Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Plot and Illness ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Here is the 4th chapter of our story. I know that it took a while, but school is really getting irritating. I have to prepare for the tests of the end of the nine weeks.

Kathrine: Algebra is evil!! How did I get stuck with it this time?!

JC: You understand it better that any of us.

Catherine: Don't be mad. I have to do the nine-week finals next.

Kathrine: Well let's just get on with the story.

JC: It doesn't have fighting in it, but it does have more of an addition to the plot. I can't do fighting scenes as I've already said so I have to do whatever I can to not write them. ^_~

Kathrine: I was too tired from the new fic I'm writing to get much in on this one. I hope to have the first chapter of that fic out soon. It's another duo with Jennifer. Poor Seiji! ^_^

JC: You truly are evil.


JC: If you keep hurting my guys I'll have to start using more of your GDW boys.

Kathrine: You better not! You'll ruin the scenarios of pain that I have placed in my other stories!

JC: That's the whole point. Now SHOOO!!! (Kathrine grumbles with defeated before stomping away.) Now Kitty asked me to dedicate this chapter to Luna and Acuamaine for letting her edit their English stories. She is really happy about it.

Catherine: Thank you so much!

JC: Now on with the fic!

Disclaimer: Do I really need to say it? Besides I only get the pleasure out of using them. Owning them would lead to civil war within Split Persona's brain.


Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

BY JC and Kathrine


" Why did you stop me, my emperor?" Anubis asked out of curiosity. He knew that his master had to have something planned if he pulled him out so easily. He knew that he could defeat both Rekka and Tenku if he wanted so why force a retreat?

" I need all five armors in my possession," Arago replied. " For that to happen I need all five bearers alive."

" I understand my lord," Anubis nodded.

" It matters not if the boy befriends the others now anyway," Arago chuckled. " I once believed that he had at least part of himself that was not so attached to the other Nigen. I see now that he is far too attached for his own good, but that can be our advantage."

" Yes indeed," Yami smiled at what his master was hinting. He could also tell how close to the brunette the young blonde had been. He had even shielded the other with his own body. " But what of the traitorous feline, Byakuen?"

" He and his brother both betrayed me," Arago growled. " I will have his corpse as a bath floor mat. He seems to have taken to Rekka as he did Kaosu, but that can also be swayed for our favor."

" Yes, my emperor," Anubis smirked hellishly.

" If you understand than you know what must be done," Arago stated. " But don't try now. We can find him anywhere he goes so just be patient. Let him feel that he is safe."

" Believe me Lord Arago, he will join us in the end," Yami bowed respectfully before fading away in a puff of smoke.


" Here we are," Ryo smiled as they exited the woods. The fairly medium wooden cabin stood off about fifteen yards away. It looked to be very old and yet fresh and serene. From the structure it could be said that there was only one floor to the homely-sized cottage. Many would say it quaint by its simplicity, but never did it actually seem that way. Flower beds were planted exquisitely around the sides of the house and gave it an ethereal appearance as the wind chimes on the porch played soothing harmonies.

Seiji stared at the entire scene with awe. Never before had he seen such splendor. Flowers had only been observed through videos and pictures, but never up close. Doctor J has thought it best for hi to learn to ignore such would-be-distractions. Yet, as he stared at their destination with the glimmer of the moonlight from the sky, he couldn't help but take in its magnificence.

Heero sighed inwardly at the expression his brother had on his face. He face was blank as he been most of the day, but his visible eye was shifting about eagerly. He looked like a person trapped in stone with nothing but his eyes to take in the world. Continually watching everything around him, but never daring to take in the true pleasure of it. At least he isn't oblivious to nature, he thought on the bright side.

" Hey you two!" Touma yelled from the side of the house. The blonde turned his one eye to him and glared. Touma watched as the moonlight shifted onto him, making him look like priceless marble. Everything about the blonde was beautiful, even the way his long hair was played with by the wind. His eyes were enticingly light and round, making him look like a foreigner and also a native. But the stare of coldness from the eye was a little more than blood-chilling.

" Sorry, but I don't know either of your names," he added quickly.

" Heero," the brunette replied. " He is Seiji." Touma couldn't help, but like the name of the marble angel.

" Well come on," Touma motioned to the backdoor. " Ryo just had to make sure Byakuen didn't get into anything."

" Understood," Heero gave a quick nod and followed him towards the house. It had been a twenty minute walk to the cottage and luckily the dizziness had faded, but he realize Seiji seemed a little out of breath. " What's wrong?" he turned to his brother and asked.

