Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Accidents and Acquaintances ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey guess we've got the ball rollin' early huh? More posts already.

Kathrine: I got a part in here that is soooo small.

JC: Quicher bitchin'!

Kathrine: I better get something good in the next chapter!

JC: Ya might, but we're talking about this one now.

Kathrine: Seiji goes to school ^_^

JC: Problems already and only the first day.

Kathrine: Hope ya find it interesting.

Disclaimer: Won't say it again. Way too painful to admit.


Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

By JC and Kathrine

Yuy-Maxwell Apartment

Heero had given in. After Seiji's medical phenomena of a recovery Heero had told Sally that under no conditions was he to be forced to remember anything from his years trapped in the labs. He said that it would only decrease his brother's chances of gaining a normal life that he'd never had. Sally had thought that they would still need his information, but Heero made her agree to wait at least three weeks before bringing any of it up.

Seiji didn't really press the issue about school, but let it hang in the air as a silent question whenever he look into Heero's eyes. For some reason he really wanted to go to school. It had been a small dream of his as a child and he didn't want to give up on all he had left of that childhood, the one before Doctor J. It was on the Saturday after Seiji's illness that Heero announced that he had enrolled Seiji into high school.

The blonde merely nodded at this, but couldn't hide the small spark of anticipation that was in his eyes. He felt that he would find something at school. Something that he had been missing for so long but could never name. The strange hole in his person needed to be filled now more than ever. He ended up going to sleep that Sunday night with those very thoughts on his mind.

He was in a dense forest. The sun was shining down through the tree, but barely. He looked around and could see no one or thing that could explain his whereabouts. Suddenly, he felt a strange pull leading east through the close knit trees. He had had this dream before he realized and knew of its outcome. For some reason he still began walking towards the east.

The tress began to scatter themselves about more and let in more of the sun's light. The blonde paid no heed to this as he walked in a direction he had followed most of his life. His journey came to the edge of a small clearing. In the clearing, he could see a shadowed figure moving about to the motions of an ancient dance.

The dark figure looked bulky and defined with straight curves and pointed areas. One would believe that this person was wearing something over himself like a cuirass that hid his true form. In his hands a long battle sword moved swiftly and he cut through the air as if it were his enemy. The sound of quick moving metal and divided air filled the area with its rhythmic tune.

The boy watched as the figure leaped into the air with the sword and sliced through a tree as if it was only an illusion. The figure had quickly moved away from the tree allowed it to break from its trunk and collapse to the ground. The blonde let out gasp at the sight that forever amazed him and was too late to realize his mistake.

The figure turned towards him and stared at his with his shadowed gaze. Even after so many nights of having the dream he had never seen the figure behind the darkness that shrouded it.

" Why are you here?" it asked in an echoing, but soft voice.

" I don't know," the blonde admitted. " I have still found no answers to my being."

" So you do not know your purpose in this world even now?" it asked with sadness in its tome.

" I have no purpose but to fight," the blonde replied. " That is what I've been meant for my entire life."

" You do not know how true that is child," the figure replied. " But that fight is now over, just as this new one arises."

" Is OZ coming back?" he asked.

" Why do you continue to speak of this OZ?" the person asked a question of his own.

" They are who I am meant to fight," he replied matter-of-factly.

" No child," the figure disagreed. " That is who THEY wish for you to fight. Are you still so much their puppet?"

" I am no one's puppet," the boy said in a low growling tone.

" But yet you fight for this war instead of the true battle, just because THEY said you would," the figure countered.

" What is this war I am meant to fight in?" he asked agitatedly.

" You know as I have said many times before I cannot tell you," it answered. " First you must find your light so I may be no longer in this darkness."

" But I was never of the light," the boy replied. " My life is one of darkness and future destruction. It is all that I am capable of."

" You believe you are the darkness so you shall never find the light," the figure should its head dismally as the sky above them began to darken. " I cannot help you with this turmoil in your soul. You must find the others to complete the circle and fill that void." The figure began to disappear into the shadowed woods like it had every time before.

" No don't go!" the blonde yelled, knowing what happened in the dream after its departure.

" Until you find the light I can never truly be there in the first place," the figure whispered as it faded from sight.

" NO!" the blonde yelled as everything around him was blanketed in darkness. He watched as all the tress, plants, and animals began to die slowly. A great dark mist flooded the field and all that was there vanished, leaving only a desolate barren wasteland in its wake. The boy began turning to stare at the destruction knowing he was the cause of it.

Then he saw the castle. It stood before him like an omen of all the pain that would come from his life. But then he noticed that figure that stood before it. He was huge and stood at the gates of the castle, his gray hair behind him and his black armor not of the blonde's time. He stared t the boy with glowing red eyes and laughed.

