Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Alliances ❯ Night Moves ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This was originally published by me under the name Anduril at Anime Addventures, with the only changes being a few corrections in spelling, punctuation and the occasional word choice. If you like the beginning of my story but think I've gone off the rails, or have your own ideas for a great branch-off, or think I'm taking too long to update and want to continue the story yourself, come to Anime Addventures and join in the fun!
I claim no ownership rights to any of the works of Rumiko Takahashi.
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Kasumi reclined in her bed, back propped up on pillows, only half her attention at best on the romance novel she was trying to read in the brightness of the overhead light. The rest of her attention was on the hallway outside her door, focusing like a laser on every sound, waiting.
I really hope tonight isn't one of the ones Ranma spends on the roof, she thought to herself after yet another false alarm. I know today's been ... different from the usual chaos, but ... Wait a minute, after today he'll have spent at least some time thinking up there, but he won't be coming up the stairs, there's the window!
Throwing back her blankets, Kasumi pulled on her robe and hurried to the room the Saotomes had been sleeping in since their arrival. She knocked on the door, then, when no answer came, quietly opened the door a crack and looked in — no Ranma.
Turning away in disappointment, Kasumi started back to her room, then stopped. Wait, what if he's already on the roof? she thought, and hurried to her room, threw open the window by her bed, and leaned out. “Ranma, are you up there?” she called out softly.
For a long moment there was no reply, then she heard Ranma's male voice respond, “Yeah, Kasumi, I'm up here. What d'ya need?”
“Could you come down here, please? There's something I have to talk to you about,” Kasumi called back.
Another long silence, then she heard him quietly walk along the roof toward her. “Get outta the way, I'm comin' in,” he instructed. The eldest Tendo stepped back, and a moment later Ranma swung through the window across the ledge running the length of the bedroom wall and landed on her bed. “Okay, Kasumi, what's up?” he asked nonchalantly as he swung his legs over to sit on the edge of the bed.
Kasumi simply gazed at the handsome young man of her dreams for a long moment, then sighed. “Ranma, I saw you and Akane in the dojo this afternoon,” she said, and Ranma stiffened in shock.
“I ... you ... we ... it wasn't ... okay, it was what it looked like, but ... but I don't ...” the pigtailed boy stammered, and Kasumi chuckled.
“But you don't understand why?” she asked, and Ranma nodded. “Relax, Ranma, I do. You were drugged — we all were, that's not what I need to talk to you about. What happened after I saw you? I'd have thought you and Akane would have finally relaxed around each other, but you are actually worse at dinner — as bad as you two were after she found out Ryoga is P-chan.”
Ranma had brightened at being told they'd been drugged, able to at least understand what had happened, but as Kasumi continued he winced, then braced his elbows on his legs and dropped his head into his hands. “I don't know, Kasumi, I really don't. After — well, after what ya saw in the dojo we went ta the furo. Everything was fine `til after I turned back inta a guy. When I wanted to ... well, to continue where we'd left off, Akane threw a fit, called me a pervert like always. Then, when I said we'd already been perverts together and what I wanted now was normal, she ... she started cryin' and threw me outta the furo room. I didn't see her again `til dinner.”
Kasumi sat down beside Ranma and put a comforting arm around his shoulders. “It wasn't your fault, Ranma, it's Kuno's and the Hentai Horde.” She quickly ran over what Nabiki's questioning had revealed, and Ranma straightened, brightening, then clouded up again.
“I'm glad it isn't anything I did, but ... but how are me and Akane supposed ta get together if she's scared of me?” he asked.
With an unseen bittersweet smile, Kasumi laid her head on his shoulder. “I wouldn't worry about it, Ranma,” she murmured. “Akane really does like you — a lot. The drug we were hit with proved that. She just needs time.”
Unconsciously, Ranma slid his arm around Kasumi's waist and pulled her against him. “I hope yer right,” he murmured. For a time the two simply sat quietly, Ranma lost in thought and Kasumi luxuriating in the feel of his warm body pressed against her.
