Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Allies and Enemies ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hi it's JC! I know it took a really long while for this to come out but it's because I had to write the whole thing. Kathrine is so busy finishing her part of another story she and Jennifer are working on that she hasn't had time to write on this. I also know that I really suck at writing fight scenes so I cut this one as short as I could. Please forgive me! Anyway, I haven't explained yet who the main Trooper pairing will be so you'll just have to wait. I set a real twister in the next chapter.

Disclaimer: Check Prologue.

Warning: This is an AU, YAOI/Shounen Ai, Dark-themed fic. IF YOU DISLIKE THESE THINGS THEN DON'T READ IT AT ALL. ANY FLAMES WILL BE TREATED BY KATHHRINE. READ "UNTITLED CHAPTER 2" AND YOU'LL SEE MY POINT. Now if you enjoy this stuff then please read. ^_^

Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

By JC and Kathrine

(this section was written by JC)

Highway outside of Tokyo

Seiji felt a brief flash of pain as he opened his eyes. There was smoke all around him and he could see the demolished front nose of the car through the broken windshield. He could smell gas and other fumes in the car and knew he had to get out quick. " Nii-chan?" he whispered hoarsely. He turned his head to the driver's seat and saw his brother still unconscious, head against the steering wheel with a large gash across his face. That's when the flames burst up from the head of the car.

Knowing he had to get his brother to safety, Seiji quickly took off his seat belt and leaned over the large amount of glass in the seats. He unstrapped his brother as fast and gently as he could. Heero's shoulders sagged against the wheel showing he still hadn't awakened. Next, Seiji turned his attention to his door and kicked it. The steel barricade didn't move, so he threw all the weight he could into it. The door flung open and smacked against the tree.

Seiji got out the vehicle and then leaned back in, pulling Heero out just as the interior began to burn. He dragged his brother's unconscious form about ten yards away before watching the rest of the car burst into flames. Taking in deep breaths, Seiji laid Heero flat on his back. From what he could tell the brunette was still breathing, but the gash could have been caused by forceful impact to the head which could cause blood clotting and swelling. He knew that he had to get Heero help or things would get much worse. I have to heal him, he decided.

Getting on his knees he pulled Heero's head into his lap and set his breathing to a steady pace. Placing a hand only and inch above the wound he concentrated all of his energy to it. He could feel the blood drying into nothing and the skin growing over the gash, seeming as if it was never there. When he could feel no more damage needed healing he moved his hand and began to breathe more deeply. His energy had been drained to half since he had been tired from the day's events and he knew he needed to rest before he could take Heero anywhere.

His senses were distorted fom the lack of energy and yet he could still feel the presence of someone close by. " Who's there?" he yelled out. A soft chuckle came from the road.

" You have learned your abilities early," the voice laughed. " And yet you still are weak."

" Who are you?!" Seiji growled back. The emotion behind the voice was one of hate and desire, yet obedience as well. He could see nothing on the road, everything dark shadows.

" You believe you are not weak and yet you worry for this pathetic human," the voice carried on. " Only the weak show such sentimentality." Suddenly, the shadows lifted and a tall figure stood on the roadside. He was dressed in a strange gray and black type armor with a red cape and large sword sheathed on his back. A metal face covered his features inside of the helmet. All the blonde could see was dark devilish eyes.

" Go away!" Seiji growled at the figure. He refused to show his confusion or fear to the monstrous stranger. He just wanted to get Heero to safety.

" Even now you hide your fear of me," the figure laughed. " Why not give in to your fear? It could prove to save your life."

" I am not afraid of someone I such strange a suit," Seiji slowly stood. " Crazy men do not scare me. Now, what do you want?"

" It is time for you to accept your fate little one," the figure told him. " I have been sent to bring you home where you belong."

" Home?" Seiji tried to remember exactly what that word meant. Nii-chan had said he was taking him home, so why did this man now say the same thing? Home was with Nii-chan, was it not? " I am going home," Seiji stated.

" A home trapped in a world that will never accept you," the man replied. " Even now they believe you insane and plan to toss you away as they have so many times done in the past."

" That's false information," Seiji almost frowned. Nii-chan wouldn't do that to him. Nii-chan wouldn't get rid of him or think such things. Nii-chan was taking him home, wasn't he?

" You say that, though you doubt it yourself," the figure seemed to disappear into the shadows once more. Seiji jumped back slightly as the man appeared next to his former location. " I come from a home of many just like you," he started. " We have plans for this world and for you. You would be accepted in our world and never rejected. Would you like that?"

