Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hi! This is one of my first fanfics I've actually decided to post on anything. ( The other one didn't go so well. *_! ) I'm really not one to let my stories be read by others. But one of my otherselves, Kathrine, is kinda a show off when she wants to be.

Kathrine: I resent that remark! You bitchy anti-socialite!

JC: Newsflash! We're all anti-social most of the time. Well…except Jenny.

Jenny: ^_^ I like people. ( Kathrine beats Jenny with the plastic baseball bat with the words, Batter UP Baka! written on the side. Jenny cries and runs to another personality, Catherine, for protection)

Catherine: You better cut it out before I put a virus on you computer! ( Holds Jenny protectively.)

Kathrine: I'll be good. ( Catherine smiles as she helps Jenny away from the computer area of Cooper's brain.)

JC: ^_^

Kathrine: *~* Don't say anything.

JC: Oh Kat, By what ever do you mean? Or are you just mad because you know Kitty will do it and then I'd kill you?

Kathrine: You can't take me.

JC: But you know I can do much worse things then death. Like put you in a lemon scene with Arago and you be the uke.

Kathrine: I'm leaving. ( Retreats to the furthest corners of the Cooper's mind.)

JC: Now that she's gone I can get back to the story. Who knows if you readers like this I might post more. If not I might never gain the courage do it again. But if one person seems to like it I will probably post more. If it seems like anything else you ever read, PLEASE forgive me. I did not intend it. Now I best leave seeing the last one of us, Jennifer, is really starting to get irritated. You don't want her mad. Ja for now! ( Jennifer growls and JC runs to hide as far away as she can.)

Disclaimer: We don't own RW or GW. *_! We just get to tinker with the boy's as much as want.

Warnings: Kind of dark, AU, Crossover. Definitely Shounen-Ai/YAOI. Pretty much means male/male love. Deals with off-screen bad things. Won't bring up completely 'til later though. R for dark themes and such. Now if you don't like any of these themes, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM OUR FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you do, by all means READ ON!! ^_^

Our Version of RW with A Crossover Twist

BY JC and Kathrine

L1 Colony A08871 AC 186

The dark brunette brushed a golden hair gently away from his younger brother's face and held all his tears back. He wouldn't let his brother see him cry, not when he needed him to be strong. The sweat and covered brow and flushed cheeks of his younger sibling had been the same for months since they came to the new orphanage. It seemed that every time they were moved to a worse-off and more crowded building Seiji didn't seem to be getting any better, actually worse. He had tried to not even go in the large twenty-bedded room when they first arrived. But now he lay in one of those beds getting weaker as the days went on.

" You gonna get better," he had promised him. He had made that promise ever day for the three years that he had been taking care of him, but it didn't help. He couldn't remember their parents for he had only been three when they died in the bombing. He knew Seiji could remember nothing seeing as he was only two when it happened.

Why no one would want a beautiful lavender/blue-eyed blonde-haired two-year old was beyond his understanding. But then again no one in Japan wanted a gaijin-looking Japanese child. And even at the age of two it seemed that Seiji was different by more then just his looks. The caretakers of the orphanage seemed disturbed by his eyes and didn't like to stare at them too long. He already knew how to walk and would refuse be left behind by his big brother.

Big brother, the boy thought to himself. Seiji always called him something close to 'Nii-chan' or 'Onii-san'. Never had he used his real name, but he didn't think Seiji even knew what that was. Their caretakers always called them by their last name, Date. They were nothing more than the half-breed Date boys to them. But at least he could pass for complete Japanese if people didn't stare at his dark blue eyes too closely, only Seiji wasn't so fortunate.

When Seiji got sick at three no one knew what to do so they sent the two to another institution for parentless children. He seemed to be getting better the three days they spent in between homes, but he got sick as soon as they entered the other's doors. For some reason it seemed that he would get sicker with the worsened conditions of the places they were moved to. Truth was the health conditions weren't bad, it was the people that were bad.

