agitated look, began to crack his panda knuckles for sinking into his son-slash-daughter’s face.

“There’s no need to be so formal,” Kasumi said softly.

Ranma blushed a little and looked aside. “No... I guess not, right?”

Kasumi nodded as her hands went from her shoulders to slip down her arms. All the while, Ranma was cursing up a storm.

God damn it, if I was a boy I’d be banging her on the table right now! She needed to change into a guy five minutes ago! “Ah... Kasumi? Uh, what about your um... sisters?”

Kasumi blinked, and a look of disappointment flashed across her face before she gasped in realization. “Ah! I should go get my sisters, shouldn’t I? Wait right here, they'll positively adore you.”

The feeling's already mutual, the redhead thought to herself as Kasumi reluctantly pulled away

Releasing Ranma from her warm embrace, Kasumi stood up. “You stay right here, I’ll be back. Please help yourself to some snacks.” She headed off down the hall for the stairway and the moment she was gone, Genma punched Ranma hard in her face, knocking her into the wall behind her.

Flopping off it, Ranma quickly shot to her feet. “What the hell, bastard!?”

Genma produced a sign reading “What the hell did I tell you about behaving yourself?!”

Ranma rubbed her cheek. “I was just giving a good first impression.”

The sign Genma held was flipped revealing more text. “By lying to Tendo’s firstborn daughter?!”

“Not lie, a creative twisting of the truth. Besides, I have a plan for it. You get doused with hot water and I realize that you were my Father the whole time and be happily reunited. The girls are moved by our reunion and I win all the points with them and their old man.”

Genma flipped the sign again, Ranma already asked where this new text kept coming from and was still annoyed she never got a proper answer. “And how will you explain your curse?”

Ranma folded her arms. “Well, I’ll just say I got my curse way before you did. Play along with me on this.”

“Why should I?” The other side of the sign read.

“Because you've made me go along with you on all your schemes... whether I knew about them or not.” Ranma crossed her arms and stared pointedly at him on that.

The sign flipped again. “I have not.”


The panda grew wide-eyed for a moment, as if Ranma had uttered a vile curse, and immediately and grudgingly conceded. He flipped the sign again. “Fine, but when this blows up in your face–and it will–I’m going to laugh and deride you until it stops being funny.”

So forever, in other words.

Ranma snorted. “It’s not going to blow up if you play your part.”

There flipped the sign again. “Shameless boy, are you that desperate to take advantage of such a sweet, pious girl?”

“Hey, what kind of man would I be if I passed up such a beautiful woman like her?”

“More of a man than you are now even without the curse” the sign now read.

Ranma’s foot connected with Genma’s snout, putting the panda on his back. Standing over him, Ranma rubbed her foot against his nose and smirked. “At least I’m still human. By the way, how’s a hundred kilometers worth of hiking smell down there with those enhanced bear senses, Pop?”

Terrible, far more than anyone would want to comprehend.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Kasumi ignored the crash downstairs from the panda punching Ranma and walked around the top of the stairwell to the bedroom door of her youngest sister. From the other side of the door, adorned with a duck-shaped nameplate that read “Akane”, Kasumi could hear a girl’s soft, desperate gasps and the occasional cry.

Shaking her head, Kasumi opened the door and stepped in.“Akane-chan, we have company.”

Lying on her curtained, four-post bed in her was the youngest of the Tendo sisters, a dark blue-haired girl with looks rivaling Kasumi’s but on the cute end of the spectrum as opposed to breathtakingly beautiful where her older sister resided. Akane Tendo, sixteen years old, was wearing a blissful smile on her face and nothing else, as she ran her fingers through the short, bright pink hair of another girl around her age, who had her face firmly planted between her thighs.

Akane turned to her eldest sister with half lidded eyes, breathing heavily as her partner for the afternoon continued to feast lovingly on her sex. “H-Hold on... Let me finish~” She pleaded with Kasumi, using her free hand to start twisting her nipple. "If I go down there like this, you know what will happen..." Akane continued, guiding the eager girl's head before throwing her head back as her lover’s tongue tongue attacked her pulsing clit.

Crossing her arms and letting out a deep breath, Kasumi tilted her head as she examined Akane's companion. She was a shorter girl, as tall as the redhead downstairs, but with an even larger bust if not the same size. Cute as well, though Kasumi couldn't see her face with her being preoccupied with servicing Akane on her trip first-class to heaven. She didn’t have to, though. When it came to her sister, her playmates were always of the highest quality.

