Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ A Fighter's Love ❯ The morning after departure ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Discalimer: Yet again, I dont own kenny Watsuki san does but mina is mine.

~ The next morning~

"Mmmn.. Morning Sano." Mina said yawning. She kissed Sanosuke's nose and went to get dressed in her Akebeko uniform. Sano opened his eyes just as her yukata dropped. He purred loudly and quickly got up to press his body against her.

"You're so beautiful." Sanosuke said kissing her neck. He heard her moan softly and he doubled his efforts.

"Sano-kun.. "Mina moaned softly, " I have to get dressed." She gasped as Sano ground his hips against hers. "I'm sorry but I do."

"Oh alright...but later, you're all mine..." Sanosuke whispered with a final grind of his hips. He quickly dressed as Mina fumbled with her obi.

"Um, Sano-kun?" Mina asked blushing.

"Yeah?" Sanosuke said slipping on his jacket.

"Can you help me?" Mina said pointing to her apron.

"Of course." Sano said walking over and tied her knot. "Ready to go?"

~ Later that day~

"Of all the lousy... THAT SELFISH BASTARD." SAno yelled, "HE LEFT WITH OUT SAYING A GOD DAMN WORD!" he cried smashing his table, dishes and all.

"Sano please! Don't wreck the furniture!" Tae yelled.

“Sano-kun, please calm down…” Mina said trying to put a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m going to Kyoto too!!!! And I’m not coming back till I’ve belted him!!!!” Sano yelled a he left.

“Please, Miss Tae, take the table and dishes out of my pay check.” Mina said bowing. She then took off after Sanosuke. “Sano-kun!” Mina cried. She had lost him in the crowd of people on the busy street. Mina knew, however, exactly whom Sano went to for money. “Katsu-san.” Mina said softly as she ran to the artist’s home.

Once she arrived, Mina heard the men talking inside. “Don’t worry, they’re just for protection.” She heard Katsu say. Suddenly the door flew open ad Sano walked straight into Mina. The young waitress fell backwards.

“Mi-kun, what are you doing here?” Sanosuke asked as he helped her up.

“Sano, please tell me you wont go to Kyoto.” Mina asked pleadingly.

“I’m going and that’s final. No changing my mind.” Sanosuke said. Mina looked at him sadly.

“SANO! I’ve been looking for you!” Yahiko called as he ran up. “I can’t help Karou, she won’t budge.”

“Yahiko, you’ve been followed.” Sanosuke said darkly. He narrowed his eyes as Mina and Yahiko looked up. There, Hajime Saitou was leaning up against a wall.

"You..." Mina said softly, her voice full of hate for the man standing mere feet from her. She stepped in front of Sanosuke defensively. (A/n gonna skip some dialogue and go right to the violence, Yay violence.) Mina gasped as Sano swung at Saitou. She watched in horror as Saitou punched Sanosuke's injured shoulder and he began to bleed heavily. When he stepped on the wound, however, is when Mina really lost it. "You bastard!!" she cried. She reached into her obi and wrapped her fingers around a kunai knife.

"I'm not afraid to strike a woman, Mina Ukuzoma." Saitou said coldly.

"No shit. You’re a wolf of mibu, you aren't afraid to strike anyone. I, however, am not afraid to kick your ass." Mina said as she raised her kunai in a defensive stance.

"M-Mina...don't." Sanosuke said standing up. Mina jumped in front of Sanosuke to defend him.

"I won't let you touch him again!" She spat defiantly to Saitou. Sanosuke moved her aside and continued his fight. Mina soon found herself restrained my Katsu. She struggled against her arms. "Dammit SAno..." she said quietly. She continued to watch in horror as Sanosuke was beaten. When Saitou left, Katsu released her arms and she ran to Sanosuke's side.

"I'll treat my wounds on the way." He said getting up and gingerly brushing off.

"I will follow you soon Sanosuke. "Mina said as they began walking away to the Akebeko. "There is a restaurant, my friend Misao's family owns," Mina began, "called the Aoi-Ya. I will be there. I will leave in two days time." She finished as tears lined her eyes. Sano gently wiped her eyes with the calloused fingers she loved so much and her hand limply clung to his. He bent to kiss her deeply.

"I'll find it Mina." Sano said as he kissed her again. "Ai shit'ru Mina." Sanosuke said as he walked away.

"AI SHIT'RU SANOSUKE SAGARA!" Mina cried as silent tears streaked down her cheeks. She walked into the Akebeko and walked up to Miss Tae. “Miss Tae, I will be leaving in two days’ for Kyoto.” Tae nodded and gave her, her full paycheck. “But…the table…”

“It’s ok Mina. I wont take out the table and dishes. Go and get packing and I will see you when you get back from Kyoto.”

“Yes ma’am.”

* * *

Two days later Mina bade Karou and Yahiko good-bye. They would be leaving by boat for Kyoto the next day. Mina set off towards the train station. Throughout her ride Mina stared pensively out the window. “Sano…” she whispered as a stray tear slipped from her eye. She quickly wiped it away and wrote in the little diary she brought with her.

* * *