Romance Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Admirer ❯ Completely Innocent ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I was eating dinner with my mom and sister when my text message tone went off. My mother eyed me and I quickly pulled out my phone. ‘Can you talk?’ I was Chris.

‘I’m having dinner right now, I will text you afterwards.’

‘I’ll be waiting.’ I ate dinner as quickly as possible and text Chris as I was walking to my room.

‘I’m done having dinner.’

‘Good, so did you ask your mom about coming over tomorrow?’

‘Yeah, she said it was okay, but she gave me ‘the talk’.’

‘Lol. Good mom. Her son may not be as innocent after tomorrow ;)’

Was he serious?! ‘Oh?’


‘I hate to be a jerk, but I’m really tired. I’m going to go to bed so I will see you tomorrow at school.’

‘Its fine and I’ll text you in the morning. Good night.’



As I walked to my locker after school, I saw Chris leaning up against the lockers waiting for me. When he saw me a huge smile broke out on his face, “Ready?”

No, “Yeah.” The walk to his house was once again, awkward and quiet. I didn’t really understand why I was moving so fast with him. I could barely talk to him. “So, will I get to meet your parents?”

“Nope,” He walked with his hands in his pockets and a smug look on his face. I gave him a questioning look, “They went to visit my Aunt. They won’t be back until tomorrow.”

“So…..we will be,” I cleared my throat, “alone?”

“Mhmm.” He couldn’t hide his joy. I wish he would have for my sake. My head was already starting to spin. “Is that okay?”


He eyed me.


“You didn’t answer me….??”

“Oh,” I’m an idiot. I’m too busy freaking out that I forgot to answer him out loud. “Yeah, it’s fine.”

“You’re sure?”

NO! “Yeah.”

“Okay.” His face lit up.

I was going to be raped. I just knew it. I didn’t exactly mind, but I was feeling nervous about it. I’m not an expert in that department. “Can I ask you a personal question?”


“Well, have you…. You know, before?” How was I supposed to ask that?

“Like sex? Or anything sexual?”

God, “Both?”

“No, completely innocent.” He chuckled, “I’m assuming you are too.”

“Well yeah…” Awkward…

We finally made it too his house, but the closer I got to the door the more my legs shook. I just kept repeating ‘oh my god, oh my god, oh my god’ over and over again in my head. “Before we go in,” his hand lingered on the doorknob, “can I have your permission to….?” He left his question unfinished.

I swallowed hard, “To what?”

“Well…. To use my imagination and act on it.” He gave me a very serious look.

Honestly, my mind went blank. “Okay.” Okay? I guess my brain decided to stop working around him. He opened the door, allowing me to go in ahead of him. I stood oddly quiet and uncomfortable in the front room as he walked around and took care of a few things. (Didn’t really pay attention to what he was doing). ‘Don’t puke’ I kept telling myself.

I jumped when Chris appeared at my side, holding out his hand for mine. Taking his hand, he led me back to what I was guessing was his room while being really cautious of me. His room was a typical teen’s room with posters all over the walls and things lying all around his room. It was a kind of organized mess. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just nervous.”

“That makes sense.”

“Are you nervous?” I finally looked at him.

“A little, but I’m excited more than anything.” We stood there for a moment, holding each other’s hands. “Okay, waiting around is making me nervous,” he laughed, “I’d like to see you without your clothes.”


He tugged at my shirt, “Please,” he gave me an innocent smile.

Didn’t know he was going to beg, “Fine.” I kept my eyes to the floor as I pulled my shirt off and started to undo my jeans.

I froze when he laughed, “Not going to look at me?”

“No,” I grumbled.

“You’re not mad are you?”

“No, just really embarrassed.” I unzipped my pants.

“You’re so cute,” he came over and hugged me close. “You don’t have to do anything else,” he whispered in my ear, “I’ll take care of the rest.”

I felt a little confused but he pulled away and pulled my pants off along with my briefs. I didn’t have time to be embarrassed as he pushed me back on his bed. I laid back and watched him rip his clothes off and finish pulling my socks off. Before I knew it he was on top of me kissing me as his hands pulled at my hair.

