Realism Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ T N T ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
People say that
I was young, eager for new experiences.
And hey, part of me agrees, but a part of me, a part that remembers the good times with him, can still
boldly stand up to anyone, state with true faith that
hadn't been so

It was a cool September morning, I was shuffling through my binder
frantically trying to organize the mess that it had become due to my
The grass was damp, and as I sat there with papers scattered around my feet,
he appeared. Looking up at him and blinking against the harsh sun,
it seemed to frame the back of his head, almost as if he were an angel.
I could have believed it at that moment, when his lips quirked,
a half smile, as he observed my mess. My throat constricted, pieces of the Old Taylor
still clinging to me like wet clothes. He knelt down, picked up a few papers before handing them to me.
His hands looked rough, from football no doubt. He was my senior, and one of the star players
for our team, the Radars.

Taylor, right?

His voice, with my name. As if it were made to say it.
I ignored goosebumps, pushed down the girl that was screaming he's bad news! and let a smile slide onto my own lips.

“That’s right.”

His smile
He lifted his hand. His fingertips brushed aside a strand of my hair.

I’m Seth. It’s nice to meet you.