" I will stay out here," Seiji stated.

" Nani? Naze?" a look of confusion crossed Heero's face.

" I prefer to stay out here," the blonde replied. He could feel a strange painful presence the closer he came to the house and didn't want to go any farther towards it. His senses were warning him about the home, not about evil, but pain. Someone in the house was close to death. The thought and sight of death didn't affect him, but the prolonging of it did.

" I don't want to…" Heero began.

" I will be fine on my own," Seiji interrupted. " I wish to remain out here."

" At least come in while I make the call to Wufei," Heero suggested.

Seiji could tell that his brother was serious about not wanting him to be left alone. He's very worried about me, he thought to himself. I guess I was the only one that has changed at all. " Yes Nii-chan," he agreed.

" Arigato," Heero smiled. Then the two walked to the backdoor where Touma was waiting.

" The phone is right there next to the kitchen counter," Touma pointed it out as he led the two inside. Heero bowed to him slightly before walking over to it. Seiji seemed to follow the other boy's movements as if he wasn't sure what he should be doing. His eye finally met with Touma's deep blue and he felt a strange shock of recognition run through him. The blonde quickly diverted his gaze back to his brother.

" Well, if you want I can show you to the living room while you wait for your ride," Touma brushed away the strangeness. Seiji glanced at Heero, who nodded approvingly.

" All right," he answered finally.

" Follow me," Touma turned and walked down the short hall with Seiji three feet behind him.

When Heero was satisfied that his brother would be all right he quickly called the Preventer's office, remembering to use a special four number extension for voice recognition.

/Please state name for voice recognition/

" Yuy Heero," he stated.

/Line will be transferred to Sally Poe…/ A few seconds passed before he heard the click of someone answering the phone.

" Heero? What happened? You usually don't use this line," she sounded confused and concerned.

" Someone attacked us on the 25th highway," he replied.

" What?!" she couldn't believe it. " Is your brother all right? Where are you calling from?"

" Seiji is fine, but my car was blown up in the process and the person got away," he continued. " I'm calling from a cottage a mile in from the highway in the 4th east forest sector."

" You want me to send Wufei to get you?" she asked.

" Please," he requested.

" You know you're going to have explain to me how the hell you find trouble like this," she sighed. " All right, I'll send Wufei. He'll drive you home, but you better bring Seiji here tomorrow. I have to talk to him."

" Couldn't that wait?" he asked. " He doesn't need interrogations right now."

" I just need to see what he remembers from the base," she assured him. " It wouldn't be wise to let this go when there could be more bases that we don't know about."

" Fine," Heero gave in.

" Okay," she knew to change the subject. " Wufei will probably be there in about twenty minutes." With that he could here the phone go dead.

" You can wait here, I guess," Touma led Seiji into the living room of the home. There was a large couch and two well-cushioned armchairs. A fireplace was set meticulously in the center wall far enough from the front door, but close enough to the couch. Flowers were placed decoratively about the room, giving it the same feel and scents of the gardens surrounding the home. Something about the coziness and comely appearance gave him an unnerving sensation in his chest.

" You can sit down if you want," Touma stated.

Seiji felt heat rise in his cheeks, but he quickly put it under control and made his face even more unreadable. Touma saw the look in the other boy's eye and wanted to ask what was wrong when he heard a door shut gently. Both he and Seiji turned to see Ryo walking away from a door that was at the far end of the corridor off the living room. Seiji could feel the sadness of the boy as he left the room and knew that whoever he felt at death's door must have been behind that one as well.

He pushed away his sense of pity and tried to stay focused. He could easily push away the emotions of these people, but he hated the thought of a person being left to die so slowly. Whenever he thought of killing someone he knew to do it fast and painless. All because they had to die didn't mean they should be in agony for the entire procedure.

" Do you want anything…umm?" Ryo couldn't remember what the brunette had called the boy on the side of the road.

" His name is Seiji," Touma replied.

" Well can I get you anything Seiji?" Ryo restated.

The blonde merely stared at them before replying in a cold tone, " No." Ryo could feel anger rising at the coldness of the boy's words, but he held his tongue. He had invited them to his home and Obaasan had told him to always be a gracious host. He had no idea why, but he didn't really want to shout at the other teen either. Something about him was so familiar as if he had met him before.

That's when the brunette walked from the kitchen to the living room and the blonde quickly walked over to him. He watched as the blonde cut his eyes slightly at the other and stated, " You called, Duo."

" Yes," Heero nodded.

" I take it he was upset," Seiji replied.

