Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Waterfalls of Blood ❯ Mutters in the Dark ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Waterfalls of Blood
Author: Sera Luanma
Chapter: Mutters in the Dark
Rating: R, but if you can understand it, go ahead and read it.

A/N: Well, we finally get to a little action between Ranma and Ryouga. I know some people are going to bitch about the way I portray Nodoka, but I like the thought of her as a generally caring mother with some problems. It seems that I have done what I didn't want to and crossed this with Ah Megumi-sama! As of right now it's faint, but if the mood strikes me, I might bring in some other characters.

Thanks to:
Babs Yerunkle: Thank you so much! I know I like to stray from the canonical Ranma...but I feel there are enough of those out there already. I too like to think of Ranma as the one who always speaks out and has something to say. If you like to see the villains win, I suggest 'Villains Victorious' a book I found in the store that was very diff. from the norm. I hope you are satisfied with this chapter while I try to bring some things together. =^.^=

Akane_Girl13: Thanks for the review and support! I like to stray towards the dark too. Sorry, but though we'll see more Akane, no romantic involvement is in the stars for the two. Maybe you can see why in this chapter? Poor past!Ranma...heheh.



Two points of emerald light.

A shape lurking in the darkness.



'Yes. I am but one aspect.'


Screaming with the pain of merging.

And finally...Power.


Ranma stared up into the warm brown depths of his sometimes enemy, sometimes friend. "W-w-" Ranma coughed a second; clearing his throat and feeling the ever present tingle of the collar. "What happened, Ryouga?"

Blushing slightly when he realized Ranma was no longer immersed in the Neko-ken, he waited until the other boy had climbed off his lap before speaking, crushing any thoughts of how nice it had felt with the hard warmth on his body.

"I saw you under the bridge and you were acting strange, sweating and muttering, and I called your name when you yowled and jumped onto me." Ryouga stuttered while he was talking, not even knowing why he was acting this way around *Ranma* of all people. He usually only acted this way around girls...But even Ranma-onna didn't cause any change in his feelings for Ranma, the respect and affection...Ryouga's eyes went big as he realized what he was thinking and his defensive anger came to the front, about to scream at Ranma when he caught sight of those startling orbs. Ranma was regarding him with a puzzled, lost expression.

"Uh, I think I'm going to head to mom's house. You want to stay for dinner?" Ranma appealed to the one thing that would stop both him and Ryouga from the awkward silence following the strange energy crackling in the air. Nodding quietly, Ryouga followed as Ranma strode out from under the bridge, neither noticing that during the whole journey, Ryouga didn't wander off once.


"Ranma-chan! You finally came to visit. Sometimes I think you prefer the Tendou's to your own mother." Nodoka bustled around after receiving the two boys with enthusiasm. Setting two plates in front of them, she smiled, "Have some late lunch before your father eats all the leftovers. Now, Ryouga-kun, are you staying the night?" At his tentative nod, she hurried off upstairs, calling over her shoulder, "I'll make up a second futon in Ranma's room."

Digging into the food, a comfortable quiet settled between the two for the first time either of them could remember. Soon Nodoka came back down, gently feeling with her feet as she brought a large chest into the dining area. "I found this while I was clearing out the attic earlier. It has some training scrolls dating back to the very beginnings of our line. The only one I was able to master was the Strike of the Virgin Swords. Maybe you and Ryouga-kun can take it out to the dojo and practice some? I need to clean up." Before either boy could blink, they found themselves in a small, neatly kept backyard with a path to a small, but nicely appointed dojo. It looked in much better condition than the one at the Tendou's...probably because it went through less repairs.

Following the stones, Ranma easily balanced the chest on one hand, twirling it idly as Ryouga snorted, "Show-off."

"Takes one to know one, ne, Ryo-kun?" Both blinked in surprise at the nickname. Even Ranma didn't know where it came from, it just felt right. It's not like Ryouga was his archenemy. In fact, he was probably the closest thing to a friend now with Ukyou only after him for marriage. Relaxing at that bit of logic, he dropped his burden on the tatami mats and opened it, wincing a little at the small of aged parchment and dust. Reaching in and pulling out scrolls, Ranma glanced at them and sorted those in Japanese and those in other languages. After twenty or so scrolls, the chest was empty except for a bound leather book with one kanji symbol on it. Not recognizing the ancient form, he turned to Ryouga and found him leaning over his shoulder. Ryouga tapped a finger against the stained cover.

"This is the old form of writing. If I remember the lessons with my uncle, this means 'Chaos.'" Ranma felt a jolt of recognition down his spine as he opened the cover and looked at the name inside.

Yukiyo Saotome.

