Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ ��: Boy meets dad :�� ❯ Fireflies Forever ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“What makes you happy, Kenshin?” Kenji's words were a bit slurred. Koshijiro had passed out from too much saké several minutes ago and was now comfortably snoozing, laying down spread eagle on the floor.
Himura the Battoussai pondered the question. What makes me happy? I don't think I've ever been asked that question before. An image of a little girl's sweet and innocent smile flitted through his mind but he pushed it aside, not ready to think about it yet.
What makes me happy? He looked at the young man seated across of him. During the days they've spent together, the Hitokiri Battoussai felt calmness in his soul unlike anything he has ever felt before. A feeling of being home. A sense of belonging. Of caring for someone, caring for his kin. The boy from the future had taught him things and introduced him to things that he thought he didn't have a right to see or feel before.
What makes me happy? I think the real question is do I deserve to be happy?
“You know I left shishou to become a hitokiri, truly believing that I could use my sword to bring about a new era. But… it seems like no matter how many I kill, Japan gets no closer to achieving peace.” Kenshin's purple eyes met a semi-sober darker shade across the table. “Knowing you, Kenji-chan, has shown me what happiness and what protecting someone means. I realize that I may be different from what you are used to, but I promise that even if I can't protect everyone or make everyone happy right now, someday, somehow, when the hitokiri battoussai is no longer needed, I will find a way to do it without killing in order to atone for all the lives I have destroyed.”
Despite the fuzzy state of his brain, it registered on Kenji that what his father was saying was important. He sat up straighter and listened intently.
“I would wish for you to stay in this time, Kenji-chan. I will admit that I enjoy your company very much. You have given me so much and not expected anything in return. It would make me happy to be able to make up whatever wrongs I have committed to you in the future, that I would.”
I never thought I'd hear you say those words, father. Kenji smiled at Kenshin. “You already have, I think. This has been the happiest time of my life, Kenshin. I… I never thought I'd get to experience this. If I were to die tomorrow, I would die a happy man… father.”
“Don't say that Kenji-chan. You will not die as long as I live.” Kenshin said vehemently and totally meant it. Over his dead body was anyone going to lay one hand on any of his family. He didn't like Kenji talking like that, even if he was only joking.
“Did I ever tell you you're too serious for your own good, Kenshin?”
Both father and son smiled at each other.
“You know, we'd have to leave soon. Someone might look for us in Otsu and think we're dead or missing if they don't find us there.”
Kenji sighed. “I know. I knew this,” he indicated at Koshijiro who was still snoring softly on the floor, “was too good to last.” His eyes filled with sadness, but he knew that he was going to see them again someday, probably, his grandfather and mother… “Sometimes, I look at them and imagine just living here forever, without the war… being happy. It's been weird.” He fixed his unwavering stare at the now empty saké jug on the table. “Most of the people I know who are older than me in my time are younger than me now. I know them, but they don't know me. They look so young, almost carefree even in this time of war, compared to how I knew them before… or er… will know them… Bah, you know what I mean!” His thoughts drifted back to the people at the Aoiya back in Kyoto. Aoshi-sama was already an ice block as a teen, but his shoulders weren't bearing the weight he was in Kenji's time yet. The chip on his shoulder wasn't there yet. “Some of them,” he said, thinking about Saitoh, “aren't even my friends yet.”
“I'm sure everything is going to turn out fine.”
Kenji sighed. “Yeah, I hope so too. If I had the power to stop time, I would. I would stay here forever, just the four of us in this dojo.”
Crickets chirped and the wind rustled among the trees. Kenji's eyes were getting heavier and heavier as the effects of the alcohol in the saké took root in his system. He was beginning to think that it was unfair how some people like Kenshin or especially Hiko-sama could drink more than him, but not display symptoms of being drunk.
He didn't offer any protest as Kenshin assisted him back to their room after the hitokiri dropped Kamiya-sensei in his room. Kenji was as cooperative as a rag doll as Kenshin dressed him in a sleeping yukata and gently tucked him into bed like a three-year old. He fell asleep the minute his head hit the pillow.
“I shall protect your happiness, my son.”
“I'm coming! Hold on Miss Kaoru!”
“Almost there, Kaoru-dono.”
“Hurry up!!! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!!!”
“What's with all the racket?” Koshijiro asked to no one in particular when he opened his door and tried to rub his hang-over away. He had very low tolerance for alcohol, which was why he didn't often indulge himself in alcoholic drinks.
