Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Forever Waiting ❯ Aqua Eyed Beauty ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Forever Waiting

'Aqua Eyed Beauty'

This fic is dedicated to Pixie, for she wanted this insane little fic.


This is my own timeline. The 'Monsters' are really just people; however they have powers as they would as a monster. They can be sent to battle if someone takes them for a day or so. But, mainly they're kinda like people. (Make sense? Even a little? Kinda liked a hired assassin… Anyhow, this is my little tribute to the love of Celtic Guardian and Mystical Elf. (Never thought you'd see that couple huh?) This fic kinda resembles the Kenshin anime, it's like samurai/warrior times, and those creatures are the people. It's not seeming good yet, but it will get better this is just the rough copy. After, it'll fall into place dun worry! Blah, blah, blah, mainly so…Anyway, please read, even if you don't understand my timeline, and please review! Thank you! ^.~

A soft sigh emitted from the lone man's lips. Soft wisps of cornflower hair moved in time with the nightly breeze. Ebon trench coat swaying around his lithe, lanky figure. Pale amber eyes looked to the full moon, before they rested down at him only break in peace. A simple slip of paper could make all the difference, couldn't it? A chestnut-gloved fist slowly let the paper fall to the dirtied earth. It parted, just enough due to the breeze, the golden letters shimmering in the emotionless moonlight. He watched as the black slip opened too see the name written upon it. 'Mystical Elf, also known as Myst. She must be eliminated by Midnight tonight.' His thick booted feet made a 'clomp' upon the cobblestones as he left such parchment behind. He unsheathed his silver blade, letting it fall to his side, grip upon the delicate crafted handle. His coat blew in the unearthly breeze, almost engulfing him as he passed through the small streets. Emotion seemed far from this man as he edged nearer and nearer to the woman's appointed 'Hide Out'. Irregularly pointed ears twitched with each coming sound. However, a sound didn't leave his ears. It kept approaching, the soft 'click' of heels on pavement. Swiftly he turned, blade drawn as if he would be attacked. However, his eyes fell on something he wouldn't of thought. "I…I'm sorry did I startle you?" The soft voice came through.

He blinked slightly, snorting away any alarm he might have had; tucking his sword away as no threat was here. "No, but I wonder why a woman would be out on such a night?" He recovered nicely, his eyes, so cold, piercing the girl's very soul.

She shook her head, smiling forgiveness as she brushed aside a few loose strands for her sapphire eyes. "I wanted to go for a walk, not being so cooped up I suppose…" She said in her same soft, gentle voice. Her pale hands coming up to wrap her pale blue shawl around her small shoulders.

Optics still upon him, making him questions her look. She seemed so kind, pure heart, unlike his. Everything about her was opposite, she was petite in frame, and closer to light than he would ever imagine… "What is it?" He asked a bit gruffly, looking to her the same. The same glare that made men quiver did not affect this woman in the least, who was she?

"I was merely wondering, are you Elven?" She smiled, gesturing towards his pointed ears; his messy golden locks still couldn't conceal witch.

"I am…Why is it a concern?" He snapped back, trained to understand everything at all times.

"I'm an Elven as well…I just haven't seen many." She shrugged gently, averting her gaze from his. An absent hand setting out the wrinkles from her indigo gown. "I am sorry if I have bothered you this night, it seems I have been irritating you." She apologized, keeping her eyes to the blackened ground.

He glared over, though not meaning, he was never used to socializing with others. But, he loved the air of fear around her now. She understood him form his eyes… "You haven't been a bother, but I have been looking for a certain girl."

"Maybe I know her?" She asked, hopeful to be of help.

"…" He thought a moment, wondering if he should even ask her, wondering if she may be an enemy to him. But, her aqua eyes…They were so pure, innocent as if she could never lie. "…Her name is Mystical Elf."

She gasped softly; his ears didn't let such a noise go unnoticed. "Why would you be looking for…her?"

"You know of this woman? You must tell me where she is, or where she stays is in witch direction…" He said simply, his sword half-unsheathed.

She hung her head slightly at the sight of his glinting blade. "…I am of whom you speak."

"…Don't try to run then, I come for you." He grinned to himself; he didn't have to go very far at all to get her, did he? He stalked forward, expecting her to run, or at least defend.

"I will not run…I am not afraid of death…" Soft eyes looked to him, sadness, but there was no fear…Not a single glint in those beautiful eyes of blue.

"…Why do you not fear it…fear me?" He mumbled softly, though taking in her every movement in the breeze. The blade lazily coming to her neck, a wisp of hair being severed in half.

She felt the cold steel of the blade upon her pale skin. She still looked to his eyes, "…I am not afraid, I have nothing to live for…" He watched again, unable to say anything to this girl. She, it almost was as if she was like him…Almost. But as his blade swept across her neck, time stood still…

To be continued…