Romance Fan Fiction ❯ ANGEL OF THE NIGHT: A Tale of a Forbidden Romance ❯ Revelation ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Angel Of The Night Chapter 6: Revelation
By Beef 2 Pecons
Hello! My name is Beef 2 Pecons! You may not know this, but Dr. Yorkazemzem has been kicked off of because of the whole MST issue. Which left his great FanFic, "Angel of the Night," without an ending! So with his permission, and a little help from his notes, I will now continue his story! So let's get started, shall we?
The road showed no sign of ending, and it was growing dark. Morrigan watched the sun set in the distance, and felt the fear inside of her grow.
Morrigan: Aren't we going to stop somewhere?
Matt: I thought you said you could control it?
Morrigan: I'm not so sure now.
Matt: Unless it's changed over the years, there's no place to stop near by.
Morrigan: But we have to do something!
Matt: Do you expect me to just drop you off in the forest?
Morrigan: That's all you can do…
Matt: You might get lost!
Morrigan: But no one will get hurt!
Matt: I can't do that!
Morrigan: (Grabs his shoulder) Please! I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, and until we can stop it, this is the only way!
Matt didn't want to do it, he didn't want her to wander the forest, but she was right. It was the best choice. He pulls over to the side of the road, and look over at Morrigan with a worried expression.
Matt: Be careful.
Morrigan: I'll try. (She exits the car, and walks into the forest)
Matt watches her walk away. He watches her perfect figure walk into the dark forest. After she was out of sight, he turns to the sunset, the beautiful mixture of yellow and orange. He starts to reflect on the day, and what a day! He was really on his own now, financial anyway. He broke away from his father and everything he represents. He was his own man. It felt good, but it also worried Matt. He only had so much money with him. What will he do when it runs out?
Matt: (To himself) I have too many things to worry about. There's this money issue and Morrigan. What to do? (Reclines he's car seat)
The whole thing left Matt tired. He closes his eyes and trys to flush the worries from his mind. After a while, he drifts off to sleep and starts to dream. In the dream it's raining and thundering outside. The raindrops hitting the top of the car sound like a strange music. "Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle." Say the raindrops. Suddenly, shadows fill the car and cover Matt's rested figure. Matt opens his eyes and look at the vale of black and purple all around him. Then out of the shadows, like a slithering snake, comes Morrigan. That green hair, white top, and red paints stick out of the darkness like a bloody wound. She kisses him full on the lips. Matt is shocked, but doesn't care. She then climbs on top of him, and grabs his shoulders. She bents down and kisses him on the neck. Kissing, licking, nibbling. Matt moans at the feel of it all. She then licks him from the base of his neck to the top of his chin. Matt can feel the growing hardness in-between his legs, but doesn't really care. Morrigan grabs his wrist and places it on her cheek; she smiles and kisses it. Her eyes then change color, from a soft green to a harsh red. She then bites into his wrist. Blood shoots off in all directions. Hitting the window, and Matt's face.
He then springs awake in a cold sweat. He looks around and see's that Morrigan is nowhere in sight. He then understands that he can hold in his deeper feelings for to long.
In the skies above Makai floats the Aensland Castle. A place that has been at great unrest for weeks now. Berrial hasn't done much of anything with the death of Lilith and the disappearance of Morrigan bearing on his mind. He has been waiting for the results of the search to come in, with only his thoughts of what might be happening going through his head. Just then Corpse enters.
Berrial: Do you have the results?
Corpse: I do, sir.
Berrial: What are they?
Corpse: Nothing. We found nothing. In fact, one of the searchers went missing.
Berrial: Which one?
Corpse: Core from the 8th floor. He didn't report back.
Berrial: You don't think she would…
Corpse: I doubt it. I mean, why would Morrigan kill the person trying to bring her back home.
A thought sprang into Berrial's mind. Something he hadn't thought of before. What if she didn't want to come home? What if she was staying there for some reason? What if she fell in love with a…?
Berrial: No!
