Read Or Die Fan Fiction ❯ My Dark Red Eyed Mystery ❯ My Dark Red Eyed Mystery ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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My Dark Red Eyed Mystery

Anime - Read Or Die
Rating - NC-17
Summary - Anita and Junior meet after a long time apart ... Story ‘Lemon’

Anita - 16
Junior - Looks 17, Not to sure of his real age but if you know feel free to tell me

(Anita’s POV)

All theses years, Well at least since we lived in Japan and I had that incident at school where that guy in all black ‘Now that I think about it he kind of looked like a modern ninja’ Well anyway since that day in the school library where he tried to kill me for that one book ... And for trying to stop him ‘Well he got away anyway’ .... Well since then I’ve felt like there’s someone watching me.

The weird thing is that I’ve caught glimpse of that same guy in that same black uniform several times during our book retrieval missions, Some times he gets in the way and sometimes I just see him but he dosent interfere .. Which to me doesn’t make any sense. Since you’d think that he’d be after the books to. But that’s not the only place I’ve seen him ...

This is gonna sound strange but as smooth as this guy thinks he is, Late at night while I’m in my room trying to sleep I’ve seen his shadow on the balcony door ... Like his just standing there waiting for me do so something ... Once I did approach him but then Michelle came in turned the lights on and asked me what I was doing, I didn’t answer her but when I turned back to the doors he was gone. I haven’t tried since then to see who he really is and that in turn all leads to today or should I say now.

We are at a hotel in India after a book retrieval mission ... There aren’t any flights back home today so we have to wait for tomorrow afternoon which is fine with me because I finally have my chance to see who he is, Michelle, Maggie and Nenene have gone out and knowing them will most likely be back very late.

So its 6:00 pm here I am waiting for who I like to call ‘My Mystery Stalker’ to come out of the shadows and let me catch a glimpse of who he really is. All I really know about him is that he’s a guy ‘I can tell because of his build’ and that he had dark red eyes .... His eyes .. They remind me of someone but I cant quite put my finger on it ... Well it will come to me in time I suppose.

Its 6:30 pm now and he still hasn’t showed maybe he can sense what I’m gonna do tonight and chickened out .... No he isn’t like that .... There ! ... There I can see him, His out line on the hotel balcony doors ... This is my chance its now or never.

I get up from my place on the bed and slowly approach while being careful ... Slowly so I don’t scare him off .... The only thing I can hear are grasshoppers chirping and the sound of the wind as it plays with the curtains of the balcony doors, He’s still there standing up straight and he doesn’t look tense that I can see ... He’s waiting for me to approach ... I’m not stupid I have a piece of paper tucked in my hand incase he decides he wants to kill me.

I approach the doors and open one, Just like I thought he’s in a all black suit and all you can see clearly are his dark red eyes. He’s not moving but his eyes are practically glued to my form and now we just stare at each other ... I guess I’ll be the one to ask why he’s here and brake the ice.

“Who are you and why are you here ? ... No scratch that ... Why the hell have you been following my sisters and I ? And practically stalking us ? Are you some kind of Freak ?” I some how managed to pull that off in a calm yet disgusted tone ... I really don’t do calm.

He just stars and says nothing .... I hate this I can feel no treat from him which I guess is a good thing but he’s to quite for my liking.

“Well aren’t you gonna answer ?!?!” Now I let my anger into my voice, and all he can see fit to do is look at me.

“Well if you aren’t going to say something I think I’ll go and leave you to your solitude” I turn and make for the door when I hear soft whisper.

“Stop .... Do you really not recognize me Anita ? Its been about 5 years”

His voice that British accent ... And his eyes now it all comes back to me the eyes the voice the pale skin all that’s missing is his pale gray green hair ...

“Junior” I hear myself say softly my back still to him.

“Yes, That’s right” His voice a little louder with a bit of a purr ... But since when dose he purr ?

(Authors POV)

She turns with disbelief clearly written on her face, It was him all these years ... She had thought they’d never meet again and yet here he was standing before her ... Junior .. O how she’d missed him ... For a long time she had the biggest crush on him then they’d drifted apart and now here they were and yet she couldn’t move it was like her form was glued to the stop.

Suddenly he appeared behind her his chest brushing her back, She regained her composer and gasped at his sudden movement. She stood still and slowly turned to face him, His facade looked calm but inside he was a mess ... All those times he had wanted to touch her and hold her ... Just watching wasn’t enough for him any more, He had protected her during her missions with Michelle and Maggie without her figuring it out, He watched her grow into what he dared call a women. Now nothing was going to stop him from being with her except maybe her ...