Flipping the page, Ranma groaned in frustration when he realized he couldn't read the writing. Turning to look at Ryouga, he realized too late that he still had his head over Ranma's shoulder. Their lips touched, and Ranma felt the same recognition as with the diary run through his system. With that thought, a connection seemed to open between them, heat and energy moving hot through Ranma's mouth and into Ryouga's. Staring a moment into his friend's startled mocha eyes, Ranma closed his and crushed the other body closer in his quest for more of the energy between them. Ryouga's shock melted into desire when he felt Ranma wrap him closer, parting his lips for easier access. Stars exploded behind Ranma's lids with the tentative touch of the other boy's tongue, eliciting a growl deep inside his chest that resonated into the junction of their mouths. Almost hurting from the need to touch skin to skin, Ryouga yanked up Ranma's shirt and thrust one hand onto the smooth landscape of taut skin and muscle and tangled the other into the hair at the nape of his neck.

Caught up in each other as they were, both failed to hear Nodoka's call for dinner. It was only the sound of slippered feet that gave them enough warning to break away and sit panting, Ranma entranced by Ryouga's bruised lips and Ryouga delighted by the loose strands of Ranma's hair. Nodoka slid open the screen and gave a cursory glance to the mess of papers scattered on the floor. "I see you've been practicing. Hurry up to the furo and wash up for dinner. It's still not quite done, but I gave you enough time for a quick soak." And with a blinding smile, she shuffled back into the house.

Still staring at the lost boy, Ranma could only murmur one word from the storm of voices from his regained memories, "Fang."

Equally lost in the maelstrom of whispers, Ryouga just glanced wide-eyed as he spoke with the same conviction, "Chaos."

And with the energy humming through them and in the surrounding air, neither spoke on the way up the stairs to clean up for a meal Ranma suddenly didn't have an appetite for...Leaving behind a leather book that, for a brief moment, shone with a dark light.


The evening meal was a silent affair with Genma out drinking with Soun and both Ranma and Ryouga lost in their thoughts. Nodoka was happily oblivious to the mood and soon the two found themselves at a loss when, staring blankly at the television screen, she came in and gave both a hug before turning in for the night, stopping only long enough to remind them to clean up the mess they left in the dojo. Ranma turned and favored Ryouga with a smoldering glance.

"Want to figure out what that diary contains?"

Ryouga started, as his train of thought was broken. Nodding his head tersely, he got up to follow Ranma and almost ran into the hard back when the other boy stopped and turned. "What's wrong, Ryouga? You've been angry ever since our kiss."

The Lost Boy looked into the stormy eyes and Ranma could read the hurt and anger simmering in those dark pools. "Why did you leave me, back then? Wasn't I good enough for you?" Ranma's eyes widened and he laughed.

"Is that what this is about?" Ryouga winced at the laughter before hiding his emotions behind a mask. Ranma noticed and softened his tone slightly. "I didn't mean to laugh, but Ryouga, after the dojo, could you ever doubt you were good enough?"

"Then why did you leave me?"

"I...I really don't know. There's so much locked away in my mind right now. I just merged with the Cat earlier today. Everything's still jumbled in my head."

Ryouga didn't look satisfied with the answer, but let it drop for the moment. "Fine. Let's go see what the diary holds, since I'll probably be the one reading it." Ranma favored him with a grin and continued outside, a new lightness to his step.

Once inside, Ranma saw the book lying in a semi-circle of papers, nothing touching the binding. Picking it up, he casually tossed it to Ryouga, settling on the floor in a lotus position. Joining Ranma on the floor, Ryouga turned to the first page and began to read.


12th moon, 1361

I have seen Hell.

It looks like a medieval village run by women.

While training in a nearby valley, father was stupid enough to fall into one of the springs. He came out as a woman. I myself escaped the Pools of Sorrow without a curse, but I fear my life now is worse than anything the Gods could have bestowed upon me. Father took me to this village in the hopes of learning some of their combat arts. Though women usually aren't taught these things, father has no heir and needs his school to continue. The Twin Heavenly Blades shall not be lost to the sands of time. I swear it on his grave and this hellhole. The Amazons will pay for father's death. They do not know they adopted an enemy into their tribe. But they will.

I swear it.


Ryouga looked at Ranma in shock. "It appears getting that curse and running into the Amazons runs in your family. Though the Heavenly Blades is a laugh considering you're actually demonic in nature."

"I remember learning that style. Pops didn't want to teach it to me, but Mom insisted since it is the legacy of both their families. If I remember, Mom is Pops distant relation..." He shook his head, clearing the faded conversation out of his head. "Anyways, keep reading."


1st moon, 3rd night, 1362

I have been defeated. My new husband has just fallen asleep after his 'Husbandly right' with me. He will also die. I have a new goal now. I will harness this power that the Elder of Lore tells me is swirling inside of my body. And when I do, he will pay dearly for it. The only person I might spare is Sil Kah. She is different from the others. I feel a thrill every time those violet eyes move over me. I have seen her fight and perhaps, soon, I will challenge her to the Sands.

