Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ School and Friends ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: We got it done! Hope you like this chapter. We finally introduce three more players in our story. But only two will be big ones.

JC: This took a while, but inspiration just came to us this weekend.

Kathrine: We really had some fun writing the end of this.

JC: Hope your ready for somewhat of a cliffhanger. ^_^

Catherine: Come on and try to enjoy it. They worked really hard.

Jenny: JC told me that if I told you how good this was she would give me a box of chocolates. This story is really good so please read!

JC: Jenny! You weren't supposed to say that part!

Jenny: Do I still get the chocolate?

JC: (Growls at Jenny and chases her around the brain. Jenny runs to Jennifer and hides. JC can't bear looking into Jennifer's eyes so she crawls back to the computer.)

Kathrine: Hahaha!

Catherine: Serves you right.

JC: Just let the readers have the story.

Disclaimer: Already said it.

Warning: This is a YAOI story! If you just skipped the previous warnings then I fear for your lives.

Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

BY Kathrine and JC

Sanada Cottage

Ryo sighed tiredly as he got up out of his bed the next morning. Touma had left about a half an hour after the strange boys they'd met and he'd then decidedly gone to sleep. He was still sore from the small battle, but knew it was best to just get up.

Best get to work straightening up the kitchen and living room, he told himself. He opened his door and was immediately hit with a delicious aroma. Who could be cooking in the kitchen? Slowly, he tiptoed down the hall and went to his grandmother's room. The door was open and when he looked in no one was in the bed that was immaculately made. What the hell…?

" Obaasan!" Ryo yelled as he rushed away from the door and towards the kitchen. His jaw dropped to the floor as he stared at the cheery gray-haired woman that was busily cooking on the stove.

" Why Ryo, oyahoo gozaimasu!" she greeted him with a bright smile. " I was wondering when you would wake up."

" What are you doing out of bed?!" Ryo growled. " You're sick and should still be lying down!"

" Now don't you take that tone with me, my little Sanada," she frowned at him. " And as for being sick I feel better than I have in years!"

" But jut yesterday you could barely sit up to eat," Ryo countered.

" That was yesterday," she replied. " Today I feel fine, now sit and eat." She placed the eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice in front of him. Ryo stared at it like it was a pile of green goo.

" Don't hate it before you try it," his grandmother urged. " It's one of the American dishes I wanted to try out, but never got around to before I got sick. Please just try it." Ryo sighed as he sat at the table and picked up his fork. (JC: YES, he uses forks!) He picked at the eggs before scraping a piece onto his utensil and leading it to his mouth.

" You act like I'm trying to kill you," Obaasan frowned again. " It's not as greasy as it was suppose to be so don't try and say it will give you a heart attack." Ryo didn't look at her as he ate the small amount of yellow and brown food. To his surprise it actually tasted pretty good. He smiled at her and her face seemed to light up.

" I knew you'd like it," she grinned as he continued to eat the meal she prepared for him. She sat down in the chair next to him and continued to watch.

" This is good Obaasan," Ryo nodded. But his face soon became serious. " But are you sure you feel okay?"

" I told you dear, I feel fine," she assured him.

" What brought around your speedy recovery," he asked. His grandmother blushed slightly and he knew something was up.

" Nani?"

" It's just rather silly," she moved a piece of hair to behind her ear.

" Come on, you know I can't let go now," Ryo pleaded.

" All right," she gave in. " I saw an angel last night."

" Nani? Come again?" Ryo didn't think he heard her right.

" I saw an angel last night Ryo," she repeated. " He was very handsome, even beautiful. He had the longest blonde hair I've ever seen and the most lonely of pale blue eyes. He told me he had come to help me and then placed his hand and my forehead. I don't know what he did, but I felt so calm and warm, like I was standing out in the sun on a cool summer day. I didn't even feel the pain anymore, but then I fell asleep and he left."

" Angel?" Ryo raised an eyebrow. That 'angel' sounds really familiar, he told himself. " Are you sure it was an angel?"

" I don't think any person could look so beautiful and yet so lost and empty at the same time," she shook her head. " He had to be the most forlorn angel I've ever seen anywhere."

