Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Between Dates ❯ Between Dates Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Shu: I see all it takes is a little threat-
DL: Reminder.
Shu: -little reminder to get you guys to review. Perfect.
Shin: Why do you care we're barely even in this story.
Shu: That maybe true now but once the reader see how awesome I am they will demand that I appear more often.
Shin: If you say so.
DL: Just a warning this chapter contains. Non-conscience sex. You've been warned.
Touma: Wait a minute you're not serious are you?
DL: *nod*
Seiji: Nani?! Oh no you don't, no one touches my Touma without my permission.
DL: *whisper, whispers to Seiji*
Seiji: Oh alright, that's fine I guess.
Touma: SEIJI!!!
Seiji: Don't worry Touma, you'll be fine. I'll protect you.
Touma: Somehow I'm not convinced.
DL: As well you shouldn't be.
Shu: What?
DL: Precisely, now on to chapter 6.

Note there are two version of this chapter. The R rated one is on were as the NC-17 version is on

Between Dates Chapter 6

Flipping the station again he sighed. There was nothing on at this time of the day. Weekday morning animes were over and now only TV drama's and news reports were on. Turning his attention back down to his bran cereal Touma took another bite the slimmed milk turning the once crispy clusters into soggy wad of milk soaked mush.
His nose wrinkled at the taste, which didn't have nearly enough sugar and way too much fiber. /Where's Cap'n Crunch when you need him./ Shoving another spoonful into his mouth Touma decided that he'd rather starve till Seiji got back then take another bite. Setting the bowl down on a coaster, Touma leaned back flipping stations until he heard the door bell. /Seiji?/ Seiji had left only about an hour ago with the three guest. He had mention that he might be back soon if thing didn't go well with his family.
/ "I want to come with you, please?"
"No Touma, I need to speak with them alone first. And if thing do go wrong I don't want you to have to listen to anymore of my father unjustified comments."
"I'll be fine we're a couple aren't we? We should face your family together."
"That's right they're my family, I'll deal with them."/Seiji's voice had been harsh and Touma knew there was no point in trying to force the issue.
The blue hair warrior stood heading for the door. /But still he has a key./ Touma check the peek hole and blinked at the man stand on the other side. /Date-san? But he should be at the dojo. Seiji said he was talking to his parent and grandfather at 9:00./ He glanced back at the clock noticing that it was three minutes till. /Does he think Seiji is here?/
He was doing his best not to fidget but it was so damn hard to keep still. He could feel his heart pound in his chest his finger clenching at his side as he sat in front of his mother. The door to his left slid open and in stepped his grandfather fresh from his morning workout and subsequent shower.
"Ohayo gozaimasu,"
"Ohayo, Seiji," the older man replied as he came and seated himself beside his daughter sitting on his knee as they were.
"It is nine we're is Sanno-san?"
"He left for a walk just after Seiji called about this family meeting. He should be here soon."
"Very well. We shall wait."
Seiji mental cringed it would be so much easier to talk with his grandfather and mother about this without his father there. But he realized that would be unfair. /Not that my father cares about being fair./
Touma reached for the knob memories of what this man had said last night echoing in his head. /Stay calm. Relax./ Taking a deep breath Touma pulled open the door and asked in cold voice.
"Yes?" Before he knew what was happening Touma found himself blocking a very powerful punch to his face. He felt the skin on his forearm burn as pushed the punch to the side with his right arm. He opened his mouth to scream 'what the hell are you doing' but the older man cut him off.
"I want you out!"
Touma blinked at these words.
"I want you out of this house, now!" The words were uttered in a cold fury encased voice.
"I won't allow you to ruin this family."
Touma frowned at these words and lowered his arm though the man in front of him didn't.
"I have no plans on ruining your family. I� I care deeply for this family why would I-"
"You think I don't know about you and my son!?" /Did Seiji already tell them? How could he unless� shit!/
"Please Date-san, understand I would never hurt Seiji and-" A harsh chuckle interrupted him as the man lowered his head his body shaking in either mirth or rage.
"You think I'm worried about that. You little freak! No, as a matter a fact I don't even care that he's gay. It you I don't like. Why would he pick a little bitch like you?"
Taken back a bit Touma's eyes narrowed.
"What the fuck gives you the right to judge me? And I'll tell you one thing no matter what you do it won't change mine or Seiji's feeling." The man body suddenly stopped as his head slowly rose, homicidal eyes meeting Touma's.
