Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Anata no tame ni ❯ Do You Really Need Me? ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa…. As you have know... this is my new Fanfic ^__^ Titled: Anata no tame ni... For the sake of you. Well... something like that... Well... I still cannot confirm whether this is a KxK ficcy... Soujirou would be in this ficcy too.. so it would be.. KenxKaoxSou The choice is up to me reviewers ^__^ the more vote for which couple... the couple will win at the last... ^__^>

Anata No Tame Ni

Chapter 5: Do You Really Need Me

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Previous: --

"Looks like Tenken and Tanuki are getting on your nerves na..." Saitou smirked earning a death glare from Kenshin.

"It is not of your concerns anyway Saitou." Glints of amber lit in Kenshin's depth.

"You are not concentrating... get out of my office and find some more clues. After you feel like listening to my plans then come back."

"Saitou... I'm not your subordinates... watch how you talk around me..." With that Kenshin was off. He was more than happy to be out of the wolf's den.

'Now to look for Kaoru... she has some explanation to make...'

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"Okay... all change and done. Dry and comfy." Kaoru said as she tightened her hakama ties. Her light smile dropped into a frown when she remembered what happened earlier. Kenshin didn't even talked to her after she finished bandaging Sano. Nothing. Not a single word. Was he angry? Like the time she met him at Hiko's house. When she called out his name. He didn't turned around. She heart crumbled when he didn't look back again this time. 'Nothing' Kaoru said that. Nothing... nothing at all. And she herself walked away. Away from Kenshin.

Did Kenshin really think that she would be in his way? Did he really think so little of her? And after all this year she thought he knew her the best. She gave a sigh. Maybe she was wrong... very wrong.

'I wonder what Sou chan is doing now.' Kaoru thought as she took her bokken along with her. Come to think about it... Soujirou had been invading her mind this few days. What did it meant? She like her company would be an understatement. She loves it. The way he cheers her up... the way he expresses his care for her. She loves it. What did all this really meant? She couldn't figure out much. Could I have... fallen...

"Kenshin!" Kaoru jerked into an abrupt stop when she opened the door to encounter amethyst eye right away. Anything on her mind had been forgotten momentarily. Kenshin blinked a few times.

"Gomen. Was I intruding your privacy?" Kenshin asked as polite as ever. Kaoru quickly shook her head.

"No! No! I was just preparing to go check Sano out and look for Sou chan maybe." Kaoru answered. Kenshin's features darken when he heard her what she just said.

"Sou ka... I would want to check on Sanosuke too. Mind if we walk together?" Kenshin asked averting her eyes. Kaoru gave a slow nod and went off with him. In another corner, Soujirou's blue eyes followed the pair that disappeared at the next turning point. He ran a hand through his hair and sigh.


~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~*~* ~**~

"BUSU!" Yahiko ran forward and hugged the older sister who he had missed all these days. Kaoru giggled at the young boy.

"Miss me already?" Kaoru asked as she look up from Sanosuke's bandages.

"Me? Miss BUSU?? You have your heads in the clouds for too long busu." Yahiko said bodly as he released her.

"Myojin Yahiko! Come back here and give me 500 down strokes NOW!" Kaoru shouted as she ran after her annoying yet close disciple. Of couse... not soon... Kaoru caught up and beat the crap out of him.

"One! Two! Three! Four! Five!...." Yahiko grumbled while bringing down his bokken.

"See if you want to call me busu again you Gaki!" Kaoru steamed as she sat down at the porch. She didn't know when but Soujirou just appeared at her side.

"Kao chan... how are you feeling now?" Kaoru gave a startled jump but she kept her composure.

"I'm fine Sou chan... where were you today? I couldn't find you anywhere..." Kaoru asked with a pout. Soujirou just smiled.

"You... you aren't planning to leave are you?" Kaoru asked again... with a... sad expression on her face. Soujirou didn't know why... but the usual mask wouldn't slit back no matter how hard he tried. For the first time... he frowned in front of Kaoru.

'Leave?' Soujirou thought again and again... It looks like a good idea. He brought Kaoru to her Kenshin. His task of helping her was over and done. Why was he still here? He didn't know what he felt... but... he didn't want to leave Kaoru just yet... not now... not ever.

'Boku wa rurouni... my quest... my journey isn't over just yet... I am suppose to repent for my past mistakes not to fall in love with someone who still have feelings for Himura san...' Sourjirou's eyes widen at the word he had just used.

'Love?' Soujirou thought. He looked up at Kaoru who was currently looking at the ground. His eyes lit up into a brighter blue. A small smile creep onto his face. He had fallen in love with the girl... no the woman in front of him... he didn't know when... but during these few days... he felt happy... he felt cared... and to tell the truth... he didn't want to end it...

'I love Kaoru...' Soujirou mused again. For once he had been truthful to himself.

"You are aren't you?" Kaoru continuing looking at the ground as she spoke.

"You are going to leave like what Kenshin did when he went to Kyoto aren't you?" Kaoru's voice trembled a little. Just when she had found someone who she could rely on... that person had to go.

"Kaoru?" Before Soujirou could say anything else Kaoru shouted back.

"And you are going to say that because you are a rurouni, because of the past sins you made, you have to go through the journey to help others as much as you can and you won't forgive yourself just like some other baka rurouni I know! Why can't the both of you understand anything! WHY CAN'T THE BOTH OF YOU UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL!!" Kaoru shouted as she shut her eyes tight.

"Kaoru... dono..." Kaoru snapped open her eyes. To find Kenshin standing behind Soujirou.