“Kenshin?” Kenji inquired as he opened his shoji door to investigate the commotion.
“Hold on Kaoru-dono!”
“Mou! Hurry up!!!”
Curiosity piqued, Kenji followed the loud noises to their source. “It's too early in the morning to be this perky.” He muttered under his breath. He didn't wake up on the right side of the futon today, he had a minor headache from the saké last night and his eyes refused to cooperate this morning. They were still half-closed and bloodshot from his indulgence last night.
“Huuuuuuuuury Kenny!!!”
“Hai, Kaoru-dono, just a few more okay?”
Kenji wondered what his young parents were up to so early in the morning. Heck, I wonder how Kenshin manages to shake off the effects of alcohol overnight. He figured that his low tolerance for alcohol must have come from his mother's side, he always saw double after just a few rounds. He noticed that Koshijiro seemed to be cursed with the same affliction when the guy began his journey to Dreamland early.
Rubbing his eyes and yawning, Kenji finally found the cause of all the loud noise so early in the morning. He stood beside Koshijiro and blinked owlishly at the sight.
Kenshin was invoking an interesting use of his god-like speed, trying to pacify an irate-looking Kaoru. He was lugging buckets of water from the well to the bathhouse over the critical eye of the little girl who was holding her trusty bokken, looking like she was poised to strike any minute now. She kept telling her Kenny to hurry and `Kenny' was indeed hurrying, looking like a whole battalion of Shinsengumi assassins were hot on his tail.
Koshijiro looked downright impressed at Kenshin's show of uncanny speed, he stood there with his mouth gaping open and his eyes were two sizes larger.
If their mentor could see them now, see Kenshin use these sacred teachings of his to pacify a little girl… Kenji collapsed on the dojo floor in a fit of hysterics.
“Hurry up, Kenny!” Demanded little Kaoru again, her hands now fisted and placed on either sides of her waist.
“Almost done, Kaoru-dono. Just one more and…” He disappeared twice more into the bathhouse.
When the little girl was finally satisfied with the amount of water that was prepared for her bath, the Battoussai dutifully stroked the fires to the bathhouse, heating the little girl's bath up. When he was satisfied with the temperature, and no more complaints were heard from the bossy little girl, he walked over to where his son had broken down and was still laughing, and glared at him.
Kenji wiped away the tears from his eyes. “Slaving away so early in the morning, Kenshin? I didn't think you could use your speed for lugging buckets of water. How come I never thought about that.” He collapsed into another fit of hysterics, clutching his sides that were starting to hurt from laughing.
“I woke up a little later than normal and Kaoru-dono was miffed that her bath wasn't ready for her as soon as she woke up.” Came the curt reply.
Koshijiro visibly blushed. “I apologize, Himura-san. My daughter can be such the little princess at times. I take full responsibility for spoiling her.”
“Non-sense Kamiya-sensei. Kenshin's been spoiling her in this past week more than you probably have these past couple of years, that's why she walks all over him. I think my little brother enjoys giving little Kaoru the attention, too. My brother has taken a fancy to her as well.” Kenji wiggled his brows suggestively at Kenshin, but thankfully, in Kenshin's opinion, Koshijiro didn't seem to notice.
Kenshin continued to glare at his son, who was acting oblivious to his reaction, while he growled low at the back of his throat. It wasn't his fault that little Kaoru had taken to bossing him around! Somehow, the little girl had developed an attachment to him and being the bossy little cherub that she was, ordered him around as she pleased. The feared Hitokiri Battoussai figured that he only had two choices whenever those baby blue eyes turned their attention to him. One - he could do whatever she wanted him to do without any questions or complaints. Or two - he could do whatever she wanted him to do without any questions or complaints. The teachings of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style were just no match for a pair of angelic baby blue eyes.
“It's no trouble at all, Kamiya-sensei,” Kenshin said after glaring once more at Kenji whose shoulders were still shaking in mirth. It's not that funny! He couldn't figure out what the other redhead had found so funny. “Breakfast is ready. If you're hungry you can go ahead and eat, I'll wait until Kaoru-dono finishes her bath so we can eat together.” He thought how little Kaoru always smelled like jasmines and guessed that it must be the soap she uses.
“Are you still going to see the fireflies tonight?”
“Yes, I think Kaoru-dono is really looking forward to that.”
“I believe they are called Wishing Fireflies.” Kenji told his younger companions. He knew the legend of these wishing fireflies as he grew up in this town. “It's said that if you make a wish and your heart is pure, the fireflies will grant that wish.” He told the little girl who was sitting on top of Kenshin's shoulder.