The younger boy felt a shiver pass through his body as the hand Date-san had first attacked with snapped around grabbing Touma's neck yanking him forward in one second. In next he felt the man's knee slam into his torso. Air was ripped from his lungs and Date-san whispered hot breath in his ear.
"I don't care." Suddenly the man's presence was gone as he fell to the stone porch outside the front door; his face smacking into the rock. "I want you gone, Hashiba!"
/Shit!/ Touma managed to think as his mouth filled with copper tasting blood. Pulling himself up Touma rolled over landing on his back.
The sky was beautiful today, a cloudless blue. /Seiji�/
"Gomen," was all the man offered as he seated himself beside his father-in-law.
"Good, now that we're all here, Seiji why don't you explain why."
"Yes, grandfather." Seiji took a deep breath looking over the three others in the room. His father looked tense, and anger, while his mothers look pleased and expectant. And grandfather as always was giving nothing away. "I have been keeping something from you." He began reciting was he had written down in his head last night while staring as his sleeping star.
"More out of fear� fear of what you would think of me."
"More like shame." His father muttered.
"Sanno, you will remain quiet until he is done." His grandfather order showing all of them that he would be asserting his headship in this matter. "Continue Seiji."
"I've found myself attracted to a male. Though I have tried to deny it I found it impossible."
"Are you saying your gay?" the elder asked quietly.
"I'm not sure. I never felt this way about any man before. I have been attracted to woman for a good potion of my life however short that maybe, but I've never felt this before. I care very deeply for this man."
"And who might that be?' His mother asked almost anxiously. Seiji looked firmly at her an answered.
"Hashiba Touma." A smile broke onto her face and Seiji found himself blushing at the look in her eyes. He turned to look at his grandfather who sighed and instantly the blush disappeared.
"I see, it is good to hear you admit it, grandson. You have been very happy since he arrived and for that reason alone I give my consent, but tell me does he know of your feelings?"
"Yes, he's known for a while."
"So then you lied in order to bring your lover here." His father barked disdainfully.
"No, first we're not lover, yet and second I was truthful I didn't want Touma to be alone at the mansion. He's already been alone and without people who care for him most of his life. "
"So you love him out of pity." His father continued.
"No, I love Touma for reason I don't feel like explaining to you." Seiji snarled back using every bit of control he had not to go farther.
"Sanno." The elder warned in quiet voice. "Seiji tell me what would you like us to do?"
"I simple wanted you to know and I hoped that by telling you, the family would treat Touma with the same respect you would give anyone else I were to dating."
"I see, that is a reasonable enough request I don't see any reason why any member of this family should have a problem following it."
"I do."
"What was that Sanno?"
"I said I do. There is no way I will welcome Hashiba into this family." His father growled standing his eyes focused on the older man.
"I believe that I am still the head of this clan am I not?"
"It doesn't matter. I won't accept it.
"Sanno you are acting childish. Sit down so that we may discuss this."
"Seiji, why don't you go, we will discuss this further with your father."
"Yes grandfather." Seiji was thankful for his control was slipping and he didn't relish the idea of staying there any long. Standing he bowed before exiting as he left his mother caught his arm.
"Seiji I just wanted to tell you how happy I am. Out of all of the five Touma was my favorite; don't tell the others. I hoped that if you were destiny to fall in love with one of them that it would be him." Seiji blinked dumbly at his mom. /'Destiny to fall for�'/ "You two compliment each other so well and I think Touma really needs you." Anyway I have to go. *kiss* I'll see you at later." With a small peek she disappeared back into the room the door sliding closed behind her.
Smiling the swordsman shook his head, despite his father's behavior things hadn't gone too badly. Idly he wondered what the rest of his family would think first his sisters and then the rest of the Dates after all they weren't a small clan. /I won't let it concern me. In the end nothing they say matters./
Deciding to check on Mokotu and their guests, Seiji headed for the training hall, there's a phone there and he planned to call Touma and give him the abridge version of what happen. /May we can go out for lunch after practice./
Leafs waves in the breeze as Torin sped toward the Dates. He was supposed to meet Motoku after morning practice but he was a bit early. As he neared he noticed a familiar head of blue hair walking along the street. Slowing just a bit Motoku noted the troubled expression. /Well this may just be our opportunity./ Turning into the Dates driveway he pulled out his cell phone.
"It's T, the bird will be at the pick-up point soon. Ready your crew."
"Ok T. Will it be feed?"
"Of course I got the special bird food." Torin replied reaching into the glove box to pull out the two little white packages resembling sugar packs.
