Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ ��: Boy meets dad :�� ❯ The way of the Kasshin Style is... ( Chapter 15 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
- CHAPTER 15 -
A week has passed since the duo began staying at the Kamiya Dojo in Tokyo.
Kenshin had taken to doing the laundry early in the morning as soon as he finished making and eating breakfast with the Kamiyas. He found out that the early morning sun wasn't hot enough to scorch and by the time he was done hanging the linens, it was time to make lunch and wait for the afternoon sun to dry the laundry out. This gave him enough time to play with little Kaoru - flying kites, spinning tops, giving her piggyback rides or just allowing her to do whatever she wanted to do to him - and by the time the linens were dry, have been taken off from the clothesline and folded neatly, the students began arriving and it was time for them to `observe' and learn the Kamiya Kasshin Style. It was a nice schedule he had adapted for himself.
The Battoussai didn't want to take part in learning another sword style though, but Kenji pointed out that his attitude would make Kamiya-sensei suspicious so he unwillingly took part in the daily exercises as well.
“Well done, Himura-san!” Koshijiro praised Kenji, patting him on the back for good measure. “You executed that move like a true master of the Kasshin Style! You are a fast-learner indeed. You are a genius!” Kenji beamed at Koshijiro's praise. Hear that, Otousan? Grandfather called me a genius!
Oh, if you only knew, Kenshin scoffed. He was a fast-learner, but Kenji kept overshadowing him because the boy was already as good at the Kasshin Style as Kamiya-sensei but was just pretending not to know about it. I think he actually relishes getting compliments from his grandfather, that's why he can't help but showing off.
“It was nothing, Kamiya-sensei. I just pay attention to everything you say, that's all… I also think you're a great teacher.”
“Non-sense!” Laughed Koshijiro, though he looked mighty pleased by Kenji's compliments. “You are my best student to date, Himura-san. Are you sure you won't reconsider staying here permanently?”
More than anything in the world, Kenji actually wanted to say yes to that question, but he knew he couldn't. He chuckled lightheartedly. “That's very tempting Kamiya-sensei, I'll give it some thought thanks.” Oh how I wish, grandfather…
“Sensei!” Called out one of the students. “There's a man at the gate looking for you.”
“Alright, continue your lessons while I see to the visitor. Perhaps you can listen to Himura-san or ask him for tips on how to improve your techniques.” He told his students. “I'll be back in a bit.”
Kenji grinned wickedly, feeling a little mischievous, after his grandfather left the dojo. The students looked at him expectantly, hoping to learn some tips on how to do almost everything right in the eyes of their sensei. “Alright, listen up!” He gathered the students' attention. He pointed his bokken at a bunch of students. “You guys line up alphabetically by height and you guys pair up in groups of three, then line up in a circle.” Blank looks met his command. He rolled his eyes in mock irritation and sighed dramatically. “Just practice your swings!” Geez! Outside the dojo walls, the heavens began to weep and thunder rolled at a distance. “Kenshin, it's starting to rain.”
The day had been overcast; Clouds have been present all day, so the laundry was still in the clothesline, semi-dry. The younger redhead's eyes widened. Oro! “Help me take down the laundry, Kenji-chan!”
“But that's your job!”
“Well, don't expect to have fresh clothes to change into tomorrow if you don't.” Both father and son rushed outside the dojo to save the laundry from getting soaked once again.
Little Kaoru rubbed her eyes sleepily, waking up from her afternoon nap. She had a lot of fun with her Kenny earlier today and she expended more energy than usual so she needed the brief sleep. Coming out of her room, still wearing her cute little blue kimono, she knew that her Kenny was practicing with the other Kenny look-alike and her Papa, so she deftly made her way to the dojo, wanting to see them practice. Upon reaching the dojo door, she placed one hand on the door hinges and peeked in, expecting to hear her father's voice giving his audience another one of his famous speeches.
A huge man with a pointy sword was shouting at the students, almost as if he was taunting them. He looked evil. She wondered where her Kenny and Papa were, when the man suddenly started hurting the students and seemed to actually enjoy it. Her eyes widened as screams of pain echoed through the dojo as the poor students fell under the man's blade, visibly hurt. One student even had a gashing wound on his shoulder, while the others stood their ground bravely. Little Kaoru was very afraid of the big bad man, she whimpered.
