Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Warmth ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: "Ranma 1/2" and all associated characters, situations and locations are copyright Rumiko Takahashi and their respective copyright holders. There is no profit being made from this piece of fiction and I will gladly take it down if asked.



A Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction


Suekeiichi Kaiton


Warmth was the first thing she felt upon waking, an insidiously relaxing and calming heat against her body. Sunlight speared through her eyelids from her pen curtain and she briefly railed against nature as it broke her from the tender arms of Morpheus and thrust her into the firm embrace of another. She tried to move her legs, to allow at least some small part of her body to escape the drowsy furnace, but found them both entwined with thicker, muscular, and hairier legs. She wiggled her toes and felt them pull on the long hair on her partner's shins. A sharp intake of breath behind her ear reminded her that the short, wiry hairs were still attached to a very human person. 'Could have fooled me,' she though wryly, 'after the stunts he pulled yesterday.' She smiled, her eyes still closed, and tilted her head back to nestle his nose into her scalp.

"That hurts you know." His baritone, velvet soft, whispered through her hair. The legs tangled with hers pulled away, away from her grasping toes. An arm lifted the thin quilt covering them both and exposed their tops to the cool autumn air drifting lazily through the open window. The lingering traces of her scented candle, the marble pink votive the size of a thermos that sat heavily on her nightstand, danced in their nostrils and both wrinkled their noses in distaste. The cloying scent of jasmine and myrrh wasn't particularly a favorite for either of them but they had long since accepted that it was needed to cover the more incriminating scents they produced during the course of a night. The visual evidence of their activities was buried under shredded papers in her business wastebasket. Well, that and the video camera pointed at the bed from the far corner of the room. He was blissfully unaware of that little factor, though…

"No pain, no gain." She joked, kicking the covers off her legs and letting the cool air cut through the heat they generated during the night. An arm snaked under her armpit and embraced her under her breasts drawing her warmth closer against the cold. He was shivering, she felt as he nestled himself closer, which only made her more smug as she realized she had the upper hand at the moment. The morning was quiet, it was a Sunday afterall, and her clock read 9:00 in blaring red lights. They shouldn't have to get up for another two hours if they'd missed breakfast which didn't give them enough time to do anything risqué. She finally opened her eyes and melted into his embrace. "You're cold, aren't you? I told you to stop sleeping like that, you'll catch cold."

"Yeah, especially after last night." He grimaced behind her head and moved his body against the moist linen sheets they lay upon, why was it he always ended-up sleeping in the wet spot?

"Did you sleep in the wet spot again?" He could feel the smirk behind her words and blew against her hair sharply. "I'm soo soowwwy."

"You enjoy this, don't you?" He brought his arm out from under him, it was his left since they were lying on their left sides, and rested his head on his bicep. His left hand was idly playing with the ruffled mass of her hair. Their hair was sticking up in all directions, mainly due to their tossing and turning during the night, and their bodies were producing a very definite odor. It never ceased to amaze him that even after bathing last night after their 'coupling' they still reeked of sweat in the morning.

"Alright, alright! I'll sleep in the wet spot next time, okay?" Her hand was resting on his arm, the one wrapped around her stomach, and her fingers were massaging his skin. "Would that make you happy?"

"Not really. I'm they guy. I'm supposed to protect you."

"From the wet spot?" Her tone was incredulous, was his sense of honor that ridiculously strong?

"From anything that makes you uncomfortable." He nuzzled her hair again, inhaling the musky scent of sweat from her scalp.

"Now that kind of attitude I like." She loved their quiet mornings. It seemed like he was always so calm and smooth after they did their thing, all his pompous posturing and pride melted off during the night and left him a pleasant conversationalist and sensitive man. By that afternoon, though, his cockiness would be back and his foolish pride would reassert itself. Still, she would enjoy it while it lasted.

Ranma uncoiled his right arm form her abdomen and slid it down the front of his blue running shorts, rearranging himself as his dried emissions tugged painfully at his pubic hairs. Once finished he returned his arm to her pajama top. He was dressed in a black muscle shirt, boxers, and shorts - his normal sleep attire. The breeze was chilling his bare shoulders and neck and her earlier kick to liberate her legs from the quilt unknowingly exposed his bare calves as well. Since he knew she loved to feel needed and in control, although he personally thought she had enough control over him, he stroked her ego even further by squeezing her body tighter. He loved the pleasant warmth they shared during the night, that close knit heat that glued them together as they slept in peace, and was willing to swell her head even bigger in order to keep the sensation alive.

"Getting cold, Ranma?" Nabiki smirked and moved her body closer, her legs trying to flip the quilt back over his feet. As opposed to Ranma's relative lack of warm sleepwear she was in her yellow 'Usagi-chan' pajamas. Underneath she was wearing a white lycra sportsbra and plain white cotton panties. He was shivering a bit and she couldn't help but conjure up the image of their roles reversed, Ranma cradled in her embrace like a small child. Smiling at the though, she rolled onto her back and glanced sideways at his soft blue eyes. They'd have to try it next time. "How long have you been awake?"

"A few hours. I've been drifting in and out."