Acceptance was something he had often thought of as a child. No one seemed to look past his features or his half-breed origins. But now Nii-chan was back and he accepted him as he always did. Nii-chan cared about him. Why would he go with this man now? All he had ever wanted was in his grasps.

" No," Seiji spoke low and in a half growl.

" What?" the man looked slightly confused.

" I do not want to go to your home," Seiji stated. " I have a home here with Nii-chan." The man stared at the unconscious boy the other stood over in protective stance. This was the other boy from the mirror, the one Arago wanted taken care of. He could now see why, the boy was the blonde's one weakness. He could feel the darkness swarming through the teen with fervor, but the mere presence of the brunette kept the darkness from fully enveloping him.

Seiji could feel the hate and want from the man in the strange suit. He believed the man to be mad for wearing such clothing, but Doctor J had told him no one is as crazy or weak as they look. He could see the way he was staring at Heero and felt a slight panic in his chest. The man wanted to hurt Nii-chan! He wanted to get rid of him in the most permanent sense of the word.

" Stay back," Seiji warned. Quickly he kneeled next to Heero as if to cover him with his own body.

" Such a weakling to have a soft spot for such a weak Nigen," the man laughed. Seiji quickly flipped over Heero and pulled the gun from his pocket, aiming it at the stranger.

" I won't wait to kill you," Seiji's voice was dead serious.

" With that thing?" the man laughed. " You couldn't kill a youja fly with that." Without a hesitation Seiji fired three shots at the heart of the stranger. The bullets merely deflected off of his suit as if they were coated candy. (Think of Skittles of M&Ms ^_^)

" Good aim!" the man laughed again. " But I did tell you it couldn't harm me." With that the man pulled the sword from his back and raised it against the boy. " Now let's see if you can dodge as well as you can fire that toy."

He began to walk towards the blonde at a fast pace only to gain more speed and begin running with his sword ready to strike. He raised the sword in the air and Seiji knew that firing the gun would do no good. He placed himself over his brother at first thought, not caring if it would lead to his own pain. He wouldn't lose Nii-chan now that he had just gotten him back. He could feel the energy of the man on top of him at the moment he expected his end.

He felt the heat immediately and couldn't figure out where it had come from. The sound of metal clashing with metal brought him out of his half trance and then he heard the echo of metal colliding with wood. He could feel another energy along with the one of the strange man, much like a fire's heat that wanted to burn him. Seiji slowly raised his head away from his brother to look in the direction the he felt the energy. He saw a raven-haired boy standing there donned in a strange red and white metal suit.

Another one! Seiji's mind was beginning to panic. He couldn't fight two of them if his only weapon didn't seem to work. But then he realized the other man was missing and he looked for his energy signature. He turned to look towards the left and saw the man getting up from next to a large tree. The tree itself looked as if a giant had just stepped on it.

Anubis began to pick himself up slowly from the sneak attack that had been launched against him. Someone had actually tried to fight him. Whoever this interloper is shall pay dearly! He raised his black gaze to see an ebony-haired boy staring at him with a burning glare. What caught the Masho's attention first was the red and white metal body suit the boy was wearing. So he is one of them, he thought to himself. He is Rekka.

" How dare you go against me!" he growled. " Do you even know who you are dealing with?"

The boy just seemed to glare at him more and then replied, " Whatever you're planning on doing you can forget it."

" You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into," Anubis smirked. " But seeing as I was going to hunt you down when I was through with him I guess you saved me the trouble."

" Hunt me down?" the boy looked confused. " I don't even know who the hell you are."

" I am Yami Masho Anubis," he smiled. " Remember that when you die." Suddenly a loud roar distracted him. He watched as a large white tiger stalked to the black-haired boy's side.

/ Stay way from him Yami! / The tiger growled to him in his mind.

" Byakuen you treacherous floor mat!" the Masho snarled. " So you've taken to this boy as you did Kaosu?"

" Byakuen?" the boy stared at his feline companion. " Do you know who he is?" The tiger only growled in hatred as the hairs on his back stood on end. His claws were spread and he looked ready to attack anything.

" Arago will be pleased with both your disposals!" Anubis readied his blade as he lunged at the young teen first. The boy jumped back quickly and ducked as the blade came at his chest. He was so busy trying to stay live that he didn't notice his tiger walking over to the blonde and unconscious brunette.

Byakuen knew that his master/friend would be all right for a few minutes and he decided to investigate the two young boys that Anubis had attacked. / Why would he attack two helpless Nigen? / The tiger wondered. But as he walked to the blonde he could feel a strange power coming from him. The boy didn't even flinched as he glared at the mysterious creature that neared him. The dim aura of light he could sense around the boy confused him for while the power he sensed was great, the intentions of the user were undetectable.

