Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ United Forever ❯ Chapter2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2 of United Forever

Ranchan woke up to the horrible pain that surged through all her body,especially between her legs,
her fine dress was shreded to little pieces on the floor,that son of a bitch had been fucking her
all night long while she was uncouncious,it hurt so much ,the pain was intense,there was no pleasure
for her at all ,she was a man,but he just kept fucking her every second,each stronger & more painful.

Ranchan was to weak to protest,he was raping him ,taking away his virginity,& he could do nothing,the
only thing that distracted him from the horrible pain was Akanes sweet image on his head,he only tought of
how much she had cared for him & how he had cared for her the last few days.

*I'm sorry Akane,I really wanted to be with you first,both of us for the first time,I'm sorry it wont
be like that*

"AHHHHH" Ranchan was cut out of her toughts by the horrible sting she felt between her legs,not
was she only hurt by the freaks brute movements but now his disguisting long toungue inside of her,it
stinged so much,Ranchan felt her councious fading,her last whisper before falling into uncounciousness
was "Akane"

She woke up,pain all over her body,her bones hurt so much,it hurt to move
*I wonder what else he did to me while I was out cold*,she soon found out looking at her body,it was
clear he did everithing,her niples were red,& stung,& so was another private part.

"How could I let this happen to me,he wont get away with it,I swear'she yelled.

" At least I got that darn iron corrset off,now I can change back ,it hurts so much to move" he wined.
" Ranma?" he heard a sweet voice from the door.
There was Akane,her eyes all watery,she was schoked at what she saw,she had pity in her eyes.
" Akane" was all that escaped his mouth.
She helped him get to the hot baths so he could change to regular boy Ranma ,without worriying about the corrset.

He diped in,after a few seconds,Ranma came out.

Dark black hair,dark blue eyes,that's something Akane hadn't seen for a while.

" Ranma,I'm so glad your ok" she said jumping in & hugging him.
They stayed like that for a while ,they had pure love for eachother,it could be seen in there eyes.

Ranma wanted to make love to her there with no second toughts,but his body still acked.
" Ranma,maybe you should eat something you look weak" she sais worridly.

"Right ,ok" he answered
Genma Panda & Saon in womens close fighting over a piece of food in the backround
Ranma got painfully dressed,soon after Akane brought some food for him & a pain medicine that Dr.Tofu
gave her.

After a while Ranma was feeling much better.
" Thanks,Akane I needed that" he said.
" Anytime Ranma,"said Akane.
* Now is the right time he tought,he leaned closer to her,her brown eyes widened,their lips slowly met for quite
some time,after they broke the kiss Ranma had only 1 thing to say.
" Akane,I love you" he said sweetly.
"Really?"she asked starting to cry.
" Akane ,don't cry ,I wont let anithing bad ever happen to you"he said rubbing the tear off her beautiful face.
" I love you to" she answered.
Ranma took her in his embrance,they would make sweet love togheter,& it would be their special moment that nobody
could take away.

Next Chapter 3 the last chapter