“Is he alright?”
The man laughed. “So who wants to be defeated next?” With his bloody blade up, he swung around and dared anyone to challenge him. The fools outnumbered him, but they cowered away from him like the pathetic weaklings that they were.
“Kaoru, stand back.” Her Papa said from behind her.
“Kamiya-sensei!” Echoed throughout the room, relief evident in the students' voices.
“Gohei, what you are doing is forbidden. The way of the Kasshin Style is to never hurt others,” explained Koshijiro as he walked into his dojo. He briefly wondered where Kenji and Kenshin were before he turned his full attention to the man whom he had suspended out of the dojo several weeks back.
Gohei Hiruma snorted. “I'm sick of listening to your lectures. A sword is to chop people up.” He grinned evilly and pointed the sword at his former sensei's face. “This blade is begging to taste some more blood. It wants yours.” He raised the sword above his head and prepared to attack the man who dared to embarrass him. No one embarrasses me and gets to live! I'll show you, old man! He felt confident in his abilities now; He had been practicing for weeks since he got kicked out.
Koshijiro held his wooden sword in both hands, stepped forward and struck just as Gohei attacked him, hitting his mark right on target as he finished the blow. His opponent screamed in pain as blood poured out of his broken thumb. It was twisted in the oddest of angles, looking like it broke several bones in multiple places. The bloodstained sword fell into a loud clatter on the dojo floor, Gohei writhing in agony on his knees while clutching his broken thumb. “With that thumb, you should never be able to use a sword again for the rest of your life.” The master of the Kasshin Style told the offender harshly. “You are expelled from this school! Make sure that you are never to set foot in this dojo again. Leave now before I call the police.”
Gohei managed to leer at little Kaoru before Koshijiro's bokken connected with his thick skull, sending him to oblivion. “Drag him outside and leave him there,” instructed the Kasshin Master disgustedly to two of his students. It took four of them, but they finally managed to drag the trash outside the dojo premises and left him laying on the ground. “Are you alright?” Koshijiro knelt and examined one of his injured apprentices.
The boy winced from the sharp pain from the wound on his shoulder. “I'm alright, sensei. I thought I was a goner for sure.” Admiration and gratitude shone from his eyes.
“Kenny!” Little Kaoru jumped at poor Kenshin who managed to keep the laundry dry, but not himself, with the help of Kenji. His topknot looked a little wet and he was wiping off moisture from his forehead when the little girl launched herself at him. The poor hitokiri lost his balance, but caught it in time not to fall to the floor in an undignified heap.
“What's wrong Kaoru-dono?”
“What happened?!” Kenji asked, rushing to the aid of the bloodied students. Kenshin turned his body a little bit on the side, shielding little Kaoru from the view.
“We were attacked by a renegade former student. Where were the two of you?!”
“We were saving the laundry from the rain. We apologize, Kamiya-sensei.”
“That's alright, what's done is done. We better treat the injured. All those who are alright can go home, practice your swings and let this be a lesson to you. The way of the Kasshin Style is not to hurt people, but to encourage the potential in them. The Kasshin Style is the sword that revitalizes, one that protects. Gohei never understood that, thus he met his just desserts.” Grunts of agreement followed the statement; Kenshin was rubbing little Kaoru's back soothingly. “Those who got hurt, I'll take you to the clinic. I trust you will keep a close eye on the dojo this time, Himura-san?”
“Yes, Kamiya-sensei.”
Koshijiro, with the help of his uninjured students, took the injured to the nearby clinic for treatment.
“Are you alright, Kaoru-dono?”
“Oh Kenny, that man was so big and scary! He was mean, too!” The little girl cried into the samurai's gi. He continued to rub the little girl's back in an effort to calm her, an overwhelming need to kill whoever attacked the dojo burning in his soul. What kind of monster would scare a wonderful child like this? Never had he felt the need to kill someone as he did whoever scared little Kaoru right now.
“It's alright now, Kaoru-dono.” Kenshin soothed the little girl while he glared over little Kaoru's head at Kenji who was looking at his young parents slyly.
