Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Melancholy of Flowers ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Six

After tucking Hana into one of the beds upstairs, Mia made her way down the stairs and into the living room. The news could be heard from the television. Mia stopped when she saw the scene that was displayed on the screen. It was the same place where Hana displayed her power. The news reporter that was on duty was busy interviewing one of the witnesses.

“S-She stopped right in front of my car,” said the man to the reporter in a shaky voice. It was the same man who yelled at Hana to move out of the way. “I told her to get out of the way, but she didn’t listen to a word I said. All of a sudden, I saw this weird, purplish glow surrounding her, and then the ground shook. It was like something straight out of a movie. I got out of there as fast as I could.”

“Did you get a good look at this girl?” the reporter asked curiously into the microphone.

“I only remember her having long, black hair. She was probably around seventeen or eighteen, but that’s all I can tell you. She did seem pretty upset, though,” the man said.

“Thank you so much for talking with us,” the reporter said. The man merely nodded and went on his own way. “Well, there you have it folks. If you have seen this girl, please contact us–”

Mia took the remote control and turned off the television with a morose look on her face. She entered the dining room, where Kento and Ryo were. “She’s out like a light,” Mia said as she entered the dining room. “From what you told me, it looks like she used up all of her energy.” She let out a sigh through her mouth as she crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s not all. The news is all over the area where the incident happened. They are looking for answers as to what happened.”

“We heard,” Ryo said as he leaned his body against the wall. “We need to keep her here until things die down.”

Mia nodded in agreement. “I’m going to go stay with her to make sure she’s okay.” Mia slowly exited the area and headed back upstairs to where Hana was sleeping.

“I don’t understand what Cye was thinking,” Kento said. He was sitting down with his elbows propped on the table; his hands were folded above them. “It just doesn’t make any sense, you know? He was totally in love with Hana. Now he goes and does something like this?” A pained expression formed on Kento’s face. “He wouldn’t go and do something like that.”

“I’m upset, too, Kento, but people do fall out of love,” Ryo said quietly. His arms were folded over his chest, and his eyes were closed.

“Don’t give me that. We both know Cye too well. For him to just dump Hana like that…” Kento balled his hand into a tight fist. “He didn’t just dump her. He cheated on her. That’s not the Cye we know. I think Natsumi had something to do with it.”

“Now, wait just a minute, Kento. Don’t go blaming her for what happened,” Ryo said sharply.

“You are only saying that because you like her,” Kento spat. He glared at his comrade from across the room. “Think about it for a second. She has had this crush on him for a year. Then Hana suddenly shows up and they are together again. After a couple of months being back together, he dumps her just like that? Come on. She has to be behind it. Maybe her shy exterior is all bull.”

“Enough, Kento!” Ryo slammed a fist hard against the wall. His breathing started to become uneven. “I know it’s hard to believe, but Cye was the one who made the decision. You can’t go blaming her for his actions!”

Kento jumped from his seat, knocking over the dining room chair he was sitting in. He walked over to Ryo, his blood now boiling in his veins. Fury washed over him as he grabbed Ryo by his shirt collar. “How dare you say something like that,” Kento sneered. “Listen to yourself. We have been friends with Cye for years. You know damn well he wouldn’t go and hurt people like that.” Ryo didn’t say anything except stare down at his hard-headed friend. “Pffh. What a disgrace you are. What is wrong with you?”

Mia looked up from her book as she heard yelling coming from down the stairs. She placed the book on the small desk and got up from her seat. Racing down the stairs, she ran into the room only to find Kento holding Ryo against the wall firmly by the shirt collar. “Guys, stop!” Mia ordered as she ran up to the two men. “This fight is futile. If you want answers, go talk to Cye yourselves.” Kento looked into Mia’s pleading eyes then let go of Ryo’s shirt. He groaned loudly and stomped out of the room. Mia turned to Ryo with concern plastered on her features. “I don’t know what is going on. He does have a point, though. Cye wouldn’t do something so rash and sudden like this.”

“I understand that, but we can’t go around blaming other people for his actions,” Ryo said in a hard voice and walked out of the room. Mia stood alone in the room, wondering what was going to happen next.