Finally, Kasumi sat up straight with a sigh. Come on, Kasumi, time to get on with it, she thought. Besides, this isn't exactly going to be a hardship.
Swinging around to kneel before Ranma, she looked up seriously at the surprised boy. “Ranma, do you trust me?” she asked solemnly. “Not just on day-to-day things,” she added as Ranma started a knee-jerk agreement, “on the really important things — do you trust me?”
Ranma paused, struck by the seriousness of her tone, then nodded firmly. “A' course I do, Kasumi — yer about the only person besides Akane not ta care more about what ya can get outta me. I'd trust ya with my life.”
Finding herself tearing up at the reply, Kasumi stood up and pulled Ranma to his feet. “Good, then please trust me now,” she murmured huskily, and started opening the fastenings of Ranma's shirt.
“K-K-Kasumi, wh-what ...” Ranma stuttered, grabbing her hands.
“I can't explain right now, but I will eventually,” Kasumi promised.
“B-But Akane ...” Ranma managed to get out, before Kasumi pulled her hands free and put a finger to his lips.
“Little sis knows, and — well, `approves' would be a little strong. She understands the need,” Kasumi said wryly, her fingers resuming their task. “Please — trust me, as you said you do.”
Ranma nodded mutely as his shirt fell open. Kasumi slid the shirt off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor, and Ranma's eyes widened as she dropped to her knees and her hands went to the waistband of his drawstring pants. “Kasumi, are ya sure `bout this?” he asked as her hands worked at his pants' ties.
She looked up at his questioning face with a smiling nod as she pulled his pants and boxers to the floor. “Sit down, Ranma,” she ordered softly as she went to work on the ties around his ankles. Quickly getting them untied, she waited until Ranma collapsed back onto the edge of her bed, then pulled the clothing over his feet and shoved it to the side and stood up. “Oh, my!” she murmured at the sight of his stiffening cock.
Your turn, girl, she thought with an eager grin as she removed her robe and started to strip off her bedclothes. Within seconds she had her nightshift off over her head, stepped out of her panties and tossed them to the side, and straightened, giving Ranma his first view of her naked body.
Ranma's eyes widened as they travelled over the body of the tallest of the three sisters, focusing first on her large, firm breasts, nipples crinkling in anticipation, down along her smooth stomach, over her shaved pubic mound to finally focus on her already dampening nether lips. “Beautiful ...” he whispered, and Kasumi blushed lightly in pleasure.
“Thank you,” she said, dropping again to her knees, then reached out to run her fingers along his erect manhood. “And from this, I'd say you mean it,” she added with a wicked grin, and Ranma gasped as she bent forward and ran her tongue along its length, circled it around the head, then kissed the head before slowly sliding the rod into her mouth as far as it would comfortably go.
Ranma groaned as Kasumi's head began to bob, his hands going to her head as one of her hands circled his erection under her mouth to rise and fall in time with her mouth. Her other hand slipped between her spread legs to run along her folds then begin rubbing gently, then more vigorously, at her clit. “Oh, kami, that feels good,” he gasped, then moaned as her tongue circled around his dick. For a time, the room was silent except for Ranma's moans and whispered encouragement to an eager Kasumi as his hips began to buck slightly in time with her bobbing head.
Finally, Ranma grasped Kasumi's head, stopping it in place. At her questioning look, he said, “Kasumi, this is great, but if ya keep it up I'm gonna come.”
Lifting her head, she simply said, “Good,” and lowered her mouth to resume her attentions. Within minutes she felt the rod filling her mouth swell and explode, and Ranma fought down a bellow as he pumped his seed down her throat. Kasumi swallowed hastily, only a little escaping around his dick to trickle down her chin. Sitting back on her heels, she smiled up at her new lover. “Thank you, it's been a long time,” she said as she ran a finger along her chin to catch the spillage, then sucked it clean.