Well if she rejected him and told him to go, He would but now with her fast breathing and her large brite green eyes looking up at him, His train of thought was cut as her hands went up to his face and then the sides of his mask. She looked at him for a okay and as he didn’t move she started to slowly pull it down and in doing so freeing his pale grey green locks and allowing them to spill and settle behind his shoulders.

“Junior” Anita breathed. Slowly and softly she reached out to touch his cheek.

They froze like that for a moment and she could see him, His calm expression slip and one she didn’t recognize replaced it as he gave in with a light groan and turned his mouth into her palm, Placing a kiss there. Before her brain could quite register the gentle kiss, He turned back to her and pulled her into his arms. Anita went willingly, Raising her mouth to what would be there fist kiss and got plundered by a deep yet passionate kiss as his lips caressed hers, It was more that she has expected as she stepped deeper into his embrace. He was hard and cool, Handsome and tragic, Exciting and passionate.

Anita opened to him like a bud, The petals of her mouth spreading to allow him in to taste her nectar. Junior drank deeply of that nectar, His hands sliding over the soft thin material of her shirt as it was molding her upper body. But soon that wasn’t enough and he knew he must have more.

His sensation-starved hands were eager to feel more than the soft material of her shirt, he brought his hands to the front feeling her breasts lightly as he’s fingers went for the bottons and slowly undid each one while waiting for a negative response to see if she’d stop him. When the last button was done he opened the shirt slowly and slid his hands beneath it to feel the warm flesh of her stomach. He encounter material again as he explored further up and as he made to reach behind to where he thought the clasp would be he heard her soft voice say “Its in the front”

Giving light kisses trailing down her neck as he undid her bra and his lips reached her breast and his hands cupped her bottom bringing her up to feel his hardness and as if she understood she wrapped her legs around his waist, His lips sucking and caressing lightly on her pink nipple as he walked inside placing her lightly on the bed with him so that they were kneeling while ignoring the open balcony doors and the soft breeze caressed there skin.

Moving up and capturing her lips with his and braking the kiss he trailed his lips over her throat, As he urged Anita to lay back and his grey green hair made a curtain around them as he captured her lips once more in a kiss. Anita moaned braking there kiss but he immediately lowered his face and sucked one engorged nipple into his mouth, Teasing it until Anita was shifting and making exciting little mewls of pleasure as he teased the other with his hand.

“Junior ... Please ... I want ...” Her words ended on a gasp as he undid her pants and inserted in fingers on the sides pulling them down with her underwear leaving her naked and free to his lust filled gaze. He carefully slid one finger inside her, Stretching her and pleasuring her at the same time. His body tightened in anticipation as her wet heat closed around the digit. He could already imagine what it would feel like ... Being his first time he had read some books for when this time came he would be able satisfy her and that he was sure he would.

He wanted to be inside her, Right there and then, But knew she wasn’t ready. He would have to be patient. The fact that he could actually be patient in this kind of situation made him wonder a bit about his control.

Anita was coming apart. Juniors delicious touch was making her mindless. She wanted it to go on forever, But this time she wanted to touch him in return. Forcing his mouth away from the breast he beared, She urged him back enough that she could reach between them and began to tug and pull up at his black shirt. She managed to untuck it from his pants but she would need his cooperation to remove it completely. Much to her combined regret and relief, Junior gave up caressing her long enough to pull the shirt over his head. He didn’t immediately return to caressing her again, But kissed her instead as she let her hands travel over his well defined chest and shoulders, Enjoying the feel of him.

As she felt his chest it finally registered what she was allowing him to do and uncertainty and shyness filled Anita, She tried to rise back up but Junior held her in place by lowering his head to her beast again. The shock of the sensation that shot through her as he suckled her was enough to make her hesitate, And when his hand slid between her open thighs once more, It was enough to keep her still.

If there was any discomfort now, Anita no longer felt it. She was aware only of the pleasure he brought her with his mouth and caress. Disappointment drifted through her when he left her breast, But then the stretched muscles of her stomach quivered and jerked as he trailed kisses down over it. She had a moments shock and embarrassment when he continued downward until his face disappeared between her legs. Then the sensations he awakened within her pushed those aside and she cried out with unbearable pleasure instead.

When his hands drifted up to catch both her breasts as he continued to caress her with his mouth, Anita caught them and covered them with her own, Squeezing them tightly in place.

Junior immediately pinched at her pebbled nipples, Tweaking them and adding to her excitement until she thought she could stand It no more. It was then that something burst within her, Convulsing her muscles and making her cry out his name in mindless delight.