" Yes," Heero nodded again. " But Wufei will be here soon."

" Acknowledged," Seiji accepted.

" Thank you for your assistance," Heero looked at Ryo and Touma.

" Hey, don't mention it!" Ryo smiled. " Obaasan and me are like the unofficial forest rangers, anything bad happening here we try to fix."

" I haven't seen you around," Touma stated. " What school do you go to?"

Seiji had been trained to answer such question that he replied without thinking, " Just moved from the Colonies."

" Oh," Touma understood. " Guess you ain't even been enrolled yet."

" No," Seiji responded. Suddenly, the pain coming from the closed door at the end of the hall got indescribably worse. The person was slipping away faster now, but it was terribly painful. He had to do something to stop it.

" Where is your restroom?" Seiji asked. Heero glanced at him in confusion. Knowingly, Seiji wouldn't have asked them such a question so he must have had something else up his sleeve.

" Just go down that hall and it's the second to last," Ryo pointed down the corridor. Seiji nodded before standing and heading down the hall.

What are you up to Sage? Heero wondered just as there was a knock on the door.

Wufei was slightly angry about being forced to chauffeur Heero and his brother home, but when he saw the dying remains of a burning car on the side of the road he was slightly unnerved. He was glad now that Sally had informed both the hospitals and police not to interfere or else they would have had a problem.

Seeing a small dirt road that led into the woods he turned onto it, hoping that it would lead him to Heero's location. He's going to have a lot of explaining to do, he thought. I just hope he wasn't lying about anyone being hurt.

About ten minutes later he noticed the strange bend in the road that led to a comely cottage surrounded by flourishing gardens. He took in the sight slowly, but couldn't deny its serene appeal. He was guessing that this was indeed the location from Heero's directions. He stopped the car and got out smelling the sweet therapeutic scents. He walked up the steps to the door and knocked, waiting patiently for an answer.

He didn't have to wait long for the door to be opened and he blinked in shock. Before him was a beautiful creature to say the least. His tiger blue eyes were wide and friendly, with long untamed ebony hair that fell to past his shoulders. He smiled at him happily and said, " You must be Wufei."

Ryo stared at the teen before him and couldn't deny his attractiveness. His eyes were round and alert to everything around him, such a dark brown they seemed close to black. His hair was a pulled into a ponytail behind his head and his expression was one of steel with slightly full lips. Yes, he indeed was a thing to behold. " You must be Wufei," Ryo finally managed.

" Yes," he answered.

" Well follow you might as well come in," Ryo moved to the side to let the god into the house. He walked past him and turned to face to the brunette on the other side of the room.

" Where's your brother?" he asked, but Heero didn't seem to be paying attention.

Seiji stood next to the door as he stared at the woman that lay on the bed. She seemed pale and weak as she didn't move when he walked in. She is in so much pain, he thought as felt her slipping away. Death shouldn't be pain. He walked over to the bed and gazed down on the woman.

He wasn't sure what to do. He spotted the pillow that was in the chair next to the bed and picked it up. A growl came from the foot of the bed and Seiji turned to face the sender. It was the tiger seemingly glaring at him. Seiji just stared back at him with no sense of fear or irritation. He knew that he wouldn't have to worry about the tiger. The feline snorted at him and laid back down on a floor rug that had been laid there for him.

That's when the gray-haired woman slowly opened her eyes. She stared at him confusedly and whispered, " Are you God?"

" No," Seiji answered. They said nothing as he stared at her and the small smile that crept across her lips.

" Then you've come to take me," she stated. Seiji could tell that she was obviously delirious, but that had to be part of her illness.

" I've come to help," he used the word that his brother had explained to him. Heero had told him it was when you were going to do something nice or courteous for someone. It usually made people feel better.

" Thank you," she whispered before turning her head. Seiji set the pillow down and thought quickly of what he should do. He knew he couldn't kill the woman now, not after she said, "Thank you." Heero had said it was said to acknowledge someone's help and feel grateful for it.

He placed a slender hand on her burning brow and whispered, " Calm your body." The woman nodded and tried to stay still. Seiji closed his eyes and concentrated all of his energy to his hand and the woman. A green light seemed to cover her body and enveloped the room. He could feel whatever it was ailing her slowly leave her body. The woman smiled contentedly and relaxed her entire body into the pillows and covers around her.

Heero stared down the corridor where he had seen his brother go into the end room. He knew it wasn't the bathroom as the boy Ryo had explained. What are you doing? He wondered. A minute later he watched as a dim light began to glow underneath the door and grew brighter. He remembered where had last seen a light such as that one.