A stunned speechless Ranma nodded, then his eyes widened even further as she once again leaned down to suck at his somewhat softened member. “Kasumi?” he whispered, and she looked up at him as she felt his erection again springing fully to life in her mouth.
Pulling back and rising to her feet, she smiled down at him. “Oh, we aren't done yet,” she said eagerly. Turning around, she put a leg on either side of Ranma's lap and lowered herself toward his crotch even as a hand dropped between her legs to grasp his manhood, guiding it so that its head ran along her wet slit, then positioned it at her opening and groaned deep in the back of her throat as she sank down, driving it deep up into her. “Oh, Ranma, you're so big, that feels so good!” she gasped as she felt herself so pleasantly filled again. “Oh, I've missed this so much!”
Ranma just groaned as she started to bounce, his hands running up along her sides, then around to cup Kasumi's bouncing breasts. “Oh, yes, play with my breasts, squeeze my breasts, milk my breasts ...” Kasumi gasped out as she bounced, lost in the pleasure she'd longed after for two long years.
But even as she bounced and gasped out encouragement to Ranma, there was something niggling at the back of her mind, something bothering her, something off.... And then she had it — her door was open a crack. Thinking back as best she could through the mounting tide of pleasure washing through her, she was sure she'd closed the door when she'd come back from Ranma's room. So how ... Or rather, `who', she thought. So let's see ...
The now sweat-covered, trembling girl slammed to a stop on Ranma's lap, gasping now from more than just pleasure. “I'm ... a little ... out ... of shape,” she wheezed, then twisted around for her first kiss from her secret love. Breaking away, she smiled slightly at the faint growl she'd been listening for. Akane, she thought. Well, if she wants to watch let's give little sis a show.
Turning back to face the door, still filled by Ranma's length, she leaned back against him, his arms dropping from her breasts to circle her waist. “Just give me a moment,” she murmured, and waited as her tremors slowly eased off.
Finally, as the last tremors faded away, she stepped up from Ranma's lap and dropped down onto her hands and knees, facing the floor. “Come one, lover, it's your turn to do the work,” she said, looking over her shoulder, and a now grinning Ranma dropped from the bed to his knees behind her.
“You got it,” he said enthusiastically, and reached down to guide his manhood back into its tight, wet, hot temporary home. Kasumi threw her head back with a squeal of delight as he buried himself in her to the hilt, then began to vigorously piston into her.
Kasumi glanced at her cracked open doorway through slitted eyes even as she began to rock back to meet Ranma's eager thrusts, but try as she might she couldn't see exactly who was watching from the hallway. So with an inward shrug and an Oh, well, I'll know for sure in a minute, she abandoned thought to the once again rising pleasure building inside her, radiating in waves from her oh-so-pleasantly filled vagina until finally the pressure exploded through her and out in a scream of release even as her convulsing tunnel slammed down on Ranma's cock, and he gave out a deep groan as his seed once again erupted into Kasumi to fill her to overflowing.
In the room next door, Nabiki winced slightly at the scream. Wow, who'd have thought big sis had it in her? she thought in wonder, even as she turned up the volume on her MP3 player again. I'll have to see if I can do something about getting her a regular boyfriend — tomorrow.
Slowly, Kasumi levered her head back up from the floor where her collapsing arms had deposited it and looked up toward the door. Forcing a momentary pause in her gasps, she pointed at the floor in front of her. “Okay, little sis, in here right now!” she ordered sternly.
After a long moment, the door swung open and a furiously blushing Akane walked in, dressed in nothing but a T-shirt and obviously soaked panties, eyes on the floor. Kasumi glanced at Akane's hands — yes, one was glistened with her sister's juices — as she felt Ranma slip out of her as he fell back in shock, his seed running down the inside of her thighs. Akane?” he whispered, but his fiancée simply continued staring at the floor without a word.