"You just like to watch me sleep, don't you?" Ranma gazed at his lover and noted her mischievous smile. He loved their quiet moments, those lazy morning they just lay in bed and talked. It seemed like she was so much more open and feminine after they fooled around a bit. Not that she wasn't feminine usually, it was just that the lack of her snide tongue, mask of apathy, and her chilling stare made her seem even more attractive. Nabiki was just another carefree girl when they talked. Of course it wouldn't last, by that evening the familiar mercenary personality would be back in control but he enjoyed the time while it lasted.

"Yeah, you're just too cute when you snore." He teased her, snaking his arm under her head and pulling her up as he rolled over. She ended up lying on his chest, her fingers smoothly running over his broad chest beneath the thin, waffled cotton tanktop.

"You didn't _do_ anything to my body while I was asleep, did you?"

"Well, after I took off your PJs and pulled down those deliciously plain cotton panties of yours I got a little hard so I had my way with you." He smirked. "Repeatedly." He could have done it as well if she was drugged without knowing, her vagina always felt extremely sore after he was done with it so she just had to trust that he was a gentlemen and not a crazed rapist. Although if what he'd done to her last night hadn't broken her hymen it would be a miracle…

Oh, Ranma's technique had been improving over the past month. Last night he had showed just how strong he was when he inserted three fingers into her canal and pressed the heel of his palm into her pubic bone. Then, using her pudenda as a handle, he lifted her up off the bed and nearly turned her over. Sure it had hit all her buttons and given her the most intense orgasm of her life but she was certain to be sore for a long time.

His mirth was cut short by her knee as it pressed gently but forcefully between his legs.

"Don't joke about that, Saotome, or this," she ground her kneecap against his testicles, "will make you sing soprano the rest of your life."

"Okay, I think I get it…" He released the breath he'd been holding when her leg moved away from his jewels.

They resumed their cuddling, their breathing even and their arms around each other. Despite the sexual nature of the relationship they shared, both refused to move past third base. Neither wanted any of the repercussions full intercourse entailed nor where they ready for that level of responsibility to one another. They would fondle or use their mouth to achieve release but Ranma's manhood stayed outside her body and she remained a virgin. She still used condoms, especially when she went down on him since the taste of semen nauseated her, and even Ranma had to admit that the utterly alien feeling achieved by that thin layer of rubber almost surpassed the feel of her warm skin against his. She hadn't known he was into that sort of fetish until she'd bought the economy-sized box two weeks ago. They had only been meeting like this for the past three months, ever since Kodachi doused him with 'Spanish Fly.'

It had started out as a simple (if embarrassing) business arrangement. Ranma would come to her when he had a 'problem' and she would use her hands to relieve his predicament for a modest 1500 yen. However, their agreement only lasted two weeks before Shampoo's arrival and subsequent antics forced them to elevate their relationship beyond mere business. At the time neither of them was aware of the extremely subtle love potion the purple-haired amazon had used but after Ranma forced an explanation from her it all made sense.

The incident which changed their lives occurred before Shampoo fled from Japan although it wasn't until she returned that they discovered the truth. It was her second night as Ranma's self-proclaimed wife and to make the evening extra special she prepared an ancient Chinese potion designed to get the couple 'in the mood.' In the ensuing struggle with her airen the potion was spilled down his back in the form of minute pink crystals which were mixed with his sweat and absorbed into his skin. Of course when the potion had seemingly no effect on her husband she considered it a failure and retreated back to Tofu's clinic.

Bruised from the fight with Shampoo and filthy from rolling around in the drainage ditches with Ryouga earlier, Ranma returned to the Tendo household late at night. Painfully erect and putting out enough pheromones to attract every woman in Nerima, he stealthily entered Nabiki's room and broken her from calculation the previous week's take. It was a Saturday night. She had smirked at his bulge and nodded that she was willing to give him a little something more that night, something special for only 2000 yen. As it was late and most of the family was asleep there were no witnesses as the pair crossed the hall and entered the laundry room.

Ranma disrobed quickly and rinsed himself before washing away the grime and filth from his body. He was sitting down on a yellow plastic stool lathering himself while Nabiki drew the hot water for the furo. She was wearing a small modesty towel tied around her waist but left her chest bare since she assumed (rightly so) that the sight would arouse Ranma even more and make her job easier. Truth be told there was a perverse element in Nabiki's personality that enjoyed flaunting her body, perhaps due to the glances Akane's body always garnered, and she was happy to help Ranma in any way she could within reason. Besides, if Ranma was willing to shell out the extra 500 yen for a 'special' it meant he was in dire straits indeed.

2000 yen basically meant that Ranma wanted, or needed, to conduct their business in the bathroom. This was either out of necessity (he was dirty) or choice (he wanted a little extra attention) but whatever the case there were simply some days she didn't feel like pampering him so it wasn't a regular occurrence. She was to play the beautiful soap girl to his tired, worn, and dirty customer; Nabiki had discovered through their encounters that she enjoyed role-playing. They had only used the bathroom twice, and both times they had followed a simple sequence of events: Ranma would lather himself, Nabiki would wash his back with her bare breasts, they would rinse, and then she would wank him in the furo. However, that night held something entirely different in store.