1st moon, 20th night, 1362

The Healer says I am pregnant. Liu has no knowledge of this since I beseeched the Healer not to tell anyone. She has to respect my wishes since I am a higher class then she with the joining of Sil Kah. I defeated her right after my wedding night. The only times I am happy now are when I am in her pale arms. The power inside me wants out. I have tapped into some of it, but found it all dark. I might want vengeance, but I cannot take this energy upon me. It will consume me.

4th moon, 25th night, 1362

Power is mine. I have harnessed that which is in my very blood, that richly dark substance. It fills me with energy and keeps me awake at night, yet I don't suffer for lack of sleep. Liu has become easier to control and hasn't touched my bed since the 2nd moon. I am due in 6 more months. Sil Kah has already started thinking of names. I have decided Liu will die soon. Then, with the birth of my son, my happiness shall be complete.

5th moon, 30th night, 1362

The deed is done. Liu is no more due to an 'accident' in the stables. A horse unfortunately kicked him in the back and broke his spine. There was an unexpected side effect to the death though...I received more power to add to my darkness. I now see visions of what is to come. I see my son and wife, but not myself. Is it death I see, or can I not see myself? I need more power.

7th moon, 18th night, 1362

My womb is as round as the harvest moon in the sky. The nights are too warm and I often find myself at the waterfall up on the cliff, listening to the voices. They tell me stories of my history and bloodline. I have the blood of a demon and a goddess running through my veins. I am tainted and pure. My son will be greater than I am in the Night. A woman is closer to the light...but my son...I shall see him rise in greatness. I summoned my first demon and he promised me this as he lay with me. I can still feel his darkness inside me, filling me. They say the time is closing.

10th moon, 29th day, 1362

More of Them have met accidents at my hands. Some of the Elders suspect something, but no one turns to me and my proper Amazon wife. Sil Kah knows something, but I fear to tell and take away my last refuge in this despised shit pile. The winds whisper of my labor pains to come. They will be early. My hair is longer than I am now and my eyes have darkened. The night embraces me as I step into the water at the cliff. He is always there now, but there is no rutting. It is too delicate of a time for that right now. He says everything rests on my child.

10th moon, 30th night, 1362

It will be in two days time. Shisei* will take my place in this life as I travel beyond. I feel the taint in him and laugh at the Gods in their futileness. The spirits say that the Goddess taught her daughters and cast aside her sons, leaving them to be taken in by whatever force they may. She was stupid to do that. Sil Kah has shown me the depth or herself. She is a minor demonic descendent and promised to care for Shisei. The Darkness rises. Will he be the one we have waited for?

10th moon, 31st night, 1362

It will be tomorrow in only a few hours. Shisei is ready to take his mantle as Prince. But his blood is still tainted with the Present. The night calls and the spirits climb closer through the veil. The village will burn tomorrow. His coming will be a baptizing of blood of the fighters. The Present climbs high tonight to watch what her children have wrought and the air feels heavy with the storm her son will bring. The power will flow as the blood doesn't end, but the frost of the circle will close with the fire to create Storm. The pain has begun. I would feel this last memory of life as I fade out.


The closing of the ancient parchment seemed loud in the cool stillness of the dojo's air. Power hummed along the journal and flowed with electric movement to Ranma, striking him and disintegrating his shirt. Ryouga watched in fearful fascination as the power burned into the screaming boy's skin, branding a vague symbol of the Dragon on his chest. Each new burst of violet lightning brought on a new set of breath-stealing cries, bringing Nodoka running into the dojo.

"Wha-No! That should not have opened! Only the demon blood could have opened that book!" She cried, bringing her sword out of the sheath and holding the naked blade steady. "I would not do this- but the world rests on his demise!" Nodoka screamed and ran towards the convulsing figure of her son, preparing the blow to take his life. Reacting on an instinctive level left over from his previous life, Ryouga's hand flew out and caught her by the neck, bringing the struggling woman close. Eyes filled with an inhuman emotion, he could barely speak proper Japanese, the words guttural and sharp.

"Woman! You do not know what you play with here! Your line has destroyed all those who could open the book! NO LONGER! You kept the blood pure, and this is what you wrought! Look upon your flesh and blood! SEE HIS DESTINY!" Shoving her forward, Ryouga was wailing in a distant part of his mind, but the rest of him was reveling in the heat and extreme power in the air. Nodoka watched as the last bits of lightning played upon Ranma's skin...a final, lingering kiss to color the brand. Crimson ran in rivulets from the burned and blackened skin. Her eyes filled and ran free, the heat of her tears hurting more than the ions in the crackling milieu of the dojo.

"I cannot...I...ranma..." came the broken voice. Ranma rose unsteadily to his feet and came close.

"Put...put her down, Ryo-kun." Voice hoarse from screaming, he still managed a grin for his general. Ryouga released his iron grasp and watched impassively as the broken figure lay crumpled in a sobbing heap. She lifted a tear stained face to her son.

"Ranma...I cannot kill you. You were taken from me once...but not again," voice strengthening in resolve, she stood shakily and fixed her kimono before opening her arms to him. "I will not fail you again, my son..." a small pause.

"My Lord.