Corpse: What's wrong, sir?
Berrial: Tell them the search isn't over yet. I'm going to earth and I'm going to find her my self!
Corpse: And what inspired this?
Berrial: I know why she's staying there. (Starts to walk out but then turns around) Get my sword and armor. She may need some persuading.
Berrial walks out of the room thinking like a general.
Meanwhile, back in the human realm, darkness still covers the land. The time is a little after 3:00 Am. Morrigan still is wondering the forest. She hasn't found a single thing to feed on, and is almost insane with hunger. Like a drug addict who can't dig up enough money to pay for this month's dose, she feels incomplete without human soul. It's the only thing that keeps her already fragile mind from going over the edge. Blood, sex, soul, she's needs it; it keeps her sane.
In the middle of the darkness, she falls to the ground. She is tired and weak, but can't sleep because of the hunger. Then out of the shadows, out of the darkness, another form appears. The form isn't human, but it isn't animal. It is a mixture of the two. The figure walks up to Morrigan and sniffs her with a dog-like snout. Morrigan doesn't move because she doesn't know what the form wants yet, or is she simply to tired?
Figure: Your alive, don't act like your not.
Morrigan: Who are you?
Figure: I was about to ask you the same thing. (Sniffs again) You're not human are you?
Morrigan: You're not human either, so why should you care?
Figure: What's wrong with you? Demons just don't collapse in the middle of a forest for no reason.
Morrigan: I'm sick. (Grabs the figure by the neck) You can't help me, can you?
Figure: (Slaps her arms away) Succubus! (To himself) Oh, Jon, where do you find these people? (To Morrigan) You haven't feed tonight have you?
Morrigan: Oh, a meal would be wonderful! (Cups her own breast and moans)
Figure: (To himself) Disgusting creatures. (To Morrigan) Why don't you just kill a poor farmer or a drunk? Aren't those your usual prey? Or would you rather try a werewolf?
Morrigan: Poor farmers don't deserve to die. (Leans up against a tree and stands) Aren't werewolves more fitting for a demons touch?
Figure: Is that a challenge?
Morrigan: If only… When you want to become human, I guess weakness just follows.
Figure: Human? You've lost pleasure in killing over the years. You want to live a normal life. Have a family, friends, and a home. Let me tell you, it's not an easy quest to go from a monster to a man.
Morrigan: (Shouting) And how would you know?
Figure: (Shouting back) I'm a living example! I've faced my demons, and won! I have control over the monster inside of me! It's taking me over sixty years to do it, but I am human again.
Morrigan: (Whisper) Can you help me?
Figure: Only when you are ready. Which isn't now. In the mountains, there's a place called Talbain Manner. A man and a woman live there, and when you are ready to become human, seek it out. But until then this is all I can do. (Jumps onto the treetops and quickly moves out of the area)
Now Morrigan is alone again with her need blood and a man inside of her. But the strange figure left a spark of hope behind. "Maybe it's not over yet," thought Morrigan.
~ Cool mountain air
Rushing through my hair
All my hopes and dreams have lost me~
The first ray of sunlight burns it's way into Matt's eyelid. He opens his eyes and looks at his watch.
Matt: Eight o'clock. (Looks around) Morrigan's not here. (Sits up) Damn it! I told her it was a bad idea. (Opens his car door and see's Morrigan's body laying next to the car)
She's all right! (Picks her up off the ground and hugs her)
Morrigan: Matthew? Is that you?
Matt: It's me. Your okay, now.
~The cold wind chills me
It's gonna' kill me
If I don't stop it soon
I don't know where I'm going to
But when I do
I'll make sure to tell you~
So there it is. The first chapter in the continuation, and the sixth in the whole series. Hope you all like it! Stay tuned for the next one. The song insert was suppose to be a Psycho Superstar song, but since I don't know them I used my favorite band instead. So the song is owned by Frenchie Guy. Hope you like and please review! So, bye!
^_~ BEEF 2 PECONS!!!!