Ranma sat with soap suds slowly sliding off his arms and chest, his manhood a hardened rob of iron throbbing parallel to his taut stomach. After the day he'd had with Shampoo sneaking into his bed then chasing him all over Nerima then an impromptu battle with Ryouga he was a bundle of nerves. Not to mention the embarrassment of running across the ward with an extremely evident erection stretching the fabric of his pants. Funny thing that erection, he'd only gotten it after Shampoo broke that vial of foul-smelling salts down his back…hmm. 'Well,' he thought, 'at least Nabiki knew what to do.'

He'd often wondered just how the two of them had ever ended up in their situation, this kind of perverted sexual prostitution; was it something more to Nabiki? It was an interesting question since he knew she wasn't making a habit of masturbating men for money; if she had the family would be rich just from Kuno alone, non, there was something that allowed her to descend to the level of prostitute…

"Ready, Saotome?" He looked back and saw her crawling towards him on her knees from the furo tap. He noticed the short, thin towel wrapped tightly around her waist. She never let him see her sex, it was an unspoken rule between the two of them, as if him seeing her completely naked would change their circumstances a little too much.

"When you are, Nabiki."

She approached him cautiously, her knees sliding against the smooth tile floor, and knelt behind his broad back. Reaching for the pump action shower gel bottle beside Ranma, Nabiki felt her breasts brush across his back which caused him to yelp in surprise and stand up suddenly. She slipped because of his quick movements and fell on her ass.

"Watch it Saotome!" She was on all fours pushing herself up when Ranma's stupefied expression filtered through her pain-induced haze. She glanced down at her modesty towel then back to his phallus as it seemed to pulse and grow larger before she smirked and sat up, glad he'd enjoyed his brief glimpse of paradise. His organ was…impressive to say the least. Thinking back on all their previous encounters, Nabiki realized she had never given much though to his manhood or its relative size and shape. Looking up at him as he stood, his eyes glazed, she could tell his scrotum was contracted tightly to his body and his cock was easily larger than she remembered. It stood straight up, pulsing in time to his heartbeat, taunting her to make it limp. "Are we a little sensitive tonight? Why don't we dispense with your normal service and just get in the furo, hmm?"

Her voice seemed to break Ranma out of his daze and he shook his head to clear the cobwebs. Looking back at her he offered her a hand, sneaking a final peak at the luscious brown, furred cleft between her legs, and smiled teasingly. "You'll have to give me back my 500 extra yen."

"In your dreams, Saotome. I'm already naked and bathing with you."

"Okay, okay, 200 yen." He pulled her up and brushed off her covered behind.

"100 and I'll forget you just groped my behind," she replied cattily.

"Deal." Ranma turned back to the wall faucet and filled a bucket with cold water, upending it over his head. Now female, he filled the bucket again and splashed his playmate. Sputtering, Nabiki just glared at her. "Shall we?" Onna-Ranma's higher-pitched voice reverberated in the tile room as both girls entered the warm furo.

Nabiki settled herself in the hot water and made sure her towel was still secured tightly around her waist. As Ranma sat down next to her she watched his crotch as the transformation occurred, the redhead's hairy slit vomiting out a very erect, very long phallus. Secretly she had hoped the curse would alleviate Ranma's problem; she was nervous about touching him. It was first time since Kodachi's attack that she'd ever felt intimidated by his manhood, as if afraid that it might burn her…or perhaps enflame her…

The truth was that she was becoming aroused, an emotion she'd never felt in all the other times she'd jerked him, and she honestly couldn't say would she would do once the throbbing shaft was in her grasp. Before, she was always clinical about their transactions, after all she was paid to accomplish a goal (ejaculating Ranma) and it was a matter of professional pride that she succeed. However, she was beginning to feel a peculiar tingle in her breasts and a strange swelling between her legs, as well as entertaining a few naughty thoughts about the virile martial artist sitting beside her. In all the times she had jerked him off in the past she had never fantasized about Ranma but now…

…Now things were different.

"Nabiki?" Ranma's voice broke her out of her musings. He noticed she was blushing but assumed it was due to the hot water, after all, she had never made any action that could've been understood as romantic before so why worry? The best thing about Nabiki, at least in his mind, was that no matter how many times she was in intimate contact with his genitalia good 'ole Nabiki never turned into a fiancée. There was no talk of commitment, no talk of honor, just a simple exchange of goods and services…it was kind of comforting to have such a simple system.


"I'm ready." He pointed to the head of his prick as it poked up above the water.


Ranma leaned back against the rounded lip of the bath and thrust his pelvis out, bringing his manhood out of the water. As he awaited Nabiki's touch he began to think about how nice it was to be in control of something in his life. Sure he could masturbate but paying her the 1500 yen was a small price for being pampered, an experience he didn't get to feel to often. There was nothing he'd encountered more pleasurable than just lying back and having a girl (who didn't want to marry him) stroke his manhood. Sure he knew she would probably use their relationship to blackmail him into doing something but he would ignore that unimportant detail until it was thrust in his face.

The bath had done wonders for him. Shampoo's bizarre salt attack didn't itch anymore and he finally felt clean for the first time that day. Honestly, why would the crazy Amazon pour salt down his back? Sure he'd twisted out of her way the first time and accidentally received her attack down the back of his shirt but what was she trying to do, season him to death? Of course the fact that he hadn't developed his killer erection until the salt was thrown on him was completely missed by the horny martial artist.

