Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Dreams and Precautions ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: HI! It's Kathrine here with the next installment of our little ficie. JC kinda jipped me on the writing in this one, but that's only because it's so short. I hope to write more later.

JC: I always get what I want.

Kathrine: Only because you've got Kitty on your side and she's got Jennifer.

Catherine: Look I can't help it if I find your attachment to pain to be disturbing to say the least.

Jenny: Come on! On with this fic!

Disclaimer: Check Prologue!

Warning: Check Prologue!



Our Version of RW with A Crossover Twist

BY JC and Kathrine

Somewhere in Wooded outskirts of Tokyo

A young boy with hair of raven black sat outside his home lying against a large white tiger. The feline purred gently as to lure the boy into a peaceful slumber, but it was not to be. The nightmares that plagued the boy that night had him wide awake and he didn't know what to do about them.

He had seen the strange armor again, the red and white with four fires blazing about it. The bladed horn that crowned each side of its helmet shined as the fires raised from the ground, twin kitanas strapped to its back. Then suddenly in each fire he saw another shadowed armor. He didn't know why he thought they were armor as well, but he somehow knew.

Then suddenly, one flame seemed to turn into a large mass of water before collapsing onto the floor, leaving no mess to be cleaned. Another seemed to just blow out as if a great wind had extinguished it like a candle, smoke floating away like clouds. The second to last seemed to stop swaying and change to an orange stone, every detail refined and precise to a true flame, but then it crumbled away to the floor as if made of sand. The last candle remained as it was, but the light grew darker until a transparent shadow blazed before the red armor, no light left to shine from it. Suddenly the dream ended.

The boy never understood why he continued to have dreams like this one, of a white armor, or a huge castle in the sky. He thought at first it was his imagination, but now he wasn't so sure. He pulled a red marble-like sphere out of his pocket and looked at it. The swirling fire within it looked as alive as the kanji of benevolence that he was sure lay at the center. He had not too long ago discovered the true purpose of the orb, the answers giving him a sense of closure.

Even though he felt a strange sense of emptiness within him when he stared at the orb and he had no clues as to what caused it. It was as if part of him was missing and yet was so close to his reach. Part of him was dark and desolate and he couldn't find what was pulling at him to be searched for. " What do you think is going on Byakuen?" the teen asked the tiger he lay against.

The feline raised its head at him, brown eyes locked with blue, and nuzzled his face. The knowing look in his features would have one believe he did indeed know what was going on, but wouldn't say anything. " You wouldn't tell if you did know," the boy pouted. " But I guess it's time to clean up the house. Maybe Obaasan's feeling a little better today." With that he petted the tiger and walked into the log cottage.

Apartment in Tokyo

The apartment seemed cold and depressing for the young teen that sat there doing his applications for college. A lock blue forelock fell into his eye and he irritably moved it away He knew he was early, but also that he could have gone to college two years ago. Yet, he also knew that he would have felt even more alone by leaving what small amount of friends he had behind. So instead, he just waited and spent extra time taking college courses at the nearby university. The feeling of emptiness that lay in the pit of his heart was one he couldn't explain.

It wasn't like long ago when he would vie for his father's attention in an attempt for a little more time spent between the two of them. He had given up any hopes of that many years before. It wasn't familiar to the ache he felt whenever his mother stopped by on one of her rare visits, but then was forced to leave after only two hours at the most. The emptiness wasn't even like the pain he felt during the divorce when he was eleven. Even though he had been the one that suggested it in the first place.

No, this strange feeling was one that he had always felt. It was hidden deep in the back of his mind where he could tell it was there, but left unidentified. He could still remember the dream he had the night before. One he had quite often and yet could find no meaning for it.

The sky was dark as the stars shined brightly onto the clouds that remained there. The wind was still and no birds flew through the fluffy pillows. In the center of the scene floating upon a cloud of its own was a strange dark blue armor. It was familiar to that of the feudal Japan and yet more metallic and solid. It sat with its hands on its knees, a golden fold out bow strapped to its back. The golden horns curled from the sides of its helmet to the top like the devils, but he knew it was no type of evil.

The clouds gathered around the suit protectively, as a mother would her child, just when four shadows took shape in the mists. Each looked like an armor in itself and the clouds took the shapes of different images. One cloud looked as if it were a large tidal wave and grew until the wind seemed to blow it over, causing it to crash into the fluffy floor. Another seemed to sway in the wind like a burning fire, only to get smaller and smaller until it burned out. The next cloud seemed to form a wall around the armor, closing in a seeming stone cage, only to fall over the next moment.