Kento walked quietly into the room where Hana lay asleep. He motioned next to her and looked upon her sleeping figure. Her breathing was coming out evenly as she slept. It looked like she was in absolute peace. However, he knew the peace wouldn’t last long. He removed a strand of hair that was covering her face. “I won’t let you get hurt, Hana,” he whispered. “I’m sure there is an explanation as to why this all happened.” Kento inhaled slowly through his nose and exited the room. A single tear appeared on Hana’s cheek as she continued to sleep.


Cye greeted Mia the next day as he entered her home. Kento and Ryo were sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for Cye to join them. The tension in the air was thick and heavy as Cye sat in one of the arm chairs. He knew exactly why he was called to Mia’s as he looked at his two friends. “How’s it going?” he asked, trying to break the ice between them.

“It’s going alright,” Ryo said casually. “How are you doing, Cye?”

“I’m okay. Getting ready for the new semester. How’s Hana doing?” He knew the last question was dangerous, but he had to know.

“She’s still sleeping,” Kento said flatly. “Why do you care?”

“Kento!” Ryo said. “Let me do the talking because I know you are going to say something that’s going to cause trouble.” Kento scoffed as he turned his head to the side and focused his attention on the lamp that was on the side table next to him. Ryo returned his attention to the man sitting across from him. “Cye, we need to know what happened. We are concerned and confused about this whole situation.”

“I know,” Cye said quietly as he shifted in his seat. “It was a hard decision to make. My feelings were just… not as they were a year ago. I slowly started to realize it, and I wanted to hold onto those feelings. However, something sparked within me when I started hanging with Natsumi.” Ryo crossed his arms over his chest as he listened. “I never wanted to hurt Hana. That was never my intention, and I didn’t know how to break it to her.”

“And yet you continued to go out with Natsumi even though you two were still together,” Kento said with venom in his voice. “To me, that’s cheating.”

“Enough,” Ryo warned.

“She was trying to help me,” Cye explained. “I didn’t expect to see Hana that day. She had every reason to be mad at me.”

“I still don’t buy it,” Kento said as he got up from his seat. “I know you, Cye. You don’t just go and do something like that. I could tell that you were in love with Hana, and now you are saying you don’t have feelings for her? Well, I call bullshit on this whole thing.”

“Kento, I think you should leave the room,” Ryo said, as he, too, got up from his seat. “There is nothing wrong with his explanation. You are acting like a child.”

Kento glared at Ryo then looked to his close friend. “I don’t believe a word you just said.”

“I know you are upset, Kento, but things happen and people do change. We aren’t teenagers anymore,” Cye said in a calm voice.

“Whatever,” Kento said with a wave of his hand as he headed up the stairs.

Ryo shook his head as he sat back down on the couch. “He hasn’t left her side this whole time.”

“That’s good. I want her to know that she has people who care about her. I know it’s going to be painful for her when she wakes up,” Cye said. There was a wave of sadness that overtook his body for a moment as he sat there.

“We are going to watch over her. There are news reporters all over the city looking for answers as to what happened that day. We can’t let her go out there in the state that she’s in,” Ryo explained.

“I didn’t know about that. I guess I haven’t been keeping up with the news lately.” Cye sighed heavily as he got up from his seat. “I better go. I don’t want to cause any more trouble.” Ryo got up and walked Cye to the front door. “Keep me updated on her condition.”

“You got it,” Ryo said with a small smile. “I’ll see you around once things die down.” Cye smiled at his friend as he exited the house.


Hana slowly opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling above her. She turned her head to the right to examine the place she was in. She recognized the small desk that was by the door. She was in the same exact room she was in after the fight with Shijisha. With a low moan, she rubbed the sleep out of the corners of her eyes and sat up in the bed. The soft ray of sunshine was coming through the window, giving a sense of warmth in the area. However, the warmth seemed to go unnoticed as pain stabbed Hana right in the heart.

Tears involuntarily fell down her cheeks as the memories of that day started to play in her head, the look on Cye’s face as he was walking with Natsumi down the street and the answer he gave her after she questioned him. It didn’t seem real. It was like she was in a parallel universe. The one person who she counted on had left her just like everyone else in her life. Something snapped inside her as she stared into space.

“Hana?” Kento asked as he entered the room. “You’re awake? That’s great.” He stopped mid-walk as he noticed the tear-stained face before him. “Hana…”

“Can I help you?” she asked. Her tone was cold as was her expression.

“I-I just came to see how you were doing,” Kento replied. “You were out for three days. We were all getting worried about you.”