"Good call us when the bird leaves the branch."
Flipping the cell closed Torin dial the Dates dojo and to his luck Mokotu answered.
"Date's dojo."
"Hey, it's me."
"Yeah, why are you calling?" His cousin sounded a little winded.
"Because the little bird just left the cage."
"Really," Mokotu answered quietly. "Are you going to try today then?"
"Yeah I already called them, they're on their way."
"And you're sure they are up to things?"
"Yeah they'll get it done."
"Good see you when you're done. Pick me up outside the main dojo."
"Got it, ja."
Hanging up the older man frowned. /I just don't get it. Why all this?/ Turning around he waited estimating in his head how long it would take the teen to get to the diner and think about what to say if he found Touma sitting on the road side. /Poor kid hasn't got a chance./
"Yo, Touma-san!"
/'I want you out.'/ His eyes had been locked on the ground for most of his walk. So when he heard a familiar voice call out to him Touma was a little startled. Looking up he saw Torin-san waving to him while he leaned against his dark blue Mazda something. /Protégé./
"Hey," he responded half heartily and then cringed when the other guy noticed.
"No not really," he replied from the edge of the parking lot.
"Oh come on beside you look tired and it is hotter then usual today. You should at least get something to drink." Now that he mentioned it the Touma was hot and sweaty. Looking up at the midday sun Touma conceded.
"Sure why not." He headed toward the older man who waited until he got closer before heading in. Seating themselves over to the side a bit the blue hair boy noticed that it must not be lunch time yet since the diner was pretty empty. Sitting across from one another Touma couldn't help but notice the too friendly smile on the red headed face. /Man he make me uncomfortable./
"So what are you doing way out here?"
"Just walking. I don't have much to do with Seiji at training."
"I see," Torin-san said his voice cutting out as if he wanted to say more. A young man probably in his twenty's came over asking for the orders.
"Coke, only please."
"I'll have a coffee." The young man eyed Touma's hair and then Torin before nodding.
"One coffee, one coke." They both affirmed and he left to the back.
"I'm going to the boy's room I'll be back." With that Torin left and Touma sighed dropping he's head onto the table with a thud. "I should have gotten water." He mumbled feeling his chest ache. He rubbed it with one hand knowing it was going to bruise if it hadn't already.
/God he really hates me. Should I tell Seiji what happen? Even if I don't he'll notice the bruise./
"Here you go." The warrior looked up, Torin placing his coke on the table.
"I saw him coming back with them so I grabbed them. No need for him to waste anymore time on us since we're not ordering anything else." Touma nodded. "Oh and I paid."
"Thanks," Touma managed a sincere smile as he sipped on the coke; wrinkling his nose at the taste. /I hate tap pop. Knew I should have gotten water./ Touma kept sipping on it not wanting to complain since he didn't pay for it.
"Well I'll better be heading back." Torin stood taking his cup. "Want a ride?" /Yeah right and set in this uncomfortable silence./
"No, but thank you."
Touma was glad he didn't push the issue.
"See you later."
"Yeah, thanks again."
Torin made another replied but Touma couldn't make it out as he slipped out the door and out into his car and driving off. Once he was gone Touma balked at the gross drink and to his dismay he noticed that he had drunk at least half of it.
Leaving the rest of it Touma stood nodding to the waiter; which made he's head spin slightly before heading out the door. /That's weird./
Take a few more steps Touma noted just how hot it was. /Was it this hot before?/ Wiping the sweat he felt gathering on his forehead Touma continued across the parking lot and back toward the road that would lead him to the Dates. /God it's hot./
"Maybe I should have taken him up on that ride."
Trudging forward the archer squeezed his eyes shut cutting off the bright light of the sun, but the instant he did he felt the whole world turning. /What the hell?/ Trying to reopen his eyes proved to be a challenge as he stumbled a bit the trees and sky spinning around him. Vague he heard a car pull up behind him and the doors open.
"So this is him."
"No mistaking it, look at his hair." Touma knew they were behind him and with great effort he managed to make his body turn to see who was there.
"What's the matter, kid?"
"Hurry the hell up before someone comes!"
"Yeah, sure H."
Some where between the spinning tree, distant voices and the blurred faces Touma realized he was in trouble.