" I've got to go Obaasan," Ryo stood up from the table and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. " I'm glad you're all better, but I still have to get ready for school. Two mile walk ya know." She nodded understandingly at him and he smiled before walking back to his room. I have to talk to Touma and the others about this, he decided. He walked out of the room and didn't even notice the figure outside the window.

Yuy-Maxwell Apartment

" I don't know what to tell you," Sally shook her head dismally. " It doesn't seem to have been with him long and we checked him for illnesses when we brought him to earth. It's just like it came up out of nowhere. It could be effect of him being malnourished, but when we checked that his immune system was fine."

" So you don't know what's wrong?" Duo summed it up easily.

" That's about it," Sally nodded. " Maybe Heero should take him to the hospital."

" Heero won't take him," Duo shook his head. " He says that being around all those doctors won't help Seiji."

" After what he did to part of the staff yesterday I would have to agree," Sally understood, " but he needs real medical help."

" Well I'll have to talk to Heero," Duo sighed.

" Where is Heero?" Sally asked. " He was the one who called me and Seiji is his brother so why isn't he here?"

" Heero was up all night looking for something on that laptop of his and then said he had to do some research this morning that unfortunately couldn't wait 'til later," Duo explained. " He told me keep an eye on Seiji and left about an hour and a half ago."

" Well I never…" Sally grumbled. " He got Wufei to do all that talking and he isn't even here when his brother's sick. He just got here last night!"

" By the look on Heero's face this morning I'd say it was something really important," Duo replied. " He had that look in his eyes again and that only happens when he's dead set about something."

" Well, I'm going to have a talk with him when he gets back.," she stated.

" About what?" Sally and Duo turned to glare at Heero who was standing in the doorway of their apartment.

" Where did you go?" Sally inquired.

" I had to do some research about Seiji," Heero stated matter-of-factly.

" How?" she asked.

" That's privileged information," Heero replied.

" If you're withholding information…" Sally started.

" This has nothing to do with Preventer's work," Heero replied. " He is my brother and I know he wouldn't want me to say anything. Being that as it is, I won't and you should respect that."

" Fine," she sighed. " But he needs to go to a hospital. If his conditions worsens then drastic measure will need to be taken and you can't fully help him here."

" Seiji will be fine," Heero told her. " It will pass and he will be fine."

" How can you be so sure?" Sally wondered. " It didn't even have previous warning signs before last night."

" I know," Heero replied. He then left the two curious ex-soldiers in the hall and entered his brother's room.

" I hate how he does that," Sally sighed as she rubbed her temples, attempting to ward off a headache.

" That's my Heero, always only giving half the answer," Duo shrugged.

" Guess I'm no longer need here so I better get going," Sally patted the braided brunette on the shoulder before walking to the door and letting herself out. Duo sighed and walked to the kitchen to make a late breakfast.

Heero stared at his brother as he lay on the bed in his new room. The blonde looked weaker than he had the day before when he was in the MRR (Medical Restraint Room) while on sedatives. His face was flushed and he was covered in a cold sweat, proving his fever had broke. The brunette sat in the chair next to the bed and placed a hand on the forehead of the seemingly sleeping teen.

" Don't worry Nii-chan," the blonde whispered. " I'll be fine by tonight."

" Why did you heal that woman?" Heero asked. " You know it takes your energy and you had already healed me."

" She was going to die," Seiji replied. " I was going to end her pain, but then she called me God and thanked me for helping her. I just couldn't finish her after that."

" I understand," Heero picked the wet cloth up from the nightstand and wiped it across the younger boy's face.

" I don't even know what a God is," Seiji frowned.

" Believe me you will know when you see one," Heero replied. " That only happens closer to the end of your life." Heero was shocked by his words seeing as he, himself, didn't believe in God or such entities.

" You think Duo is a God?" Seiji stared at him. " So Gods are annoying and hyperactive?"

" How did you learn the word 'annoying'?" Heero raised an eyebrow and tried to change the subject.

" That's what the guards called me, 'the annoying pretty blonde'," Seiji said. " The said it every time they wanted to cut my hair, but I wouldn't let them."

" Why?"

" It is mine, the only thing that was mine and is still mine," Seiji looked away.

" It's all over now," Heero assured him. " Nothing like that is going to happen while you're here."