Hana scoffed at the answer she got. “I don’t need anyone to worry about me. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Her hard eyes stared at Kento as she got up from the bed. “And I certainly don’t need your sympathy.”

“Hana, what is going on? Why are you like this?” Kento stepped back as Hana exited the room with heavy footsteps. He followed her down the stairs, grabbing her shoulder once she got to the bottom. “Please, Hana.” Hana smacked Kento’s hand away from her body and glared at him. The friendly blue-eyed girl he knew was no longer. The light that was once present in her eyes seemed to disappear.was all he could see now within the blue pools. The pain and anger that she felt overwhelmed her as she pushed Kento’s body away.

“I don’t need anyone’s help, especially yours,” she sneered. “I understand what’s happening now. No matter how close I get to someone, they all eventually leave me. I don’t need anyone in my life so stay away from me.” Hana turned and quickly headed out the front door before anyone else could stop her. Kento stood there in shock as he watched her get into her car and drive off down the dirt path.

“Was that Hana just now?” Ryo asked as he walked over to his friend. “Why did she leave? What happened?”

Kento turned to Ryo with a worried expression. “I went to see if she was okay and saw that she was awake. However, it was like she was a completely different person. She was cold, distant, and mean,” he said. “She told me to stay away and that she doesn’t need anyone in her life anymore.”

“She’s going through a tough time,” Ryo said in a gentle voice and placed a strong hand on Kento’s shoulder. “It’s not your fault.”

“It is my fault,” Kento said through clenched teeth. “I let her go. Right now she should be here instead of out there where people are looking for her. She took me by surprise that I didn’t know what to do.”

“We’ll figure something out. For right now, she needs to be left alone.”


“Hello, Cye,” Natsumi said in a cheerful voice as she opened the front door to her house.

“Hello,” Cye said as he stepped inside. The scent of lilacs hit his nostrils as he made his way further into the house. Paintings of different sceneries hung along the walls were the first thing he noticed. There were no family pictures, just the paintings which he found quite odd. “Are your parents home?”

Natsumi shook her head. “My dad is on a business trip and won’t be back for another week.” She took Cye’s hand and led him up the stairs. She made a right and stopped at a white French door. She opened the door to reveal a pink painted room. There were stuffed animals on the floor, and on the twin bed was a daisy comforter. There were some purple candles that were lit up on the white dresser by the small window. Natsumi blushed as she led him inside the room. “It’s childish, I know. My dad doesn’t stop buying my stuffed animals and I don’t want to upset him.”

“It’s fine. I think it’s cute,” Cye smiled. Natsumi giggled and took both of Cye’s hands into hers, looking up at him with her cheeks pink.

“What’s the matter?”

“Cye, can you make love to me?” Natsumi asked softy. Cye laughed which made her face turn bright red. “It’s a silly question, but I didn’t know how to ask…”

“You are too cute,” Cye said as he tilted her head up with his hand. He leaned in and captured her lips gently with his. Her heart swelled as their tongues danced with one another. Cye gently maneuvered her to the bed where he laid her down gently onto the mattress. With one hand, he gently caressed one of her breasts while rubbing his other hand between her legs.

Natsumi moaned softly into the kiss as electricity ran through her body. Cye broke the kiss and quickly removed her shirt and bra from her body. He bent down and flicked his tongue gently over her erect nipple. Her hands held his head in place as the feeling in her center grew with his touch. He moved to the next nipple as his hands found the button to her jeans. He dipped his hand inside her pants as he continued to suck on her breasts. His fingers gently rubbed her clit, making her scream in ecstasy. Her entire body was on fire as he continued to pleasure her. Cye stopped what he was doing, causing a sound of displeasure to escape through Natsumi’s lips. He took off his shirt and pants, exposing his well-toned body. Natsumi took everything in as she moved forward, grabbing Cye’s erect member in her hands. She licked around the head with her tongue, receiving a moan from Cye. He placed both hands on her head for support as she took him in her mouth. She closed her eyes as she licked and sucked on him. The grip on her head became hard as he pushed her head forward. She gagged a little at the sudden movement but continued on.

“Natsumi… don’t stop,” Cye moaned as he felt the pleasure rise within him. She took him between her lips and sucked on him hard. Cye’s body jerked as he felt his balls tighten. He threw his head back as he let out a grunt, releasing his seed into her mouth. Natsumi took him out of her mouth and swallowed the lukewarm substance.

