Romance Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Hanyou and Rangers ❯ Thunderstorm Waltz ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Of Hanyous and Rangers
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to NeverWinter Nights. NeverWinter Nights ©2004 Atari. The only part that I own is the name of the characters in this story. With that being said, I hope you enjoy my story about a Cat Hanyou and a Ranger that is tracking her down.
*This story takes place in the fantasyland of the middle earth yet is not in any correlations to “lord of the rings” (novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ©1954). Also I also include a kind of Japanes heratige for my characters*
Chapter 6:Thunderstorm waltz
After eating some of the bread that the ranger gave to her Raven took the nymph to the pond so they could get cleaned up. When they reached the pond, Raven felt relaxed. She washed Ki'ala's back and kissed her from time to time. They gave into the heat of the moment and let go of some of their sexual aches. Raven enjoyed the bath and didn't think of anything bad, or what the ranger might be planning. She didn't want to worry the nymph and she made sure to keep her happy today. After they bath and “playing” they laid on a rock and to let the sun dry their bodies off. Ki'ala climbed on top of Raven and gave her a passionate kiss. Raven was more then happy to return the kiss, and didn't mind the nymph being on top of her. She thought it was rather cute that her friend was trying to be the dominate one.
Sendivir grabbed his coin bag and started his way back to town to but a few more supplies that he needed. As he walked through the forest he could hear something and it was coming from the near by pond. For a moment he thought he should check it out but then figured that its just the Hanyou and the nymph. He grinned as a quick image of what they might be doing went through his mind. `Hmm I should think such ill thoughts. Though it is rather tempting to see what they are doing.' He said to himself feeling embarrassed at his own thoughts and the temptation to sneak a peek. `What the hell am I saying? I'm not a pervert and I will do no such thing!' he yelled in his mind this time the little devil spoke back `Oh come on, just think about it. Their bodies rubbing against one another, there moans of sexual relief.' The voice in his head said. Sendivir's will lost that fight as his body seemed to have become possessed and he made his way to the pond.
The view that he got would have given any one a nosebleed. The nymph had a smooth phallic object placed deep in her woman hood and had the other end of it moving in and out of the Hanyou. He tried to swallow but his throat was dry. He watched as Raven moaned and howled at the pleasure of being penetrated by the phallic object. He soon came to his senses and made his way to the village.
Raven smelled his scent and smiled when she knew he left. She felt somewhat proud that he was watching them. He body was telling her that he would be a good mate, but her mind kept telling her that he wants to kill her. Her orgasm hit her and was surprised as was the nymph when she shouted Sendivir's name. Ki'ala was offended at first but understood that she was in heat and her instincts were to mate with a male and it seems they have chosen the Ranger. Raven on the other hand was embarrassed and upset. How could she say his name like that? She looked up at the nymph feeling bad, but her friend just smiled at her and kissed her.
Back in the village, Sendivir stopped by the keep to report that he had killed three shape shifters that had attacked him, he left out the parts dealing with the Hanyou. After he gave his report, he stopped by the supplies store and bought the extra supplies. He didn't seem to want to return to his camp just yet, so he took his time walking around the village stopped in to the book shop and got a few books and then made his way back to the camp.
Back at her house, Raven listened to the stories of what Ki'ala had been up to the past years. Raven wished this moment would never end and that she could be happy not having to fight off other creatures. She left the house and told the nymph she was going hunting and would be back soon.
She made her way through the trees and spotted a wild boar looking around for food. She tackled the pig and killed it. Feeling happy with her fresh kill, she puffed out her chest and made her way back home to show the prize kill to the nymph. She let her ego cloud her senses and soon found her self hanging upside down in a trap. She hissed and clawed at the rope to get free and landed with a loud thud. She dusted herself off and went to grab the boar when she picked up the scent of a near by stalker. Her hair was standing up on end and claws out ready to defend herself. A low growl came from her throat and her ears twitched. Soon an arrow flew at her, she dove to the ground and launched herself up into the trees. Seeing that he had the upper hand, she knew he would follow her. She leapt from tree to tree till she came to the clearing where he had saved her life.
Sendivir launched arrow after arrow but she seemed to fast. One grazed her leg but nothing to bad. He did what she knew he would and followed her into the clearing where she stood waiting for him. With out hesitation he fired another arrow this time hitting her in the left shoulder. She grunted at the pain but her demon blood soon flowed through her veins and took over her body. Flashing her fangs, she ran at him claws ready to strike.
