Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: HI it's Kathrine here. I see that I didn't get many reviews for the prologue so I decided to get into the story. THANK YOU JRW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that people aren't really reading this. JC is ready to pull saying that we aren't good enough writer, but I won't dare. Once I start something I always finish.

JC: I didn't say to pull it! I just said we weren't doing too well. Who knows someone might read it sooner or later.

Catherine: It's okay JC. Just try to be more patient and someone will.

JC: Me? Patient? Kitty you must be on something to think that I could be patient. Jenny's got more patience than me!

Catherine: You don't have to yell at me!! And this is for what you did to Jenny yesterday! ( Hits JC in the head with the BUBB (Batter UP Baka! Bat) and stomps away mumbling incoherent curses.)

Kathrine: Kitty knows THAT word?! You really got her mad now!

JC: / Does she know it was me that let Seiji live in G&S? /

Kathrine: Now that she is subdued I can get back to the story. Now JC did help write part of this so if there is anything nice or kind of not happy it wasn't from me. ( JC frowns and leaves the room. She passes Jennifer and doesn't noticed the strange smirk on her lips.)

Disclaimer: Don't own troopers or pilots! Whaaaahhhhhh! *_! There would be many interesting things occurring if I did.

Warning: Somewhat dark themes. YAOI/Shounen Ai! RUNAWAY HOMOPHOBES OR I WILL FORCE YOUR FLAMES UP YOUR ASSES AND OUT YOUR MOUTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!! RW/GW Crossover. Deals with dark themes in later chapters. R rated. If ANY of these don't appeal to your senses LEAVE!! Or you could stay and hopefully they will start to soon. ^_^

Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

BY Kathrine and JC

Moon AC 197

It was so cold and dark. The boy kept his arms wrapped around his knees and sat in the pitch-black room. No longer did he cower in the darkness that held him so still. He could feel nothing towards it for he could not remember what daylight was. The only light he knew was the artificial electricity that fueled the lab he was in. He didn't even know where the lab was, but he knew all that where there.

The blonde hadn't seen Doctor J in more than two years and didn't know or care what had happened to him. The other scientists though had continued where their chief had left off. They still forced him to use his abilities and trained him to control them. He could use his empathic abilities to their fullest extent, but his healing could not be mastered. It still took to much energy from him, even though he could now heal large groups of injured people or animals that they brought in for the tests. Truthfully, they had nothing left that he could learn or do. He knew that they were just waiting for word from Doctor J.

Three weeks he had been confined to his cold room with no one to speak to. The guard they had given him was deaf so that he wouldn't be able to talk to him. This was punishment for trying to not cooperate. They bought him food twice a day although it definitely wasn't enough for a growing fifteen year-old.

No, he told himself. I'll be sixteen soon. If I remember what day it is. He had almost completely lost his sense of time since he had been sent away from everyone else. But it seemed that where he was at time didn't truly matter. He tried to think of happy thoughts that would keep his mind occupied during his 'solitary' time, but he could barely remember anything before Doctor J's base. He knew he was an orphan, but believed that he had a brother at one time.

Images of a boy only a year older than himself with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes continued to run through his mind. He remembered someone being very protective of him, refusing to leave his side. Then he remembered Doctor J, the tests and 'secessions', and the brother he had never seen again. Then he thought of the boasting Doctor J made of his 'Perfect Soldier' during what he believed to be a war. Are you even alive Nii-chan? The boy wondered to himself.

Nii-chan was all that he could remember to go with the pictures of the other boy. No name or even a last one would come with it. He could barely remember his name let alone an almost forgotten boy. But he felt warmth from the images and tried to replay them as much as he could. He would NOT forget the only happiness he could remember.

Then he also thought, But why did he leave me? I know Doctor J sent him out those years ago, did he escape? If, he did then why am I still here? Does he even remember me? Does he even care? He had to force himself to push those feelings away. It had been the same questions that were unanswered, but still plagued him for so long. Why had his brother abandoned him? He had promised to not let anything happen to him and yet he left him here with these people and the training that he would go insane from soon enough. How could he leave me here like this?