Nabiki swallowed heavily as she gazed at the erect phallus jutting proudly out of the water. Her breasts had undergone an astonishing transformation as they swelled larger and firmer. Her nipples were hard and erect, the aureole puffy and swollen with blood, and her vagina tingled and felt oddly…itchy. She felt a flush across her cheeks and knew that the sight of his organ, the sight of him, was turning her on big time. It was odd that it was only this time out of all the other times they'd shared that their nudity bothered her. She was unbelievable aroused, more aroused than she had ever been in all her life, the kind of 'raging hormone' haze that made teenagers fuck like rabbits and get pregnant. The world had evaporated around them; all that existed were her and Ranma.


He opened his eyes and glanced at her. "What is it, Nabiki?"

She gave a sultry grin and flashed her teeth. He'd had it far too easy for far too long. "I'll make you a deal, alright? How about I don't charge you for this?"

Ranma raised an eyebrow. Nabiki? Turning down yen? There had to be a catch…

"What? Do you want to pay 1900 yen?" Her hands were untying the knot at her hip.

"No, but I know you, Nabiki. You never give anything away for free - especially something like this. What do you want? Money? Protection?"

"I'm just in a good mood tonight, Saotome, can't I give you a freebie once in a while?"


"Buuuuutttt…since you did offer…"

Ranma stood up from the water. "Offer!?! I didn't say a thing!"

Nabiki lifted her hand out of the hot water and placed her index finger on the tip of his penis. Pressing down she slowly and carefully bent the muscle, in turn dropping Ranma back into the furo. 'It's almost like having a 'drop Ranma' lever!' She giggled a bit at her errant thought before schooling her face back into seriousness. "Now, now, Ranma, we don't want to wake up the whole house now, do we?" Apparently the touch of her wet hand on his manhood had effectively shut him up. "I'd wager you don't want Akane to walk in on us like this…?"

"…What do you want?" He deflated under her hand and slumped back against eh furo rim. He hoped she wasn't going to ask him to beat up students again, the last time he refused her she charged him triple the usual rate. "I don't have any more money, Nabiki, so if-"

"I don't want any money, Ranma, I just want a little…reciprocation." Her hand began to stroke him. He groaned. "Isn't that all right?"

"Yess…!" Ranma's body slid down further into the bath as her ministrations continued.

"So you'll help me…?" She drew the words out slowly, emphasizing each word by swirling her thumb over his crown. "That's great! I knew I could count on you!" She grinned seductively and moved closer, relishing the control she had regained; gone were the hormonal urges she'd felt so confused by earlier. Instead she just felt horny as hell…but she had the solution to that problem…ahem…in her grasp.

"Now…wait just a minute…" Ranma began, trying to sit up and fend off Nabiki's groping hands. He pulled her away from his body so that he could sit up but the motion only succeeded in bringing her body closer to his, her towel lying engorged with water a the bottom of the tub. "What are you trying to do, Nabiki? This isn't funny!"

"Well, you said you were going to help me if I helped you…unless you're going to break your word?" She knew exactly what buttons to push.

"…okay…what do you want me to do?" Ranma released her wrists and slumped against the wall. Nabiki walked on her knees through the somewhat cool water and pulled the rubber stopper from the drain.

"Oh nothing too strenuous." She waited until the bath was half empty before plugging the drain and turning on the hot water tap. She watched him wait as the furo slowly filled, his manhood even more swollen than before and his eyes following the slight movements her breast made as she breathed. She took several _very_ deep breaths and watched his eyes bounce in his head. Giggling, the hot water tap was closed and the pair were soaking in water much warmer than before - so warm that Ranma opened the small window close to the ceiling to vent the excess steam.

His mind was focused on two things at the moment: first, his extremely painful arousal, second, the water-blurred darkness of Nabiki's pubic triangle as she rubbed her thighs together under the surface. He didn't care if he had to pay her twenty-million yen _and_ work as her slave the rest of his life just so long as she got him off…

Nabiki's face hurt because of the duration of her smirk. She'd been holding it since she'd eased him back down into the furo and her cheeks were burning bad enough to cause a stone to burst into flames but she couldn't stop. Crossing back over to him she sat on his thighs and pressed her belly against his phallus. "Now," she cooed, stroking the top of the appendage with her palm, "back to business."

"Listen, I'm willing to pay anything as long as you-" He was silence as her hands encircled his head and pulled it down to her chest and he froze. The number one rule Nabiki always insisted on was that no matter how many times she touched him, no matter the passions he was in the throes of, no matter the dire circumstances, he was _never_ to touch her. Ever. This lesson had become engrained in his wallet and mind since they began their arrangement so that having her break it, and so brazenly, sent Ranma into shock.

Nabiki became slightly concerned when her partner froze after brief contact with her breasts. Honestly, was she really that bad that a simple touch locked his brain? It seemed like Ranma was still a firm believer in the 'rigid laws' of the world. Although it annoyed her that all their business dealing hadn't taught him that the world was nothing but one big grey area, she was also rather flattered that he believed her warning with such vehemence. Still, there were limits…

"Ranma?" She shook his head. "Ranma! Can you hear me?"