The children seemed to be so depressed and the adults cruel, but this always made his illness worse. It was as if the pain from everyone else was causing him to get sick. But still the brunette would stay by his bother and hope for a miracle to make him better again. But Seiji knew he wasn't getting better and didn't act like he did. The wisdom of the boy surprised his older brother though he was also quite mature for his age.

" Something bad is coming Nii-chan," the faint whisper from the bed brought the boy to reality.

" Where Sage?" his brother asked. He knew better now than to doubt his brother's strange intuition. It was this same strange feeling that had him crying for two hours before they even knew of there parents' deaths.

" Outside," the fragile blonde whispered. " Please stay here."

" Why?" the boy asked.

" They want to hurt you, all of us kids," he replied.

" I won't leave Sage," he promised. That's when he heard the loud shots come from the hallway. Then the yelling and screaming coming from at least three of the child caretakers as heard quite clearly. He didn't know what to do when the elderly manager of the orphanage walked out from his office at the back of the room to see what was going on. The brunette noticed he had a strange black and gray metal object in his one hand.

" What is going on? Who are you?" the manager asked to whoever was in the hallway. Someone said something that the boy couldn't hear, but he saw the effect. The manager visibly backed down and began to back into the room. The brunette noticed that five people followed him. Four of them being very large men carrying black metallic objects much bigger than that the manager held.

" I-I don't w-want any t-trouble," the manager stuttered as he walked with his back turned to Seiji and his brother.

Then the fifth man, who looked like a rather old robot with his metal goggles and steel clawed-hand, laughed heartily and replied; " We only came looking for the correct specimens for the tests that I am conducting." He didn't even seem to notice the two children at the far end of the room, yet.

" Well you have to pay if you want any kids from this child's institution," the manager tried to explain. " My superiors would kill me if I let you take one of the brats without paying."

" Well better save you the trouble of worrying about that happening," the man smiled evilly. That's the man to his closest left shot the manager directly in the head, not bothering to think twice of the matter. The manager's body fell backwards slightly and the gun fell out of his hands, sliding only a few inches away from the brunette boy's feet.

Seiji gasped as he grabbed his chest and felt the pain surge through his body. At first he had only felt fear, but now he felt pain and soon after death. Yes, the five men before him were bad men, but no one more bad then the steel-clawed one in the long white coat. That's when the five men acknowledge he and his brother's presence in the room. The strange feeling of curiosity and inspection he got from the goggle-eyed man scared him to the core.

" Onii-san," he whispered, but his brother quickly stood in front of him, not willing to let anything befall him.

" Well how peculiar?" the man smiled with a slightly crooked mouth. " An American who speaks Japanese."

" S-stay b-b-back," his older brother warned.

" What is your name boy?" the man asked.

" Date," he replied, not wanting to tell this strange man his first name.

" So this is your brother?" he asked in a rather astonished way.

" J-just l-leave him alone," the boy tried to sound brave. " He's sick."

" He's bad Nii-chan," Seiji whispered to him as he slowly lifted himself from the bed. " He feels bad. He wants to hurt you."

" I assure you I don't want to hurt either of you," the man said. " I just wanted to know how you learned to speak Japanese."

" We are Japanese," the brunette stated. " N-now g-go away. We don't talk to strangers."

" Well my name is Doctor J," the man introduced himself. " Now we are no longer strangers."

" Don't let him touch you Nii-chan," Seiji was slowly getting to his feet. " He wants to take you away. He wants to get you to hurt people. He's Bad."

The statement seemed to throw the old man off a bit and then he smiled again. " Very peculiar in deed."

" What do you want?" the brunette asked. As he made sure he was in front of his brother.

" I only came to see if I could find someone to help me with a little test I'm doing," he replied innocently.

" But it's a bad test," Seiji frowned. He could tell that the man wasn't a good person and that he wanted to hurt them. He could feel the strange thoughts and ideas coming from the man in his emotions, as he did with everyone. He could also tell how scared his big brother was, even though he wouldn't admit it.

" How would you know boy?" the doctor asked the blonde. He was becoming more and more fascinated by these two boys the longer he kept them talking. The blonde seemed weak and yet, very understanding in what he was saying. Since it was pretty much the truth. The brunette had a strange vibrant fire in his eyes and seemed to shelter the other. Yes, very interesting subjects. The bond of two at such young ages called him to investigate.