Suddenly there was noise outside his door and a loud shot. Next he could hear something hit the floor an someone yelled, " Open this door!" The vice wasn't familiar, but he knew it could only mean one thing. Doctor J is back! Fear suddenly rose in his chest as his heart beat rapidly from the thought of going through anything else because of the mad man. He would not go thought it again!

Slowly, he rose to his feet and back into the farthest corner of the room. He knew from previous 'solitaries' that the light would pain him greatly if he got to close to it. So he waited in the darkness for the door to open and his time to strike.

A few minutes passed and the door opened somewhat forcefully. He squinted his eyes at the light across the room that shadowed a tall silhouette. The person was tall and uniformed in a gray and black suit. His hair was pulled back and he hand a gun ready in his hand. The blonde's eyes widened slightly a the sight of the gun and knew it was better now or never.

Quickly, he lunged at the person, knocking him to the ground and began to wrestle with him for the gun. The person was strong and yet he knew he could overcome them. He chopped the intruder in the wrist and the gun was thrown across the room. The blonde jumped up and backed away from the person, feeling more secure that he was unarmed. He was about to kill the person with a kick to the side of his head when a flashlight was placed in his eyes. He growled from pain and absently covered his one visible eye with his hand. Next thing he knew was the pain of something hitting him in the gut, forcing him into unconsciousness.

Japan, Earth

Heero awoke from the grips of a nightmare still hearing the screams of an eight-year old child in his mind. The child with blonde hair and lavender/blue eyes. It had been so long since he had had such a nightmare that he wondered what could be the cause of it. He didn't want to forget the young child that he'd seen with so much pain on his face, but the memories were just that, Pain. He had gone back to the base where they'd had been kept after Doctor J was killed in the War of AC 195, but he found no one. It was as if they had moved everything and left nothing to be thought of.

" Heero?" the person next to him stirred. " What's wrong?"

" Nani?" Heero came back as he stared into deep violet eyes. " Nothing's wrong, Duo"

" Like I'll believe that," the braided brunette frowned, fully awake. " Come one please tell me what's wrong love."

" Now isn't the time," Heero moved a piece of hair out of his lover's face, but the other pilot wasn't about to let him go that easily.

" Look you haven't woke up like this in five months," Duo pointed out. " Please tell me what's wrong so that I can help." The pleading concern in Maxwell's eyes tore at him, because he didn't like to see his koibito upset.

" My brother's birthday is next month," Heero broke down.

" You have a brother?!" Duo looked shocked. " I thought you were an orphan."

" We both are," Heero confirmed.

" Well where is he? Maybe we can go see him," Duo was getting his wheels turning already at the prospects of finding out about more of Heero's childhood.

" I don't know where he is," Heero could feel his newly acquired emotions eating at him. " I haven't seen him since he was eight when Doctor J took him away."

" Oh man, love it's okay," Duo wrapped his arms around Heero's shoulders. " I'm sorry, maybe we can find him. He could still be out there somewhere." All of the old memories were coming back and Heero did the one thing that even though he could feel now, he didn't do often, cry.

Then next day felt strangely awkward when Heero and Duo left their apartment for the Preventer's Japanese office. Their home was about half-hour outside of Tokyo and meant as a way to stay secluded from prying eyes. Heero was worn out due to his restless night and Duo had almost convinced him to stay home that day. It was until they received that an urgent call from Wufei to come to the office early did the braided brunette give up. The office was especially quite as they entered and Heero felt a strange knot in his stomach. Wufei, and Trowa were waiting for them when they arrived on the sixth floor.

" Glad you two could clear out your personal schedule to be here," Wufei snickered. He knew very well about the two pilot's relationship as well as Quatre's and Trowa's but found it seemed to get in between their careers.

" What was the big deal that you had to call us in two hours early?" Duo frowned. " Heero not feeling well today and I wanted him to stay home."

" Really?" Trowa raised an eyebrow at the somewhat blushing brunette. Heero shook his head at the boy as proof that he was fine. But he didn't know that Trowa could see the slight bags under his eyes.

" Why did you call us in?" he asked to Wufei instead.