Junior murmured soothing words and held her as she rode the crest of the ecstasy he had given her. Then he straightened and scooped her into his arms. Anita wrapped her own arms around his shoulders and pressed her face into his neck so that she could kiss him there in delight. She suddenly found himself seated in Juniors lap, Her arms clinging around his shoulders as he kissed and held her. His hands touching her body, Anita allowed her hands to move over his chest and arms, Then let them drop down over his stomach until they reached the top of his pants. Junior immediately groaned into her mouth and she felt the muscles in his stomach ripple. Feeling encouraged, She let her hand drop lower, But didn’t get far before Junior caught her hand and drew it away.

“But ... I want to touch you too” Anita whispered in protest when he broke their kiss to trail his lips over her cheek to one ear.

“Later” He assured her.

Anita moaned in response, Contenting herself with running her hands over his shoulders, Chest and back, She sighed and arched and shifted into his touch as his fingers slid between her legs and danced busily over her flesh, Driving her to a fevered pitch. Anita was mindless with desire when he finally lifted her off his lap to lay her back on the bed, and she shifted restlessly as he quickly removed the rest of his clothes and his boots.

Anita opened her arms in welcome when he rejoined her in bed, Then dragged his head down to kiss him while slipping her fingers in his long silky grey green locks. She thought he would return to caressing her again and mentally prepared herself for the first shock of his touch. She wasn’t prepared, however, when he suddenly slid into her. She cried out, With more surprise than pain, and stiffened beneath him at the unexpected intrusion, then realized that he to had stilled.

Anita opened her darkened green orbs to see his face, Then shifted beneath him experimentally, Wondering why there hadn’t been more pain. She remembered Michelle had said their would be lots of pain the first time when they had spoken about sex after having to tie her to a chair to get her to listen about the whole subject. But the small twinge she had experienced was far from ‘lots of pain’.

A low groan from Junior made her still her experimentation. She glanced at his face to see his agonized expression and wondered if she had misunderstood Michelle. Perhaps it wasn’t the woman who suffered the first time. She was worrying over that when Junior opened his dark red orbs and speared her with a glance.

“Are you all right ?” He asked gruffly.

Anita swallowed, Then nodded solemnly.

“Thank God” He growled and immediately began to move. Anita almost protested when he withdrew from her, But the breath she had inhaled to speak with was expelled on a sigh as he immediately slid back into her again. Unsure what else to do, Anita slid her arms and legs around Junior and simply held on, Allowing her body to move, Arch and clench as it saw fit. Her body seemed to have a better idea of what to do than her mind did, Which was perhaps a good thing, Since her mind appeared to have decided to bow out of this undertaking. Anita was simply a mass of sensation now, Her body singing to the tune he played.

Junior drove into her over and over again, His body screaming with pleasure as her moist heat welcomed him. She heated him like no other would, He was sure of it.

Anita cried his name breathlessly, Her nails biting into his back as she urged him on, Junior growled with the excitement that was building to an unbearable level. Bending his head, He caught her mouth in a passionate kiss, Then made a trail to her neck and lavished her with kisses while one hand slid through her pink hair. Junior cried her name and followed her into the brite white light as a haze of ecstasy filled there bodies.

Anita was first to recover running a small hand over his cheek and forehead while brushing off some sweat there and caressing him, Junior recovered a few minutes after and made to lean his head down allowing his forehead to touch hers as his hair shielded her from the outside would. Their lips touched once more as Anita gave into her need to sleep, Junior withdrew from her and laid on the side of her, She snuggled into his side and Junior put an arm around her back bringing her closer to him. He kissed her forehead and allowed himself to doze as sleeping would not do for he didn’t know when her sisters would be back and it would not do to get caught there.

2 hours had passed when he heard the sound of steps coming closer to the rooms door, He regretfully made his was out of the bed to dress himself. Once done he looked over to Anita ... He didn’t want to leave her but saw no other choice so he made sure to cover her with a white sheet and gave her a light kiss on the lips and one on her forehead. He made his way to the open doors and managed to make it outside when he heard a soft whisper say

“Junior .. I .. I love you please don’t leave me”

Looking back into the room the saw a shadow of Anita sitting up on the bed and said as lightly as she had

“I love you as well ... And I assure you I’ll be back tomorrow when your alone ... Till then maybe you can think of a solution or a way to brake this to your sisters but till then I must go ... Well have a better chance to speak tomorrow ..... Sweet Dreams .... Love” And with that he was gone leaving only the sound of three women entering the hotel room and one wishful sigh from a young women in love.

“Sweet Dreams .... Junior”


... Sorry if there’s misspellings ...
... So what did you think ... Did you like it ???? .... Well if you did and I get enough convincing reviews I might write a second chapter to this ! ... Well Later and Thank you for reading ! and please Review ! ! ! ...