Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Past and Future ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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"The Secret Of

Life Is Enjoying The

Passage Of Time."

James Taylor

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"Gotcha, Ryo!" ORanma grabbed the little six-year-old boy who was now giggling, fear of being yelled at gone at the use of his nickname. Once he got a secure grip on Ryo, ORanma took a swift leap off the roof to land in front of OUkyo without a sound.

"Auntie Uko!" Ryo escaped from his father's arms to latch onto OUkyo's leg.

"Hey there, honey!" She reached down to tug on the quickly growing blue-black pigtail. "Now Ryo sweetie, tell me, what were you doing on the roof?" Ryo jumped away and gave a clumsy roundhouse kick.

"'Cause I'm a martial artist like Dad, an' martial artists go places by roofs, you did too, Autie Uko, 'member? It was before ya got yer big tummy!" With that explanation out, Ryo prepared to run of again. He was quickly halted by a hand snagging his shirt.

"Not so fast, squirt!"

"But, Dad. . I wanna go practice. . " He looked up at ORanma with a face that would crumble any parent.

"Alright, Ryo, but the next time I catch you on that roof. . . " ORanma's warning was lost, however, due to the little boy speeding off to the dojo as soon as the 'alright' was uttered.

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Akane groaned and threw her pillow across the room in disgust. Okay Akane, enough crying. . . this is your future. . with or. . w-without him. . . She slowly sat up, pushing back the soft coverlet, and caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her mouth hanging half open in a silent gasp, she stepped up to the mirror to examine her future reflection. Her blue-black hair was kept short, cut to softly frame the face that had lost all of its baby fat, Hmmm, no wrinkles yet. . I guess, I guess that means I'm happy. . Her body was still trim, lightly muscled and ample in all the right places. Akane smoothed the silky material of the pale yellow nightgown across her stomach and down her sides, and sighed. At least Ryoga doesn't mind my big hips. . she thought with a sad smile. She then proceeded to go through her wardrobe. She ended up selecting a soft white cotton dress that went slightly past her knees. After slipping her feet into the house slippers she found next to the bed and running a quick brush through her hair, Akane ventured into the hallway. She immediately spotted her room, or rather, what was her room. Akane walked up to the door to gently trace the newly carved letters on the hanging duck. Ranko? Could this be. . my daughter?

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OAkane rushed into her old room, shutting the door tightly behind her. Whew! That was close. . too close. Akane, you dummy! You almost gave yourself away. . . She leaned heavily against the wooden door, catching her breath. She smiled in relief as she heard Kasumi mention that it was Sunday. Well, at least I don't have to go to school today, although it might be fun to punt Kuno a mile away again and not get in trouble for it, now that he and Nabiki are. . her thoughts broke off into a soft giggle. She straightened and walked to the closet and slid the door open. Hmmm. . well since it Is Sunday, I should do something, but what? OAkane gave the full closet a wide grin. Ice cream seems like a good start. . I wonder if Ranma will want to go with me. . as a guy. Probably not, our relationship seemed like it was still in its denial stage downstairs. Her eyes took on a wicked gleam as she hunted through the clothes. This could be more fun than I thought. . She squealed in delight as she found what was once her favorite dress, smooth white cotton with pale lavender flowers embroidered into the edges of the modestly swooping neck and the bottom edges of the skirt. I remember how upset I was when I found this dress ruined. . it's funny but I never found out how it happened.

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Ranma gave a tired sigh and turned off the telivision. Nothin' on except that stupid girl with the meatball heads. . hehe, kinda reminds me of Shampoo. . . Jeez, I'm bored, there's nothin' going on today, well except that weird thing with Akane. . On second thought, that's nothing new, she's always been kinda weird. . Hmmm. . What to do. . study? Yeah. . right. Could try an' find Ryoga to spar a little. Wait, who am I kidding? He's prob'ly lost in a closet or somethin' . . Well, if all else fails, I guess I could ask that dumb tomboy to do-

"Ranma!" He jumped up from his lounging position in surprise.

"Akane! I. . ah. . well. . " Ranma threw up, what he hoped to be, a casual wave. "Yo."

"Want to go get some ice cream? My treat!"

"Ummm, I don't know. . . " she smiled up at him, "Ah.. Okay, just let me go change fir-hey!" He found himself getting dragged out the door.

"I don't think so, Ranma You want some ice cream, you're eating it as a guy!"

"Come on, Akane, how many times do I havta tell ya, real guys don't eat-"

"If your coming with me, you're staying male!" OAkane glanced back at his flopping form, daggers shooting from her eyes. Ranma, in response, threw up his hands in the 'I'm innocent, please don't hurt me' pose.