What is going on? Heero asked himself again.

" Heero?" an agitated voice interrupted his thoughts. He turned to stared into the angry eyes of Wufei.

" Nani?" Heero asked him.

" Where's Seiji?" Wufei asked.

" Here," the blonde walked from into the room. Heero could tell that his brother seemed slightly drained, but his face didn't changed so he couldn't tell how much. He only hoped he was the only one that noticed.

Touma stared at the blonde, Seiji, with confusion. He seemed tired now, as if he had just run a mile nonstop. His eyes were slightly glazed and yet he stood erect with no signs of his fatigue other than his looks. What happened to him? He wondered.

" Let's go," Heero replied. Seiji and Wufei nodded to him and they all walked to the door. Then he turned back to Ryo and Touma. " Thank you again."

" I said don't mention it," Ryo smiled. Touma could see that strange look in his eye as he stared at the other boy, Wufei. He looked to be only a year older then them, same as Heero. Ryo continued to stare at the other raven-haired teen and the blue-haired boy wanted to burst out laughing.

He likes him! Touma realized. And from the way he staring it must be bad. Then he turned his gaze to the blonde once again. Something about him ate at Touma's thoughts and he knew he should be able to figure it out.

He couldn't place why he thought he should know the other boy or why he was so drawn to him. It was more than just the obvious beauty of the teen, but something more. The other boy, this Seiji, was a complete mystery and yet, he knew he could figure all of it out if he tried. Such beauty surrounded by a mysterious fog of unknown, he sighed inwardly. What?! Where did that come from? I don't even know his last name.

At that moment the object of his obsession turned to look at him. He knew he had to say something fast before being found out. " Well I hope to see you at school soon," he said quickly. " Who knows maybe we'll end up in the same classes." The blonde only glared at him.

Ryo could tell that Touma was a little nervous when speaking to the blonde. He could see the way he was staring at him with a small smile even though the blonde was glaring a whole through him. He couldn't be…That fast, Ryo smirked to himself.

" Well bye," he waved a little as the three visitors walked down the stone path to a black car. " Hopefully we'll run into each other again." Wufei seemed the glance at him before getting to the driver's seat of the car. He's really cute, Ryo thought absently. How did I get on that thought trail?! I go from wondering about Touma's crush into my own.

The three were in the car and the two watched from the doorway as it drove back down the path. Ryo turned to Touma as soon as it was out of sight and Touma glanced at him.

" You like him," they said at the same time.

" How would you know who I like?" Touma frowned. " You looked as if you were ready to jump that Wufei guy and have your way with him."

" Whatever," Ryo spat. " I've never seen you so nervous around anyone and yet you were practically tongue tied just watching Seiji."

" It's because I was curious," Touma stated.

" About what?" Ryo waited for an answer.

" He didn't tell the other guy, Heero, about our armors," Touma replied. " He tried to shoo me and yet he didn't tell his friend about us."

" Wufei called him his brother," Ryo corrected him. " Besides I think he thought he was seeing things."

" Believe me, he knows what he saw," Touma sighed. " I just wonder what he's gonna do about it."

" Speaking about all of that, what did that psycho attack them?" Ryo asked out loud.

" I think he was after Seiji," Touma thought back. " He said he would come back to finish it."

" But he had armor," Ryo replied. " He could be one of the people we're supposed to fight against."

" Well, I guess we better tell the others on Monday," Touma decided. " They need to know about this. I just hope we do see that guy again."

" Why? Do you really like him that much?" Ryo asked. " Touma he doesn't seem like your type."

" If he's being hunted by those were supposed to fight we need to protect him," Touma countered. " There's something about him and I just can't put my finger on it. I really want to know what it is."

" Look Mister Flirt of the World," Ryo frowned. " You better not try anything if you see him again. He just might try to shoot you again."

" Hope not!" Touma's eye widened. " If it wasn't for my arma' I would have been dead. I can't believe he tried to shoot me in the heart."

" I have to check on Obaasan," Ryo stated as he walked back into the house and down the corridor. He opened the door at the end of the hall slowly before entering. He smiled at the woman that lay on the bed sadly. He did notice the way her breathing was lighter, more regular, and the color that had returned to her face. She looked so much better then she had in over two weeks.

He looked at Byakuen who lay at the side of the bed with a knowing expression on his face. " She looks a lot better boy," Ryo sounded cheerful. " Maybe she'll get better now." He turned around and walked out the door and shut it again.