“Well, do be quick about it... It's rude to leave guests waiting for too long, as I'm sure you know. I'll be outside your door,” she replied with a formal tone in her voice that sent a shiver up Akane's spine even as jolts of pleasure surged through her body, Kasumi giving her sister one last look before closing the door.

Akane grinned as she managed to buy them some time, even if it was only a few minutes at most. That was fine by her, she always preferred it hot and heavy, a time limit just made it more exciting. "Nnn, good~!" The youngest Tendo sister growled happily as she felt that wonderful tongue circle her clit, taking the girl's pink haired head into both hands and grinding her against her now soaking wet sex.

“...Make me cum quick and I'll reward you~” Akane's playful goading was all the girl needed to hear, stuffing a pair of fingers into the tight tunnel before unleashing the attack. Gasping loudly, the young Tendo heiress began to grunt erotically as the digits writhed inside her pussy with a surprising amount of skill. "NNGH~!" Akane bridged her back and wrapped her thighs around the girl's gyrating head, feeling her muscles tense.

“Good girl~!” She groaned with glee as her weak spots were quickly found out and assaulted, her clit continuing to be sucked and licked upon with a fervor she couldn't hold up against for very long at all. “Mmm..! HNNNH!!!” Akane clenched her teeth and unleashed her orgasm upon her companion, grinding her pussy on her face as it was utterly drenched. Multiple powerful convulsions later and she came down from her climactic high, falling back onto the bed and struggling for air.

The pink haired vixen slowly rose up from Akane's loins as the iron grip on her head was released, a grin plastered on her lovely face along with the fruit of her labor. The Tendo sister looked down at her, catching the wonderful view of those incredibly fat tits being lifted up from the bed slowly, reinvigorating her as she watched them sway to and fro as the girl crawled over her body.

“I am such a sucker for big beautiful tits...” Akane hummed with a smile, still panting hard, reaching up and taking two overflowing handfuls of those wonderful breasts, kneading them strongly as they hung erotically before her. “And these... these are some enormous tits~” She flashed a smile before reaching up and hugging the girl firmly to her body, causing those huge breasts to smother her chest completely. Akane exhaled as she felt her own get engulfed in those soft mountains, biting her lip as she stared up at the pink haired girl with extreme lust.

“I...” The girl started to speak before Akane silenced her with a passionate kiss.

“I have to go see what all the fuss with Kasumi-chan is about,” she whispered after pulling away from the deep liplock. “But when I'm done, I'm coming back to give you that reward...”

Her lover licked her flushed lips in anticipation and smiled back. “See you soon then, Akane-chan.”

After toweling off the evidence of her tryst from between her legs, Akane slipped on a pair of red shorts and and then pulled on a long-sleeved white shirt that barely hung on her shoulders. Exiting her bedroom she let out a slow chuckle. “Sorry about that...”

The eldest Tendo just smiled. “It’s all right. I haven’t seen that one before, is she not from around here?”

Akane bit her lower lip briefly. “A foreign girl~”

“Oh my!” Kasumi said gently as she turned and went over to an adjacent bedroom door to knock on it beneath a nameplate reading “Nabiki”. “Nabiki-chan, come downstairs, we have company.”

“I’ll be down in a minute,” the middle sister of the Tendo girls grunted back from beyond the door.

Playfully, Kasumi twisted the doorknob as if ready to barge in as well. “I’m not interrupting anything here too, am I?”

“I’m getting ready for a date so fuck off, I’ll be down in a second!”

Satisfied with that response, Kasumi began down the stairs, with Akane right behind her. Now that the afterglow was fading, the youngest Tendo girl didn't seem particularly thrilled by the interruption. “So, Daddy's friend, did he bring that son of his?”

Kasumi nodded. “Yes, and ‘he’s’ not what I expected.”

Akane blinked. “He isn’t?”

“No, she isn’t.”

“He’s a girl?!”

Downstairs Ranma stopped stomping on her Panda Dad’s neck and raised an eyebrow when he heard Akane’s shout. “Huh?”

A moment later Akane came rushing into the living room, skidding to a halt and laying eyes upon Ranma as she laid eyes upon her. Their first thoughts were identical.

She’s so cute.

Oh my God those titties.

Well, more or less.