"Jeez! Ok, ok already, I'll go."

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"You want to share a banana split?"

"Uh. . yeah. . sure," after a few minutes of akward silence, they were seated with their ice cream.

"Hey, Ranma?"


"I know you're still hung up over this whole 'guys don't eat ice cream' thing, but your letting all this great stuff go to waste," OAkane's eyes flashed briefly, "all this good stuff that I paid for. . "

"I'm eatin' I eatin'!!" OAkane giggled as Ranma dug into the sundae in a frenzy.

"Mmmm, I wish we had done this more often," she sighed with contentment.


"Oh! Um, I mean, we should do this more often, don't you think?"

"I'm all for it,"

"Really?" Never thought he'd admit it that soon. . .maybe we're further along in our relationship than I thought.

"As long as you're payin'" Guess I was wrong.

"Ranma, you jerk!" The male in question yelped and covered his head with his arms. Oh, boy. I'm in for it now *tap* huh? Ranma looked up in time to see OAkane pocket a very tiny mallet and then look back up at him with a mischievous grin.

"I don't think so, Ranma, next time," she reached out to poke his forehead, "you're paying or else I might get a little angry." At her smile, Ranma lost his worry and began to smile himself as he listened to her gentle teasing. There was a shining sparkle in her eyes, bright sunshine in her smile, and a cheerful lilt in her voice; things that made Ranma's heart beat faster, things that made his breath quicken, things that she seldom did just for him that brought a faint blush to his cheek. Whatever's makin' her act like this, I sure hope it stays. He lifted his spoon, about to swallow what it held when OAkane's expression caught his eyes.

"What is it?"

"Are you really going to eat the last cherry?" She looked at him with a pouting expression.

"You tryin' to tell me you want it?" She nodded. I hope this doesn't scare him off, but he needs a little push. . I forgot how shy he was alone with me before we got married.

"Pretty please. . . " Ranma swallowed hard.

"Um. . . okay. . " He prepared to dump the cherry on her spoon when she smiled and opened her mouth invitingly. What?!? She wants me to. . . His face turned so red that OAkane thought it might explode as he watched her lick her lips. The hand that lifted the spoon began to tremble as it headed towards her waiting mouth. She successfully held back her smile at his obviously nervous antics as she leaned forward. This is so much easier to do when you know how someone really feels about you. The spoon descended slowly and OAkane closed her lips around the cherry, pulling back slowly, taking with her the stray juices. Finally detatching herself, OAkane closed her eyes and let out a thoroughly satisfied sigh. Her smile broke loose when she heard a gulp come from the boy sitting across from her. When did she get so cute? His eyes widened ever more, if that was possible, when OAkane scooped up some strawberry and began to advance toward him.

"Open wide. . " His jaw seemed to be frozen shut, so she reached forward to gently pry his mouth open by pressing slightly on his chin. She let the spoon slip in and out, depositing the contents on the way. Afterwards, she looked at Ranma's still shocked face and began to giggle. That finally brought him out of his stupor.

"Hey! What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing. . it's just the look on your face. . and the fact that you have a little, oh here, let me get it," she leaned over the table once more until her nose was an inch from his. Her hand came forward to wipe the cream from below his lower lip and then proceeded to let her thumb pass over his lips. Taking advantage of his sharp intake of breath, OAkane rubbed the cream gently on the soft insides of his mouth. His tongue automatically was drawn out to gather the sweet substance, catching her thumb on the way. A-Akane. . When she didn't immediatly pull away, he hesitantly sipped the remaining taste from her finger, his slate blue eyes locked on hers. He nearly fainted then and there when she let out a soft sigh. I can't believe he did that, I guess a little nudge in the right direction goes a long way. . . She leaned forward even further to attempt something more when-

"Airen!" *Glomp* "Wo ai ni!" Shampoo. . .long time no see. . . OAkane watched in amused silence as Ranma struggled to pull out of the persistent Amazon's tight grasp. It's funny how many times I wished that I could be better than her and Ukyo, in combat, in cooking. . . But it never mattered to him, he loved me for the way I was. . for the way I am. . . she felt her temper begin to swell slightly as Shampoo continued to mash her cleavage against Ranma. Although, I am from the future, meaning that I can remember all the training Ranma gave me. . .I don't think it would be wrong to give the past Akane a little less of a headache. . .

"Hey, Shampoo!"

"What you want violent kitchen-destroyer?"

"I challenge you!"