Various glowing fireflies flew around them, providing light in the darkness of the night. Little Kaoru kept reaching tiny fingers towards the fireflies; it was as if she wanted to capture them. Kenshin was listening to their talk quietly; he was his usual quiet and observant self. Koshijiro was left at the dojo. Their sensei thought that he was too old to look at the fireflies and shooed the Himuras away upon seeing his daughter's enthusiasm.
Little Kaoru sat atop her Kenny's shoulders and looked at the tiny bugs emitting a pretty glow with wide eyes. “Anything I wish?”
Kenji nodded and smiled. “Anything.”
“I wish…” Little Kaoru tightened her hold on her Kenny's hair, “I wish that you and Kenny will never leave and stay with me and Papa forever.”
“Forever is a long time, isn't it?”
“Forever and ever, until I grow up and we can live happily ever after!” The little girl squealed and pounded her dangling legs on the Battoussai's chest.
Kenshin stilled the little girl's enthusiastic legs, afraid that she would fall off from too much excitement. “Maa maa Kaoru-dono.”
Kenji grinned at his young mother fondly. “Wishes have certain ways of being granted, Kaoru-chan. No matter how long it takes. Always remember that.”
FOREVER came a week later.
The two redheads bid Koshijiro goodbye with a heavy heart. Kenji had waited until Kenshin had tucked little Kaoru in for her midday nap before they quietly packed their things and said farewell to the Kasshin master who had grown close to both of them.
Koshijiro's eyes were full of sadness as he tried to convince the brothers to stay one last time. They were great swordsmen, mere children that shouldn't have to fight in a war. “Are you sure you don't want to stay here instead, Himura-san? There is always more room in the dojo for fellow samurai like you and your brother, especially for ones as talented as you are. You have been my best student so far,” he told Kenji once more.
It physically hurt Kenshin when he had to tuck the ebony-haired little girl into her little futon just a few minutes ago, quietly bidding her sleeping form goodbye for now. He too did not wish to leave, but he knew that they couldn't stay here for as long as they liked, they had duties to fulfill. He figured that Kenji's unnatural silence was an indication of how the other redhead was taking this forced separation from his grandfather and mother as well. He was unusually quiet, and his normally cheery lavender eyes were devoid of all emotion. He didn't like seeing Kenji-chan sad.
“I wish we could stay, Kamiya-sensei.” Kenshin told his future father-in-law quietly when his son remained silent. “But we have obligations to satisfy and promises to meet. Perhaps someday our paths will cross again.”
The Kamiya Kasshin master sighed. He had hoped to convince the brothers to stay, but he didn't want to force them to do anything they didn't want. “The Kamiya Dojo is always open for you and your brother, Kenshin. I wish I could make you stay, if not for this old man's sake then maybe for my daughter who seemed to have developed an attachment to you.” Koshijiro smiled. “But I understand. What kind of man are you if you cannot keep to your promise, ne?” His smile was a sad one, not quite reaching his eyes. His gaze focused on the two redheads who have become like the sons that he's never had. He truly wished that these two men whom he had deemed to be honorable would return someday. He dreaded having to face his precious daughter when she woke up and having to explain to her that that her Kenny had left.
Kenji broke out of his state of mental numbness long enough to give his grandfather a bone-crushing hug, one that the older man didn't expect but returned nonetheless.
The Battoussai had to turn his head away from the extreme emotion that was igniting the atmosphere around them.
“Take care of yourself sensei. And little Kaoru, too. I promise,” Kenji swallowed, willing the tears that threatened to form in his eyes away. “I promise that if we survive this war, we will do our best to return.” He blinked rapidly, clearing away the moisture in his eyes. He was not going to be weak in front of his father and grandfather. He was a Himura. He was strong.
“You do that and we'll have a party, ne? Maybe your brother won't be able to drink us under the table again,” Koshijiro joked.
Although they laughed, all three of them could tell that it was forced. None of them were too happy about the current situation, but they were manly men.
“Good luck.”
Kenshin and Kenji Himura bowed respectfully to Koshijiro Kamiya one last time before they turned away from the dojo and finally started their journey to Otsu.
Liner Notes: (lol, that's what the RK DVDs have) I felt sad that they had to leave, but I feel like they've lingered long enough already... and this fic's on its 16th chapter with no definite direction or purpose, maybe it's time to kill it, ne? :P