" What shall I do here? What is my main duty?" Seiji asked honestly. He fully expected to have some kind of work to do in the place. He had always been told that he would always have work to do and that people had things they did when they were no longer children. He hadn't thought of himself as a child for many years.

" You don't have to do anything," Heero shook his head. " You aren't even sixteen yet, you don't have to do anything but what you want to do."

" Do not comprehend," Seiji had a confused looked in his eyes. Others would think of it as a hateful glare, but Heero knew the truth.

" I mean that you aren't of a legal age to live on your own and Duo and I make enough money that you don't have to get a job unless you want to," Heero clarified. " By law, you should be in school right now."

" School?" Seiji remembered very little about the learning programs known as schools, seeing as he had never been to one.

" Remember when you were little how you used to say you would go to school and grow up to be a police officer like the administrators at the orphanage said our father was?" Heero recalled. " You wanted to protect people and be just like you thought he was."

" No," Seiji shook his head. It had been so long that he didn't remember it at all. But he did remember something about schools. / I haven't seen you around. What school do you go to? /

That is what that blue-haired boy talked about last night, Seiji thought. He was so strange. I don't know what it is about him, but I think I know him from somewhere.

" Seiji?" Heero called to him.

" I want to go to school Nii-chan," Seiji requested absently. When he realized what he had just said he knew he couldn't take it back.

" Nani?" Heero looked shocked.

" Onegai," Seiji said. " I have never been to a school. Should I not learn to be around people?" Seiji really didn't want to be around people, but he wanted to find out more about the strange blue-haired boy and his black-haired friend with the tiger. He used the only word that he could remember that is used when asking for something and hoped it worked.

" This quick Seiji?" Heero countered. " It might not be very safe for you or them." Heero didn't want to rush his brother into anything. He looked so fragile lying there ill, and yet Heero also knew it could be dangerous if Seiji felt threatened by any of the other students. He also feared for the teachers that might try to discipline him if they thought he had done something wrong.

" Nii-chan-" Seiji started.

" We'll talk about it later," Heero replied as he got up. " We'll see what will be for the best all right?" Seiji nodded and he walked out of the room. Heero just hoped that whatever they did decide didn't get someone killed.

Hana Sakura High School

Ryo sighed inwardly as he walked through the bustling crowd of the cafeteria with his lunch and headed outdoors. The sun was glistening brightly and the grass was speckled with groups of other students that had the same idea as he. It was a little too warm to be a day in September.

" Ryo! Over here!" a familiar English-accented voice called to him. Ryo turned to see Rowen and two other students sitting comfortably under a large tree.

" Coming Shin!" Ryo called and waved to the young brunette that had yelled to him. He walked over to them quickly and sat down next to a brawny boy with dark azure hair and a lunch that could feed five men.

" Hey Ryo, Rowen tells us you had visitors last night," the boy stuffed another large slice of pizza into his mouth.

" Yes he won't tell us anymore than that so you'll have to," the brunette leaned forward so he wouldn't miss anything.

Ryo glared at the blue-haired boy who seemed to have sparked their interests and sighed. He knew he had to tell them anyway. " Yeah, we think that our enemies our finally showing themselves," he replied.

" Nani?" the azure-haired boy raised an eyebrow.

" Just what I said, Shu," Ryo shrugged his shoulders. " A psycho guy with old style armor attacked these two guys last night."

" The only thing is that his armor was metal, kinda like ours only more defined," Rowen put in.

" He attacked people?!" Shin gasped. " That's just barbaric! What happen to them?"

" They seemed fine when they left my house last night," Ryo shrugged.

" That's not true," Rowen disagreed. " If you weren't so busy staring at the guy who picked them up then you would've noticed how pale that Seiji was getting."

" You only noticed it because you couldn't stop staring at him all night," Ryo snickered.

" And what about you and Wufei?" Rowen snickered back mockingly.

" What are you two talking about?" the boy, Shu, asked.

" Touma spent the entire time he was at my house rambling on about one of the guys we helped," Ryo explained. " I admit the blonde, Seiji, was cute, but his eyes would scare a starving lion away."

" That's mean Ryo," Touma shook his head. " You only know his first name, anyway."

" That's because he spent the entire time he was there just glaring at everything," Ryo shot back. " But I'll admit one thing was weird this morning."