It was a complete shock how rough and passionate he was. He completely devoured my mouth. I could barely keep up with him. I was feeling so dizzy and overwhelmed. His mouth quickly moved to my neck where he hungrily chewed at the skin. “Ah!” The pain surprised me but quickly sent a message to my lower regions causing heat to fill my member, as the pain became pleasure.

His groans filled the silence in the room as I tried to control my breathing. He lowered, biting at my nipple. I gasped, that was a little too rough. He kissed my tender nipple before traveling down my stomach to leave wet bite marks. His breath would hit the wet spots causing me to shiver every time he nipped the skin.

He moved lower, grabbing my erection in his hand. His head lowered and his mouth opened, “Whoa, wait.”

“What? You don’t want me to?”


“It looks like you want it.” He licked the tip of my swollen member.

I gasped. Okay, I did want it. I was just too embarrassed to keep going, but I don’t think he would stop even if I begged him too.

His tongue moved all around my rock hard member causing me to squirm. I gripped the pillow above my head with my hands as he teased me with his tongue. He sucked lightly at the head while watching my face. I tried to turn my head away so he couldn’t see my face. “Look at me.”

I slowly opened my eyes that were just squeezed tightly shut and met his eyes for a second. He smiled then took all of me in his mouth, “Ahh!” My fingers cramped as I squeezed the pillow tighter. He continued to torture me with his tongue and suck at my throbbing erection as I moaned at the new pleasure I was experiencing.

I couldn’t take it any longer. It was when he sucked harder than before and the head of my erection rubbed at the roof of his mouth that I began to hit my peak. I think he knew I was close because his hand reached up to cup my testicles and he began to deep throat me in long slow movements. “Ahh!!” My hips bucked forward as I came deep in his throat.

I felt tingly and light all over but my moment was quickly taken away as I was yanked down to the floor. I sat with my back up against the bed, shocked. “God,” Chris grabbed the back of my head and held his huge member to my mouth, “Please.” I opened my mouth, but didn’t get to do much as he began to thrust in and out of my mouth. He held my head tightly and pushed deep into my throat making my eyes water. He went slow for a few thrusts then began to thrust faster. All I could do was swirl my tongue around his member as he forced himself in my mouth. It wasn’t too long before he cried out his release and collapsed in front of me.

I swallowed, feeling a little bit awkward in doing so and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. He grabbed me again and passionately kissed me. We slowly stopped kissing and just rested with our damp foreheads together, breathing heavy. Chris sighed, “That was amazing.”

“Yeah it was,” I agreed.


I sat in class, bored out of my mind, ready for this last day to be over with. I was so ready for summer break. The lunch bell rang and I took my time walking down the halls. I started to pass my locker, but decided to stop.

When I opened my locker a note was sticking out of one of my books with my name on it. It had been awhile since I had received a note from someone. I opened it,


Can you believe we’ve been dating for a year? :-) I found myself thinking about the first time you came over in class today. It made me wonder if we kind find a secluded place sometime after school to…. ;-)

-I couldn’t help but smile. He always wanted to throw me down and have his way with me.-

Remember, my parents are going away for two weeks in two days. That means we get to spend the beginning of our summer break with nights filled with passion. Prepare yourself! :P

Love you,


The End.

Yaoi-Freak1990- Okay, I know all of you have been worried about my lack of updates. I was really busy with family stuff and college. You wouldn’t believe how much time college takes up! And I’ve been busy trying to find a job because I really need money for my surgery coming up. Some of you have told me to contact you about my stories and I have no way of doing that when there isn’t an email address available for you. If any of you have any questions you can email me, I also have a facebook if you want to add me on there. My name is Kirsten Elise Craig on there and I’m the girl from Neosho, MO. So sorry about the long wait on my stories! But I’m updating them now! Thanks for sticking with me! I’m happy to finally finish one story. Haha. Hope you enjoyed this story! Thanks!