Sendivir could see that she was giving into her demon blood and any thoughts of her showing any human emotion left as he fired his last arrow and drew his dagger right as she tackled him. They wrestled on the ground for a while till he kicked her off sending her flying. The ranger held the arm she scratched till his mind blocked out the pain and he threw him self at her thrusting the dagger at her.
The fight went on for hours both of them with blood coming from there fresh wounds. Still they showed no sign of fatigue and kept jumping at each other. Soon the Ranger saw an opening and stabbed the dagger deep into her stomach. Blood gushed out of the wound and she let out a blood curdling scream and dug her claws into his back. The ranger winced at the pain but kept a strong hold on the dagger. Her lifeless eyes soon turned soft as the demon part of her no longer hand control of her actions. She gasped and looked deep into his eyes. Her claws retracted and left his back. Blood came from her mouth as see gasped for air trying to say something.
Sendivir laid her on the ground and looked deep into her eyes. “be at peace Hanyou. May the gods forgive you of your sins.” He removed the dagger and brought it up to deal the finale blow to her heart when she spoke.
“Pl. . .Please. . .Take care of Ki'ala.” Her words were chocked and a tear ran down her face. She knew her time was over but wanted her friend and lover to be cared for and she felt he would at lest grant her this last request before he ended her life.
Sendivir stopped for a moment but kept her pinned to the ground as he thought over her request. `So. . .She knows compassion and love for others.' He looked deeper into her eyes as if looking for something. “Why do you ask this of me demon?” he said his voice rough and harsh. She looked at him she freed her hand from him and he was ready to finish her when she rubbed her hand softly over his cheek.
“Because I love her, and I think you'd take good care of her.” Her hand fell to the ground and her breathing slowed down. His eyes narrowed waiting for something any thing. But the only sound was of her gasping for air.
He got off of her and placed the dagger back into his boot and looked at her one last time. “Do you truly wish to kill me demon?” he said his voice still rough. Her eyes where half closed when she found the energy to reply to him.
“I just wanted you to leave the forest. . .so I could live in. . .pea” she never finished when her breathing stopped and her body lied on the ground lifeless. The ranger sighed and picked up her corpse to take back to the village. This would be the proof that he killed her so he could get his payment. He paused and said “Son of a bitch! I do only care about money. . .this whole time I thought I left that life behind me but it was always about money.” He continued his way back to the camp holding the dead body of the Hanyou.
Back at the Hanyou's home, Ki'ala had felt the death through the forest and was curled up crying for her lover had been killed. She didn't hear the rustling of leaves as a figure entered the tree. “You're coming with me! She told me to take care of you.” Sendivir said as he grabbed her hand. The nymph screamed and hit him as he dragged her through the forest to his campsite.
He threw her to the ground and tied her down to keep her from attacking or running off. He entered his tent leaving her. Ki'ala was still crying. She was angry and feared for her life and wished Raven would save her, but that was a wish that was not going to happened.
She felt a rough hand grab her shoulder. “She died with honor if you wish to know. And she now rests in peace in the after life.” He said to the nymph. She spat in his face and yelled at him in her native tongue. The ranger just sighed and went back inside his tent again.
Inside the tent, he had laid the lifeless body on his sleeping mat and looked her over. Dabbing a wet cloth on the wounds cleaning her dead body of dry blood. He even sowed up the dagger wound. “Heh you are rather cute now that I got a better look at you.” He said to her trying to lighten the mood but still felt something deep in is gut twisting in pain. He ran a hand softly across her cheek as she did before she died. It was at that moment when she did that, that he saw human blood in her. How her tears where real and the last request for him to take care of the nymph. He put his head in his hands and tried to clear his thoughts.
Back outside, the nymph's tears ended and she felt cold and alone. Wanting to be dead herself just so she could see her lovers face again. She felt something warm embraces her. Her bodies reaction to it made her hug the person back. She didn't care who it was she just wanted contact with some one. Sendivir held her like that for a few minutes and let go of her. “I'm not going to say that I'm sorry for killing her, I did what I thought was right. But I am sorry for brining pain to your heart, I will care for you like the Han- Raven asked me too.” His words were sincere and soft. The nymph looked at him and said nothing only turned her head away.
Sendivir decided to stay one more night in the forest and in the morning, they would head out. He offered her some food but she didn't eat. He left her alone after that. The body inside the tent just laid their, the blood cleaned off and the wounds sewed up.
Will Ki'ala forgive Sendivir? Will he fullfil Raven's last request? Is this he end of a sad story? Find out in the concluding chapter.
Chapter 7: Blood and wine