"Himura san..." Soujirou couldn't believe how fast everything happened. Kaoru started to run away. Before he could get up and chase after her, Kenshin was already on his way. Soujirou thought of what Kaoru just said.

'And you are going to say that because you are a rurouni, because of the past sins you made, you have to go through the journey to help others as much as you can and you won't forgive yourself just like some other baka rurouni I know! Why can't the both of you understand anything! WHY CAN'T THE BOTH OF YOU UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL!!' Soujirou thought it over and over again... how did Kaoru really felt when someone tells her that he was leaving for some journey... how would she feel. Soujirou thought. Sad? Disappointed? Lonely?

Soujirou jerked his head to the direction Kaoru ran.

'She had been alone... always alone... just like me. She like me... craved for someone to understand her... to love her... to be there for her... To her... Himura san and me... are the ones she needs to fill her empty heart... but she needs only one... either Himura san... or me... Can I be the one?' Soujirou thought. Without hesitation he sped the path where Kenshin and Kaoru had took off too.

'She loves Himura san... but I know... I have a small place in her heart... I'll work my way up there and let her notice me... that is what I'm going to do!' Soujirou smiled a genuine smile. He wasn't going to lose to Kenshin... not again.


Kaoru didn't even know where she was running. She just wanted to be alone. The obtruding sharp branch cut her face. But she continuing running. Her clothes was being torn at her sleeves and hakame. She still continue to run. Running paces were heard behind her. Why can they just leave her alone?

Kenshin was amazed at how fast Kaoru could run. Maybe she was right... Kenshin didn't really give her the space she needed to show off what she knew and learnt. Kenshin quickened his footstep. In no time He caught up with her, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him.

Kaoru was shocked at what Kenshin had done. For a moment she thought that Soujirou would be the one chasing after her. But instead... it was Kenshin. It wasn't as if she was complaining... but it was suddenly strange at how Kenshin reacted. She wasn't going to give in. She wanted to be ALONE.

"Let go of me!" Kaoru struggled in Kenshin's tight embrace. But instead of making it loose it seems to have tightened a little bit more.

"I said let go of me! Stop bothering about me if you are going to leave again! Stop caring about me!" Kaoru started hitting his chest to demand for release.

"Kaoru... please..." Kenshin started. Kenshin didn't even know he dropped the -dono. That got Kaoru's vital attention. Kaoru freezes in her mid actions and felt warm hands cupping her chin forcing her to look up. Her hands went limp at her side. Kaoru saw amber swirling eyes than purple ones. But she wasn't afraid... and for some reason... she felt... hot.

"Ken... shin." A flick of amusement flashed through Kenshin's amber eyes. One of his arms snaked their way to her waist and another held her face in position.

"Your eyes... are beautiful... Kaoru..." Kenshin complimented her just like the way Soujirou did... but it was much more intense. The way Kenshin's mouth curved into a feral smile. It made Kaoru blushed to the roots of her hair. Kenshin leaned his face forward until their nose touched and their lips an inch away. Kenshin hot breath fell on her skin. She shuddered at the contact. His lips brush at the surface of her lips.

"What you have asked of me... is impossible for me to fulfill..." Kenshin stated.

"I want to protect you... I need to protect you... because... you are the one who understands me the best and you are also the one who have opened up my heart and let me love again..." Kenshin continued. Kaoru was stunned when Kenshin had done the impossible. He kissed her! Not a long one but a small tease brush.

'My first kiss...'

"Protect me....?" Kaoru asked again... finally relaxing into his hug.

"I want to protect you from a lot of people."

'Namely Seta Soujirou' Battousai thought as he stroke her cheek.

'You have to STOP it! You are not worthy of Kaoru dono'

'Shut up! Kaoru loves us! You idiot! If you aren't acting anymore... That smiley freak is going to take over our place in her heart!'

'.... But still Kaoru has the right to choose! And you are taking advantage of her!'

'I am NOT! I'm taking back what's rightfully mine!'

"Kenshin? You okay?" Kaoru asked as she touched his scarred cheek. Kenshin hadn't been paying attention to Kaoru since his small argument with the rurouni... Kenshin looked up. Kaoru gave a surprise gasp. Instead of the amber she was expecting, violet took their place. Warmth immediately left her body when Kenshin let go of her.

"Sessha is sorry for what has happen... de gozaru... Kaoru... dono..." Kenshin apologize. Kaoru just stood there in stupor. She couldn't believe her ears. At one moment... he was telling her how her eyes suited her and sorts... he even kissed her... and now he was apologizing for what has happen?

"Sometimes I think that I would like Battousai more than the Rurouni that I know now..." Kaoru muttered under her breath as she walked pass him. Kenshin just stared at the empty space in front of him... Kaoru had long left... Nothing was there... Only him... and the silence.


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… SEE!! I promise of KxK waff... and Kenshin is acting like a jerk in the end... GOMEN *dodges all thrown objects from KxK fan... namely... my imouto chan ~ Deedra chan* I hope this chappie is good for KxK fans... For SxK... don't worry.. Sou chan's time will come.. ^__~ I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS STORY!! Remember to vote for your FAVE couples and R&R!!!!

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

marstanuki, Okita, Nikka, Fabi-chan, SakuraCherryBlossom, Fujiwarano Sai, Laie Himura de Fanel, Phoe-chan, Madam Spooky, LittleDragon5, stillbornangel (How intense do you want the relationship to go??) Val, Kriska, princezz kaoru, Isis 13, ( ), Icegal, hisaki shiraha kei, Shizuka, Itachi-chan, Skipper, Sabrina-star, Tuesday Rain, Yume Kuroi (Arigatou) , Selph, rk23 & Moonwind