The last cloud had a strange light surrounding the armored form, but it slowly died away. As soon as the light was gone and the figure disappeared in the darkness all the stars began to dim. Then they seemed to snuff out one at a time, and then large masses until the armor in the clouds was lost in a strangling black nothing.

The blue-haired boy frowned at the disconcerting dream and hoped it would not come again. He continued his writing with fervor, trying to lose himself in the work. Still the feeling of emptiness filled him, waiting for just the right thing, or person, to fill its place.


The demon-like lord of the castle hovered in his transparency in his throne room. A strange shift could be felt in the mortal world, the balance was almost complete. The five he had been weary of for the past sixteen years would soon meet. He had almost felt safe when the last of the five disappeared from earth into the stars and never returned. But now the one was back and he was the only one without any knowledge or sense of his destiny. He could be manipulated if they could take away all that was precious to him, but the boy was like stone almost.

The demon reveled in the images of the boy and his silent anger that built up like a powerful bolt of lightning with in him. The boy had seen much pain in his life and had become hard from it. His only show of weakness came from the brunette he called, Nii-chan.

So cold and almost stone set perfectly around this boy, the overlord thought to himself. His abilities are greatly trained and his anger is at its peak. How is it that this single Nigen can tear away all the walls he has placed around his person? But, all that can be easily rectified. He would have this boy when his power claimed to him or he would kill him before he reached the other four and called them all to their fates.

" Come to me, my Masho and Lady!" the emperor's voice boomed through the castle like thunder. Soon five beings appeared in the throne room before in him flickers of the green candlelight. They all bowed respectfully before deciding to speak.

" What is it that you wish of us Lord Emperor Arago?" the one in the center asked. His red hair skimmed the floor as he raised his head to look at him.

" The time has come Oni Masho Shuten," the demon replied. " It has been another thousand years passed and we now have the means to take over the Nigen sekai. The time for our victory is at hand and to waste time would be to lose such an opportunity."

" But what of the other five armors?" one of the others asked. He held his head with pride and his blue hair was cut shortly, revealing the cross scar on left eye.

" The bearers of the armors are coming to understand their power, but still cannot use it fully," he answer in a laughing tone. " But I will not take this lightly and wish for you to make sure that this doesn't go awry."

" What would you have us do?" the only female in the group inquired. Her black hair fell around her, her face claiming such theatrical innocence. Suddenly, a mirror on the far wall showed the image of a young blonde. His hair was pulled back into a twist that fell to his knees and he was staring into a mirror. Long bangs covered a lavender/blue eye, making his features even more delicate and yet, even colder. He looked like nothing more than a stone statue, nothing telling the true rage and pain within him.

" He quite a handsome," the woman smirked only to receive a silent glare from the green-haired man next to her. She only smirked at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

" I'm glad you approve of him Lady Kayura," Arago would have smiled if he could. " For if all goes well he should be joining us soon."

" What?" she replied.

" This is to be one of the chosen bearers of the armor. I have watched him closely since his childhood and have seen the hatred he bears towards humanity in itself," he answered. " Soon his power will come to him and I want him to be with us before it happens."

" How would you like us to do this master?" the last man asked. His white hair was long to his shoulders and made him seem angelic but the patch on his right eye showed he had seen far worse things in life. He knew exactly how he wanted to capture the boy in the mirror, but knew to ask his lord so he wouldn't think him overbearing.

" You must persuade him to join us Rajura," the man went on. " Though he is very much like all of you, perfect for my army, he holds one weakness in his wall." The image of the mirror showed a brunette walking into the room with a coat and shoes in his hands. The blonde's features change slightly to appear more at ease and the brunette smiled. " I want this weakness disposed of before it inflicts anymore damage upon the boy's future here with us."

" Allow me to go Master Arago," the blue-haired man requested. " It should not be hard to persuade such a dark child to join us. You have already spoke of his hatred for his world."

" Granted Anubis," the demon agreed. " But be warned of how you deal with this situation. The bearer seems very attached to this Nigen. If he will not come willingly, take him anyway. The nether spirits should be able to blackened what light is left in the boy."

" Very well master," the blue-haired man bowed once more. " I take it the gates have finally been reopened?"

" Yes," the lord confirmed. " Now go and do not fail me." The other four bowed to their master and all disappeared as they never had been there.


The doctors were irate at the thought of Seiji leaving the facility. They said he was traumatized and needed constant supervision. Thankfully, after Wufei explained part of everything to her, Sally agreed that it might be best for the blonde to go with his brother. Hospitals only seemed to make it worse for him with all of the white coats roaming about. She consented to his release into Heero's care.