"~Oh baby, I've got nothing for you~" Satsuki sung happily, she'd just spent the morning shopping her stress away. The back seat of her jeep was filled with bags. Mainly items for her but she had a few presents back there. One in she'd picked out especially for Touma. She was sure he was down after last night and so she'd purposely went to store after store to find the perfect present. It had been hard but well worth it and the present she'd pick out was something he was sure to love. Deciding that all of her hard work deserved reward Satsuki was headed to the dinner just a few miles from the dojo for a delicious strawberry Sunday with kiwi slices. As she neared she noticed a van on the wrong side of the road. "Someone's going to get a ticket." Starting to pull into the parking lot she noticed a group outside the van they seemed to be gathered around something. Stepping out of the car she peered closer. "Wait, what are they-" Suddenly a figure was shoved out of the circle and onto the ground. "Touma?"
A second later she was in a full sprint. "Touma!" the van's horn blew and the three outside quickly glanced at her. Thinking they were leaving Satsuki slowed a bit but she instantly realized how wrong she was as the three grabbed Touma and hauled him into the van. Tires screech as they tore against earth and asphalt before streaking toward her. For moment she thought they were going to try and run over her but they didn't. Swerving slightly the van pulled back onto the road and sped off. Memorizing what she could the young Date turned racing back toward her mini jeep. /Why, why, why the hell?!/
Rubbing her temples Kyo tried to banish the headache she felt all morning long. If she were asked to pen point a cause she would easily said, 'my stubborn husband.'
Despite all of her and her father's words he remained firm in his rejection of Seiji and Touma relationship. Stating that it wasn't so much that Seiji was gay but that he didn't care for Touma.
/ "He's not right for Seiji. Hashiba will undermine everything we've taught him."/
Shaking her now pounding skull she headed down stairs toward the kitchen to make some tea when the screeching of tires filled the air. Her brow wrinkled as she scurried toward the door. Before she could reach it however it was throw open and a rather frazzled looking Satsuki burst through yelling. "Seiji! Seiji!"
"Mother!" Kyo was unprepared for the arm full of daughter that hit her but using the wall she managed to hold the suddenly weight. "Oh mother, it Touma, I have to find Seiji, where is he?" She blurted he body shaking slightly.
"At the guest house I think. Why? What about Touma?!"
"Oh mother he's been, he's been kidnapped!"
"Still haven't found him?" Saya-san asked sitting by the koi pond her eyes never leaving the fish begging for food.
"No and I take it he hasn't come back?"
"Nope!" Seiji schooled his face not to show his worry as he started toward the front door.
Upon returning Seiji had only found a bowl of mushy cereal obviously left there hours ago in the kitchen sink and the house completely empty.
"Well don't worry I 'm sure-"
"Seiji!!" Twin cries of distress cry rang out from the house causing Seiji to stop in mid-sentence. Turning Seiji head back up the path Saya-san trailing behind him as they got about halfway they were met by his mother and sister still calling him. He knew instantly that something was wrong his chest tightening as he saw their faces.
"Seiji, thank god you haven't left. I just called the police their on their way here." His mother began.
"What, why?"
"Kami Seiji, I'm sorry I tried to stop them but I didn't think they'd kidnap him."
"Kidnap who?" Saya asked from behind him, but Seiji didn't need to hear it, he knew. /God no�/
"Touma! There were at least four." Satsuki continued tears shinning in her eyes.
"What, when?!" Saya gasped looking over at him.
"By the Paper Bloom diner. Just a bit ago." Satsuki replied dropping her head. /Touma�/
"Seiji? Seiji where are you going?" He had even realized that he'd been walking away until he heard his mother calling.
"I'll find him." He answered simply his hand already on the kanji ball around his neck. The second he was out of sight he clutched it his sub-armor appearing instantly. /I'll find you./
There had been pain, not excretion but pain nonetheless. He remembered the voices, the sense of danger, more pain before dry, bitter dirt filled his mouth. He had tried to get away from the voices, the blurring spinning figures but his body wouldn't respond correctly. He'd felt hands grasping him, picking him up followed closely by cold metal against his face as the frantic voice continued. He was indoors now he could tell by the stale air. He hadn't been unconscious but they thought he was so they'd left him where he lay now; eyes closed to the dizziness that wouldn't leave. Touma felt pain though he wasn't sure where, whatever was reeking havoc with his muscle and mind was also effecting his nervous system. The room he was in was silent now devoid of anyone but himself or so he hoped as he ventured to open his eyes.
The wall were an aging white and the plastic 'bed' he was on was probably a doctor's examine table without the sanitary white cloth felt worn.
Trying to sit up Touma dropped back to the plastic cushion with a thud identifying a huge ache in his chest at the edge of his ribs though he didn't remember those 'voices' hitting him there.