" You best follow me so I can explain," Wufei lead them down the hall. " After the whole Mariemaia incident we found files that were encrypted with strange symbols and hieroglyphics. It was so well done that it took us until last week to decode it. But it was the maps and locations of several well hidden bases across the Colonies and Earth."

" Did you secure all the bases?" Heero asked as the knot it his chest tightened.

" Yes, but it was what we found at the last base that I wanted you to see," Wufei explained. " We discovered it was hidden on the dark side of the moon and was the only base still functioning. We had secured when I noticed that there was one door that had a guard next to it. I yelled to him but he didn't answer, didn't even look at me. He was easily disarmed, but I tried to question him, only to find out he was deaf. The door had a pretty good lock on it, but luckily Sally had a scrambler on her."

" Well what was in the room?" Duo asked impatiently, wanting to get straight to the point.

" Right here," Wufei pointed to the door of one of the usual Medical Restraint Rooms on the floor and pushed it opened. Heero thought he was about to have a heart attack.

Tied down to the single bed in the room was a boy that looked to be sixteen, but too skinny for it to be possible. His long blonde hair fell around him and off the bed, possibly longer than Duo's. His head was straight facing the ceiling and didn't acknowledge their presence. " He's very strong so Sally had to sedate him," Wufei whispered. That's when he saw the strange watery look in Heero's eyes. " What is it?" he asked.

" Seiji?" Heero croaked, his throat completely dry and his heart beating uncontrollably.

The glazed over lavender/blue eyes that finally looked at him were so blank that he thought he wasn't even looking at them. " Onii-san?" the boy whispered as if in shock, his eyes beginning to widen.

" What does that mean?" Duo asked as he looked to Heero. The look of recognition of his lover's face meant one thing. " Heero's is that…?"

" My brother," Heero whispered as he took a step closer to the bed.

The blonde seemed to be in shock, but didn't show it as he stared at the figure that closed in on him. He didn't recognize the tall brunette that walked toward him. He seemed calm and yet apprehensive of the would-be apparition on the bed. He could see nothing that reminded him of the small boy in his memories, except the deep blue eyes. Those eyes locked with lavender/blue and he quickly diverted them back to the ceiling.

That's when he felt the creeping sensation as a hand touched his shoulder. The blonde moved instantly, glaring as he pushed himself as far away from the touch as he could. " Kamawanaide kudasai!" he growled in their native tongue.

" Naze Seiji?" Heero questioned.

" Atchi e ike!" he didn't rebuke his glare. " Kamawanaide kudasai!"

" What is he saying?" Duo asked Wufei. " Is that Japanese or something?"

" Yes," Wufei confirmed. " But it's best we leave." With that Trowa agreed and the two pulled the braided ex-pilot from the room and shut the door. Heero was thankful for the sound of the door shutting after them.

" Talk to me Seiji," he pleaded.

" I told you to go away!" Seiji spat. " You're not my Nii-chan, you impostor! Tell Doctor J that this is the lowest he's ever gone. What did he get bored being away so long? Come back for fun at my expense?!"

" Seiji please stop," Heero asked. " This isn't fake. It's really me." The teen only shook his head viciously and tried to free himself again. Heero could barely understand how the small, skinny, and fragile-looking boy had so much strength in him. No, not strength, a small voice told him. Anger, pure focused and more explosive than a time bomb.

" You're safe now," Heero tried to calm him before he hurt himself. " Doctor J is dead, has been for a year and a half." The blonde stopped moving at that and contemplated the answer for a moment of confusion.

Eighteen months? His inner voice wanted to scream in injustice. He's been dead so long and yet I was still trapped there, being tested on and forced into secessions. For what? They had already killed me…

Heero thought that his brother had blocked him out until he heard a soft voice asked, " Where were you?"

" Nani?" Heero asked.

" Where were you all this time?" Seiji repeated. " If he's been dead so long, where were you? I know you left for the war but I thought the scientists said it had ended? Where did you go?"

" I left for a while," Heero admitted truthfully. " The base was empty and I thought you were gone. It'd been so long I was afraid I had made you up in one of my insane nights alone. I just left and didn't come back until Christmas last year."