Heero had picked out one of his own outfits for his younger brother to wear when he realized they were only an inch height difference at the most. The clothes barely fit the overly skinny teen and had to be tightened with a belt. Even one of Heero's normally tight shirts seemed slightly big on the blonde. Yet, the boy showed no signs of discomfort or irritation. His expression of indifference never changed, save only in Heero's private presence.

The ride to the apartment complex was quieter than Heero would have liked. He wanted to say something to get rid of his brother's stillness and yet he couldn't think of anything to say. So he just continued to drive, begging for the tension to leave.

Seiji, on other hand, was slightly frightened. They left during the night and he couldn't help but be in awe and fear of the large buildings that surrounded them or the bright lights he had never seen before. Being an orphan, trapped in a secret base didn't even give you memories of the world before you were gone. Everything was so new to him, having only seen pictures and discs of such cemented jungles. His heart was pounding and he wanted to hide in the darkest corner he could find.

Then the city disappeared into a highway with trees on either side of the road. He felt only slightly safer with not as many lights or people around. The trees swayed and the wind blew into the opened window f the car, cool and soothing in the early may weather.

" Why did you come back here?" he finally decided to ask.

" Nani?" Heero asked.

" Japan," he started again. " Why did you come here of all places. You hadn't been here since you were three so why return?"

" I felt more comfortable being here," the brunette answered truthfully. " This was where they would have wanted us to be instead of the Colonies anyway." Seiji knew he was speaking about their parents and how they had died in the bombing on the colony when coming there on a business trip. It had been fortunate enough for them to be able to take their children but then they died. The Colony Child Services didn't know what to do about them seeing as they had no family in the colonies so they sent them to the home. He could remember nothing about them, but told himself they were loving and kind.

" Maybe they did," he finally mumbled under his breath. He didn't want to think about his parents. He believed, their deaths are what led him to the life he had been forced to live. Not to mention they brought up the nights he had prayed for memories of the two years he had spent with them , the only good years of his life.

Lightning suddenly flashed in the cloudless sky and seemed as if it targeted to highway in front of their vehicle. A shadowed figured appeared on the road as if by magic with in the darkness of the strange bolt. " Oh shit!" Heero cursed as he quickly swerved out of the way, driving the car off the road. The car hit a tree head on and crashed, everything turning into darkness on impact.

Wooded outskirts of Tokyo

The raven-haired boy finished cleaning his dinner dishes and placed them neatly on the rack next to the sink. The tiger lay near the door listening to something outside that no one else you could hear. Suddenly, he started growling and the boy felt a strange sense of foreboding hit him. He felt that something bad was going to happen and yet, not what it was. He looked to Byakuen, who was staring out the door strangely.

" What is it boy?" the teen asked. " Do you see something?" That's when the lightning flashed into the sky and the tiger growled. / No, not now! The circle is not complete. / He burst through the screen door and ran off into the woods.

" Byakuen!" the boy called to his "pet." He threw the rag onto the table and ran out the door after him, I hope Obaasan will be okay alone, he thought to himself as he rushed after his confusing tiger.

The blue-haired boy sighed as he stared up at the sky. He loved the sky, stars and anything else concerning it. Something about the thought of flying up in the vast openness with nothing to control your life or your emotions was breathtaking. He had always dreamed of himself up in the clouds flying without anything between him and the stars. He would be completely free and at peace.

He came out to the woods outside of Tokyo often, preferring the serene beauty of nature to the bustling hubbub of the city. He had found a special spot where a large mass of tress had been cleared away. There he sat on a blanket, not caring if his father came home after four days to find him not there. He was becoming one with the world around him and he wanted it to stay that way forever.

Suddenly, he felt a strange impression of danger all around him. Something was amiss in his perfect forest and had disturbed his link to the stars. That's when the lightning flashed in the sky and look as if it was aiming at the highway not to for from his spot. A cold chill went down his spine and he felt peculiar warmth in his pocket. Quickly, he dug in and pulled out a dark blue spherical crystal that was glowing somewhat brightly. The "wisdom" kanji swirled in its cloudy depths.

He had brought the orb with him on a whim, not really knowing why he had the need for it. But now he thought of its purpose and wondered if now is the time it was finally needed. He got to his feet, dusting off half-decently, and headed towards where he saw the lightning fall. Something just felt completely wrong and he wondered if now would be the time for him to act.

A/N: Did you like? I know it doesn't have all that Kathrine wanted in it, but the next one will be much better. This I thought would help get the ball rollin'.

AlexiaAlex: I know that you want Touma/Seiji but you'll just have to wait to see how I planned this out. It's gonna take a twist. I hope you'd enjoyed this part though.