Trying again with help from his arms Touma managed to push himself up halfway and turn to the side so that his weight was on his wings instead of midsection. He closed his eyes a serious case of vertigo sweeping over his body. He tried to steady himself but couldn't and ended up on the cold tilted floor creating even more aches. Touma moaned as the dizziness continued to engulf him. Fighting against it the teen reached up grasping the edge of the table he'd been on and pulled him self up. The archer's legs wobbled at he tried to make them hold his weight. Final just when he arms were about to give up he got his feet underneath him. Panting slightly Touma glanced around noting the door and stepped toward only to have his legs give way, stumbling he hit the door his hands crawling for the knob as his feet scrambled to replant themselves both were lost causes as the door proved to have no knob on this side and his feet no coronation. "Damn." The curse whispered from his lips. With his face press against the metal door he rested, hot breath bouncing off the metal and onto his face warming it. /What time was it? Has Seiji noticed I'm gone? He probably has, I'm sure he's worried. God why do thing like this happen to me? I'm supposed to be a warrior how the- Tenku./ Groping blindly Touma fingers searched for the necklace his orb was attached to. Finally he grasped it fumbling with eyes closed Touma managed to pulled the necklace around. The kanji ball now firmly in his grasp Touma concentrated on calling Tenku but to his dismay nothing happen. /Please Tenku./ Still nothing slowly slipping further down the door Touma called out desperately. /Tenku why won't you come?/
^Touma, where are you?^
Touma sent him all the images he could of the room he was in and that when he noticed the tiny cameras, one placed in the far corner the other directly over the table.
^Ok Just sit tight I can home-in on you. Keep a hold of your orb.^
^Right, hurry Seiji. I don't know what's wrong Tenku won't come and I can't get my limb to-^ A sudden noise from outside of the door caught the archer's attention and before he could move the door was throw open. Touma felt the stinging contact of the wall against his back and head.
^Touma what's wrong?! Touma?^
"Well look, he's up." Craning his head toward the voice Touma eyes widened slightly at the four men who stood at the door way gazing down at him.
"How ya feeling?" One with short black hair asked as he stepped around bending down to look closer at him. His dark eyes sparkled with something that made Touma's stomach churn. /God no./
^Touma?^ Seiji sounded frantic.
^I'm alright just hurry, ok.^ he answered trying to give off his best vibes.
"He looks scared," another one said he was stand in back a bit, his shoulder length streaked hair framing his pale face.
"There's nothing to be scared of little bird. As long as you do what we ask you'll be fine," The man told him with a smiled that had Touma wishing he could to sink back through the wall and disappear.
"What's he have in his hands?" the biggest of the men asked his red eyes narrowing on Touma's fingers. /God no./
"I don't know C, let's find out," The man knelt next to him smirked as he reached for Touma's hands. The next few second blurred as he struggled to hold onto the orb fighting off the hands while hearing Seiji practically scream 'what's wrong!'. His love's voice was cut off as the orb was ripped from his hands. He felt the slightly sting of the chain snapping as one of the men commented.
"It's just a necklace."
"So then why'd he fight like that, H?"
"Who the hell knows? Let's get him to the table." The man Touma thought they called H ordered and instantly they were reaching for him. Touma tried to yank away noting that his body was starting to listen but the moves were sluggish at best. He felt himself being lifted from the tile and then deposited back on the cushioned examination table. He continued to struggle until a click hit his ear and something cold was pressed to his throat. /Knife./ Freezing Touma tried to calm his breathing.
"Good boy, we wouldn't want to hurt you."
"Told you we needed ropes." One of the two holding his legs commented.
"Naw this will be more fun." H said standing by Touma side. An ominous chuckle came from the man hold his left should and right arm.
"Who�who are you?"
"You can call me H. That's N and T by your legs and this is C. As for what we want," he grinned, "just some fun," Touma's eyes widened at what H said before his eyes narrow.
"You won't get that from me."
"We don't need to get it, will take it. Isn't that right boys." C threaten his hand tighten on Touma's shoulder and wrist.
"Unless of course you're willing to give it." One of the men by his feet spoke up beginning to stroke Touma's legs. "I'd love to have those pout pink lips suck me off."
"Fuck you," Touma hissed trying to kick the hands away.
The group laughed before H responded bending down so that mint breath flowed over the archer's lips and nose. "No, fuck you."
