Romance Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Hanyou and Rangers ❯ Blood and wine ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Of Hanyous and Rangers
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to NeverWinter Nights. NeverWinter Nights ©2004 Atari. The only part that I own is the name of the characters in this story. With that being said, I hope you enjoy my story about a Cat Hanyou and a Ranger that is tracking her down.
*This story takes place in the fantasyland of the middle earth yet is not in any correlations to “lord of the rings” (novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ©1954). Also I also include a kind of Japanes heratige for my characters*
Chapter 7: Blood and Wine
Ki'ala awoke the next morning to find a pillow under her head and a blanket over her body. She figured that Sendivir must given them to her while she was asleep. She noticed that the restraints where no longer there. She felt like running away as far as she could, but did not want to be alone. She missed Raven, her friend. No her lover!
Sendivir walked back to the camp with cloths in his arms, he said nothing to the nymph as he walked by but gave her a smile. The ranger walked into the tent where Raven's body laid. Inside he used the cloth that he bought and made a nice dress for the dead Hanyou and put it on her. When he was finished, he pulled one of her fangs and laced it onto a necklace, it was to remind him that this world was not just black and white and there was more to living then just money. He ran his hand across her cheek one last time before going back outside.
“Nymph I'm going to need your help with something.” Sendivir said the Ki'ala. She looked at him saying nothing. She felt that he would stand there until she said something. The nymph nodded to him and stood up. The ranger went back inside the tent and she followed him, inside she saw Raven's body in a rather attractive dress. A small smile came upon her face seeing how the ranger cared for the Hanyou's body. The nymph looked at Sendivir a little confused as to why he did it.
“I don't expect you to understand why I'm doing this. I . . . I'm not turning in her body, instead I'm going to give her a proper burial and I need your help with that.” Sendivir told her as she smiled at him.
They made their way through the forest the ranger carrying the Hanyou's dead body. The nymph found a rather peaceful spot for the grave. They gently placed her body into the grave and buried the body and Sendivir made a tombstone for her. The ranger said a prayer of nature, and Ki'ala tried to fight back her tears. She embraced the ranger as her emotions poured out of her eyes. Sendivir feeling uncomfortable just stood there but let the nymph embrace him. He would take care of the nymph like he was asked to but her knew deep down in his heart that he would never fall in love with her. Love was really a word that he didn't quite know. He had never loved any one.
After packing up the campsite, Sendivir and Ki'ala made their way out of the forest and on to a road that would bring them to the next village, town, or city. Neither of them said a word as they walk, Ki'ala stayed close to the ranger she felt safe around him and trusted him enough to protect her.
Some where far from where the two where traveling an army of demonic shifters gathered to plot a plan to find and kill who ever it was who killed their kin. The group was lead by a figure in an ink black robe. The figure said nothing and pointed north to where they would find the man they wanted. However, the figured warned them to bring the nymph back to her alive and uninjured or it would be their heads.
The nymph stopped dead in her tracks and shivered. “S. . . Something not right.” She said in rough common. The ranger looked at her for a moment then around them as if feeling the dark aura that was chasing them. He grabbed her hand and they ran back into the forest.
The shifters ran with great speed as they followed the scent of the ranger and nymph. They knew better then it disobey their master. They moved through the forest until they lost the scent . . . something wasn't right. They looked around the clearing and knew this is where their brothers had been killed by the bastard ranger.
“Ki'ala I need you to stay here where it safe. If you see me send a flair into the sky, I want you to run as fast and far away as you can. Ok?” Sendivir said putting her inside a hollowed tree. She wanted to fight and help him but knew that he was right and that it would be better for her to stay here hidden and safe, so she nodded to him. Sendivir left her in the hollowed tree and ran off to the clearing to see who was hunting them.
The shifters looked around and sniffed the air. They made their camp in the clearing knowing that the ranger and nymph wouldn't get too far. Unknown to them, Sendivir was watching them from afar and cursed under his breath seeing the army of demonic shifters. He knew that he couldn't fight them alone and hope to win. He ran back to where the nymph was hiding.
“Ki'ala is their any way you can call upon the spirits of the woods to help me fight the army of shifters that are hunting you and me?” She nodded and started to pray to the god of nature to come to their aid. Soon a bright light engulfed the area around them and the spirits of dead warriors stood before them ready to help the ranger in the battle against the shifters.
“They await you command Sendivir-kun.” Ki'ala said, as she laid down feeling very tired from the summoning. He nodded and motioned for the warriors to follow him to where their target was.
The sun was setting when multiple arrows began to rain down in to the clearing taking out some of the shifters, then from the north a wave o warriors charged at them. The battle looked to have no end as neither side was winning or showing any sign of stopping. Sendivir took a hard hit to the should but kept fighting ignoring the pain. Blood covered the clearing, and when the sun came up the next day it seemed that the battle was over and not a living being was standing, that was until a pile of dead shifters started moving and the ranger crawled his way out of the pile and on to his feet.
He sighed and made his way back to the tree where Ki'ala was to be hiding. When he looked back at the once battle field he could have sworn her saw a figure in black robes, but when he made a double take the figure was gone. He shrugged it off and went back into the forest. When he got back to Ki'ala, she jumped up and hugged him tight. She was happy to see that he was alive and ok. She did her best to use her powers of nature to heal his wounds. “Thank you, Nym- ahem Ki'ala.' He said to her with a warm smile and rested against the tree. The nymph ran her hand gently across his chest to see if she had missed any of his injuries, she also liked the feel of his well-built body. This made the ranger feel uncomfortable as she touched his body. Ki'ala leaned her head close to his and kissed him, he tried to pull away but his will refused to listen to his body as his tongue wrestled with hers.
Ki'ala broke the kiss and looked deep into his eyes. They seemed to have clouded over with lust and his sight on reality was gone. She moved on top of his body and kissed him again as her hands moved over him feeling every muscle in his body.
Soon his mind snapped out of it and he pushed the nymph away. “I'm sorry Ki'ala . . . I just can't give you the love you need.” He got up and left to clear his mind. Ki'ala sighed and felt ashamed of herself for advancing on the ranger like that.
Sendivir took a seat on top of a rock and looked up at the noon sky. “I don't know what I'm to do. I cant love some one. I don't want any one to have love for me. It brings to much pain.” He said slamming his fist down on to the rock. His mind raced as he sat their for the rest of the day.
The next morning the ranger awoke to a warm body lying close next to his. He looked to his left to see the nymph curled up next to him sleeping. He smiled and ran his hand across her forehead. Maybe just maybe he could learn something from her as he cared for her on their travels.
Thus ends the tail of how Sendivir the ranger learned that their was more to life then what he thought. And who knows maybe there is love in him waiting to be found. With the help of the nymph, their travels through the lands will be full of learning and adventures. So take care of each other and god bless.