Seiji watched the tiger warily as he walked closer to him, sniffing the air around him. He knew better than to show fear to a predator and believed that he could still use his gun against it. What confused him was how the boy and tiger seemed to know what was going on. Can animals be as insane as humans? He asked himself. To him all three must have been mentally unstable, especially with the strange metal suits the other teen and the man were wearing.

He kept himself in front of Heero just in case the beast decided he wanted to feed. He had no idea what the hell was truly transpiring. The tiger stared at him and brown eyes locked with lavender/blue and he seemed to be judging him. Then he turned his gaze to Heero.

" Back off!" Seiji pointed the gun directly at the seemingly intelligent creature. " I don't know if you understand human language, but you better not even try it!"

Byakuen laughed at the boy's words almost. He had no intention of eating the sleeping boy. Humans clogged his arteries. He was just curious as to the relationship of the two and continued to inspect them for clues. Besides the power he felt from the blonde he couldn't decide why Arago would send one of his 'pets' after them. His main reason for sending them out would be to find…

/ Could he be the final one?/ Byakuen wondered. The power he felt could be attributed to him being the final of the chosen five. But yet he couldn't sense the presence of the crystal orb near him. / He hasn't even found it yet!/ he was shocked. / Arago must be trying to prevent it./That's when he heard a yell come from behind. / Ryo!/

The black-haired boy jumped away from the no-datchi just as it sliced easily through the air. Anubis smiled as he watched the tree in front of his fall over from the truck. The cut was clean and never shed a splinter. He quickly whirled around and hit the teen in the chest with the hilt of sword. The impact was great due to the adrenaline of their fight and the boy was thrown back into another tree. Damn! the boy thought.

He knew he had to do something quick or else he would tire out completely. He breath was becoming ragged and he saw the gleam in his opponent's eyes. This is what I get for opening my big mouth, he cursed himself. That when the white blur appeared. Anubis turned just as Byakuen jumped at his back. The tiger dug his fangs into the armored arm of the Masho but he quickly threw him backwards.

Byakuen landed on his feet and quickly rushed to the boy's side. He could have sighed in relief when he saw him stand shakily.

" I see your still awake Rekka," Anubis seemed to frown. " I can fix that."

" Hey Ugly!" a voice yelled through the trees. The black-haired boy turned to a large tree and saw a boy wearing a dark blue and white body suit identical to his own. His dark blue haired was seemed almost back in the night's darkness, but he smiled at the sight of him.

" Touma!" he yelled as the boy smiled at him.

" Hey Ryo, looks like ya could use some help," the boy smirked. Then he glared at Anubis with conviction. " Betcha can't take both of us on with that freaky sword of yours."

Anubis could only growl at the turn of events. First Rekka and Byakuen, now I must face Tenku as well, he thought. These children can't truly think they pose a threat when they can't even fully wield their power. He was about to attack again when a voice entered his mind.

" Return to me Yami."

But I can win Master.

" Don't question my actions and just return! These problems have only cause a slight change in my plans."

As you wish Master Arago.

" You are lucky this time children," he stood as placed his no-datchi in its sheath. Then he turned his eyes to Seiji who hadn't moved yet. " Be sure that I shall return to finish what I started." With that he seemed to sink back into the shadows around them and was gone.

Touma sighed at the man's departure and looked to the boy on the tree. " How did you get yourself into trouble this time?" he asked.

" I just chased after Byakuen and he led me here where that nut job was attacking the two guys over there," Ryo pointed to the blonde and the brunette that were about ten yards away from a burning car. He jumped from the tree and landed just as he heard a loud shot. Something hit his suit and he jumped back a little. He stared wide-eyed at the blonde who held a gun tightly in his two hands.

He shot at me! Touma's eyes widened. He didn't know one person who would fire a gun off without knowing anything. And from the feel of where the bullet bounced off it would have been a direct hit in his heart. " What is wrong with you?!" he yelled at the other teen.

" Just what the hell are you people?" the boy asked. " What do you want?!"

" We don't want anything," Ryo replied. " We were trying to help you."

" Just stay away from us," the blonde growled. " I will shoot again if you try anything."

" If you didn't notice it doesn't work," Touma frowned. " You could have at least say thank you for Ryo helping you."

The boy seemed to be contemplating that as if he didn't know what the words, 'thank you' meant. Then he glared even more at the blue-haired boy with his deep lavender/blue eyes and he wanted to shudder. Then a soft moan from the brunette on the ground took the blonde's attention.

