Romance Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Hanyou and Rangers ❯ Man who stand on toilet high on pot ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Of Hanyous and Rangers
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to NeverWinter Nights. NeverWinter Nights ©2004 Atari. The only part that I own is the name of the characters in this story. With that being said, I hope you enjoy my story about a Cat Hanyou and a Ranger that is tracking her down.
*This story takes place in the fantasyland of the middle earth yet is not in any correlations to “lord of the rings” (novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ©1954). Also I also include a kind of Japanes heratige for my characters*
Chapter 5:Man who stand on toilet high on pot
It was a cold and crisp morning when a giant crash rang through out the forest. Raven jumped from her sleep and looked around ready to attack. The nymph who had been resting on her was thrown to the ground. Raven felt bad for doing that to her. “I'm sorry Ki'ala-chan. I didn't mean to do that too you.” Ki'ala rubbed her head and nodded at her.
Back at the camp where the Ranger was, he two heard the sound, jumped up, and grabbed his bow and quiver. He moved through the forest toward the source of the sound. Having an arrow ready making no sound as he walked through the trees eyes' looking everywhere senses alert to any movement and/or sound.
After telling Ki'ala to stay in the tree house Raven made her way through the woods with speed to see what made the noise and what danger their might be. She figured that it was the work of the ranger trying to get her attention and it worked she thought to herself. Little did she know that Sendivir was not behind the noise. The ranger saw a shadow above him for a brief moment. When he looked up, he saw Raven jumping to the next tree. `I'm starting to think she is not the one making all the noise.' He thought to him self as he sped up his pace to keep up with his prey seeing that this might be the best chance to kill her.
Raven soon knew she was being followed by the ranger and started to move faster. `Damn it was him, and now he is hunting me' her mind was yelling at her as she leapt from tree to tree. She soon came to a big clearing that had not been in that part of the forest a few days ago.
There were three men cutting down trees near the clearing yet something very odd about the men. How could three men make such a big clearing in only three days time when it would take a crew of 60 men at lest a week. Raven was in no mood to ask question as she launched at one of the men, her claws out ready for the kill. The men turned around hearing the yelling Hanyou and just grinned, the man she was about to attack grabbed her arm and threw her fast and hard in to the trees. She grunted when she hit the tree hard and fell to the ground. The men then pulled out odd-looking clubs. The clubs were not made of wood rather they were made of Iron. The men approached the Hanyou ready to strike, and Arrow flew past one of the men's ear and dug deep into the tree. The men turned to see who the dumb person to fire at them was.
Sendivir stood ready with another arrow. His face had no hint of emotion as he pulled back on the arrow and launched another arrow this time it bore deep into one of the men's shoulder making him scream in pain. Then two other men made there way at the ranger leavening the injured Hanyou for later. The man with the arrow in his shoulder was on the ground grunting in pain as he pulled the arrow out. His blood was black as ink and his eyes began to glow red. The identity of the men was revealed they were shape shifters who were also hunting the Hanyou I the forest. One of the men turned in to a giant red dragon and the other morphed into a panther.
Sendivir cursed and launched multiple arrows at the dragon as fast as he could. Raven was passed out on the ground from hitting the tree. The man who had the arrow in his shoulder changed his shape to that of a Dire Tiger and made his way to the woman ready to deal the finishing blow.
The ranger dealing with both the dragon and panther whistled loud and soon the sound of wolves echoed through the clearing and packs of them came running in to the clearing. They attacked the panther and dragon as Sendivir ran toward the Dire Tiger who was holding the woman in his mouth. She was losing a lot of blood and he could feel that she will be dieing soon if he didn't help her. Then it hit him. Why did he want to help her? She was the one he was hunting and he knew she wanted to kill him. Still he had honor and would not let her be killed like this! He pulled the dagger from his boot and tackled the tiger knocking the woman from its mouth.
The two of them wrestled on the ground trying to kill each other. Sendivir was trying his hardest to kill the tiger, he held the tiger's mouth keeping it from taking a bite out of him. Soon he felt the dire tiger being thrown off him and he saw an injured panther biting at the tiger's neck until it stopped moving and blood covered the land around it. The wolves killed the Dragon and other panther, and had left when their work was done.
Raven tried limping back to her house but had lost to much blood and passed out. Sendivir got up and put the dagger back into his boot and looked around at the once battle field. He sighed seeing some of the wolves had died trying to help the ranger. He said a small prayer of nature so that the wolves would find peace in the after life. He looked at the body of the injured Hanyou and frowned. “Damn. Here I was hunting you because you were causing trouble back in the village, and now I can't kill you. Feel lucky that I'm letting you live for now. I have honor and even though you are a bastard creature of this land I want to make sure you die with what little honor you have.” With that, he rubbed his hands together and began to glow. Placing them on her body her wounds closed and her breathing turned normal. Sendivir sighed placed some of the bread he gave her the first day back in the village an left knowing she would be fine.
A few hours later Raven came around, she looked around to see the corpses of the three shape shifters and wondered what happened and saw the bread next to her. She was confused as to why the Ranger saved her instead of killing her. She grabbed the bread and ran off back to her home.
When he got back to his camp, he felt upset. Not because he let the Hanyou live but because of what the shifters where doing to the forest. It wasn't in the nature for shifters to do that, shifters like druids watch over nature not destroy it. As he cooked his dinner, he continued to think about the event that happened and figure out why.
Meanwhile back at Raven's tree Ki'ala waited for her friend to return and was getting very worried for it was getting dark and now word or sign of Raven. She felt like crying when she felt the pain of the forest because of what the three men had done to the trees. She was about to run and look for Raven when the Hanyou limped in to the tree. “Raven-chan! What happened!?” said Ki'ala as she hugged Raven and saw the dried blood on her close friend.
“I. . .I don't know Ki'ala-chan. I passed out and when I awoke, the battle was over and the men who attacked me were dead. The ranger killed them and saved me.” Raven was still unsure as to why he spared her life and healed her. Raven handed the bread to the nymph who sniffed it and quirked an eyebrow. Raven smiled and kissed the nymph's forehead and laid down to rest.
The ranger looked up at the sky that night readying himself for the inevitable. `I will have to face her and kill her soon, I've spent to much time idling here in the forest.' He said to himself as he made out the constellations in the night sky.
The next day Sendivir was up early making more arrows from the dead trees the men had cut down. He was getting every thing ready for his hunt, but something in his stomach made him feel, there is something missing. he put this thought aside, and continued making the arrows and went into the woods to set up traps.
Back at the Hanyou's home, the two women were sleeping. Raven was the first to wake up, something weighed heavy on her mind. She kept asking herself `why did he save me?'. She kissed Ki'ala and exited the tree. The morning air was cool but not cold, Raven stretched her body and let out a grunt. She took a deep breath and looked around, she knew the Ranger was on the move his scent was all over the forest. Raven was lost in her own thoughts and didn't see the nymph come up behind her. Ki'ala wrapped her arms around Raven's waist. This made Raven jump a little making Ki'ala giggle. “I'm sorry Raven-chan, I didn't mean to startle you.”
“Mmmm its ok. I was just thinking.” Raven told her with a smile. She held the nymph close almost feeling like this would be the last moment they have together.
Why did Sendivir help her? Will they end up fighting soon? Or will Sendivir let her live and leave the forest? Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter.
Chapter 6: Thunderstorm waltz