As the aftershocks of her orgasm died down, Kasumi stood up and grabbed some tissues from the box on the table by her bed and wiped herself clean, glancing at a Ranma hastily pulling on his pants, then back at her youngest sister.
Without bothering to pull on a robe, Kasumi walked over and placed her hands on Akane's shoulders. “How long were you watching?” she asked gently.
“I ... I couldn't sleep, thought a hot soak in the furo would help,” Akane responded in a voice so low she could barely be heard. “When I was walking by your door I heard ... heard Ranma. When I cracked open the door, you were ... were giving Ranma a ...” Her voice trailed off into embarrassed silence.
Kasumi gazed for a time at her sister as the glimmerings of an idea slowly grew. “Akane, once you saw what was happening, why did you keep watching?” she asked. “Did you wish you were in my place?”
Akane flinched, but after a moment slowly nodded. “Yes, I did — I do. But ...” Again, her voice trailed away, thought unfinished, and she shrugged.
This might actually work, Kasumi thought with dawning hope. A way to help Akane and Ranma, and make room for me as well, at least for a time. “Akane, there was something I asked Ranma, before we started. Do you trust me?”
Akane's eyes shot up to her sister's face. “Of course I do, more than anyone!” she asserted hotly, offended at her sister's question.
Kasumi smiled gently back. “Enough to try something that might get rid of your fear of Ranma, or at least start to?” she asked.
“I'm not afraid of that pervert!” the youngest Tendo shouted, and Kasumi frowned as she caught Ranma's wince out of the corner of her eye.
“That wasn't nice, little sister, nor true — it's perfectly normal for teenage boys to be obsessed with sex, that's just the way they are.”
“Really?” Akane asked in surprise.
“Really,” Kasumi assured her, “all the medical textbooks say so. If anything, Ranma's not obsessed enough. So, are you willing to try to see if I can help you get over your fear of Ranma?”
Akane's gaze dropped back to the floor as she again blushed, but after a time she nodded. “Yes,” she whispered.
“Good,” Kasumi responded, “get undressed. Then, when a stunned Akane failed to move, she reached down to grab the bottom of her sister's T-shirt and pull it up and over the head of a surprised Akane. “Do I need to take off your panties as well?” she asked sweetly, and an even more furiously blushing Akane shook her head as she hooked her fingers under her panties' elastic and pulled down.
As Akane stepped out of her panties, Kasumi glanced over at an equally stunned Ranma. “I'm afraid you wasted your time, getting your pants back on, take them off,” she ordered. Ranma stared at her for a moment, then hastily started to obey even as a blush spread across his face.
As Ranma again pulled off his pants, Kasumi took her sister by the arm and steered her toward the bed. Grabbing her pillows, she placed them so she could lie partially upright against the wall, then lay down and spread her legs wide and motioned for Akane to join her. “Come on, Akane, lie down on me.”
“Kasumi, what are you ... I don't understand ...” a confused and now concerned Akane babbled.
Kasumi gave her youngest sister her most gentle smile. “Relax, Akane, I mean on your back, so I'm supporting you.”
Hesitantly, Akane followed instructions, lying down between Kasumi's spread open legs, head pillowed against her sister's breasts. Kasumi circled one arm across Akane's chest under her breasts, while gently stroking her hair with her other hand. “Now spread your legs,” she whispered. Akane did, but stiffened when Ranma, once again naked and fully rampant, began to climb up between them.
At feeling her sister go taut, Kasumi sighed. “Ranma, hold up a minute,” she said, and Ranma stopped, looking at the eldest Tendo questioningly. After thinking for a minute as she felt Akane slowly relax again, she finally said, “Ranma, why don't you start with what you were doing in the dojo? Akane's already experienced that, and from you.”
“Got it,” Ranma responded with a nod, and slid down so that his head was between Akane's thighs. Akane tensed up again but this time from pleasure, gasping as Ranma's tongue again ran along her inner thigh, up along her outer lips, down the middle of her folds, before reaching as far up inside her depths as it could reach.
