Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Complications and Outbursts ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Here is your next installment of our annoying story that won't go away.

JC: We apologize for lack of updates. Maybe we'll get some more out this week.

Kathrine: JC and Kitty are working on the new songfic. Hopefully it will be ready tonight, but if not it will be tomorrow.

JC: I'm not telling who the main pairing is either.

Kathrine: They know half of it!

JC: Anyway, hope you aren't too angry with us. As penance, here's the new chapter.

Disclaimer: Can we say, "DUH!"

Warning: Dark themes (what else is new), YAOI (think we established that), and spoilers for this chapter. Something's from GW didn't happen and we damn well happy they didn't!

Our Version of RW with Crossover Twist

By JC and Kathrine

Yuy-Maxwell Apartment

Heero stared at his brother through the rearview mirror as they drove down the highway towards home. The blonde had an uncertain and confused expression on his features. Heero didn't know what could be causing his brother's restlessness. What were he and that boy, Touma, doing in upstairs for so long? He wondered to himself. It was quite obvious that when they'd returned that the blue-haired boy had been trying to hide something. The look in his eyes was very informative, but he didn't want to accept its meaning.

I won't let anyone hurt Seiji like that again! He vowed. He's been hurt enough, it won't happen again. He wasn't stupid or blind, he knew that Seiji was quite a sugary sight for the eyes. But he also knew that his looks would cause him problems that his brother didn't know how to deal with yet. In a way it relieved him to know that Seiji still had some of the innocence of the child he never was.

" Guess I can't expect you two to start a conversation or anything," Duo sighed at his silent family members. He didn't understand how he always seemed to latch onto quiet people.

" Gomen," Seiji whispered from the back seat. " I know you both were worried about me. Please be assured that I am all right, I shall not fall ill."

" I don't care if ya as fit as ya were when you were five," Duo stated with a 'no-point-arguing' tone. " Ya going ta take some medicine and then go to sleep as soon as we get home."

" At five I was bedridden," Seiji pointed out.

" Oh," the braided brunette was a little shocked. " More the reason for you to take care of yourself. Don't want ya ta get sick again."

" Hai," Seiji wasn't going to go against him. " Orders accepted."

" We gotta work on ya speech," Duo sighed. " There are no missions or orders anymore. Ya don't have ta talk like that."

" If you say so Duo," the blonde agreed, even though he didn't understand fully. They wanted me to talk like this, I have to try not to. I have to be 'normal'.

" Not because I say so, because you want to," Duo countered. " Ya gonna be sixteen soon, ya allowed to not listen to what people tell ya to, get into trouble and act like a delinquent."

" Causing trouble and chaos is being 'normal'?" Seiji questioned. Heero shot Duo a warning glare, telling his lover to watch how he explained things to his younger brother.

" Normal is overrated," Duo replied finally. " Ya have to learn to be yourself and not what others want ya to be. No one can force you to do anything anymore."

" I believe I understand," the blonde said as they drove into the parking lot of their home. He stared down at the damp kimono in his lap and almost sighed in confusion. I thought it was a dream, he thought. But this proves that someone did come to help me. But who and why? That when he noticed the slight bulge in the cloth of the green clothing. It was as if it was holding something in a pocket.

He was about to move the cloth when he heard Duo call to him, " Hey Blondie, don't stay in the car all night."

" Hai Duo," he nodded almost submissively as he opened the door and held the kimono closer as he finally exited the car. He stared past the large lawn to their home through the darkness of the night. He was relieved that the rain had stopped halfway from Ryo's. He didn't really want to be trapped in it for a while. He followed behind Heero and Duo, feeling a strange recognition in his senses the closer he was to his home.

What's going on? he asked himself with a flicker of panic. It felt as if someone was nearby, someone that he didn't know, but there was something familiar in his or her aura. He usually could sense someone's aura from a distance when he was looking for him or her, but not with such similarity to his own. It was almost like he was sensing himself with the power he could feel from the person. It was well developed, though mostly unused, and undoubtedly was still there.

" Blondie, you're doing it again," Duo warned him with a serious expression. Seiji snapped from his musings immediately. Duo had continually worried about the times he would forget about everything else and lose himself to his mind and his thoughts. He would swear for hours how unhealthy it was for him and that he would only scare people with the blank lifeless object he appeared to be when it happened.

" Gomen," he apologized for overlooking the problem. He had learned to lock himself away when he was young, the 'secessions' and other 'meetings' to much for a nine-year old to handle without a way to protect what was left of his fragile mind. Even now that he was free he had the problem of closing himself away unconsciously. Point being what had occurred at Ryo's home earlier that day.