" So you just gave up? Placed me in the back of your mind as an insane illusion?" Seiji's voice was cold and accusing. " Was I really only that to you, Heero?" The sound of his younger brother using the name Doctor J gave him cut into his newly formed soul. Never before had he ever used it, even when he was punished because of it. Now he could truly see what others had seen in him that only as a year ago, the cold stone that looked so solid and unbreakable.

" No Seiji," he shook his head. " I had thought that you were gone for good and weren't coming back. I didn't really know what to think." He reached out to touch the boy again, but he quickly moved away.

" Don't touch me," he growled. " Just don't touch me."

" I'm just going to release your arms," Heero assured him. " Please don't try anything."

" Capture is acknowledged," Seiji stated. " Why should I run now? I have no missions or purpose now that Doctor J is dead. I have no reason to do anything." Heero took that as the closest agreement he would get from the blonde and slowly undid his arm restraints. Within five minutes the boy could sit up and rubbed his arms to return the flow of blood.

" Where were you?" Heero asked. " I looked, but there wasn't any trace of you. Where you on the moon the whole time?"

" Was that where I was?" he sounded sarcastic. " I wouldn't have noticed with all the sedatives they were pumping in me on the shuttle that brought me here."

" Well Wufei was talking like you put up a fight," Heero countered. " I saw the bandage sticking out of his sleeve."

" No one came to my room without a reason," Seiji looked away. " I thought Doctor J had finally come back." Then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He stiffened considerably but didn't move away this time. The blonde's masked didn't flinched, but his heart was beginning to race in his chest. He knew that Heero wouldn't hurt him that way, or at least he thought he wouldn't, yet he still couldn't calm it.

" Move your arm, Heero," Seiji told him in a cold, warning tone.

" Iie Seiji," Heero refused. " You have to look at me."

" I want you to leave, now," the other boy stated. " I don't need you. I've done fine on my own for almost eight years now."

" But we once said that we would only need each other," Heero reminded him. " I won't let you go through what I did."

" Nani?" the blonde didn't compute the hidden message.

" I won't lose you completely now that I've got you back," Heero wrapped his arms completely around the boy's shoulders and could feel the tension in his younger brother's entire body. " These are my arms, not theirs. I won't let you ever forget that. I will hold you for eternity if that's what it takes."

" Let go of me," Seiji was really starting to have the warning signs in his mind go off. Please let go! I can't do this! Just let go. " I don't need you or your pity." The boy began to struggle, but Heero held tight and said the first thing that came to mind.

" I'm sorry Sage," he whispered. " I'm sorry I failed you." Seiji stopped struggling at the speaking of his childhood nickname, childhood almost long forgotten. The thoughts of his life at the many orphanages came back, then of the night when Doctor J had taken them away, the three days of testing and before being thrown into a cold dark cell. Then the years of training and pain for disobedience, and next the secessions and the new sense of pain and torture. He remembered the morning when he was locked away in the coldest and darkest cell in the base, then the years of loneliness that followed only with a change of location and more years of isolation, train and testing. All those years he thought one thing stood out, his Onii-san.

He was the one there for him when he was sick from the emotions of others. He gave up a any type of normal childhood he might have gained to stay with his gaijin-looking brother. He had even tried to save him from Doctor J, as futile as it was, the first few days they were trapped together. Then he remembered how Onii-san would comfort him and put himself in the line of punishment when he was too tired or scared to listen to the scientist's orders. This was why they were forced apart and still Onii-san tried to comfort him when he could. Then the day the 'secessions' started he saw Onii-san trapped in the corner, held by two guards and unable to do anything, the pain and shame in his eyes. Then when he was taken away two weeks later Onii-san had been hurt trying to stop them, but he promised to come back for him. The years alone it was the thoughts and memories of his Onii-san that kept him going. He had swore he would come back and now he had.

That was just it. It wasn't Heero Yuy, as the mad doctor had called him, holding him right now. It was Nii-chan, the one who had been there for him even when he couldn't be there physically. Nii-chan would never hurt, or let anyone else hurt him without putting up a fight. Onii-san would protect him and keep everyone else away and yet he felt ashamed because he believed he hadn't fulfilled his promise. But he had kept his promise, he came back for him.