Akane, however, was the one to make the first move darting over to the side of the Redhead in a flash. This had the side effect of displacing the Panda into a wall, but no one cares about him.

“Hi I’m Akane.” Akane asked, smiling as innocently as she could with all the nasty thoughts dancing in her head as she took in the curvaceous, short and redheaded beauty sitting before her.

Ranma was smiling herself, as much at her as at Genma being jammed headfirst into the wall. “I’m Ranma.”

Akane nodded before she finally noticed the bear. “Is that a panda?”

“Oh yeah, him. He’s been following me since China... I don’t know why but he’s been really helpful to me, and he’s really smart too. Well for a dumb bear at least.”

“He’s wearing pants, what a silly old bear.” Grabbing Genma by the seat of them, Akane yanked Genma’s head out of the wall. “Are you okay Mr. Panda?”

Genma just let out a grunt, and then glowered at Ranma.

Akane sat back with Ranma, and sidled right up against her. For her merit, Ranma was taken a bit off-guard by the girl’s sudden forwardness... for all of a second.

Ho-shit, I haven't even revealed I'm a dude and she already wants my cock.

“Now, now, don’t get ahead of yourself, Akane-chan,” Kasumi toned as she sat down. “Ranma-chan just got here.”

“I was just introducing myself,” Akane replied before she looked to Ranma. “So, you’re the martial artist Daddy’s told us so much about.”

Ranma nodded. “I hear he’s told you a lot.”

Akane nodded. “Yes, though some of it’s a little far-fetched. I mean... did you really fight your way out to escape North Korea?”

Ranma gave the Panda a surreptitious look. “Ah... we fought our way out of a Korea...”

“Oh, an international incident?” Akane asked with a cringe.

“Let’s just say because of my old man we’re Persona non Grata.”

Genma quietly took that, because he knew whose fault that really was.

Akane laughed. “Our Dads are a lot alike, then. He’s banned from Taiwan because of what he did for his old Master.”

At the very mention of that person, the Panda visibly cringed. It went unnoticed by everyone else.

“So, are you a martial artist?” Ranma asked.

Akane nodded. “All three of us are, but I’m the strongest.”

“And the most humble,” Kasumi joked.

Ranma gave Akane the old once-over. The youngest Tendo sister was certainly toned like she kept herself busy in the dojo. She was slimmer than Kasumi, but still had a dynamite body like the kind Ranma loved to have wrapped around her when a him.

Oh man, the things I will do to you, she thought to herself before she cleared her throat. “Really now, the strongest?”

Akane smirked and licked her lips. “I’d be happy to show you.”

She then blinked and sat back in surprise. Before Ranma could ask why, a pair of hands slid up her sides to cup and squeeze her breasts, sending a jolt of pleasure through the boy-turned-girl that startled her. “AH!”

Her gasp of surprise turned into a shriek of fright as she scrambled away from her groper, a girl mysterious girl wreathed in shadows who simply laughed.

“Sis!” Akane yelled, to which the mysterious girl draped in shadows simply laughed.

“Nabiki-chan!” Kasumi admonished.

“I have to make an entrance don’t I?” The missing sister Nabiki Tendo, 17, said with a dramatic relish. With a shake of her head, the shadows over her melted away, leaving a sight that caused Ranma’s heart to skip a beat. Standing before her was a busty girl between Kasumi and Akane in height, wearing a blue very low cut blouse with a matching choker around her neck, a black miniskirt and matching leggings that reached halfway up her thighs. Her eyes roaming back up, she stopped when she got to Nabiki’s face and couldn’t even see the girl’s eyes, which were covered by a pair of designer sunglasses framed by her bobbed brown hair. A tremble of something decidedly not pleasure rippled down the redhead’s spine.

Nabiki raised a hand, and free form popped the knuckles, sending a tremor up the wiry muscles of her arm. “Didn’t onee-chan just say to not get ahead of yourself?”

Despite the very embodiment of fear that seethed from Nabiki, Akane didn't budge. In fact she doubled down, pulling Ranma onto her lap and nuzzling her. “I wasn’t getting ahead of myself, I was just offering Ranma a chance to see what I’m really capable of.”

“A-ah?” Ranma squirmed a bit. After being felt up by the middle Tendo, she was feeling kind of weird and the hostile aura emanating from her was not helping it.

“Don’t let Nabiki intimidate you, she may have a scary bark but her bite’s more of a nibble.”