" Just try to not do that," Duo stated, trying to ignore the slight confusion in Heero's eyes as he stood next to him. He knew his lover hadn't seen the blackouts yet and would probably ask him about them.

As if on cue, Heero glanced between the two people that meant most to him before returning his eyes to Seiji. " Go on ahead Sage," he told him. " We'll catch up."

Interpreting the request as the way of the Nii-chan wanting to talk to Duo, the blonde complied and walked a head of them on the sidewalk towards their small condo-like apartment. He held the Nii-chan's coat a little closer to his form, thankful for the gun he knew that was always kept in the pocket. Not even a few years of freedom would take away the security measures that had been programmed into his brother since he was six. It made him feel safer knowing that it was there as he walked towards the apartment on his own.

" What were you talking about?" Heero asked as soon as Seiji started a head of them.

" The day you left for your mission, Seiji started blanking out," Duo explained. " I think it was going on before then, but he since kept to his room mostly and we just didn't notice. He was sitting at the table, eating dinner with me, when he just started to stare off at his plate as if it was the only thing in the world. I tried to snap him out of it, but it didn't work for about twenty minutes. He didn't even realize he'd done it, almost like it was just something that he did on a regular basis."

" Nani?" Heero eyes widened a little with worry. " And you didn't tell me about this sooner…why?"

" He asked me not to," Duo thought to rephrase his words. " Better yet told me 'Tell Heero and you'll regret it.' Guess he didn't want you to know about it for a while. But since ya seen it for ya'self he can't hold it against me." Although, Duo was curious as to why the blonde dismissed it when he'd acted almost worried about Heero finding out before. Had he thought that Heero would send him somewhere else if he knew the true extent of the damage that had been done to him? Was that fear no longer a factor now? The braided-brunette hoped so.

" Hnn," Heero returned to his days of one sound answers. Seiji had been afraid of being forced back into a lab, that much was obvious. He knew it would take months, maybe years, before his younger brother felt completely safe with anyone, even Heero himself. But blackouts? He thought. He knew what had caused them, having used a similar technique to ignore the pain that was his life only a few short years before.

But he hadn't used the technique in so long after joining the Preventers and Duo teaching him how to love. It had never happened subconsciously either. Had Seiji used it so long, having his mental abilities, and traumatized psyche that it had become permanent? If so could he help him over come it? What would happen if someone else caught him like that? Could he still protect himself if trouble arose? How much of what happened to him can I repair when I haven't finished healing myself?

" C'mon lover, time to start mothering Seiji into takin' care of himself," Duo pulled on Heero's arms as they near the house, just in time to hear the sound of a gunshot and a familiar voice shout out.

" Gods," Heero's eyes widened as he and Duo rushed to their home. They knew exactly who had caused the shot and it sent a shiver of ear down their spines.

Seiji walked up to the door of the home as had to blink at the strangeness pulling at his senses. The person he'd felt earlier was close by, very close by. They're in my house, my home, alarms rang in the blonde's mind. He set the kimono on the ground as he moved silently towards the door. He removed the coat from his shoulders and pulled the gun from the pocket.

Were the intruders a threat? Were they after him? Could he protect his new family? Thoughts raced through his mind, different scenarios and options; ways to escape and to defend in his own home. One was very close he realized. Instantly he turned and aimed his gun towards the side of the house. " I will shoot you before you get the chance to blink," he growled in an almost feral manner to the figure.

The shadows moved and a tall, dark man wearing some akin to Arabian clothing was revealed from the background. He had his hands raised, a gun in one of them. " Drop it now," the blonde ordered. The man seemed to be complying, but he felt the strange unfamiliar closeness of someone behind him. Immediately he spun on his heels and pulled the trigger of his gun.

" STOP!" a voice filled with power and energy called out, forcing him to miss his target. But along with the voice came the strange power he'd felt earlier. It bombarded his shields and tried to force him to calm down. He reinforced his mind to block it out but was force to lose concentration on his targets. He collected a surge of his power and sent it back towards his attacker, not caring the damage it caused.

A gasp was released and everything seemed to stop in its tracks. That's when he heard a somewhat familiar voice call to him, " Seiji, we're not here to hurt you."

He turned towards his home to see a familiar tall figure standing in the doorway, a smaller blonde wrapped in his arms. He remembered the tall brunette, whose face was partially covered in a similar fashion as his own. He had been with Nii-chan when he'd found him in the room at the strange hospital. But his eyes fell one the blonde he was holding close, the power flowing off his aura similar to what he knew came off his own. The blonde seemed to stare at him with a look shock and wonder.

