Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Melancholy of Flowers ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Five

Cye strolled into one of the main parks in Shinjuku. As the summer months came to a close, fall began to slowly peek through. Some of the leaves on the trees had started to take on color. The sun was starting to set, making the air cool and crisp. He wore his light blue sweater as he walked the cemented path. In his hand was a hand-written letter. The contents of the letter requested Cye’s appearance at the park. He sat down at one of the benches while he waited. A few people were present in the area. A small child was having fun flying a kite in front of him. At the corner of his eye, he saw a small figure walk towards him.

He got up and smiled. “Hello, Natsumi.”

“Hello, Cye. Thank you for meeting me here,” she said in her casual low voice. She was clad in a short pink skirt and a plain white tee. Her hands were fidgeting in front of her as she made eye contact with Cye.

“What’s up? I got your letter from home. I guess you didn’t know I was staying at Mia’s house for the summer,” Cye said.

“No, I didn’t,” Natsumi said. “Do you always stay at her place during your vacations?” She eyed him curiously, waiting for the answer.

“Yeah. Ryo and Kento do, as well. I told you that Mia is a very close friend of ours. We’ve known her since our middle school days. She doesn’t mind the company, and we all need away from our families from time to time.”

Natsumi nodded at his answer. “Let’s sit down. I brought you something to help you during school.” Cye didn’t have time to inquire, as Natsumi had quickly led him back to his previous spot on the bench. He watched as Natsumi went into her satchel and brought out a small purple candle. “I have tons of these candles at home. They help ease the stress and clear the mind.” She took out a match and lit the wick of the candle. “Here. Smell it and see if you like it.” Cye was hesitant of Natsumi’s odd, quick, and rather insistent behavior that he smell the candle. He didn’t want to offend her, so he took the candle in his hand and took a whiff. The smell of lavender entered through his nostrils, making his entire body relax. His muscles went limp as he continued to smell the candle. The scent was almost intoxicating. “You like?”

Cye simply nodded as he mind started to grow numb. All his thoughts seemed to vanish as he looked at the girl in front of him. Natsumi smiled and took Cye’s free hand in hers. She looked at him straight in the eyes. He didn’t budge as he looked into hers. Crimson swirled and overtook the normal inviting color of her eyes. “I really like you, Cye. I like you a lot. I think you should be with me. Agree?”

As if his body was moving on its own, his head nodded at her question. “Hana is a great person, but I think you deserve better. I mean, who leaves for a year and then randomly shows up?” The tone in Natsumi’s voice was no longer soft. The soft glow of red appeared in Cye’s eyes as he, again, nodded. “You no longer love he. Only me from now on.”

Natsumi grinned as she leaned forward and captured Cye’s lips with hers. Her tongue slid past his lips so she could taste him. Cye wrapped his free arm around her neck and kissed her back. His heart raced as the lavender scent and the kiss filled his senses.
She moved away from him and blew out the candle in his hand. The crimson color slowly faded as he starred into Natsumi’s now Persian blue eyes. “Thank you for the candle, Natsumi. I’ll make sure I use it once school starts,” he said with a warm smile.

“I’m glad you like it,” Natsumi said, bringing back her soft tone of voice. “I know that you had some trouble during the last semester because of Hana.”

Cye shook his head. “Hana is no longer an issue.” He took Natsumi’s hands in his and looked her in the eyes. “You are the only one I see.”

A giddy grin spread across her rosy pink lips at the words she never thought she'd hear.plan was going smoothly for her. “But you must break up with her gently, and you must not let your friends suspect anything. Stay with her until the time is perfect.”

“I understand.” Cye got up from his seat and helped Natsumi to her feet. “Let’s get something to eat before I head back to Mia’s.”

“I would love that,” Natsumi said. She looked at the people who were staring at the couple. “What you are looking at?” She turned her head and led Cye out of the park.

Hana took two big rocks and crushed them together using her power. Cye took her to a spot that was mostly filled with weeds and rocks, a place that she could tear apart with her training. She took a deep breath through her nose and closed her eyes once more. An image of her aunt appeared in her mind again, along with the harsh words she had said to her. Purple aurora appeared around her body as she opened her eyes. She moved her hands so that they were across from each other. A small purple orb of energy appeared in between them. The rage that she felt made the orb grow bigger. With a loud scream, she thrust her hands out, sending the ball of energy flying into the trees. The sound of tree trunks hitting the ground could be heard in the distance. Sitting down, she wiped her brow with her hand and took slow deep breathes.

“Geez, Hana. You need to take it easy,” said a voice. Hana looked to her right and saw Kento standing right where she let the energy ball go. “One small inch to the side and I would have been flying, too.”