" Look at this destruction and desolation you have brought upon the beautiful lands around you by just standing within them," it said. " You would bring death and more to the world if you sought fit."

" I am meant for death," the blonde replied, no fear in him over this creature that used a mask to hide itself. " I was born and trained to kill."

" You are just as you were meant to be," it seemed quite happy with his response. " You're power comes from the will to kill."

" But I have no will to kill anyone, but my enemies."

" All the world is your enemy," the creature countered. " It is they that gave you to that doctor. It was they that caused all your pain."

" No," the blonde shook his head. " I am the cause of all mine pain."

" Then come to me and change that," the figure lured him. " I can take away the pain you feel, give you freedom to live without the pain."

Live without pain? It had been something the blonde had wanted for so long and yet was continually denied. If this creature could take away that pain… But the more he though this the darker the area around him became. He watched what little light the area had dwindle more and more.

Shall I destroy this light as I have everything else? He asked himself. No, I can't do that. He tuned away from the figure and started to walk back into the grounds that were covered in mist.

" You cannot deny me!" the creature growled and the ground shook. " I am your master and I rule your world!"

" No," the blonde said as he continued to walk. The air shifted as he felt someone come up behind him. He turned around just in time to have a long blade thrust into his stomach. He let out a gasp of air and looked up at the culprit. Before he could never see the person shrouded in the darkness, but now he could make them out plain as day.

It was the man wearing the gray and black armor from the road the first night. The one who had tried to kill him and Nii-chan. He grunted in pain as the man pulled the blade out of him and let him fall to the ground. He collapsed onto his knees as the man laughed at him.

" No one denies Master Arago," he watched as the blood poured from both sides of the blonde's body. The boy could only allow the pain to overcome him as he lost himself in darkness…

Duo awoke at six the next morning and walked to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. What he found was Seiji sitting stiffly in on of the chairs at the table. His eyes were glassy and had a far off look to them. Seiji was staring into the air as if keeping his eyes on some invisible creature. " Blondie?" Duo whispered for that was what he had come to call the blonde over the past week.

He hesitantly reached out a hand to touch the blonde and nudged his shoulder. The reaction was so fast and unimagined that the braided brunette didn't have any time to react when his felt his wrist crack. Seiji held his arm tightly and twisted his wrist painfully to the left. It wasn't until he heard Duo cry out that he realized what he had done.

The blonde stared at him with wide-eyed unfamiliar eyes. He let go of Duo and backed away until he was against the wall.

The brunette held his wrist to his chest and stared at him in disbelief. Not even Heero would have executed that procedure so fast. Damn Heero, Duo thought. His lover had been called away on an urgent mission the morning before and wouldn't be there to help calm his brother down. Guess I'm gonna have to deal wit this myself.

" It's okay," Duo smiled. " It was an accident. I should have been more careful."

" Gomen nasai," Seiji looked to the floor. Heero had told him to watch what he did and not to react right of the base on things. He said that was what worried him about letting him go to school. He'd only been with them for a week and Heero didn't believe that hadn't thought it wise push him to adjust so quickly. The blonde had felt that he truly needed to go to this school, but now he was rethinking his decision.

" Everything's gonna be fine," Duo repeated. " Just go get ready for school. This isn't your fault so don't worry about it." The blonde seemed to stiffen and his eyes once again became blank as he complied and left the kitchen.

" Better call Wufei," the brunette immediately went to the phone.

The Chinese teen frowned as he walked up to the front door of Heero and Duo's apartment. He couldn't understand how he was continually getting called to help them. He wondered briefly what could have happened this time if Duo had called him at home. The braided boy had only said that he needed help with Seiji. With Heero gone he knew that the ex-pilot was going to have his difficulties.

He opened the door with out knocking, having been given his own key to the place by Heero in case something had ever happened. He saw Duo sitting on the couch hold his wrist with ice and a bandage on it. " What happened?" he asked instantly.

" We had an accident," Duo said with a nervous laugh.

" What type of accident?"

" Seiji kinda broke my wrist," Duo replied.

" What?" Wufei was shocked. " Where is he?"

" Don't be mad at him," Duo frowned. " I snuck up on him and he kinda reacted without thinking." Wufei calmed down and understood perfectly. The blonde probably hadn't even thought about it until afterwards.

" What do you need me here for?" he asked.

" Well, I need to get to a hospital like a hour ago and Seiji still has to get to school…" Duo's words trailed off.

" You want me to take him to school?" Wufei stared at him. " He shouldn't even be going to school this early!"