" Seiji!" two voices yelled to him in unison. The teen turned towards the sound of his brothers, both natural and surrogate. He watched them run towards him and could feel the two figures he'd fought back off slightly, relief flowing off of them in torrents.

" God, can't you stay out of trouble for at least a few hours?" Duo sighed as he finally reached the walk in front of their home.

Heero stared at him and then turned his eyes to the two in the doorway. " I see you met Seiji Qautre," he studied the look of curiosity on his blonde friend's face.

" That was incredible," he finally spoke, still staring at Seiji. " You actually have that much control of your mind?"

" What are you to Nii-chan?" he countered the question with one of his own.

" They're friends Sage," the brunette assured his brother. " They probably came for a visit."

" We were starting to get worried, we've been waiting for hours," Trowa pointed out.

" Sorry bout that," Duo chuckled a little. " We just had something to deal with. But now that everything is settled we can sit and relax." He grabbed both Seiji and Heero's arms, pulling them towards the house. Trowa and Qautre seemed to agree, while the other two faded back into the darkness of the night, returning to their posts.

" Guess we should warn you next time we decide to drop in," Qautre sighed. He was still very curious about the other blonde, Seiji, wondering what could give him the mental power he'd felt forced at him only a short while before. But the blonde was gazing about the foyer with alert, inspecting eyes.

" Who is the other with you?" Seiji finally asked Trowa and Qautre.

" Probably Rasheed," Duo thought. " Q-man doesn't go anywhere without him. don't worry Blondie, not a danger."

" All right," he nodded, but Heero could tell that his brother was still wary around the their guests.

" Oh! I almost forgot!" Duo got a glint to his eyes. He then grabbed Seiji's arm once again and pulled him towards his bedroom. " You have to go straight to bed, no questions asked, no protests. You're not getting sick on my watch!" The blonde could only comply and allowing his brother's lover to his room and be forced in.

" What happened?" Trowa seemed a little confused.

" He got caught in the rain while at his friend's house so Duo decided to play mother hen," Heero smiled. " I think he wants someone to take care of and Seiji's the only one around that will actually let him. They kinda got close while I was on my last mission."

" That seems like a good thing," Qautre nodded as they walked to the living room. " But Heero, the person we brought isn't Rasheed."

" Then who?' he wondered. As soon as his eyes rested on the familiar figure that stood against the far wall, a manila folder in his one hands. He wasn't surprised, just confused on why this person would be here. " Zechs…"

" I would like to say that this was a pleasant visit," the platinum/silver-haired man replied. " Unfortunately, that is not the case."

" What's going on?" the brunette turned to the two with him. " What's so important that all three of you would be here?"

" The group you were surveillancing on your last mission have come up dead, as did the informant," Zechs wasn't about to beat around the bush. " We believe that someone found out about us watching the group. Thought of them as a liability."

" So they're on to us," Heero's words showed nothing, but Qautre could feel the slight fear that was growing within him. " Have we confirmed that they're…"

" From what informant claimed before he died, it seems so, but we're not sure," Trowa explained. " He could have been lying, or talking about someone else."

" Unless J had some other blonde kid he was training for years, I think not," Heero spat.

" But we still don't know why," Zechs added. " Does he know something?"

" He hasn't been asked about it yet," he replied. " Remembering those kind of things wouldn't help his recovery."

" We can't wait anymore," the platinum/silver-haired man stated. " We don't know when they will strike. It's best to know all the facts."

" I see," Heero nodded reluctantly before turning his eyes on Qautre. " They know you have an enterprise to run, why would they call you in?"

" They wanted me to assess the capacity of which Seiji's empathy has evolved," the blonde explained with a downward gaze. " Une's superiors issued it after they read the files that they found from the base."

" So that he can be turned into a guinea pig or something?" a cold glare set into Heero's eyes. " I won't allow it and I know that he sure as hell won't."

" Well, her superiors believe that he could be an asset with it, especially with his training as a soldier," Trowa continued. " I didn't expect it to be something he'd want to do."

" Damn straight!" a voice growled from the doorway. Duo stomped into the room with a look of fury in his eyes. " I don't give a fuck if I get fired for this, but they're leaving Seiji alone!"