Kasumi continued to stroke her sister's hair as she watched Ranma's head bobbing between her sister's thighs, his tongue and fingers alternating plumbing the depths of Akane's womanhood and sucking at and flicking across her clit. Akane's gasps and moans quickly filled the room, her hands clutching at the bedsheets, and Kasumi could feel her own body reacting when Akane began to shift and push against Ranma's face, rubbing against her sister's clit in the process.
It's — it's time, Kasumi managed to think through her own rising need. “Ranma, now, but gently,” she instructed. Akane gave a mewl of protest when Ranma stopped and looked up at the order, then stiffened again when at Kasumi's nod Ranma rose to position himself between her thighs, lifting her legs up and wide.
A distraction, I think, Kasumi decided, and one hand slipped up from under Akane's breasts and the other down from her hair to cup her breasts, tweaking her tightened nipples.
“Ohhh — Kasumi, what are you ... you doing?” Akane managed to gasp out through the new jolts of pleasure shooting through her.
“Doesn't that feel good?” Kasumi whispered in her ear.
“Y-Y-Yes, but — ahhh!” she half-shrieked as Ranma ran the head of his cock along her wet folds, then slowly sank his full length into his fiancée with a groan at the wet, hot depths gripping his rod, and started to slowly piston in and out, reaching out and gently rubbing Akane's button.
One of Kasumi's hands rose to again stroke her sister's hair even as the other continued to play with a tit. “Doesn't that feel good?” she asked softly. “Like nothing you've never felt before?”
Akane didn't answer in words, but the increasing volume of her moans and the way her hips again began pushing up to meet Ranma's thrusts told Kasumi all she needed to know, and she smiled even as her own breathing picked up at the sensation of Akane's back shifting and rubbing against her clit, her juices coating the small of Akane's back.
Then Akane stiffened, back arching, giving out a long drawn-out groan at her explosion of pleasure before collapsing back down against her older sister, shuddering, as her orgasmic lock eased.
Kasumi smiled down at her limp, sweat-covered sister, arms dropping to again circle beneath Akane's breasts, then frowned slightly at Ranma, still pumping into his exhausted fiancée. “That's enough, Ranma,” she ordered.
He looked up, then froze at her expression. “Wh-what did I —” he started, and Kasumi broke in.
“You didn't do anything wrong, Akane's just had enough for her first time. Instead ...” She motioned Ranma back, his manhood slipping out of Akane's dripping cleft, then shifted over and slid Akane off her to the side, one arm circling underneath to keep her on the bed.
Again spreading her legs, she smiled up at Ranma. “Finish off here,” she offered, and Ranma hastily moved up between her legs and was soon pumping into her as deep as he could go, Kasumi's free hand behind her to keep his vigorous thrusts from bouncing her head off the wall. The rising pressure of her needy pleasure quickly reached and surpassed its height from Akane's unwitting attentions, and she soon exploded with strangled shout, Ranma's seed again spurting into her depths as her vaginal muscles clamping down on him set him off, filling her to overflowing and oozing out around his rod to coat her inner thighs.
Ranma collapsed on top of his new lover, the two simply lying there for a moment as they recovered from their orgasmic highs.
Finally, Kasumi whispered, “Ranma ... you're heavy.”
Blushing, Ranma muttered, “Sorry `bout that.” He rolled off to the side and onto the ledge along the wall.
Kasumi rolled onto her side to face an Akane now lost in exhausted slumber, and pulled her youngest sister against her. “You're staying here tonight, Ranma,” she said softly, stroking her sleeping sister's hair as her own exhaustion began to roll over her. “Pull the blankets up, please.”
Ranma pulled the blankets Kasumi had tossed aside when she first went to the Saotomes' room over himself and his two lovers, turned to spoon up against Kasumi, and the two quickly joined Akane in dreamland.