" Heero said the same thing, but Blondie really wants to go," Duo shrugged. " I know you don't like playing baby-sitter. All ya have ta do is taking him in to the office so he gets all his stuff, okay?"

Wufei was ready to say no and walk out the door, but the pitiful look on Duo's face made him stop his words. It was true that during the war he had actually had a crush on the braided pilot and even now he could feel a sense of duty to him though his crush had gone. He just couldn't say 'no' to the other when he was trapped alone in a house with his lover's unstable brother.

" All right," he sighed. " I'll take him."

" Thank Wu-man!" Duo beamed. " I just hope that Heero gets back soon. I might be in a coma by the end of the week." He then turned to the hall and called, " Come on Blondie time to go!"

The blonde walked out of his room wearing a black school uniform with a white button up that they could see beneath the collar of his jacket. The black was a great contrast to his pale skin, eyes, and hair that was pulled back into a meticulous braid. Wufei wanted to laugh at how much neater his looked than Duo's usual.

" Braids must be in this year," Duo smiled. " Seiji. Wufei's taking you to school, okay?" The blonde nodded, causing locks to fall in front of his eye once again.

" Okay," Duo sighed. Seiji picked up his bookbag that Heero had given him and followed the Chinese boy to the door.

" Please go to the hospital now," Wufei glanced at the other pilot.

" As soon as I actually get dressed," Duo pointed to his boxers and tank top. " This is not what I call something to be seen in public wearing."

" Just do it," Wufei glared and walked out the door with Seiji following. He walked to his car and Seiji walked to the other side and climbed in without so much as one word. Wufei got in and sighed to himself as he pulled out of the parking lot.

" Which school are you enrolled in?" he asked.

" Hana Sakura High School of east city sector," Seiji stated as Heero had explained it to him. This would be the place that he hoped he would find what he was looking for. The nightmare he had that night had only made the emptiness more apparent. He wanted to rid himself of this weakness but he had to get answers first. Wufei said nothing more to him, but drove down the highway.

Hana Sakura High School

The school was quite large with its creamy concrete form the raised up four stories. Wufei pulled into the parking lot and parked as close to the door as he could. " Come on," he stepped out of the car and waited for Seiji to do the same. The blonde climbed out of the car and picked up his backpack before following Wufei towards the door.

The Chinese boy couldn't believe the boy that was walking behind him. He was so quiet that he could barely tell that he was breathing. The silence was so deadly that even he couldn't take much of it. Being in the same area as the boy when he was like that gave a person a cold chill. He was just too silent and moved like a puppet, as if not on his own.

They walked into the school and Seiji could feel the eyes of many of the other students. He knew that they were staring at him and what they wanted from him. The feelings of lust and desire had come only a minute after walking in the door. Maybe this wasn't a good idea, he told himself. But he could feel that he was closer to his main objective and forced his worries from his mind. He refused to let this people get in the way of what he really wanted.

Wufei led him to a door that had the words, Principal's Office, above it and motioned for him to walk in. A middle-aged woman wearing a navy blue skirt suit greeted them at the front desk. " Hello," she smiled. " What can I do for you?"

" Date Seiji," the blonde said. He remembered that Heero had told him he was using his real last name and not Yuy.

" Oh, you're the new student that was suppose to come today," she realized. " Well, I'm Miss Mai, the secretary and you need to talk to the principal, Mr. Jerotaki." She pointed to the door on the other side of the room. " Just go in that door, he's expecting you."

Seiji turned to look at Wufei. " This is where you're on your own," Wufei nodded to him and left the room. He walked down the hall a bit a was rammed into by a young boy. He fell backwards and glared at the person as they shook off shock.

" Gomen nasai!" the person cried in a familiar voice. He lifted up his face to look at Wufei and gasped. It was Ryo.

" You," Wufei's eyes widened. This was the boy that had been at the house when he had picked up Heero and Seiji the week before.

" Man, guess this is strange," Ryo said sheepishly. "Gomen for running into ya. I'm just really late."

Wufei extended his hand and helped the boy to his feet. " It's all right," he assured him even though usually he would have hurt the person. But there was something different about this Ryo.

" Do you go here or something?" the other boy asked.

" No," Wufei shook his head.

" That's right, you were wearing a Preventer's uniform last time I saw you," Ryo recalled. " Guess ya wouldn't go to school then. But what are you doing here?"

" I brought Seiji," Wufei answered. " He just enrolled."

" Really? Oh man, this is getting strange," Ryo laughed.

" What?" Wufei raised an eyebrow.

" Nothing," Ryo shook his head and tried to keep himself from blushing. " I have ta go, but I hope ta see ya around."