The spy cams he'd had those four thugs hook-up in the room before hand were working perfectly as they watched Touma struggle with the group he'd hired. Despite Torin had to fight to keep a frown from appearing as he watched them manhandle the beautiful blue hair teen from the safety of his own apartment.
"So it seemed they have things under control. This should be interesting." The younger boy said. "Oh relax Torin. If everything goes well you can be there to smooth all his pain away, if you want?"
He was silent for minute before asking. "Is that what this is about? You want to break him and Seiji up?"
"What made you think this was about what I wanted?" the boy said still not removing his eyes from the screen.
"Then what is this about?"
The boy laughed before turning to his cousin eyes sparkling slightly.
"You'll have to wait and see."
"Ryo? Ryo?" Nasuti called again from across the table. Noticing how a passing waitress cocked an eyebrow at her.
"Nani? Oh sorry Na-chan." Ryo seemed to snap out of it but his concentration had just been off the entire day.
"Alright no matter what you say I'm taking you back to my aunt's, you must be coming down with something."
"You think," Ryo asked with a sigh and she nodded noting how pale he looked. "I think I'll call the guys tomorrow." He said suddenly he's eyes holding the far away look.
"Why do you sense something wrong?" She began to worry. "Maybe something happened to one of them, should we try to call-"
"No, no," He hushed her softly reaching over for her hand. "I just� miss them that's all."
"Oh, I see, well why don't we get back to my aunt's and first thing tomorrow you can call them."
"Yeah that's sound good." He nodded. "Sorry about tonight. Today in general I guess."
"We'll have plenty of other nights out, koi." /You don't have to lie, Ryo. I know something's wrong./
The sunny weather seemed to mock Seiji's pain as he tried to find his love. From what he'd gotten Touma's was in a build that at one time had been used for a doctor's office and he had gotten a rough location through the link, narrowing it down to the few city block. It was still a lot to search but at least now there was hope of finding him.
But what worried Seiji the most were the images Touma had leaked of the men who'd kidnapped him. /If they dare to hurt him I swear I'll� I'll kill them all./
The hands tightened on his shoulders as he tried to pull away from C's lips descending toward his face. Words were a waste and he knew it, they weren't going to stop. It seemed as if they had divided his body up between them; a thought that made his stomach lunge. Their was sudden weight on his midsection as H straddled Touma grasping his left arm he yanked it down placing it under his knee and then did the same with the right.
"There now," H smiled down at him as C changed his hold to only one hand and proceeding to run the other through Touma's hair.
"Beautiful dye job." C coed in his ear tongue caressing Touma's lobe as he continued, "If I didn't know better I'd think it was real." With that C captured his lobe sucking on it while mint breath washed over his jaw. Groping hands rubbed his left leg slowly moving upward. /Stop! Damn it!/
There was laughed from above him as H said. "Don't fight it, blue bird you know it feels good." With that he dipped his head down sucking and biting on Touma's jaw.
"Stop!" He yelled as he tried to pull away but a hand tightened in his hair holding him still. Touma eyes squeezed shut as he clench his teeth the feeling of his hair being torn from it root halting his struggle for the moment.
"What are you waiting for," H asked as he looked back at the men holding his legs, "T, get moving we only have him for two days. Oh don't give me that look; I know you've never had a man before T but it just like a woman."
"At least right now," C smirked next to Touma's cheek before beginning to lick and suck across his face.
"I wonder if he's a virgin." Someone asked as he felt a hand beginning to stroke his right left.
"I don't know, our client didn't say," H replied in between bitting at Touma's neck.
"Are you a virgin?" The bigger man whispered in Touma's ear his hand tightening in blue silk when Touma didn't answer. /I won't answer. I won't!/
Scooting back a bit on his chest H set right where Date-san had hit him early forcing a gasp to escape Touma's tightly pressed lips.
"Interesting," the man on top of him muttered. Finger tips brushed across Touma's white tank top before pulling at it. A slightly tearing sound caught the victim's attention causing Touma's eyes to open as glassy slits. He stilled himself as he watched the man above him slowly cutting his top away with the knife from earlier. He could feel the blade gracing his skin.
"Oops, sorry didn't mean to cut you." He said with no real feeling behind his apology as he continued to cut the material away.
"Nice," C breathed the hand in blue hair slowly traveling down his face and neck before gliding over Touma's constricted chest.
"Very nice."
The archer hissed as he felt hands and tongue begin to stroke his chest and stomach.
"Where'd this come from?" C questioned pressing his hand down on Touma bruised torso.