"…Huh? What is it?" His eyes were still slightly glazed.

"You spaced out for a minute there…are you alright?"

"I guess…I had the craziest idea that you wanted me to-"

"I do." Nabiki released his head and spread her arms wide, exposing her chest to his full perusal. "I'm letting you touch me, Ranma, I _want_ you to touch me."

To his credit, Ranma did not faint.

"Err…" He could see this turning into another engagement…

"No tricks, Ranma, no plots. I just want to feel you hands." She grabbed his hands from where they lay slack at his sides and pressed them to her chest. She was gratified when his hands instinctually encircled her orbs and gave them a tentative squeeze. His penis twitched violently against her stomach and a long line of viscous fluid swirled in the bath water. "That's it, just like that, the sooner you finish me, the sooner I finish you."

He needed no further encouragement as he grasped her under the armpits and lifted her off his legs, turning swiftly to pin her roughly against the rim of the furo. She gasped softly at the surprising chill of the porcelain tile before he bore down on her. kissing her passionately on the lips as his hands slid easily against her chest. They were lost in the moment, a perfect, eternal moment of dueling tongues and roaming hands. Nabiki instinctually opened her mouth as their lips made contact and pushed forcefully against his pursed lips before his tongue hesitantly snaked out and touched her own. Soon they both moaned as they explored each other's mouths, soft pliable muscle scraping carefully along the points of the other's teeth. So furious was their passion that a heavy line of drool escaped from their lips and ran down their necks. Both were sweating profusely due to the heat of the water and their raised ire.

Finally it was Nabiki that broke their tantalizing kiss, drawing away to groan loudly as Ranma's hands playfully pinched her nipples. It was as if someone or something was inflating her breasts to the rupturing point - she felt as if her flesh was going to split - not exactly the most comfortable sensation but easier to categorize and describe than the growing pressure between her diaphragm and bladder. Since their faces were no longer one, Ranma, being the logical tactician that made him the best martial artist in the world, decided to kiss the trail of their mutual mastication down her satin neck to the cleft of her shoulder. Given her strange reaction first to his kiss then to his fondling of her nipple, Ranma planned his next course of action. So caught up in the moment was he that his erection wasn't even a factor anymore.

It was rather simple. He figured he might as well get as far as she was willing to go because Nabiki might never be in such a generous mood again.

Nabiki, the Ice-Queen of Furinkan High, the Cast-Iron Bitch, the Sexless Snipe as some liked to call her, simply didn't want him to stop. Tilting her head back so it rested on the lip of the bath, she turned so her burning cheek was cooled by the ceramic and grout. She was incapable of coherent thought as Ranma's tongue lashed at her throat and gave passionate little nibbles at the flap of kin connecting her neck to her shoulders. She was completely in thrall to her emotions, her passions, and left all traces of her apathetic façade behind. 'No, in a game like this it's better to show yourself truthfully,' she thought quickly before his head moved further down.

Ranma relished the rough feel of her skin under his tongue, delighted in her cries and whispers of encouragement, and felt his penis swell ever larger as she began gyrating in his grasp, wiggling and splashing in the water as if his course lead to pure madness. His hands dappled up her flanks, caressing her flesh, and firmly grasped her breasts, pushing her darkened nipples upward towards his mouth. Nabiki cried out so loudly as he gave the stiff nub an experimental suckle that he was forced to shove three of his fingers (the index, middle, and ring on his left hand) into her mouth to stifle her shout lest she wake the house. Her eyes were closed in utmost rapture, as if a passing Kami had seen fit to grant a boon to one of his neglected subjects, and her legs were spasming so violently that a good deal of water splashed out of the furo. Ranma assumed Nabiki had enjoyed his oral treatment of her nipple and released her right in favor of her left. This time he tried gently nibbling.

Nabiki's mind was completely gone, swept away in a flood of pleasure she could never achieve herself. Sure, she had rubbed herself a few times, shuddered a bit, and fingered herself to a handful of little spasms she mistakenly interpreted as orgasms, but the explosion of warm heat in her painfully swollen breasts was unlike anything else. Her mind hiccuped as euphoria and pain clashed briefly before deciding it didn't matter who won. Her eyes were glazed and hazy, looking much like Ranma's did after she made him come, and a puddle of drool lapped at her cheek from where it had collected on the furo rim. She was unaware that her sex had reacted to her shattering climax, releasing a plume of viscous stands into the bath water. She honestly didn't know what to do, it was all too much…

Then Ranma bit lightly on her other nipple.

The resulting scream was thankfully muffled by Ranma's quick thinking as he wadded her discarded towel into a ball and forced it between her teeth. He continued to suckle and pinch at her nipples, her body occasionally spasming, and muted screams of pleasure issuing form behind her gag, until his swollen manhood brushed against something soft. At first he paid the sensation no mind, only caring about Nabiki's pleasure at that moment, but he soon realized that she had grown very still.

Pulling himself away just a bit and looking at his crotch he found the purple head of his cock pressing between the pink folds of Nabiki's cunt, not quite enough to penetrate but enough to realize that was where it belonged. He looked up at her face hesitantly, asking for her permission.

He was answered with a firm shake of the head.

