Role Playing Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Syndicate ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Midnight Syndicate
~Original Story~
Haremness, yaoi, hentai, het, smut, lemons, limes, NCS, death, attempted murder, angst, roleplay, supernatural, incest, mpreg (possibly)
Disclaimer: Not all of the characters in this fic belong to me. Here are just a few that I can name off the top of my head: Seppuku (Midnight), Takeshi, Saya, Lucifer, Loath, Sick Lady, Mr. Bear. I'll add more to the list as we go on but for now, let's start the fic!

Chapter Two

Morning came just as any other would have. Midnight woke to a well lit room and the movements of others around him. It had taken him a while to get used to waking up like this. Before, he'd have to talk himself down from slaughtering the whole lot that dared to even breathe to close to him. He sat up slowly letting the cover pool into his lap. He had slept in his pants after washing them. He swung his legs over the side of the bed before standing. His blue eyes shifted slowly over the room before finally settling on Saya who continued to sleep peacefully at the foot of the bed. Alot like a small dog. He cocked his head absently. It was only natual for him to see the girl as a pet. She was human, dependent, frail. He moved about the room getting his things together. Deciding to give the child a few more moments of sleep, he stopped by the room once again. The smell of death had drifted out into the hall diluting the smell slightly. He checked the room over slowly for anything of use. He only found a pink stuffed bunny. He held the thing up by one ear.

He was just frowning over it when Saya stumbled sleepily into the room. Her sad eyes looked to the spot her mother had been last night. All was left was what had escaped the sickly woman's body upon death. She looked from there to Midnight then the rabbit. "Nooo. That's Mr. Bear. You have to handle him carefully." She ran over quickly taking 'Mr. Bear' carefully out of Midnight's possession.

The older man could only grunt as he stood. There was nothing to be had here. "Come on. We're leaving." He called sparing the child a pat on the head. With that, he headed toward the exit. Thankfully, he didn't run into the woman from before on their way. Within minutes, the two were making their way through the city to the other side.

"Where are we going?" Saya questioned.

"To the next village." Midnight answered absently scanning the streets for any possible dangers. He could clearly see that Saya was close enough through his peripheral.

It seemed like a small eternity before the end of the village finally came. For such a dismal town it seemed fairly vast. It held potential if the right person could gain control over it. But that didn't interest Midnight as he took the first step out of the city. He continued on a few steps before realizing that Saya was not following. He turned eying her suspiciously. "Are you coming?" He asked. He watched as the girl looked back one last time. When she looked back to the other, she ran forward coming to a trotting stop at his side. Midnight grunted and nodded once resuming his steps without a second thought. In his mind, he knew he could make it to the next city in five hours going at the speed he was going.

"Mister! Wait up!"

Midnight paused in midstep. His face was pleasantly blank as he listened to how many steps it took the child to catch up to him. His eyebrow twitched once those steps reach into the double digits. Curse human children and their short legs. Why couldn't they come out fully grown like he did? Those questions would never be answered. This left hom to do only one thing, shake his head and wait for Saya to catch up. He spared the youth a glance over his shoulder after pushing his hair over the opposite shoulder. She had just caught up to him. "You have very long legs, Mister." She panted with her face flush from running.

The older man snorted. "My legs aren't long, your legs are short." He countered crossing his arms over his narrow chest. His blue eyes studied the child carefully. What was he to do with her. At the moment she was more of a burden than an asset. Saya moved to protest the claim but fell quiet. Instead, she merely glowered up at the man until he began to walk again. Midnight did just that but at a slower pace.

Two hours later, three times as long as it would have taken him by himself, the two reached the first line of trees outside of the village. Midnight glanced back absently taking in the ashen village in the background and the rocky plain they had just come across. He turned back to the path.

"Where are we going?" Saya asked coming to a stop beside the other. Her brown eyes looked from the dense woods back to Midnight curiously.

"We are going to the next city." Midnight answered patiently slowly dropping his hands to his sides. He started to take the first step into the woods when Saya's hand came up to grasp his. Looking down at her questioningly, he saw a look that most children wouldn't have around her age.

Saya's face had hardened with her eyes carefully averted to a certain spot in the brush. "Is someone there, little one?" Midnight asked softly. His eyes remained focused on the girl though his ears listened in that direction.

"There's a man...." She said softly. Just as she spoke, a blur shot from the bushes. It took Midnight only a moment to recognize it as an arrow and a split second to put himself between it and the child. A short thud sounded from where the arrow buried itself in his thigh. He grunted reaching for it unfazed. With a quick tug, he pulled it out narrowing his eyes at the location it had come from. His ears twitched hearing the creak of a bow.

"Let's go." He said quickly, lifting Saya in his arms and taking off into the woods. Thewhirring sounds of arrows barely missing his head was enough to send his mind into overdrive in an attempt to counterattack. A few yards into the woods, Midnight finally reached a large oak tree. He leaned against it heavily. The wound to his thigh throbbed and pulsed painfully. He frowned down at it. Why hadn't it healed yet? He had very little time to dwell on the matter before he heard a battlecry souding just overhead. Looking up with semi-bewildered eyes, he watched as a moderately sized man came pouncing downward. The bewilderment turned into amusement as he absently motioned Saya to step back out of harm's way. A second later, there was a thud and the imprint of the man's crouched figure int the soft dirt.

The man groaned out in pain. His hand twitched miserably around a shuriken. Midnight could only snort in amusement before taking a careful step back. He started to turn away when he heard another arrow tear through the air. He watched in slow motion as he turned toward the arrow. He wasn't going to be able to move in time.

The sound of the arrow tearing through Midnight's left cheek and into his sight echoed off of the trees followed by Saya's high pitched scream. Saya watched in horror as the older man slowly crumbled to the ground. His jaw was forced to remain partially open thanks to a mixture of pain and the fact that the arrow's shaft was rested directly ontop of his teeth. Rather than pull it out, he played the part of a wounded mortal. He rolled his head side to side in agony. His hands came up weakly to inspect the damage making it seem that he was about to pull it out.

"I wouldn't do that." A confident voice stated. Slowly, out of the shadows stepped a young man. His hair was the same shade of black as Midnight's but that was where the similarities stopped. His hair was drawn up into a high ponytail that graced the stop of his shoulders. His eyes were just as black and drooped giving him a tired appearance. He wore a simple navy blue and white kimono with a sword belted to his waist. In his hand was the very bow that he had shot Midnight with.
The wounded man eyed the other with glazed eyes. One would be mistaken that his look was painfilled however, Midnight was far from being blinded by it.

"We'll take that out in do time...maybe you won't die from infection." The man stated lightly. With a snap of his finger, three other men appeared. "Take them to camp."


A/N: I have not a clue where the last part of the chapter came from. It just...seemed like something to write. -hides from Midnight's owner- I'll have the next one up sometime today or tomorrow...that's if I'm not killed.