When Nabiki's eyes narrowed behind her sunglasses, Akane chuckled and dared her to “nibble” with a sharp look of her own.

Nabiki took a seat at the table and huffed in amusement. “I’m just saying, we haven’t even discussed the arrangement and you’re acting like she’s already your wife.”

“I am not.” Even as she said this, Akane was caressing Ranma’s stomach, just under her bountiful breasts.

As conscious as Ranma was about the proximity of Akane’s hands to her boobs, she was more concerned about this arrangement she hadn’t heard of until now. “Arrangement?”

“Just something stupid Daddy came up with.” Akane said, feeling the taut muscles underneath that soft looking skin. Soft exterior with a deep meaty undertone, my favorite...


And like a an electric shock had gone through her, Akane relented and let Ranma slip off her lap. She bowed her head, avoiding eye-contact with Kasumi “Ah, sorry... I’ll stop.”

Relieved that girls weren’t getting grabby with her body, Ranma was at the same time a little unnerved by the sudden dip in Kasumi’s tone when she said her youngest sister’s name, but as soon as it had happened, it was gone and she was back to her warm, pleasant self. “Thank you.”

Ranma looked to Nabiki, who was sizing her up in the same way Akane had a moment before. Hot damn, does this Tendo guy have the gene for super hotness in his blood?

Nabiki smirked. “Like what you see?”

Oh God yes. Ranma looked away from her. “I suppose you like what you see, with the way you’re looking me over...”

“What can I say? I’m a sucker for red hair and yours is gorgeous,” Nabiki admitted. “I’m a little sad I’ve got a hot date lined up, or I’d be taking you out.”

Akane bristled a bit.

Ranma however could feel her manly pride burning up. If only I was a guy right now... that date of yours wouldn’t even be a distant memory! God, this stupid cursed form is driving me nuts!

“It’s nice that we’re all getting along, but we do have a problem,” Kasumi pointed out.

Akane quickly nodded. “Yeah, great as it is that Ranma’s a girl the arrangement’s all messed up now.”

Ranma looked back to Akane before her eyes darted to Kasumi. “Yeah, that’s right. What’s the deal with this whole arrangement thing?”

“Your father never mentioned it?” Akane asked, though considering Ranma was a girl, maybe he didn’t think to.

“Uh, no.”

Kasumi explained it. “Well before any of us were born, our fathers agreed to marry their children to unite their two schools of Indiscriminate Grappling. Presumably, one of us was to be married to you.”

“Wh-wh-whaaaat?!” Ranma shouted in surprise, though internally she was praising her father. You... you wonderful old bastard, I could kiss you right now!

“There’s nothing to be upset over.” Nabiki said flatly, shaking her head. “With no ‘son’, there simply isn’t an engagement.”

“Not that it matters!” Akane said cheerfully. “I don’t think less of you for not being a boy."

“I’ll say,” Nabiki said. “But it can’t mean anything good for the arrangement. I mean, Daddy puts up with a lot of things but I don’t think he’ll stand for us not being able to produce an heir.”

A gleam appeared in Ranma’s eyes at that. Sensing it, Genma rolled his eyes and sat back.

Akane nodded. “The only important thing is joining the schools, right? One of us marries her and then we sort out the heir thing later. We can always adopt or get a sperm donor...”

Ranma’s smirk grew and she folded her arms around her chest. “... Or I could become a guy.”

All three sisters stopped and stared at Ranma. “Eh?”

Ranma let out a sneaky chuckle and closed her eyes. “Forgive me for deceiving you, but I wanted to gauge your reactions, and find out your real motivations and feelings... but what you see before you is not my true form.”

The sisters shared looks amongst one another, and then back at Ranma before Nabiki lowered her sunglasses a bit to peer over them at Ranma. “Is that so?”

Ranma laughed again, and opened her eyes. “Yeah, while we were in China, my old man brought me to a legendary training ground called Jusenkyo–a dangerous place filled with cursed springs-”

“And you fell into one and became a girl,” Kasumi finished for her.

“Yes, that’s exactly-” Ranma stopped and blinked. “W-what?”

Genma too was surprised.

“So it is a real place,” Akane said in amazement. “I thought those old books of Grandpa’s were all more of his lies.”

Kasumi was similarly amazed. “And you really are a boy...”