Still, it was enough for him to realize the power inherent in that part of Nabiki's anatomy so without preamble he curled his arms around her thighs, grasped her tight buttocks, and lifted her body until her pudenda was level with his face.

Nabiki twisted around and set her elbows against eh rim of the bath, trying to pull herself away before she lost her mind. Unfortunately, her half-hearted struggles only gave Ranma an idea. In a dynamic show of his strength, Ranma flipped her over so her chest rested comfortably on the porcelain lip and buried his mouth between her legs. With his lips level with her hair-frosted cleft and his nose buried between her amazingly supple and firm buttocks, he decided to see if the same technique he'd (seemingly) mastered on her nipples applied to her vaginal area. Luckily for him there seemed to be a nipple towards the bottoms of her pink lips, a hard little bud of flesh partially covered by a layer of skin. Yes, he vaguely remembered the times in China when he'd been trapped as a girl and was forced to urinate in the wild, he assumed the strangely firm and erect nub was the female version of a man's penis. Logically, if Nabiki sucked his member and it brought _him_ pleasure, if he sucked at Nabiki's 'penis' then it would bring _her_ pleasure.

Puckering his lips and inhaling the sweet, musky odor of her crotch, Ranma casually licked the pink flower at the juncture of her legs and sucked violently at her clitoris.

Suddenly he found his head caught in the vise-like grip of her thighs as her legs kicked wildly behind his head and a slick fluid was expelled across his lips. As her thighs' grip wasn't strong enough to hamper his breathing and he could sense her body already slowly relaxing from its previous tense spasm, Ranma leaned back against the perspiration-slick wall and pulled her down into the water. This action seemingly precipitated Nabiki's slow uncoiling as she twisted and ended up sitting opposite him, the gag pulled out and her breath coming in harrowing gasps. He really hoped she was ready to help him out with his problem…

Nabiki was hyperventilating, her body feeling as limp as a dead slug and just about as intelligent. For the life of her she couldn't form a coherent thought, no matter what disparate strands she brought together they slowly unwound under the intense heat radiating out from her crotch. Ranma, yes it was Ranma she was with, but why? Something about…reciprocation? No, that was just a ruse…what were they just doing?

She was so discombobulated that she barely registered Ranma's presence until his big toe accidentally pressed against her petals and whispered against her clit.

She froze as an earthquake rolled through her body, her abdominal muscles spasming almost painfully and her breasts sending off neural fireworks. The explosion was enough to reboot her consciousness and she turned back to Ranma, her hands clenching, her body once again aroused, and her steamy bedroom eyes back in full force.

He looked so cute, huddled like he was against the wall. She could read the need in his eyes and judging by the way his penis was twitching above the water he seemed in desperate need of release. Mulling possible scenarios in her head and dismissing any that ended in furious full intercourse, she finally chose one of the more risky and smiled seductively.

"Ra-N-Ma," she called in sing-song, "after this type of treatment I think you deserve a reward."

He felt beads of sweat drip from his temples. "I-I do? Does this mean you'll finally do something about…this?" He gestured to his penis.

"No." Nabiki smirked as her partner turned sheet white and began to babble. He looked so cute and helpless when he needed something.

"No?" He squeaked.

"No." she crawled through the cooled water until their faces were only an inch apart, her firm breasts resting against his chest. His stormy blue-grey eyes were staring into her smooth chocolate orbs and a conversation was taking place in the glance.

'What the hell does she mean 'no?' I did what she asked, right? I know for a fact she enjoyed it! Why else would someone start flailing around like that unless…' Ranma paled further at the implications of his previous thought. 'Unless I somehow hurt her! Oh shit! She was screaming and stuff!'

'You didn't hurt me.' She shook her head and closed the distance by half.

'I didn't?'


'So it was good?' She giggled at the expectant hesitation in his eyes.

'Very good.' Nabiki licked her lips to emphasize her point.


'So hold onto your pigtail Mr. Big-Shot Martial Artist, 'cause I'm going to show you a technique that'll knock you flat on your ass!' She smiled and closed the distance, kissing him full on the lips. Unlike their first kiss they immediately opened their mouths and thrust their tongues into the other's mouth. Her arms came up around his neck and she buried her hands in his hair, pulling her body closer. His hands were quickly around her, underneath her arms, and his hands were alternating between caressing her taut back and squeezing her buttocks.

It was only when he began to lift her up over his raging erection that she broke their kiss. He only stopped and looked expectantly at her, lust burning in his blue eyes.

"No." She swatted his hands away and settled herself on the opposite end of the furo. She bent her left leg at the knee and crossed her right, simultaneously looking completely relaxed and giving Ranma a tantalizing view of her sex through the water. He licked his lips and tasted her sour nectar lingering on his face. Deciding to be in full control of the situation, Nabiki waggled her finger at the dazed boy and clicked her tongue against the back of her teeth. She almost laughed as he gave her a look resembling that on a lost puppy.


"Nope. This," she spread her legs and gestured tot he darkened patch of fur, "is not for you." 'At least not yet,' she silently amended.

"Fine," he replied tersely, crossing his arms over his chest and pointedly looking away from her. The bath water was growing rather cool and an errant breeze whispered through the window, chilling them both. "Can we get out of here now, Nabiki-san? It's getting cold now and we're both starting to prune."