“I’m sorry, Kento. I didn’t know you were standing there,” Hana said as she slowly got to her feet. “You should have said something to let me know.”

Kento chuckled lightly as he walked over to Hana. “I could tell you were deep in thought. I didn’t want to disturb you during your training.”

“How nice of you,” Hana smiled. She sat back down on a big rock to give her body time to relax. She could feel her legs slightly start to shake. “What are you doing here? Is something wrong?”

Kento joined her by sitting on the dirt ground. “Nah, nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to see how you were doing. You have been training by yourself the last two weeks.”

Hana nodded in agreement as she played with a few strands of her long black hair. “Cye said he had family business to take care of. I didn’t want to ask him too many questions. He seemed kind of out of it, to be honest. I guess his mother’s health isn’t doing too good.”

“Yeah, his mother’s health is an issue from time to time. He tries to help out as much as he can so his sister doesn’t have so much on her shoulders,” Kento said sadly.

“It’s understandable. I just miss him.” Hana kicked a small rock with her foot before she stood up. “My power control is getting slightly better. I am having trouble keeping my rage in check, though.”

“I can see that,” Kento agreed as he stood up as well. He laughed as he brushed the dirt off his blue jeans. “That energy ball you created was something else.”

“Shinjisha was able to do energy attacks. I wanted to see if I could do some of my own. Levitating things is good and all, but it’s getting kind of boring at the same time.” A growl could be heard coming from Hana’s mid-section, her cheeks slowly becoming pink with embarrassment.

“Hungry, are we?” Kento laughed. “It’s been hours since you last ate, right? Let’s get some burgers downtown. I’m sure Ryo is hungry, too.” He grabbed Hana’s hand and led her out of the destroyed area and towards Mia’s house.

Hana savored the cheeseburger in slow bites, feeling her hunger slowly dissipate in favor of newfound energy.watched as Kento inhaled five hamburgers in less than the five minutes they were there. Ryo just shook his head as he munched on the salty fries in front of him. Hana took a sip of her soda as she glanced out the big window of the restaurant. She choked on her drink as she saw Cye walking with Natsumi down the sidewalk across the street from them. The pair were walking hand in hand and laughing as they conversed together. Hana immediately stood up and raced out the restaurant door.

“Cye Mouri!” she shouted as she raced down the sidewalk to catch up with the pair. Her heart started to beat fast within her chest as she sped up after them. She could hear Kento calling after her, and she knew the two men were following after her. Cye stopped mid-walk as he noticed Hana running after him. She stopped in the middle of the street, panting hard after her run. Cars screeched to a halt as they tried to avoid hitting the dark-haired woman in front of them. The all honked in an attempt to have her move out of their way. She ignored the noise as she stared at Cye with hard eyes.

“Cye, what are you doing with her?” Hana asked as she pointed her index finger at Natsumi. “Why are you holding her hand? You told me you were at your mother’s house today.”

“I-I was, but then my sister said she could take care of her today. I…I was in the area and saw Natsumi and asked if she wanted lunch,” Cye said hesitantly.

“Like a date?” Hana asked. She could feel her blood boil within her veins as she waited for an answer.

“Hey, lady! Get out of the way!” shouted a man in his mid-forties. His hand was pressing on the car horn.

“Do you think of me as some kind of fool?” Hana asked in a low voice, ignoring the man yelling at her. Cye gripped Natsumi’s hand as he saw purple aurora surround Hana’s body. Her dark bangs hung over her eyes to hide the anguish in them. “Answer the question!”
Tears streamed down her reddened cheeks.

“Hana, please try to calm down,” Cye said in a gentle voice. In the back of his mind, he knew it was no good. She was losing control fast because her energy was rising to an alarming rate. He moved Natsumi behind him in order to give her some sort of protection for what was to come.

The hands that were close to Hana’s sides formed into fists. “All those promises of always being with me, they were all lies, weren’t they?” People close by on the streets stopped at what they were doing; some had fright on their faces as they witnessed the growing energy surrounding the girl. The people in their cars fled their vehicles to get somewhere safe. “It was all pity, wasn’t it? You were really hanging out with her when we weren’t together. All those things you told me were LIES!”

“No, Hana,” Cye said. “I realized it a few weeks ago that my love was dying for you. I tried to hold onto it. I really did.” Hearing those words come out of his mouth sounded wrong, but he didn’t feel anything.

Ryo looked around as he approached Hana with caution. “Hana, this is no place to show your power. People around us are noticing,” Ryo whispered.