Nabiki sat back. “So you’re cursed into a girl, can you change back?”

After being thrown off her footing by the girls already knowing about Jusenkyo, Ranma suddenly reclaimed her dramatic flair and coolly smirked. “Oh, I can change back. All it takes is a little warm water, and I’m one hundred percent male again.”

With that in consideration, Nabiki gestured to the tea kettle. “Well then, show us.”

Akane shifted from side to side where she sat, looking a bit like a cat about to pounce on something while she watched Ranma with thereabouts the same level of interest. Kasumi brought a hand to her cheek and watched nearly as intently. Underneath such scrutiny, Ranma basked in it.

If they think this girl side of mine is interesting, the real deal is going to blow them away! she thought triumphantly as she picked up the kettle and rested her hand against it to make sure it wasn’t too hot. Satisfied, she grinned to the Tendo sisters. “Prepare to have your minds blown.”

She poured the water onto the top of her head, and in an instant she went from being a short and adorable red-haired pigtailed girl to a tall and roguishly handsome black-haired pigtailed man, properly filling out the once baggy red shirt and black pants with his masculine form. Dropping the kettle to the floor at his side, Ranma whipped his head from side to side, flinging the excess water out of his hair.

“Ladies,” he said as droplets of water hung from his fantastic black locks and rolled perfectly down his smooth skin, “contain your orgasms.”

They did, admirably so, but they were still plenty amazed.

“Whoa,” Nabiki purred at the sight of the young man before her. Akane was of the same thought, as she drank in the sight like a tall cool glass of water on a hot day.

Even Kasumi was impressed. “Oh my...”

Genma put his face in his paw, as Ranma ran his fingers through his damp hair and smirked. “This is the real me, the real Ranma Saotome.”

“Mm... Nabiki like.” For many reasons, the Middle Tendo sister could count.

Kasumi nodded. “Well, I guess we don’t have to worry about the arrangement... aside from who is going to marry you.”

If Ranma could, he’d marry all three of them. There was no way he’d be able to settle for just one of these amazing girls.

“That... that is so amazing!” Akane finally declared. “You... you’re totally the best of both worlds! You’re super cute as a guy, and even hotter as a girl!”

Ranma was a bit taken aback at that. “Huh? No, forget about my girl half. I don’t even like being a girl.”

All three sisters stopped and stared at Ranma, before they responded at the same time. “Eh?”

Missing the slight slip in the mood, Ranma shook his head. “It may be ‘cute’ but that cursed body is nothing but a pain to me, the less I’m a girl the better.”

There was a bit of silence, before Akane asked. “So... you don’t like being able to transform into a girl?”

Ranma shook his head. “No way, I’m weaker, my clothes don’t fit, and those tits get in the way when I do anything. Frankly I’m not even sure how real girls put up with those.”

Akane closed her mouth and looked to her sisters.

Nabiki gave it a shot. “So, you’re not interested in any of the possibilities? Any questions about girls that being a girl could answer? The opportunity to experience things no man ever could?”

The pigtailed boy closed his eyes and folded his arms. “No way, I’m a man and nothing else, even if I can change into girl.” He opened them and smirked. “In fact, when I get to China the first thing I’m doing is going back to Jusenkyo so I can become one hundred percent male again!”

The three sisters looked back and forth between one another,

Nabiki’s interest fell through the floor and kept going. It’d reach the Earth’s core by morning. “How... boring.”

Ranma recoiled in shock. “Boring?!”

Kasumi agreed with Nabiki’s assertion. “Well, you’re a boy who can turn into a girl. That’s so interesting and there’s so many possibilities that we could all explore and you’re not even the least bit curious about it. It seems like such a waste.”

“Damn right I’m not curious about it, because I’m a man!” Ranma shot back. “Boring, feh... how can you call this...” He jumped to his feet and struck a pose, flexing his muscles a bit for the girls. “... Boring?!”

Nabiki nodded. “Yeah, you’re not even a ten.”

And then Ranma got indignant. “Not even a-?! I’m a ten at least!”

Akane huffed. “Eh, a four... five tops.”

“We’ve seen a lot of handsome boys,” Kasumi added.

“None better looking than me!” Ranma argued.

Nabiki raised her eyebrows. “Aren’t you full of yourself.”

Akane too was even more turned off, something she’d never would’ve imagined after first meeting her. “His personality’s got him down to a two.”