She looked down at her fingers and realized that they were starting to wrinkle. "Kami-sama," she uttered in feigned astonishment, "a sensible suggestion from Ranma Saotome? I think I may faint!"

"Very funny." He stood up, his manhood still hard as a rock, and stepped out - pulling the drain stopper with him.

They cleaned the furo of their emissions (since they didn't want anyone soaking in their sexual fluids) and rinsed themselves quickly at the taps. Ranma was pained by his arousal, which Nabiki in turn found absolutely hilarious, but dried them both nonetheless and threw on a short robe from the laundry room. Nabiki poked her head out into the hall first to make sure no one was wandering and they both tip-toed into her bedroom.

Once the door was closed Nabiki dived on top of him again, knocking them both backward against the bed. Tearing open the robe, she licked his neck and slowly nibbled her way down to his nipples. Deciding that turnabout was fair play, she gently suckled at his small nubs and delighted in the shudder that shook his body. His cock was rubbing against her stomach again, oozing pre-cum and spasming infrequently. Finally recognizing that his nipples weren't nearly as sensitive as hers she began to move downward, feeling his manhood dragging across her hot skin.

Ranma watched, frightened and aroused, as Nabiki's trek down his body slowly, inevitably, came to his erect root. As it dragged against eh bottom of her chin it pulled down only to spring back just in time to slap his playmate on the cheek. In the darkened room he was unable to see the wide swath of seminal fluid splattered on Nabiki's creamy skin.

'You'll pay for that Saotome.' Nabiki grasped the rigid shaft and blew softly over the hot layer of skin, idly pulling his foreskin over the swollen head and back. Knowing that her actions were inflaming Ranma only made her final victory all the more sweet.

Steeling herself for the final moment, she swallowed swiftly and pressed his cockhead between her lips. Ranma suddenly went very still as his cock was engulfed in a moist warmth, his mind shutting down as soon as he felt her tongue deftly flick across his skin. He lay back on her bed and simply grinned, his eyes glazed over and unfocused, limp with pleasure. Nabiki smiled around the firm prick between her lips and took more of his shaft inside, her tongue swirling and tickling the spongy crown.

Grasping the base of his shaft with one hand she brought the other to her dripping lips and began to furiously slide her fingers in and out to the rhythm of her oral strokes. If she was right in the assumption that she and Ranma shared a tolerance for sexual pleasure he would 'pop' soon.

Finally something snapped and Ranma sprang up, his hands shoving Nabiki's head further down his shaft as he came violently in her mouth. Thankfully she had prepared for his sudden movement and braced her throat against the boiling gush of caucus fluid as it splashed down her esophagus. If she hadn't realized he was about to spur the flood would have either gone up her nose or started her gagging, neither of which she particularly wanted to experience, although she was almost ready to dry-heave because of the _taste_ of his seed. As the first spasm ebbed, Ranma released her head but continued to groan as her tongue slid against eh sensitive underside of his member. She pulled back and was rewarded with another gush of hot seed filling her mouth. Her eyes going wide, she pulled away from the spurting organ and pulled a handful of tissues from the box on her night table.

Ranma watched her sputter, spit, and gag into the wad of paper in her hands with a perplexed look, frankly unaware of the foul taste of his own ejaculate, as he lay back on her sheets. After shooting such an enormous quantity of spunk he felt weak in the knees and it was only when the orgasmic high began to fade that he realized how cold it was being naked and covered in sweat. Shivering despite himself, he took a few tissues from her nightstand and wiped the remaining seed and saliva from his genitals.

Nabiki wiped the inside of her mouth dry with the napkins and spit one final time into her hands before throwing the entire sodden mess into her wastebasket. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she vowed to never have the taste of sperm in her mouth again. She shivered a bit as her fan blew the cool eddies of the July night into the room.

"I hope you enjoyed that, Saotome, because I'm never-" She stopped short when she saw that he was apparently sleeping. "Grr…just like a man to fall asleep…"

"I'm still awake you know. I was just resting my eyes." He rolled onto his side and pulled the top sheet out from under him. "Care to join me?"

Nabiki popped two British breath mints into her mouth and sauntered over, her hips swinging hypnotically from side to side. "And just what do you think you're doing? This is my bed."

He slid his legs under the covers and threw the slimy wad of tissues in his hand into the wastebasket. "It's really comfortable too…"

"You're incorrigible, you know that?" She sat on the edge of the bed and chewed the mints, wincing at the overpowering peppermint taste that threatened to make her gag, before sliding in next to him. She had to admit, it was rather comfortable having a big human heating pad wrapped around her clammy skin.

Ranma threw the blankets over them both and embraced her shivering body from behind. "I don't even know what 'incorrigible' means." His hands felt strangely _right_ as they fell against her body and she pushed her tush back so her legs lay against his.

"It means 'just shut up and go to sleep,' Saotome. I'm getting kind of tired and I don't really want to think of the repercussions of what we just did…" She shut her eyes and hogged the pillow out of his grip. Smiling at her reaction and feeling a bit fatigued himself, Ranma pulled her even closer and let his eyes surrender to Morpheus' care.