The memories and emotions were more than the overloaded blonde could take as he let a tear fall from his eye after years of absence. It was soon followed by another and even more, until there were torrents rushing down his cheeks. He didn't let out a cry, but the tears still came. Exhausted from the compiled emotional distress he lowered to the bed, still in his onii-san's arms. The brunette was humming to him as he often did when they were children, causing the boy to drift into a much-needed peaceful slumber.

" I never thought Yuy would have a brother," Wufei thought out loud.

" I didn't know until last night," Duo admitted. " But Heero said that Doctor J took him away when he was eight."

" He hasn't seen him for almost eight years until now?" Trowa seemed a little shocked.

" Pretty much," Duo nodded. That's when the door to the waiting room opened and Heero walked in.

" Did you calm him down?" Duo asked.

" Hai, he's sleeping now," Heero confirmed. Duo knew that something about his koibito was off slightly. His eyes were brighter and red like the night before. Not to mention part of his right sleeve was wet in different spots. The look on his face was one of pain, yet determination.

" What is it?" Duo questioned.

" I'm taking Seiji home," Heero answered. " He can't stay here and I won't leave him."

" I'm not telling you to," Duo shook his head. " He's your brother, that kinda makes us family so I don't see the problem. We'll just get Sally to give the okay and get him out of here."

" That would be the best thing for him," Heero agreed. He noticed through the glass wall that a doctor in a white coat walked by. Just the sight of the coat gave him a small chill down his spine, but he knew his brother would have fared far worse in such a situation. " This is not a very stable place for Seiji right now," he added. Trowa saw the look Heero had as the doctor walked by and understood perfectly what he was talking about.

" Don't you think it would be best to have somewhere ready for when he does go home with you?" Wufei pointed out.

" Duo," Heero gave his loved and almost pleading look. " I need to stay here for when he wakes up."

" Don't worry love," Duo put his hand to his forehead in a playful salute. " This is me you're talking to. I'll have the guestroom dusted and ready for whenever he's allowed to leave." Then he gave Heero a quick kiss on the lips. " I'm a man on a mission!" he beamed as he walked out of the room.

" Did you give him that Double Chocolate Chuck ice cream again?" Wufei sighed.

" Not since the incident with the petting zoo at the circus," Heero replied. Just the mention of the fiasco made Trowa noticeably cringed. It had taken three days to clean up the mess from the rampage the animals went on. Luckily, it was on a day that they didn't have to perform. They had then banned Duo from any type of over sugar or caffeine-filled ice cream.

" Look I have to get going," Trowa broke in. " Quatre will probably be calling you as soon as I give him the news, just watch. So this is farewell for now." He nodded to them both and made his departure from the room, ready to go home to his koibito.

" Well I guess I'll go explain as much of this as I can to Sally and the other doctors," Wufei volunteered.

" Arigato," Heero thanked him as the two left the waiting and walked down the hall. That's when they heard the loud yell and the crash down the hall. Sage! Heero thought immediately. He and Wufei rushed down the hall to find his brother's door wide open. They were about to go in when a the a man was thrown out the door into the wall.

" Seiji?" Heero's eyes widened. The man was a doctor in usual attire, white coat and all. " Oh no!"

" Get the hell away from me!" a yell came from the room. Heero quickly walked in to find his brother against the wall with a doctor and two orderlies trying to subdue him. One orderly was favoring his knee and the other had a bruise on his face. Three more orderlies were unconscious on the floor. The doctor held a small syringe in his hand. In an instant the blonde kick out, catching one of the orderlies in the gut and sending him across the room. The other he quickly lunged at, knocking him to the ground with an elbow to the chest. The move wasn't enough to kill him, but it brought him quickly to unconsciousness.

Heero stared in amazement, not being able to find his voice. He watched as the doctor backed away, fearing something drastic. That's when Seiji grabbed his arm and twisted it so that the syringe was aimed at the doctor's throat. Knowing what was about to happen Heero found himself yelling, " Sage, don't!"