" Nani?" Shin asked.

" Obaasan was up before me," Ryo replied.

" But I thought she was still sick yesterday," Touma was a little confused.

" She was," Ryo nodded. " But this morning she looked like she'd lost five years to her age."

" So what's so strange about her being all healthy?" Shu didn't understand. " Isn't that a good thing?"

' It is, but she said that an angel came to her last night and healed her," Ryo went on. " She said that it was a blonde angel with empty blue eyes."

Touma thought for a moment and the image of Seiji came to his mind. Why is it that I only met him last night, but I can't top thinking about him? he asked himself. He'd already been disciplined three times that day for daydreaming about the mysterious blonde. Something about him was so barren and desolate and his eyes seemed so cold and unfeeling, as if he truly had no emotions.

" Well what about this 'Wufei' Touma spoke of?" Shin questioned. His words brought Touma out of reverie and into the conversation at hand.

" He was this Chinese-looking guy that Ryo was gushing all over," Touma smirked. " He and Seiji's brother only look a year older than us, but they seemed as if they were adults."

" So now this Seiji has a brother, does he?" Shin was starting to get really interested.

" Yeah, a brunette that was out cold until after the psycho in the armor took off," Ryo nodded. " Seiji even shot at Touma because he thought we were going to try to hurt him or something."

" He shot at you?!" Shu choked on his chicken.

" He isn't as bad as you are thinking," Touma shook his head. " He only did it to protect his brother."

" But is he's our age?" Shu asked.

" Yeah, so?" Touma raised an eyebrow.

" How is he allowed to carry a gun after that Peacecraft woman banned weapons?" Shu wondered. " It's illegal!"

" I think it was his brother's," Touma replied.

" So it's still illegal," Shin pointed out.

" But the guy Wufei was wearing a Preventer's uniform," Touma added. " Maybe he gave it to him for protection or something."

" You mean like against the armored guy?" Shu snorted. " If our enemy is after them then I don't think that a gun is gonna stop 'em."

" Well he said that he would coming back to finish what he started," Ryo sighed. " I think he was after the blonde, Seiji."

" Why?" Shin asked.

" There was something different about him," Touma explained. " The way he stared at us, the emptiness in his eyes, that long hair."

" Yeah his hair was so long I almost thought he was a girl," Ryo laughed. " But there was something so familiar about him, I almost thought I had met him somewhere."

" What do you mean?" Shin asked.

" He was just very familiar," Ryo replied. " He had this feeling about him, like we should know him."

" We'll probably see more of him," Touma picked up all of his trash. " He might even be the fifth."

" You would just love that wouldn't you?" Ryo snickered.

" Look, this isn't a joke!" Touma frowned. " We have to be prepared for anything. That guy from last night proves that the 'war' is close." He left his friends and threw away his garbage just as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

For the next week nothing seemed to happen and life returned to a sense of normalcy. They almost forgot about the blonde and all of what had happened. Everyone that is, but Touma. He just couldn't get the strange blonde out of his mind. He knew that he might never see Seiji again and the thought left a strange hollow in his chest. He wanted the see the blonde and almost resorted to tracking him down.

It was on Monday the next week that he saw Ryo walk into English class with a strange expression on his face. It was one of a dreamy state and also of concern. He sat down next to the blue-haired teen and Touma asked, " What is it?"

" You'll see," Ryo smirked. That was when the teacher stood in the front of the room.

" Well class, it seems we have a new student today," she motioned to the door and Touma felt his heart stop. It was the angel of his dreams that walked stiffly into the room.

" This is Date Seiji," she placed a hand on his shoulder and the blonde stiffened more. Touma could hear the gasped from the girls in the class. This is just getting more complicated, he told himself.

A/N: Did you like? I know we're all bitches for leaving it like this.

JC: Now Shin and Shu have joined the party. If people are wondering about the birthday situation with Seiji that know this, we changed his birthday.

Kathrine: All those who know Touma's birthday is in October scratch that for this story. It is AU so we get to change it. Seiji's birthday is in October now.

JC: Just like ours. ^_^ Please review and tell us what you like abut the story. Thanks to all those who reviewed the last chapter. People seemed to just pop up around that one. ^_^

Kathrine: Bye!