Was it written on his forehead in kanji or something? “What? Why are you glaring at me like that?”
“Stop thinking bad thoughts, Kenji-chan.”
“How can you be so sure I was thinking about bad thoughts, Kenshin?”
“You had that look on your face.”
“What look?” He asked, a very innocent look currently on said face. He loved seeing his parents like this… as children. He felt like he had a hand in getting them together somehow, and he could see that his father was already starting to or already felt very protective and possessive with regards to his mother.
“That look you have when you're thinking of something bad,” was the simple reply. Kenji tried to deny it, but both of them knew or had an inkling of what the teenager was thinking. Deny everything…
Kenji still denied it though. “I don't know what you're talking about, Kenshin.”
The Battoussai sighed. I'm never going to win an argument against him, spoiled brat. “I guess we won't be having tofu for dinner tonight,” He changed topics. It was still raining outside and he didn't want to risk going into town and catching a cold just for some tofu. “What do you say we make extra special riceballs tonight, Kaoru-dono?”
“Can we make some with bunny ears and whiskers?”
“Absolutely.” Kenji snickered in the far corner of the dojo, as he continued putting the bokkens back in their racks. Ah… young love…
What's this? Kenshin stared blankly at the jug in front of him. “It's saké,” Kenji told him.
The Battoussai blinked and his forehead wrinkled. “I know what it is. I grew up with shishou, remember? What are you doing with it, Kenji-chan?”
“Ano… you drink saké, Kenshin.” Kenji had an extremely patronizing voice, mischief twinkling in his eyes.
Kenshin wanted to bang his head on something hard; It's as if Kenji-chan always deliberately misunderstands everything I say... “I know that, Kenji-chan. What I meant was why do you have it? Where did you get it? Why are you holding it?”
Kenji waved his questions away. “Kamiya-sensei handed it over to me when he returned.”
“One of the students' parents sell saké for a living. They gave me a jug when I dropped their son off.” Finished Koshijiro as he appeared beside Kenji. “One of the benefits of having your students love you and the added bonus of having generous parents of those students. Care for a quick round, Himura-san?”
“You're on, Kamiya-sensei!” Kenji replied enthusiastically as he sat down comfortably, tucking his legs underneath him and waited.
“Can your brother hold liquor?”
“Yes he can, sensei. We grew up with a man who loves his saké,” They were both thinking about Seijuro Hiko XIII. And boy, did he love his saké… Both Himuras thought.
“Well now,” Koshijiro took out three small flat cups from the cupboard and poured a generous amount into each one as they settled themselves comfortably. “They say that when a man drinks saké and it tastes sweet, that man is content.” He looked intently over his sake cup at Kenshin. “If it's bitter, then they say that there is something lacking in that man's life.” He took a sip of his cup and motioned for the two redheads to do the same.
Kenshin looked a little hesitant to drink from his cup, but Kenji drowned the contents in one gulp. It's only an old wife's tale, but why do I hesitate to drink saké after hearing that…?
“What's wrong Kenshin?”
“Nothing,” he quietly replied and sipped his saké. He blinked.
“Well? Is it sweet or is it bitter?”
“It's…” Kenshin blinked, “… sweet.”
Koshijiro poured more of the liquid into the empty cup of Kenji's and chuckled. “Feh Kenshin, don't read into this old man's story so much. Truly enjoyable Saké with a clean flavor results from a balance and harmony between the sugar and naturally-occurring acids. There's no truth behind that sweet and sour story.”
Kenji lowered and raised his head in agreement, but Kenshin smiled inwardly.
The saké was sweet. And that was that.
Oro-ness and all that jazz: Oh crap… heh, I lost my train of thought, I swear I had something to say here, but I broke into a chorus of Kono Sekai no Katasumi de and all I could think about is that special I saw about 50 Cent today. O.o :coughs, embarrassed: yeah, that 50 Cent man… he should stop talking trash about his fellow rappers before he ends up like Tupac. :knocks on wood:
Ah yes… I figured Kenji and Kenshin should be leaving Tokyo soon and get their sexy butts :must not think hentai thoughts about Kenshin: to Otsu. :P