Hana snapped her head in Ryo’s direction. “Do you honestly think I care?!” With a flick of her wrist, she sent Ryo flying into the opposite direction where his body made contact with the cement. The aurora blazed around her as she turned her attention back to Cye. The ground started to shake under everyone’s feet as they fled the scene, screaming and shouting. A small crater formed under Hana’s feet as her power grew. Her mind grew numb as anger engulfed her. Natsumi cowered further behind Cye as she watched in terror. The person in front of them grew bright purple with no means to stop.

“Hana! Stop this now!” Kento demanded and lunged himself onto her body. “This is crazy! You have to calm down!”

“Get off me!” Hana grabbed Kento by the collar of his shirt and flung him to the side with ease. Sirens could be heard in the distance as the face-off continued.

“Ryo, we got to do something!” Kento shouted as he slowly got to his feet, wiping off the bit of blood he had on his face. “
The cops are gonna be here any second! If they see this mess, they're gonna take her in!”

Ryo just stood where he was. They couldn’t stop a power this strong with just themselves. “Kento! Get your sub-armor on! We are going to take her down!”

Kento looked at his fiery friend in shock. “You crazy?! We can’t hurt her! ”

Ryo simply nodded. “We can’t defeat her like this. At least with our sub-armor, we stand a chance.” Getting out his red armor orb, Ryo transformed into his sub-armor.

Hana levitated a nearby stop sign from the ground and aimed it at Cye and Natsumi. Natsumi screamed as she clung herself to Cye’s back. Just before the iron pole could come into contact, Kento stood between them, clad in his sub-armor. He caught the pole of the sign with his hand and threw it down. “Get her out of here,” Kento whispered to Cye. “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of everything.” Cye didn’t have to think twice and led Natsumi out of the area.

“Stop!” Hana shouted as she started after them. She levitated a trash can and threw it at the fleeing couple, only to miss by a couple of feet.

Kento stepped in front of her and placed his strong hands on her shoulders. “Hana, come to your senses! This isn’t like you!”

Hana growled and tried to shove him off of her. “Don’t get in my way!” A small ball of purple energy appeared between them. “Leave me alone!” She released the ball, making it hit Kento straight in the abdomen. Kento flew through the air and crashed into a brick wall.

“Kento!” Ryo cried as he watched his friend make contact with the ground. He turned his attention to Hana with clenched teeth. Hana stepped toward Ryo, fists at her sides. He stood his ground as she approached him. He was ready to fight, but then he saw the purple aurora vanish from around her. Hana fell to her knees and then collapsed onto the ground. He ran up to his fallen friend and felt her pulse.

“Is… she alright?” Kento asked as he slowly walked next to Ryo. With his hand pressed firmly on his injured arm, he looked down at his fallen friend with sadness in his eyes. His heart ached for her and the tough times that were to follow.

“Yeah. She just fainted,” Ryo said. “She used too much energy, I’m surprised she lasted this long.” Ryo picked Hana’s body up and held her in his arms bridal style. “We’ll take her to Mia’s where we can watch over her.”

Kento looked behind his shoulder and saw three cop cars heading their way. “We better run. We can out-run them in our armor.” Ryo merely nodded and dashed the opposite way, leaving the scene in his wake. Kento was not too far behind.

Cye kept running with Natsumi not too far behind him. He looked behind his shoulder and stopped, catching his breath. “This… is far enough,” Cye panted. “We’re a good distance from the scene. She won’t follow us.”

Natsumi could feel her heart pound hard against her ribcage. Her nerves rattled with fear as the image of Hana played in her mind. How could someone possess such power? “Cye, you never told me she was capable of such a thing,” Natsumi said, her voice shaken.

“There’s a lot you don’t know, Natsumi. Hana has this gift that we were trying to work on. As you can see, if she gets too emotional, it can get out of control,” Cye explained. “Stuff happened to her when she was little. I guess you could call it possession of a spirit that caused her to form the gift.”

“I don’t believe in ghosts, Cye,” Natsumi said plainly.

“There’s a lot that you might not believe at first, but eventually I’ll show you.” Cye grabbed Natsumi’s hand lightly. “You have nothing to fear. As long as I am with you, you are safe from her.” He squeezed her hand gently, making her cheeks flush pink. Her nerves relaxed and the fear she felt a moment ago seemed to disappear.

“Let’s go to my house. No one is home at the moment,” Natsumi suggested with a smile. “I’ll make us some food. I’m a pretty good cook. Anything you want, I can make.”
Cye smiled warmly at her. “We have something in common then. I love to cook myself. Let’s see what you have in the kitchen and I’ll let you cook for me.” He bent down and planted a kiss on her forehead. Natsumi smiled and led him in the direction of her home, her hand still intertwined with his.