" Yes," Wufei nodded. Ryo began smiled at him before rushing down the hall to get to his locker before the bell rang. Wufei could only watch the back of the beautiful creature he barely even knew before walking out of the school.

Seiji wore a face of indifference when he walked into the room off the office. Inside it looked like a small study with shelves of books, a desk, computer, one plant on the windowsill, and a large man sitting behind the desk. Standing next to the desk was a boy with shoulder length brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. He had a smile and bright blue green eyes that widened when Seiji walked into the room.

" You must be Date Seiji," the man smiled. He looked at the folder on his desk and then back at the blonde. " I'm Pricipal Jerotaki, I'm glad to have you here at Hana Sakura High." The blonde said nothing and even the principal would admit he was quite unnerved with the boy's cold gaze. He hoped that he wouldn't become a problem during the year.

" This is Mouri Shin," he introduced the student next to him. " He is the president of the school welcoming committee and will be showing you to your classes. He is here to make sure you feel comfortable while you're adjusting to your transfer."

" Arigato," Seiji replied. Heero said that he should say that when the principal was finished talking to show he understood and was grateful.

" Well I'll leave him to you Shin," Jerotaki replied, but then thought of something. " Seiji could you wait in the office for a moment? I have to talk Shin."

The blonde could feel that it was concerning him, but said nothing as he bowed to them and walked out of the room. The principal sighed and Shin gave him a confused look. " What is it?"

" I have to warn you about Date," Jerotaki replied. " His file says he reacts violently to negative actions and being sneaked up on. I suggest you take caution in showing him around." He knew that it was somewhat against policy to tell students about things from other students' files, but he couldn't leave the young boy without knowing what he could be taking on. He also knew that Shin could be trusted and wouldn't repeat such information.

" I would understand if you would rather someone else help him," he added.

" Iie, I have no problem helping him," Shin smiled. " I will act cautiously." He bowed to the principal and walked out of the room. He found Seiji standing next to the door to the hall and motioned to him.

" Come on," he said. " Let me show you to you first class." Seiji followed him silently. The brunette extended the papers in his hand to the blonde. " Here's all the papers you'll need."

Seiji took them and glanced at each briefly before placing them in his bookbag. Shin watched him and couldn't help but notice how stiffly he moved. He also remembered the boy Touma and Ryo had told he and Shu about. This boy looked exactly like their description, even to the lost empty eye. Something seemed familiar about the boy and he wondered if what Touma had said that day was true.

" Your first class is English," Shin explained. Seiji noticed that he had a strange British accent to his words but could tell he was a native.

" I hope you don't have any problems with that language," Shin added.

" No," Seiji answers.

" Good," Shin smiled. He stopped in front of a door marked, English-Harrod. " This is Miss Harrod's class. She is the new teacher this year and your English teacher. I hope you have fun. Please meet me here after he bell rings so that I can show you to you next class."

" Hai," Seiji replied before Shin knocked on the door. He opened and the teacher looked up from her desk with a smile on her lips. She motioned for them to enter and Shin nodded at Seiji to go a head. The blonde walked into the room just as she introduced him.

" It is good to meet you, Seiji Date," she smiled at him as she spoke in English. " I hope you enjoy your school year and I will try to help you with anything you need."

" Thank you," he said to her in English.

" Will you please take the seat in the back by the window," she pointed to the back right corner of the room. He nodded to her and followed her directions to the back of the room. He sat down and could feel all of the eyes on him. He pushed away his uneasiness and focused his eyes on the teacher. When she was pleased that he was fine she began her day's lesson switching between English and Japanese quite well for a foreigner.

A familiar aura caught his senses and Seiji could help but let his eyes move to see who it was. His eye met shocked deep blue that quickly turned away. That boy, from the cottage in the woods, he recalled. The one named Touma. But then he realized that it was not just Touma, but the other boy, Ryo, as well that sat next to him. He hadn't even noticed them until just then, but felt strange as he stared at them.

Are they what are causing this unsettling feeling within me? Seiji wondered He pushed away the questions and once again focused on the teacher. He would deal with everything else later. He didn't need to take notes for he had an acute memory that had been tuned to where he didn't need to. Notes and other papers could have compromised the missions. So he just sat there and waited.

Touma hadn't meant to stare at the blonde, but he was shocked to see him. He had been thinking of the other boy nonstop for a week and seeing him in the flesh was like a dream come he. He couldn't help, but think of how sexy he looked wearing black with his hair braided instead of in a twist. It made him look like he was sitting at child's table because at least three inches of it was on the floor. Touma had to shift in his chair at all of the thoughts he was getting.