The tiger sighed the only way his kind could, by letting out a breath of air. He looked at the woman on the bed and knew that she would be fine. / That boy is the one. / Byakuen told himself. /But I must find a way to get Ryo to protect him. Arago will surely go after him again. /

Apartment Complex outside of Tokyo

Heero stared curiously at his brother as the car stopped in front of the complex. His face looked paler than before and his eyes were partially glazed over. " Are you all right?" he whispered to him.

" Physical condition is acceptable," Seiji answered. Then he proceeded to step out of the car. Heero knew he couldn't get anything more out of him so he just got out as well.

Seiji stared curiously at the apartment complex. The five buildings looked small and yet not like apartments. They were spread out with sizable yards between them and nothing connecting them. Although they did seem to be in the same area and one large parking lot was suitable for their vehicles. It didn't seem that too many people lived there, which was why Heero and Duo had chosen it as their quarters. Heero turned away from his brother only to look at Wufei.

" Thank you," he said gratefully.

" Just bring him to the office tomorrow," Wufei replied. " Sally really needs to talk to him."

" Understood," Heero nodded. Wufei accepted the answer and pulled away. Then the brunette returned to his brother's side and pointed to the farthest building from the lot.

" That's home," Heero explained. " That's where you're going to live with Duo and I."

" Yes Nii-chan," Seiji took the information in slowly. " That is home." Heero smiled as the two walked to the building. He noticed that Seiji seemed a little off balance, but he refused to mention anything. Heero tried to say something just as they reached his apartment's front door. Before he could open his mouth the door was thrown open and an angry Duo glared at him.

" I'm going to kill you!" Duo growled. " How can you scare me like that?!" Heero looked a little embarrassed, but was shocked to see Seiji step in front of him.

" Don't touch him," Seiji glared coldly. " Or I'll be forced to kill you first." Duo stare at the blonde in confusion before glancing at Heero. He couldn't stand staring at the harsh lavender/blue eyes for too long.

" I didn't mean it literally," Duo replied.

" Duo didn't really intend to hurt me Sage," Heero confirmed. " He couldn't if he wanted to."

" All the work I did for you and you insult me!" Duo huffed as he turned and stomped back into the apartment.

" You upset him," Seiji stated.

" I know, I know," Heero sighed as he led Seiji through the door. The inside of the house was cozy and yet bare. The walls of the living room were painted a dark blue and all of the furniture was black or blue.

" Well welcome to your new home!" Duo smiled cheerfully at Seiji. " I hope you don't get irritated by Heero and mine's…"

" Duo!" Heero's eyes widened slightly.

Seiji stared at him for a second before he felt a wave a dizziness overcome. It's happening again, he realized. His thoughts began to jumble and his vision blurred just before he was claimed by darkness.

Heero watched as his brother began to sway out of the corner of his eye. His visible eyelid fluttered for a moment before his eye rolled into the back of his head. " Seiji?!" he gasped as he brother collapsed. He caught him before he hit the ground and touched his forehead. He's burning up! Heero pulled his hand away and lifted him into his arms. He was shocked at how light he was.

" What happened?" Duo asked. " He didn't look like this when I saw him this morning."

" I don't know," Heero answered. " I think we need to get him to his room. It seems like he only has a fever." Duo nodded and Heero walked through a door on the left side of the room. The room seemed to have been recently finished with clean black sheets and pillows on the bed. All of the equipment that had been in there was gone and it looked like a normal room. Heero laid his brother down on the bed and removed his shoes and coat. Then he pulled the covers over him just as Duo brought a wet cloth in.

" Thanks," Heero wipe the cloth across his brother's flushed cheeks and handed it back to him. " If it doesn't break by morning I'll call Sally."

" Shouldn't he go to the hospital?" Duo asked.

" That would only make things worse," Heero replied. " He doesn't like doctors."

" Then why call Sally?"

" She doesn't look like one."

Duo sighed and walked to the door. " Fist day home and he's sick," he frowned. " I just hope it's nothing from when he was trapped on the moon." Then he walked out the door.

" You did something in that house," Heero whispered to the unconscious form of his brother. " Did you heal someone? What could have caused this? Is it from when you were with those scientists?" He moved wet blonde strands away from the teen's face and tried to stay in control. " You just better be okay. I just got you back today."

A/N: I hope it settled the dispute about which guy Seiji will get paired with. I decided to make Touma the flirt because I'm sick of people calling Seiji the flirt. All of the Troopers are cute and SMART GUYS CAN BE FLIRTS TOO!!!! Well, please review and let us know what you thought.