"…Ran ma…"

"Ranma!" His eyes bolted open at her shout. He looked around at the sunlit room and realized he'd been lost in memory for Kami-knew how long. Nabiki's eyes bore down at him intently from her perch on his chest. "Are you okay?" She was lying flat against him, her arms crossed and her chin resting on their junction. Her yellow pajama sleeves were rolled up a bit.

"Y-yeah, I was just thinking about something."

"Like why you're alive after that stunt you pulled yesterday? I mean, honor and trust are important but did you really have to hold on for so long?" She knew for a fact that his back was one enormous bruise from the pulverizing blow he'd incurred during the Golden Pair's 'Goodbye Whirl.'

"No, not that," he laughed, "I was just remembering the first time we did something like this."

"What? Talk?"


She peeled herself off him and sat up, the quilts around her shoulders. "Wow, Saotome, you really are starved for attention, aren't you?" She smiled and laughed, absently rubbing her hand against his shin.

"NABIKI!" Akane burst into her older sister's room. "Didn't you hear me? Breakfast is ready!"

Nabiki threw the covers off and sat up, scratching her head and blinking back the harsh sunlight. "Wuzzat?"

"Jeez! I said 'breakfast is ready.' I've been calling you for the past five minutes!" Akane crossed the room and closed her sister's open window. "You really should keep this closed, oneesan, it's starting to get cold now."

"Yeah, yeah, tell Kasumi I'll be down in a few minutes." The older brunette simply covered herself again and rolled over. Akane rolled her eyes, quite used to her sister's lazy behavior.

"By the way, have you seen Ranma around this morning?"

"…ugh…" There was the slightest of movements underneath the covers.

"Well, I really wanted to…well, you know…apologize to him for yelling like that yesterday. I-I never got a chance to thank him for getting P-Chan back." Akane blushed at bit at her own confession and quietly closed Nabiki's door. No sooner had her footsteps receded down the hall than a muted rapping was heard from her window. Throwing the warm quilts off her, Nabiki sat up and stood by her desk, hands on hips, watching her lover knock on the glass.

"Enjoying yourself out there, Saotome?" It was only in the single-digits (Celsius) outside and he was only dressed in his sleepwear.

Ranma simply shivered upside-down and rapped twice more. His lips were turning blue.

"I'm sorry, were you saying something?"

He knocked again, this time slightly harder.

"It must be pretty cold out there…"

He pitifully knocked one final time.

Nabiki smiled at his crestfallen look and unlatched her window, stepping aside as he almost collapsed onto the hard wood floor. Looking down at his shivering form she winced at the yellow and purple bruises running from his shoulders down to the small of his back. Aside from a little ice-burn on his cheek and a few minor cuts on his hands, his back was the only serious injury he'd taken from the battle with the arrogant fop Mikado Sanzenin. She reminded herself to help him bind and clean his bruises after breakfast.

"It's a good thing you were dressed when she came in, otherwise old Mrs. Yamamura would have gotten another free show."

He glared at her, rubbing his arms and trying to get his circulation started. They'd both learned that if they were going to sleep together it was better if they were both dressed. The morning after their first night Akane had barged in much like she had just done and Ranma ended up flashing their next door neighbor for about ten minutes until Nabiki managed to convince her little sister to leave. When the seventy-year old had mentioned it to Kasumi the next day they had vehemently denied the accusation and it was a kind of family joke to poke fun at Yamamura's flights of fancy.

Ranma gave her an angry and annoyed glare which quickly melted under their combined mirth and soon both were laughing. Helping each other up they crossed tot he door and Nabiki stuck her head out, making sure the coast was clear. Giving him an affirmative nod she moved back into her room before his hand caught her arm, pulling her forcefully against his body.

"What are you-" Her outburst was quickly silenced by his mouth, his arms embracing her tightly and pushing her against eh doorframe. Each lost themselves in the passionate kiss for only the briefest of instants before they separated, knowing Akane would be back to remind them. Nabiki crumpled a bit against her door. "You're gonna pay for that, Saotome."


"What was my first rule?" Her arms were crossed underneath the supple swell of her breasts, her foot tapping impatiently on the floor.

"What?" Ranma scratched the base of his pigtail nervously. "Wh-what rule are you talking about?"

She smirked. Sometimes it was just too easy to control him…

"No kisses until you've brushed your teeth!" She grabbed the collar of his muscle shirt and pulled him close. By the look of sheer terror in his eyes, Nabiki assumed he thought she was about to hit him. Poor Ranma, having Akane as a fiancée must have conditioned a fear of angry women into him - well, at least he'd never refuse her anything. "Tsk, tsk, Ranma, whatever am I going to do with you?"

He only response was to chuckle nervously.

"You're just going to have to make it up to me today."

He was beginning to sweat.

"Oh don't worry, Ranma, I'm not going to ask you to 'perform' for me again, especially with your injuries." She licked her lips and broke out into a feral grin.

'Uh oh…'

"So you'll just have to treat me to ice cream at Jonathan's today!" She smiled sweetly and kissed him on the nose.

As her bedroom door closed, Ranma fell to his knees feeling both stupefied and slightly annoyed at the ease with which she toyed with his emotions.

---The End (?)---