"Looks new, poor baby." Hot breathe washed over his nipple as the man above him seize it in his mouth. While at his leg two pairs on hands rubbed against his inner thigh before fingers rubbed his unwanted arousal.
"Stop!" Touma shouted trying to free himself again only to be stilled once more by pain only this time it was a swift punch to his bruised chest right below his ribs. Their was an audible crack noise as he tumbled into a coughing fit struggling to get back the air that had just been forced out. /Must have crack them earlier./
"Careful, C. We want him to last after all." The leader said as he smooth Touma's chest the coughs subsided but the pain didn't
"I think it is time we got down to business." One of the men by Touma's legs said.
"Then let's get these pants off. I think T should get the honor. After all it will be his first, and I get the feeling this will be our little birds first also."
"I don't know, are you up for it, T?" Snickers that filled the room made Touma even sicker. /They're going to rape me� they're going to RAPE ME!/
The thought had been running through Touma mind scream ever now and then since the first pair of lips touched his body; blared like an alarm clock through the haze of Touma's mind which for some reason couldn't seem to connect what was going on around him with an action to take.
But now it seemed terrifyingly clear as hands grappled with his shoes, two pairs of hands tugging at them. As if suddenly possessed Touma legs jerked back and then rushed forward catching at least one of the two men in the chest as both released him. The movement had put H off balance and released Touma from C's grasp. Touma pulled his knees up slamming them into H's back. The man crashed onto Touma's chest as the archer struggled to sit up pushing the dazed man off of him and toward the floor. /My orb!/ Sapphire locked on the glowing kanji ball as he started to pull away from the tabled only to have large merciless hands clamp down on his shoulders. Touma gasped as his already bruised head and back contacted the table; the thin mats providing little padding. Grimacing the young warrior tried to pull away unsuccessfully as he felt H regain his former position.
"You little bitch!" one of them roared as Touma continued to kick and twist.
"Hold still!" The suddenly pain that invaded Touma's mind over whelm is senses for a moment making it impossible for him to figure out what had happened. He could taste copper liquid in his mouth and a burning in his chest. Coughs filled his ears as he realized he'd been hit in the chest again only this time the attack had been much harder. There was an ice burn now and that combine with the blood was making it very hard for him to breath.
"That's better." Hand latched back onto his legs.
"Son of bitch!" The hands that grabbed his left leg suddenly wrench his ankle to side.
Seiji stopped, and turned his mind reeling with a pain as he heard a faint scream.
"Touma�" Though he wasn't sure if he'd heard it in his head or out loud the swordsman was sure it was his koi. Turning Seiji abandon the roof tops landing on the sidewalk in a rather empty area and began scanning the boarded-up building for one that resembled a doctor's office. /Hold on Touma, hold on./
"Holy Shit, Niko-� What did you do?" Treda cringed as his ears ringing from the scream their victim had just released. He gazed at the boy's left leg twisted entirely too far, blood seeping from ripped in the skin around the knee.
"This will keep him from trying to run again."
"Yeah, but he'll probably pass out from the pain. And I personal like my playing things responsive." Heia huffed before turning his attention back to the boy's paper tone face. He was gasping for breath through clenched teeth, his entire body taut. "Oh well."
Heia turned on the blue hair kid's chest gaining another choked gasp as he started undoing the boy's jeans. He strained his thighs tightening as Heia slipped his hands into the kids pants. Treda could hear Chasses whispering things to the kid in between licking his ear and jaw. /God this is too much./ He could feel his desire growing at the sight.
"Ready T?" Nikodi asked smirking as he reached up rubbing his hands up the boy's thigh. Treda only nodded as Heia started to remove the blue jeans. As they pulled them down over the boy's knee a chocked cry filled the room. Treda watched their victim's chest as he panted trying to draw in lost breath but soon he'd be panting for another reason all together.
"Stop�" The group ignored the pled as Heia played with the gray briefs the boy wore. It was easy to see that their activities were affecting him, the bulge clear visible through the gray material.
"Come on T." Heia coached Treda to join him on the table. He obeyed spreading the kid's legs and climbing between them. Another cry filled the room at the movement as the boy's leg was shifted.
Eagerly Treda rubbed his hands up the pale inner thighs. Grabbing hold of the underwear Treda pulled it away and blinked at the sight while Heia laughed.
"No fucking way."
"He's got blue hair!"
"He's naturally blue?!"
"God I want him!" Heia laughed again at Treda's muffled confession before leaning over to Treda ear. Lick it he whispered.