Heero felt groggy when he began to regain consciousness. He head was swimming and it felt as if he had just slept for two weeks. He opened his eyes and realized that he was laying the in damp grass. What happened? he wondered. Then he remembered the figure in the street before he drove off the road and jumped up.

" Nii-chan stay still," he heard a familiar voice tell him.

" Seiji?" he turned to face his brother that was sitting next to him on the ground. The blonde nodded to him and he asked, " What happened?"

" The car exploded," he stated matter-of-factly.

" The person on the street…" Heero turned to face the road.

" He's gone," Seiji replied. That's when Heero noticed the two other people that were there as well.

" Who are they?" he motioned to them.

" I don't know," Seiji admitted. " They just showed up." he turned to look at them and was almost surprised to see them in regular clothing. He could see to signs of abnormality, save the white tiger next to the raven-haired boy.

" A tiger?" Heero's eyes widened slightly. The creature just seemed to snort at him before venturing back into forest.

" Hope he didn't startle you," the black-haired teen sighed. " He seems to do that a lot to people. Are you okay? You were out the entire time."

" What?" He looked to Seiji and the boy just stared at the two boy's with tinted anger.

" The man from the road attacked us," Seiji explained as he motioned to the teen, which had first spoken. " He 'helped' us."

" Thank you," Heero nodded to him. Seiji stared at him with confusion at him using the words. He probably doesn't remember what they mean, he realized.

" I'll explain later," he assured him. Then he tried to stand, but his head began to feel light and blurry.

" You're going to feel a little tired," Seiji took his hand. " I did what I could to assist you."

Heero remembered his brother's ability to heal and figured that was what he was talking about. I must have been injured and he healed me, he figured. He allowed Seiji to put his arm around the blonde's neck a leaned on him slightly. His head hurt but other than that he felt no pain. It was they way he had felt after Seiji had first healed him. He had a strange headache and passed out s soon as he had helped his brother to bed.

" I better call Wufei," Heero decided. " We won't be able to use my car." That's when he realized that he had left his cell-phone in the center compartment of the car.

" If you need a phone you can use the one at my house," Ryo offered. He saw the weary look the brunette had given the burning remains of his automobile.

" Is that smart?" Touma whispered into his ear. " The blonde's got a gun."

" They need help somehow," Ryo whispered back. " I don't think he'll try to shoot you again." They didn't know was that Heero and Seiji had heard them.

" You shot at him?" Heero stared at his brother and then at the gun in his other hand. He knew something was wrong for him to shot at the teen and for him to still be alive. He knew Seiji was good aim from all the training they had endured.

" Unknowns are all threats," Seiji stated.

" They weren't trying to hurt you or anything," Heero explained. " You have to learn to not listen to everything Doctor J told you."

" He seemed to be a threat at the time," Seiji explained.

" It's okay," Heero assured him. " Just give me back my gun." Seiji held the gun out and Heero took it. He could feel the warmth of the object from how tight Seiji had held it.

" If you want to use my phone you can follow us," the black-haired boy called to them. " I wouldn't feel right leaving yall out here like this."

Heero nodded to him and the teen smiled. He could only be about a year younger than the brunette at the most. " I'm Ryo," he introduced himself and then pointed to his friend. " This is Touma. And the tiger was Byakuen. You don't have to worried about him though."

" We're not," Seiji stated. The silent glare in the boy's visible eye made both Ryo and Touma uncomfortable. " I won't hurt you," Seiji could feel their uneasiness. If Nii-chan thought they weren't a threat then he had no reason to be prepared. He watched the boys' relief and felt a strange feeling with his stomach. He didn't know what it was but he had never felt so unusual. His gut seemed to be twisting itself into knots for no apparent reason.

" That's good to hear," Touma whispered somewhat sarcastically. He saw a flicker of something in the blonde's eyes and felt his stomach churning. He couldn't deny that the blonde was beautiful, but something about his cold stare seemed to push him away. And yet it also pulled him back out of curiosity. He felt drawn to the other teen and couldn't figure out why.

" Well c'mon," Ryo pointed to the path that led into the forest. " My house isn't as far away as the walk will seem so we better get going." Heero nodded and Seiji kept a firm hold on his waist in case he should get dizzy. They followed behind Ryo and Touma as they entered the wood. For some reason Ryo knew that that night was only going to get stranger.

A/N: Did you like? I hope so. I know the fight scene sucked so don't flame about it. If anyone is willing to help me with them I would really appreciate it. Kathrine can only write fight scenes that are really gory and everyone dies. I'm glad that people are reading this and no I won't cut Seiji's hair. ( I love a man with long hair! If you check my AU fics he usually will have it. Maybe I'll give it to a few others as well. ^_^)