Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ United Forever ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
United Forever Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction by Anime Writer 2000 rated:R Angst/Romance Akane/Ranma
Disclaimer:I don't own Ranma 1/2 or any of the characters.

Sumarry of United Forever:
What if Ranchan lost the eating contest against Piccole & she was forced to marry him,but she's
to weak to fight,what will happen next & what about Akane. R+R please

A/N:This is some weird Idea I had last night ,I think its original ,lets see how
it turns out,short or long ,F's & R's welcome(some yuri hints Ranchan/Akane but nothing serious) ok

United Forever Chapter 1

*No,how could this be,I can't loose ,what will I do* thought Ranchan schoked & frustrated ,she would have to
marry that disguisting man.

"Hah,I told you darling,that I would win,I'm the best,haha,tomorrow we will get married,no today,I must have
you right now ,I simply can't wait any longer" he said coldly.

"No,Ranma but how,I'm so sorry " sobbed Akane collapsing to the floor in tears.

Ranma watched her ,before he could say anithing to her,everithing was blury,he was so weak ,his
bones hurt so much,everithing went blank ,& he collapsed of hunger.

"Ranma NO" yelled Akane ,but she couldn't get close to Ranchan ,there was nothing she could do ,Ranma
was to weak to fight ,theres no telling what the bastard would do to "her" while she was uncouncious.

Next,chapter 2 of 3