Romance Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Hanyou and Rangers ❯ Man with the crossbow ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Of Hanyous and Rangers
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to NeverWinter Nights. NeverWinter Nights ©2004 Atari. The only part that I own is the name of the characters in this story. With that being said, I hope you enjoy my story about a Cat Hanyou and a Ranger that is tracking her down.
*This story takes place in the fantasyland of the middle earth yet is not in any correlations to “lord of the rings” (novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ©1954). Also I also include a kind of Japanes heratige for my characters*
Chapter 4:The man with the crossbow
Sendivir leaned back against the log. It had been 30 years since he had left his old life behind, and yet at times he wondered where he would be if he had stayed home.
*30 years ago*
The young ranger ran down the stairs of the big house and in to the dinning room. His parents where sitting across from one another at the giant table in the middle of the room. The table had enough room for at lest 60 people. Of course this was not the life Sendivir wanted, he hated being waited on by people willing to bow down to his every need. He did not like not having to do any hard work; he wanted the life of an adventurer. He dreamed of living of the land and seeing the world, his parents had other plans though.
Sendivir's parents had promised he would marry a girl from another wealthy family, and run the family business, raising and breeding horses. Sendivir didn't mind working on the family horse ranch, he rather enjoyed it. He would take care of the horses and even ride them, but he did not want to be married to a woman he didn't know nor love. Sendivir meet his future bride and felt nothing for her, she was just as corrupted with money as his parent were and he knew that she would never really love him.
Sendivir chuckled thinking about his past, and how his fiancé would follow him around.
Her name was Firea'na T'shawnie. Her hair was red like fire with a temper just as hot. She was rather attractive, but loved money the more the better is what she thought and Sendivir had a lot of money. Whenever she followed him around, she'd try to hold on to his hand or arm but he would just shrug her off or take off running and blend in with his surroundings. It wasn't until three days before their wedding that he snapped. He packed anything he could and took off running and never looked back. This brought dishonor to his family, they had promised that he would marry Firea'na. He knew that he could never go back to his home for it was no longer his home.
He spent years traveling from village to village, city to city. He'd take on odd jobs to get by. He was a very handsome looking man and quite the lady-killer, but he never fell in love with any women he would meet nor would he play with their hearts. To him love would only bring my pain for his job hunting demons would put any one he loved in danger and he would not let that happen. He had seen many lands and killed many creatures, had his fare share of scars but kept pushing on and doing what he does best. It wasn't until he started hearing about a demon in a near by village that had been stealing stuff and night and even killing some of the livestock. At first, he wasn't going to waste his time killing a Hanyou but felt that it was the right thing to do. He talked to the village chef and came up with an agreement that he would kill the Hanyou for a small price. The chef tried to persuade him to take more money for doing this job, but Sendivir just said the money he wanted was more then enough.
The ranger stood up and dusted off his pants. `And now I'm here and still empty handed.' He told himself looking around for any signs of movement. His dreams had been getting worse every night. Every time it was of him and the Hanyou embraced in a kiss. `Why do these dreams bother me? I guess it could be worse.' He pondered on the thought as he added more wood to the fire and began to sharpen his dagger.
Back in the forest Raven and Ki'ala where snuggling close to a fire enjoying their time together. Raven licked Ki'ala's cheek. “If that bastard come even close to you I'll ripe his heart out.” She said to her close nymph friend. The nymph just snuggled closer to Raven with a smile on her face. Raven purred in content and kept a watchful eye out as the nymph fell asleep. Raven's mind was racing. She kept thinking about how to get the Ranger out of her forest weather she had to kill him or not. Raven was worried that something might happen to Ki'ala, she did not won't to lose her close friend. Ki'ala was her only friend when Raven thought about it. She had known her for so many years and still remembers the first night she meet her. This brought a grin to her face.
Raven was about 20 in human years, and was running through a forest looking for something to eat. She ran into a pack of wolves from the wind tribe. She tried to run as fast as she could but they where to fast for her and caught her. They were brutal to her. Hitting her repeatedly, grabbing at her body. The leader even rapped her a few times and then they left her there to die in the forest. She was covered in blood and tears as she tried to get up. Her screams echoed through out the forest and a nymph heard her cries of pain and ran through the forest to the source of the crying. She came upon the Hanyou who was lying on the ground beaten half to death and crying. Ki'ala slowly approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Raven jumped a little and tried to get up and fend of what she thought was an attacker. “Shhhh n'uma n'uma. I'm not here to hurt you” she rubbed Raven's back and carried her back to her home. There she applied bandages and healing herbs to the wounds and used some of her nature healing power to speed up her healing. Raven was shaking the whole time the event kept going through her head how she thought they would have killed her and how the leader had his way with her. Raven started to cry again and Ki'ala held her close letting the Hanyou cry out her pain. Raven felt safe in the nymph's hands and nuzzled her check against her own. Ki'ala smiled at Raven's actions and kissed her forehead. “You can stay here as long as you want. I'm Ki'ala by the way.”
“My name is Raven. Thank you for saving me.” The Hanyou felt embarrassed that she was saved but very grateful to the nymph for saving her.
“Well Raven-chan I'm happy to see that you're feeling a little better.” The nymph said with a big smile on her face as she ran her hand across Raven's cheek. Raven let out a purr from the touch and snuggled close to Ki'ala. Ki'ala was taken back a little by the actions of her new friend but enjoyed it. They sat there for some time embracing each other close. Raven looked into Ki'ala's eyes, the nymph's soft eyes looked back at her and she moved her head closer. Raven felt unsure and almost wanted to run away but her head had other ideas as their lips meet for a soft kiss. Raven closed her eyes and deepens the kiss pushing the nymph onto the ground. Ki'ala smiled at Raven's dominating action. Raven opened her mouth to let her tongue explore the nymph's mouth, her tongue meet hers and they wrestled. Time to time Ki'ala would suck on her tongue making Raven give a little moan. Raven's hands began to explore the nymph's body. Massaging her shoulders then ran her hands down her arms and up her stomach. Then they rested on the nymph's breast gently squeezing them. Ki'ala took a sharp breath and moaned in pleasure. Raven enjoyed the moans coming from the nymph and continued to pleasure her, lightly pinching her nipples then running her tongue over them and sucking and biting them. Ki'ala thrashed about as her body was being pleasured. Ki'ala's right hand rubbed Raven's back while her left hand rubbed her inner thigh.
After about fifteen minutes of foreplay, things got rather heated. Raven carried Ki'ala over to her bad and laid her down. Raven moved her body on top of the nymph's and positioned herself so that both of the vaginas where touching. She moved her hips' grinding into Ki'ala's causing them both to moan. Ki'ala kept up with the Hanyou's rhythm, her back arched and her hips bucked from time to time. Raven felt her orgasm coming on strong as she moved her body and held on to Ki'ala tight not wanting to let go of her. Ki'ala's orgasm hit hard and she screamed Raven's name as she rode the waves of pleasure. Raven smiled hearing her new friend cry her name out in pleasure, Her orgasm hit hard as well and they both moaned and screamed each other's name still grinding their hips.
Raven still had a smile on her face as she thought about that night and gently squeezed the nymph that was sleeping in her arms.
Will Sendivir ever go back home? What ever happened to Firea'na his fiancé? Find out more in the next exciting chapter.
Chapter 5: Man who stand on toilet high on pot