“Was that good?” she asked as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Cye nodded as he walked over to her and kissed her gently on the lips. “Yes, Natsumi. You did an excellent job.”

Natsumi blushed. “I couldn’t help but notice the scars.” She pointed at his limp member. “What happened?”

“I got into an accident a year ago. It’s nothing to worry about. It has healed since then and it doesn’t hurt,” Cye replied. He placed his hands on Natsumi’s shoulders and planted kisses on her neck.

“I think… we should stop,” Natsumi said softly. She gently pushed Cye to the side and got up from the bed. “I suddenly don’t feel too good.” She gathered her clothing from the floor and exited the bedroom. She headed down the hall and to the bathroom where she closed the door behind her. Falling to her knees, she grabbed her head with both hands. Excruciating pain hit her temple as she tightly closed her eyes. It felt like her head was going to split into two halves. “What is this?” She fell onto the cool, tiled flooring.

“Natsumi? Are you okay in there?” Cye asked from the other side of the closed door.

“I-I’m fine. I just… need to be left alone,” Natsumi said in a shaky voice.

“Are you sure?” Cye asked. He could hear soft moans from within the bathroom.

“Yes, Cye. Just go home, okay?” Natsumi said. There was pounding in her ears as she tried to sit up. She heard Cye say something, but couldn’t make out the words. Something was seriously wrong.


“Kurushimi!” Natsumi yelled as she burst through the warehouse doors. The young woman was sitting in her chair reading a book. She eyed the Natsumi as the girl struggled to walk into the building. “Something… is wrong with me.”

“Well, of course something is wrong,” Kurushimi said nonchalantly. “You haven’t been back here for a few weeks.” She closed her book and took a deep breath through her nose. “You didn’t listen to a word I said.”

“What are you talking about?” Natsumi asked as she weakily made her way to Kurushimi.

“I told you, you had to come backeveryto get treatment,” Kurushimi said simply. “Have you ever heard of withdrawals? Well, that’s what you are experiencing. You just need more juice. Is Torrent still under your control?”

“Yes,” Natsumi said as she sat on the cold, cement floor. “I just want this pain to stop.”

“Come with me.” Kurushimi slowly got up from her seat and made her way to the small room where the tank was. Natsumi followed suit and instantly removed her clothes. She grabbed the helmet and put it on her head along with the oxygen mask, while immersing in the liquid. The tubes entered her flesh as her limbs went numb. This time, she didn’t flinch. Kurushimi walked back and forth in front of the tank. “I’m actually surprised that Torrent is still under control. If you were having withdrawal symptoms, then your control should have weakened.”

Natsumi emerged from the tank, taking everything off of her. “He seemed fine to me,” she said as she grabbed a towel to dry off.

“Yes, well, don’t let this happen again. I don’t deal with idiots,” Kurushimi said with a shrug. “At least the plan is working. Tell me, how did Hana take the rejection?”

Natsumi stopped drying her body off as she recalled the event that happened a few days ago. “It was frightening.”

“Frightening? What are you talking about, child?” Kurushimi eyed Natsumi with curiosity.

“Hana possesses some kind of power. She saw us together, and she just went insane. There was this aurora that was surrounding her. She levitated a stop sign and hurled it at us. Luckily Kento was there to stop it. I never saw anything like it.”

“So, she has power. I wonder if that fool Shijisha has anything to do about this. It’s an interesting discovery, though.” Kurushimi exited the small room and headed back to her chair. “To have someone with that kind of ability…”

“What are you talking about?” Natsumi asked as she got her pants on. “She almost killed us. She’s dangerous and needs to be locked up.”

Kurushimi laughed and waved her hand. “Nonsense. You know nothing about Hana. This person could become valuable.”

“I still don’t understand. You want revenge of on her and Cye. Yet all you are doing is sitting at your chair, doing nothing,” Natsumi saidher hands on her hips.

“You are a brave child, I’ll give you that, to talk to me in such a manner,” Kurushimi said as she looked at Natsumi in amusement. “I was always frail and weak, but I practiced spells and enchantments to make me stronger. That time hasn’t come yet for me to use my full power. When the time comes, I’ll get the Inferno armor and unleash its power on this horrible planet. That is what my father wanted, and I shall carry out his wish.”