He was demoted?! “You girls wouldn’t know a handsome boy if he came up and fucked you in the ass!”

Genma was lying on the floor, covering his mouth with both forepaws to muffle his hysterical laughter.

Ranma was too annoyed to deal with him. “What would you sheltered Daddy’s Girls even know about boys anyway, huh?!”

The Tendo Sisters all reacted to that as if a jolt shot through all of them. Nabiki looked to Akane at her right, and then Kasumi at her left, before she smirked up at Ranma. “You don’t know?”

Kasumi and Akane were suddenly amused as well, which worried Ranma out of his indignation. “Know what?”

Kasumi brought her hand to her mouth. “What a silly boy, no wonder he tried to be a show-off.”

“You came all this way to meet us without knowing anything about us?” Nabiki asked with bold incredulity. “From how deep up China’s asshole did you crawl out, kiddo?”

“Hey, Pops never told me anythin’ about you except for how hot you all were. But if my attitude is a turnoff, then yours is making my dick shrink back into my body!”

“No big loss, it wasn’t like you’re about to use it on any of us,” Nabiki shot back.

“Zero out of ten, will not bang,” Akane said.

Kasumi regarded Ranma with a careful look, as he really started to seethe under Nabiki and Akane’s tag-team attack. He was on the verge of saying or doing something he’d really regret and it became obvious as his anger manifested into a spiteful smirk.

“Oh I get it, with how you were all over my girl side, I guess I should’ve seen it sooner that you were all a bunch of dy-” Ranma stopped when Kasumi rested her fingers on his lip. He grew wide-eyed at the speed the eldest Tendo had moved from one side of the table to directly in front of him, having barely even tracked her, and quickly fell onto his back to crawl back while flailing to keep her back. “What the-?!”

Kasumi sighed and put her hands on her hips. “It’s not that we don’t like boys, or aren’t attracted to them, Ranma-kun. We love boys in fact, it’s just that boys like you who think every attractive woman they meet is for sticking their dick into.”

Ranma balked further when Kasumi gently tore him a new one with her soft words. “Uh...”

“I’m so disappointed, really. When you first arrived at the door, you were such an interesting surprise, so cute and sexy at the same time! But underneath all of that wrapping, you’re just a brass figurine. Cheap, the kind a tourist would find in a convenience store and pass on with a laugh.” She let her hands drop from her hips, and shook her head. “And we’ll have to do the same with you.”

Nabiki certainly laughed at the look on Ranma’s face.

“W-what... hey... what about the engagement?!” Ranma quickly got up.

“What about it?” Akane’s derisive tone slashed into Ranma.

“It’s called off, on account of there being a lack of a Saotome son,” Nabiki added.

Ranma got back up onto his feet, furious. “More like a lack of Tendo daughters, because all I see are just some stuck-up girls who’ll never get a man with their attitudes! I’ve nailed girls who’d make you wish you had the privilege to wipe their ass, I don’t need to shack up with any of you, let alone settle down!”

Kasumi was actually given pause by that. Nabiki and Akane looked to each other, and then back to Kasumi, vested as if something interesting was going to happen now. It certainly did, as Kasumi’s expression shifted from gentle and reserved to a twisted sneer with just a slight upward tilt of her head and narrowing of her eyes.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” she suddenly exclaimed. “I didn’t realize that being able to stick your dick into a few easy girls suddenly made you such a connoisseur of women!”

Ranma backed up, unnerved by Kasumi’s suddenly haughty tone and look. Still, he tried to stand his ground. “A few easy girls?! I-”

“Trashy girls who fell for what little you have going for you. Of course, any lesser woman would easily fall for your smile and your body... long enough for you to pump them and dump them, right?”

Genma could not be happier, he honestly could not.

Were Kasumi’s words a lance, Ranma would’ve been skewered clean through by them right in the gut. As he doubled over under the weight of the attack, Kasumi cupped his cheek and tilted his head up to look at her face to face. “Ranma-kun, we’re not those trashy low-end whores you’ve given it up to, compared to them we are the cream of the crop, God’s gift to men and women. And compared to us? You are pig-feed.”

When Ranma opened his mouth to snap back, she drew her hand from his cheek a few inches and slapped him hard enough for it to sting. “Don’t say a word, just get out of our house... before Akane-chan throws you out.”

Akane got up onto her feet with that, cracking her knuckles, while Nabiki stood and folded her arms as if to dare him to try anything.