" You want to cause pain," the blonde stated. " Sadness and pain is all around you. You feel bad things in you head."

" I don't want to cause you pain," he half-lied. He knew what he wanted would cause a lot of pain to the boys, but that was inevitable.

" Your lying!" the brunette shouted. He knew to trust his brother's words and not the man's before him. " You better not come near us!"

" What would you do about it?" Doctor J asked. He motioned to the farthest two men away from him and they nodded, slowly walking around the dead body on the floor. The boy panicked, not knowing what to do to protect his brother. His eyes flew about the room, looking from anything close enough that he could use to keep these bad men away. That's when he noticed the black object near his foot.

Without even thinking, he picked it up and held it in his hand the way he had seen the manager hold it. It was so cold and shiny in his hands that he almost dropped it because of it. But he held it as tight as he could, his finger on the strange half moon lever in the hole, aiming it at the man to his left.

" And what will you do with that?" the scientist asked. " Do you know how to use it?"

" I can learn," the brunette stated with an awkward coldness in his voice. " Just stay back."

" No Nii-chan that is a bad thing," Seiji shook his head. " It will hurt someone."

" I won't let them hurt you," the brunette tried not to take his eyes off of the two men that were still walking towards them. " Promise." His hands were shaking because he knew that something bad was going to happen and he wouldn't let it happen to his brother.

The young boy tried not to fall from the pain he felt in his chest. There was so much pain around him and close by that he could barely keep standing. Then he stared straight into the eyes of the doctor and could feel the strange want and desire from them. He was holding onto the strange cane he grasped quite tightly and a smile still on his lips. The look was deadly and he couldn't stare at him anymore before he collapsed trying to cling to the bed sheets.

" Seiji!" the brunette gasped as he saw his younger brother fall against the bed.

" Now!" Doctor J yelled to the two men who closed in quickly. The brunette turned to face to one on his right and did the only thing he could think to do, pull the black lever of the object and see what happens.

A shot rang out as the man wearing all black and dark blue dropped his gun and fell backwards. He clutched arm and growled as if he was in great pain. A strange red liquid flowed though his fingers. " He shot me!" the man shouted. " The brat actually shot me!" Doctor J smiled as he watched the boy stare in shock at what he had just done. That's when a small cry came from the sickly blonde as he clutch his arm in distress.

" Sage?" the brunette dropped the gun he held and turned to his younger brother immediately. " Doushita?"

" My arm," he said through a shedding of few tears. " It hurts a lot, Nii-chan. It hurts." That's when he noticed a dark shadow descend on his brother. The brunette saw the shadow, but didn't turn in enough time to see the large fist that knocked him in the nearest wall.

" Nii-chan!" the blonde cried, but his arm felt as if it was being cut off. The pain was too much to bear as he slowly fell to the floor unconscious.

" Seiji!" the brunette called as he watched his brother fall over. The pain was ringing in his ears and the back of his head throbbed, but he wouldn't let anything happen to his little brother. They were all each other had left. But then he noticed the figure next to him was the man in the long white coat. He was holding a small needle-tipped object that the boy remembered from his trips to the nurse's room.

The man grabbed his arm and quickly drove the needle into his arm, causing only minor pain to what he was already feeling. Suddenly he felt light-headed, as if he was swimming in a pool of air. His eyelids began to droop, but he tried to keep them open. Then he saw that one of the men was picking his brother up off the floor, slinging him over his shoulder. He tried to lift his hands, but they wouldn't move.

" Seiji," he whispered before he seemed to fall into complete darkness.

L1 Colony B09861 AC 195

" Training secession is over Heero," a voice called to the brunette from the intercom. The boy no longer cared that it wasn't his real name, he didn't even remember what that was anymore. He quietly did as he was told and exited the room, ready to claim a hot shower. It had been nine years since had been brought to the strange laboratory and told he was to train for an upcoming war. He didn't know what war was then, but he didn't want to do anything for the men that had taken him and his brother.