"Then take him." Needing no further prodding Treda yanked down the briefs blocking out the cry of pain as he bent down licking the half aroused member. A hiss issued from his lips at the wonderful taste.
"Yum." Diving down for more the older man began licking and sucking at the boy's length drawing out gasps and hisses from innocent lips. He could feel Heia and Nikodi watching him as the member grew at his touches.
He tasted so good, not quite as good as a woman but still it was intoxicating. Wanting more he doubled he efforts sucking hard, scraping he's teeth over hot skin, licking and biting. The boy's hips buckled as he's thighs stranded. No matter how much he may not have wanted it in the end the blue hair teen's body and its needs had taken over. Sobs mixing with panting filled the room as Treda sucker harder, until finally in a delicious burst of flavor the boy came. Treda smiled as he pulled away stopping to nuzzle the limp flesh.
"I want more." The others laughed as Treda slipped a finger into his mouth still tasting of the boy's seed, and the lower the finger to the tense entrance. He was just about to push his first digit in when a crash filter through the building.
"What was that?" Chasses asked.
"N, go see?" Heia ordered. N grumbled a bit but headed toward the door as order only to stop dead in his tracks as a blur of green and white entered the room. The figure stopped for a moment icily lavender eyes pinning Treda in place before speeding toward him. The pain was instant, stretching across his body like a web before silence.
His eyes widened as the sight before narrowing in unbridled rage. The room was blanketed in a red as Seiji's body went into action before he had a chance to halt it. He felt his fist contact flesh, bones shattering at his touch. Seiji was blind to his own actions the image of Touma lying naked before the four men replaying in his mind as he felt more boned breaking under his sub-armor's attack. /How dare they?! How dare th-/
It was soft like a white blossom falling to a lake but its ripples reached through the haze of rage touching Seiji's mind. The blond blinked his fist in mid-swung as terrified red eyes watched him. Seiji blinked taking note of the room. Touma was still on the bed, his shallow breathing the only sound. Three other bodies were scattered about the room none of them moving. He knew he had done this, but what had stopped him? /A sound? A voice? Touma's�/ Releasing the man whom he held pinned to the wall by his shoulder Seiji turned walking up to his best friend. The archer lay on the table complete void of clothing, blood seeping from his lips, chest and knee. Seiji didn't missed anything as he noticed that his koi's knee had been rippled out of place, but what worried him the most was bubbled breathing signaling blood in Touma's lungs and throat, no doubt caused by the large dark bruises on his chest.
"Touma�" The teens seemed to hear him as he stranded slightly his brow wrinkling. The blonde rubbed his hand over Touma's sweat soaked forehead, brushing away the limp bangs. He took note of every bite mark on Touma's fair skin before turning back to the only man left to question.
"Why?" the low demand came forth brimming with ill intend if not answer correctly.
"It was just a job, I swear. Nothing personal about it, it was just a job." It was funny to see such a big man whimper like a baby as he backed up further into the wall.
"We don't know we were paid over the net, we never met him." Seiji continued to stare at the man until he added more info. "He told us to pick up the kid outside a diner and to return him there in two days. We could do what we wanted as long as we didn't kill him. He had us install those so he could watch." The man pointed a shaking finger toward the tiny cameras attached to the ceiling, Seiji would have never seen them if the man hadn't pointed them out. Seiji stared at the devices a little longer before turning his attention back to Touma. Leaning over Touma Seiji whispered word of encouragement before spotting Touma's kanji orb. Picking it up he slipped it into Touma's hand that instantly clenched around it. Eyeing Touma torn cloths Seiji went about the room picking up the items before returning to Touma. He noted the man with red eyes slowly edging toward the door but made no move to stop him, yet. The archer whimpered as Seiji tried to lift his legs enough to slip his briefs and pants on. /I'll need help to reset his leg./ He realized as he lift the archer into his arms. /Once I'm outside of here I'll heal his chest./ Passing by the man Seiji stopped.
"If you ever come near him again I'll kill you." Adding Korin's fury to his voice Seiji shattered the two cameras before leaving the room the large man to sink to the floor the armor's power over whelming him.

To be continued�

DL: Well that wasn't so bad, was it?
Touma: Go to hell.
DL: Oh don't be like that.
Touma: *flips her off before stomping away*
Seiji: Oh don't worry he'll cool off.
DL: I'd just like to say thank you for all of you're reviews. See you soon.
Seiji: Oh and make sure to review this, she'll need encouragement if she's to right that lemon later.