Balking, Ranma opened his mouth to try to get a final say in, but Kasumi slapped him again. “I said get out.”

That stung even harder. Glowering at her, Ranma looked back at Genma. “Forget this place!”

“Leave the Panda.”

Ranma whirled around, but before he could protest, Akane had grabbed him by his face. Behind her, Kasumi nodded over to Nabiki, who spoke. “Since the engagement is off, we’re going to need something from the Saotome family, so the panda will do. He’s cute.”

Kasumi walked over to the patio door and opened it. “Akane-chan, remove this sack of pig-feed from our house.”

“With gusto,” Akane replied as she marched Ranma to the door, slapped something onto his back and threw him high into the sky. Turning towards her sisters, she clapped her hands together. “School of Indiscriminate Grappling Ultimate Finishing Technique...”

As a bewildered Ranma reached the apex of his flight, he noticed a hissing sound over the air rushing past his ears. Looking around for the source, he realized it was from something attached to his back and removed it to find a baseball-sized bomb just as the fuse burned its way inside.

“... Happo Daikarin,” Akane finished as the bomb exploded with tremendous force, sending a screaming Ranma even higher and further into the sky.

Kasumi immediately reverted to her gentler self, and clapped her hands together. “That was wonderful, Akane-chan!”

“Ten outta ten,” Nabiki congratulated.

“Well, with that out of the way, I guess I’ll go back upstairs and pick up where I left off,” Akane said as she walked towards the stairs while removing her shirt.

Nabiki checked her watch. “I’m almost late for my date, I’d better mosey too. Are you going to be fine with the panda, Kasumi?”

“Of course, I’ll set aside that old guestroom for him, and get dinner started...” Kasumi trailed off when Genma began to chuckle. All three sisters looked towards the panda and to their surprise found an older man wearing the same karate gi and wide-rimmed glasses as he poured the contents of the tea kettle onto his head. “... Ara?”

Still chuckling, Genma set down the water and slowly clapped his hands in applause. “... Ahh... you girls have made my day. After putting up with that fool boy of mine all this way, it’s nice to see him finally get taken down to size.”

All three sisters reacted with surprise, as Kasumi realized it. “... Y-you...? You’re Uncle Genma, aren’t you!”

As Nabiki and Akane looked back and forth between the Panda-turned-Man, their sister, and each other, Genma chuckled once again. “That’s right. I have to hand it to the boy, he never once thought to try pouring some warm water on me the whole way back from China, nor considered that I was his old man despite wearing his clothes and carrying his pack.”

Almost immediately, Kasumi became reproachful. “Oh my! I’m sorry, Uncle Genma, if we had known...”

Genma waved his hand. “There’s no need for that. That fool son of mine needed his ass handed to him, but even using Master’s ultimate technique he’s not going to take this lying down. Ranma never loses, and he’s probably telling himself that right now.”

Nabiki huffed. “So what, he’s going to try to get revenge on us?”

“Of course not, he’d never hurt a woman unless it was in a fight. But, his pride’s been wounded and he’s going to go far to fix that by proving you wrong.”

Kasumi folded her arms and hummed. “Well, if it’ll make him a better man-”

Genma laughed hysterically again, cutting her off. “Oh no, in his mind he’s always been the better man. I suppose that’s my fault with how I trained him, but he’s not going to try to meet your expectations, no... he’s going to try to prove to you that he was always the man you wanted, you just don’t realize it yet.”

“Ugh!” Akane grunted in disgust.

“Of course,” Nabiki said with another eye-roll.

After taking a moment’s consideration, Kasumi went to her knees respectfully before Genma. “Uncle Genma, I would like to propose something.”

Genma raised an eyebrow. “Yes, Kasumi-chan?”

“I have an idea to humble your son and ensure that our schools are still joined in the end. Though... not in the way you and our Father originally intended.”

Nabiki and Akane both hummed in interest, once Kasumi finished speaking. It wasn’t often that their older sister took such proactive leads, but when they did they were interesting enough. Genma too was intrigued, as he scratched his chin. His fool of a son was an incorrigible lout at his worse, but when taken to task and truly brought low, there were still a glimpse of a decent human being in there. If Kasumi had a plan to put that fool boy in his proper place, then he too wanted to see where this would go.

“Let’s hear your idea, Kasumi-chan.”

Kasumi smiled.