He didn't know what happened to his brother for the first three days that they were there, for he didn't see him until the fourth day. It was that he was practically thrown into the room with his brother, a room that they shared for almost two years. Next, they were separated into two different rooms, no longer allowed to comfort each other during the dark nights. They only saw each other when it was time to train, but after two years like this they never saw each other again.

It had been a night when Seiji has found a way out of his room and into Heero's. The small eight-year-old boy had spent the night comforting his brother after the new training they had endured. He could still hear the crying rants of his brother as he was led away to a completely different part of the base the next morning. He had been able to do nothing. He hadn't seen his brother for five years.

" Good job Heero," Doctor J greeted him as he entered the surveillance room that the scientist had been waiting in.

" Training complete, orders required," Heero stated, his eyes cold and emotionless as they had been turned over the years of isolation.

" Nothing for now," the scientist shook his metallic claw in the air. " The rest of the training is for later on today."

Inside Heero shuddered knowing what the training would be. It was the most degrading thing he had witnessed or endured and he felt like ice after every 'secession'. He refused to show such discomfort to the doctor and held his mask of indifference tightly on his face. " Accepted," he replied.

" Return to your quarters until later," Doctor J requested. The brunette nodded and left the room. The doctor couldn't help, but smile at the perfection of his work. Heero was truly ready for his part in the war that was only months away. He only wished that his other 'experiment' were going as well.

The young blonde Seiji didn't have any code name seeing as his true name fit their cause justly. While the boy had become greatly skilled in all of the training they had pressed on him, his mind was a different matter. The boy was proven by their tests to be an Empath, one who could feel others' emotions, that was his reason for being ill in the first place. He had been trying to find out what blood or psychological difference had given the boy this ability and not his brother. But his body rejected any test or tampering they tried on the boy. He still had found not plausible reason for the reaction.

Then after having the boys for four years he had discovered another special quality about the boy. It was a night that he wouldn't forget:


The new secession as going as well as they had expected it to. He stared at Heero on one monitor and could see that he was trying to not express the pain he was going through. On the monitor right next to it and he could see Seiji in his quarters, huddle in the corner, trying to block out the pain his brother was feeling. Doctor J knew that the blonde could tell what was happening to his brother. The test was to force Heero to become more resistance to any kind of torture and for Seiji to learn to control his empathy.

" Secession completed," the gray-haired scientist called into the intercom. A few minutes later the guards left Heero alone to deal with the pain in darkness. That's when he noticed that Seiji was no longer in view of any of the cameras in his quarters. Doctor J smiled knowingly at the turn off events. Of course they had forgotten to lock the door to the eight-year old's room in hopes he would become fed up with the continuous pain. They had also left Heero's room unguarded.

It was only about five minutes later that a small light was seen from one side of the room. Proceeded with the entry of Seiji to Heero's aid. The brunette wouldn't consent to his brother's touch at first, not realizing whom it was. The blonde seemed to understand why and merely sat down on the floor and placed his brother's head in his lap. He proceeded to stroke his brother's hair and the doctor couldn't tell whether the child was crying or not.

Suddenly, a strange glow began to emit from the two boys on the floor and the camera was blinded. When the light faded Heero lifted himself up from the floor in confusion. He brother smiled it seemed before collapsing against him. What in the hell…? Doctor J just couldn't find a explanation in his mind for what had just transpired. He was sure that he had seen the soldiers break one of Heero's arms and beat him quite thoroughly.

But now the child was helping his brother to his bed, no sign of any such injury. The blonde was practically unconscious as if he had given away a large amount of his energy. Did he heal Heero? He wondered. Logically it was impossible, but after what he just seen and what he knew of the boy he wouldn't have been surprised. Plus it would create a great amount of options if it was true. I must separate the two to do further testing. The next morning the two boys were separated for the last and most permanent time.

End Flashback

No time for that now, Doctor J told himself. I still have to try the new system out on Seiji. With that he left the training area to the labs where he knew the blonde would be waiting.

A/N: Did you like? Please write back! I hate it when Kathrine gets moody from people ignoring her work. She really becomes a BITCH then. Bye!