Everyone, but Heero, seemed shocked of the braided ex-pilot's outburst. He wasn't going to let Une or anyone use Seiji. He was still, in most ways, just a scared little kid who was forced to train for a war that was over before he even got to fight. But he was getting better, going to school, interacting with friends, trying to be the teenager he should be. Duo was not going to let them take that away from him.

" Blondie's got a life now," Duo tried to calm himself a bit. " He's got friends that, from what I saw today, would actually dislike him having to leave. If those asses can't understand that he doesn't want to be a pet experiment than maybe I should be rethinking my occupation."

Heero could only watch his lover with awe and admiration. He loved when Duo got like this, the passion he expressed and the feelings he released. He knew that Duo treasured family, especially since he lost every other one he'd had. He would try to protect his 'little brother' no matter what anyone else said. Gods, no wonder why I fell in love with him.

" I figured that would be your answer," Qautre said with a quiet chuckle. " But I would still like to assess how his empathy has progressed. More out of curiosity that for Une. He made quite a show when I tried to stop him outside."

" All unknowns are believed to be threats," Heero put a hand to his temple. He wasn't up for this. Not after the scare his younger brother had given them just earlier that day.

" I find that the psi-energy he showed was astounding," the blonde continued.

" His files said he's been trained to control and amplify it since the age of seven," Zechs checked the folder in his hand. " I take it that is accurate?"

" No," Heero shook his head, " but it's not my place to tell you anything. If he wants anyone to know then Seiji will himself.

" Then I advise you to bring him to the Japan Headquarters tomorrow," Trowa explained. " It might be best for him to speak to someone privately than to talk to all of us."

" Actually he only thinks Qautre is a threat," Duo tossed in a little too nonchalantly.

" Me?" the said blonde seemed a little shocked.

" It's nothing personal or anything like," the braided-brunette put up his hands, " but you're an empath and he hasn't decided what to do with you."

" I see, he's never met another like himself and is unsure of my intentions," the blonde didn't seem so shocked after that. " But it would be best if he came to HQ. It might help us figure this out earlier."

" Is the threat at the point that he needs to be removed from school?" Duo questioned. " He seems well adjusted to going."

" Not that we've been reported about," Zechs shook his head.

" Well that settles it, we'll bring Blondie to HQ tomorrow and then all of you can leave him alone," Duo seemed more than less satisfied. " Now I hate to be rude, but…GET OUT! I'm tired as hell, my hair is still wet from being in the rain and I want to rest!"

" You see how cranky you get when you get when you don't sleep a full six hours?" Heero glazed at him with a smirk on his lips.

" Don't push it Yuy, too tired to night," Duo warned as he followed the others to the door. " Bye all yall, and Zechs tell Treize to get out more. We never get to see him."

" I'll do that," the other nodded to him as all three visitors left. Duo was about to shut the door when he noticed a folded pile of green on the walk. He walked out of the door and kneeled next to it. It was the green kimono that Seiji had worn earlier that day. He picked it up and waved to the others and they started their cars and pulled away.

" Man, something has to be in one of the pockets," he decided with the slight unbalanced weight of the still damp cloth. Shrugging his shoulders he walked back to the house and shut the door quietly. He walked back to the living room and didn't even notice the closing of a room down the hall.

Seiji quickly shut his door and sat down on his bed, pulling his knees to him. He had heard most of the conversation from the time that Duo had left his room. He knew that someone wanted to use his empathic abilities and that there was a threat that might force him to leave school. He didn't want to leave or be used anymore. He just wanted to remain with his brother and Duo, try to live a normal life, get to know Touma better.

Touma, he thought again. Why can't I get him out of my mind? He always seems to come at me when I least expect. Is he a threat? Will I have to kill him? I don't want to kill Touma, I…I… I don't know what I want from him. He was thoroughly confused when it came to the blue-haired, practicing archer. Some strange emotion swirled within him just at the thought of the other boy.

What's happening to me? he wondered. I don't like how he can cause me to lose my concentration like he does. It's a distraction. But distractions are supposed to be eliminated. He shook his head at the thought. I'm not Doctor J's puppet anymore. I don't have to kill. With his mind set in that he laid down on his bed. Shifting he pulled the covers over his body. He fell into the dream world with the memory of Touma's hand brushing his hand replaying in his mind.

A/N: See? We couldn't let our lovable T-chan stay dead could we?

Kathrine: Where would part of the plot be if he was? We'd never get the story finished if we just let one of our favorite guys remain dead.

JC: But Zechs/Treize is such a traditional pairing. You should see whom we stuck Relena with. ^_^

Kathrine: Not saying anything now. Hope for more soon. Reviews fuel writing.