The blonde looked at him quickly and let the doctor drop to the floor. The look in his eyes was one of glazed adrenaline and fear. He knew what the suits meant and what the syringe was for. Heero walked over to him quickly and closed him in his comforting embrace. " It's okay," he whispered. " It's not what you think." Wufei watched in confusion as the boy visibly began to relax in his brother's arms.

" They work for Doctor J," Seiji stated.

" No, they don't," Heero shook his head. " They were going to help you, not hurt you."

" Then why did that try to sedate me again?" the blonde asked. " That doesn't help."

" They were going to run tests to make sure you were all right," Heero explained. But the tension he felt rising made him remember what 'tests' meant to his brother.

" NO!" Seiji growled. " No tests. I am fine, no damage has been received. They don't need to run tests." The way he said the word 'test' would make anyone shuddered from the cold.

" No tests Sage," Heero agreed. " You don't have to worry. I told you before you're safe here." Wufei stood at the door, a little thrown off by the compassion and love he was seeing Heero give the young blonde. Even though they looked nothing a like he could tell they carried the brotherly bond.

" Safe is a word used by those who die early in life," Seiji stated. " Don't use it towards me."

" Whatever you want," Heero agreed. " Come on please lay back down." The blonde complied and allowed his brother to lead him back to the bed on the side of the room.

The teen kept his hand holding closed the back of his hospital gown, but Wufei could still see some of the scars on his thighs. Oh God, I hope those don't mean what I think I they might mean, Wufei tried to not show his shock. Not wanting to eavesdrop anymore he followed the limping, and dragging hospital staff out of the room.

" Nii-chan, don't leave," Seiji asked. " Just stay here."

" I will Sage," Heero assured him. " But I want you to be able to come home with me soon."

" Nani?" Seiji tried to not show his astonishment.

" Hai, I want to come to live with me," Heero repeated. " I know you don't want to stay here and I've got an extra room in my apartment. Duo doesn't mind so I was hoping you would agree."

" Duo's the one your feel funny with," Seiji acknowledged. Heero raised an eyebrow, almost forgetting about his brother's childhood intuition about things. The intuition Doctor J had called, Empathy. " I could tell you had this strange feeling about someone when I checked your emotions for deceit. I'm guessing he is the one."

" Yes he is," Heero confirmed. " But the strange feeling is called love, Sage."

" Love is useless," Seiji frowned somewhat. " Why would you have love? It is not required for life."

" You have a lot to be explained to you," Heero sighed. " Doctor J said love was useless, but that's not true. I love Duo, just as he loves me. You will come to understand in time."

" If you say so Nii-chan," Seiji let it go. He didn't want to argue with his brother. He let it go and allowed his brother to hold him, even though a strange sickening rock still lay at the bottom of his stomach. As if even with what he had always dreamed of coming true, something was still missing.

A/N: Did you like? Please let me know what you think. I know that Kathrine needs them after I shoved he off the computer halfway though. She was going to have Seiji attack Heero! I told you she's a sadist.

Kathrine: I can't believe you made it so fluffy! Seiji seemed like he had emotions! How could you do this to me?!! You are ruining a perfectly good plot that I had planned out!

JC: Tough! I get to write as much of it as I want the way I want after letting you control Cooper for three days straight. You almost hurt a four-year old!

Kathrine: He kept staring at me and asking annoying questions. I can't help if I find it rude and rather irritating. That doesn't mean I was actually going to drop him on his head. I was just trying to scare him. Children always look so much more pleasant when they are afraid.

JC: *~* Don't talk to me. Better yet, I'll get Kitty on you.

Kathrine: I'll be good.

JC: ^_^ That's better. Now go and talk to Jennifer. I think it's time she wrote posted one of her songfics.

Kathrine: You can't really expect me to talk to her! You know if I say something wrong she'll use that freaky trick of hers to lock me away for a week. That void of hers is way too quite!

JC: Fine I'll do it, but that gives me another extra day of writing.

Kathrine: You convince Jennifer to write and you can have it!

JC: Deal. Now readers please don't forget to review. Ja for now! ( Goes off to the black nothingness that is Jennifer's lair.)

Kathrine: Knowingly she won't be back for a few days. ^_^