" What's wrong?" Ryo snickered quietly next to him.

" Shut up, baka," Touma frowned at him. The black-haired boy shrugged and didn't talk to him for the rest of the class.

When the bell rang a half-hour later and Touma stood up and collected his things. Ryo smiled at him and whispered, " You've got it bad and you barely know the guy."

" Shut up Ryo," the blue-haired boy growled. He then noticed that Seiji hadn't moved from his seat. Turning around he saw that three girls had surrounded his desk and wouldn't let him move. The look on the blonde's face was one looking like he was confused and yet they didn't leave.

" We gotta help him," he said.

" Why?" Ryo asked.

" Because the 'the Hormone Bitches' will eat him a live," Touma snapped as he made his way to the other side of the room.

When the bell rang Seiji picked his bookbag up from the floor beside him and made ready to go wait as Shin had told him when he felt someone come up to him.

" Hi cutie," a high-pitched voice greeted. Seiji looked up to see three girls standing around him. He had never truly been around the girls or women before save Sally Poe and he didn't know what to do about them.

" My name's Gia," the one who seemed to be the leader introduced herself. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. " So how long have you been in Japan? Are you from the US?"

Seiji didn't answer her and just continued to stare at her with astonishment. He thought that women were more like Sally, but she seemed to be the complete opposite. Her thoughts were ones that left him suddenly remembering his time trap in the labs and the 'secessions'. He didn't want anything like that ever happening to him again.

" Well? Are you going to say something?" she asked.

" I think you've got him scared," replied the one next to her that had long black hair and light hazel eyes.

" He's shy?" How cute!" the other one said. She was eyeing him dreamily with near black eyes that were partially covered by purple hair.

" Back off Hormones!" a voice, yelled from behind them. The girls all turned to smile at Touma as he glared back at them.

" Touma dear, have you come to join us?" the black-haired girl asked.

" Leave him alone Hoka," Touma warned. " He just got here and doesn't know your usual mating routines."

" Oh, but you know that we still love you Touma," Gia batted her eyelashes.

" Sorry, not my species," then he grabbed Seiji by the arm and pulled him away from the girls. The blonde was too shocked to do anything. Such conversations he had never heard before. Touma pulled him out of the room and into the hall where Ryo was grinning like an idiot.

" You okay?" Touma ignored Ryo's grins. Seiji said nothing but stared at the hand Touma still had on his arm. Touma realized the blonde's was confused still and let go.

" Gomen," he said sheepishly. " I just didn't want you to be maimed by 'Hormones Bitches'. They'll try to get at ya later, but for now they will leave ya alone."

" Seiji!" a voice cried and the blonde turned around immediately. His hand was near his side where he had put a gun he had taken from Heero's closet. He knew Heero had told him he shouldn't carry them in school, but it made him feel more secure to have it with him. He felt relief when he saw it was only Shin coming down the hall.

" I looked everywhere for you," Shin stated when he reached the three boys.

" Guess Mr. 'Welcome One and All' is taking you around school," Touma laughed.

" Hahaha Touma," Shin replied sarcastically. Hen he turned to Seiji. " Come on love, you're gonna be late for second period if we don't hurry." Seiji didn't understand why this boy he barely knew had called him 'love' when had only heard Heero and Duo use that word affectionately between each other.

" He calls everyone that," Ryo said as if reading his mind. " Don't let it get to you."

Seiji said nothing, but followed Shin down the hall to his next class. Touma sighed as soon as he watched the blonde turn the corner. Ryo once again laughed at him.

" You are totally lost," he snickered. " Man, when the HB had him you looked like a jealous girl whose guy had just been kissed by a movie star!"

" Whatever Ryo," Touma began to walk away.

" Just admit it and shag him," Ryo replied.

" Nani?!" Touma's mouth dropped wide open.

" I was kidding!" Ryo put up his hands. " He'd probably kill you if you tried."

" Don't I know it," Touma shook his head and continued down the hall, hoping the day would end soon.

A/N: Okay so this was a very long chapter. We couldn't help it. It just turned out that way and we couldn't stop writing. Cutting this into two chapters would have changed how we wanted it to work out.

Kathrine: I got to let Seiji hurt Duo!

JC: You left Seiji scared afterwards!

Kathrine: I got to kill Seiji in his dream, too.

JC: Will you ever stop hurting him?

Kathrine: No. Will you stop torturing him?

JC: NO, but YST is my show! You can have your GW!

Kathrine: I like torturing everyone! Get over it!

JC: Please review and tell us what you think. (Growls at Kathrine before walking away from the computer, new idea to get back at Kathrine already coming into her mind.)