Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Anata no tame ni ❯ Tension ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 17 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa…. As you have know... this is my new Fanfic ^__^ Titled: Anata no tame ni... For the sake of you. Well... something like that... Well... I still cannot confirm whether this is a KxK ficcy... Soujirou would be in this ficcy too.. so it would be.. KenxKaoxSou The choice is up to u reviewers ^__^ the more vote for which couple... the couple will win at the last... ^__^>

Anata No Tame Ni

Chapter 7: Tension

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Previous: --

"Kenshin! Kenshin! Answer me!" Kaoru frantically searching for a sigh of answer. Kenshin groaned at the pain he was receiving. Being bombed wasn't such a nice thing after all. He had underestimated them.

"I'm... fine..." Kenshin managed to open his eyes to find concern sapphire eyes looking straight at him. He smiled ruefully. His hand went up to wipe away her tears that had been raining on his face and hands.

"Gomen..." Kenshin whispered. Kaoru was shouting at him. He could hear nothing... he could only piece up a single word. It was her little nick of him sometimes. It looks like he was one.

"It seems that I only know how to make you cry..." With that darkness consumed his whole body.

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"Kenshin no baka! What did you do! Baka! Don't close your eyes! Baka!!! KENSHIN!!! BAKA!!!"

Kaoru jerked up from her sleep and looked at the sleeping Kenshin. The doctor had managed to patch him back. But he would need plenty of rest. He had once again brace through the embers of hell. Megumi had once told her that if the same things happen... Kenshin might die. The though of that lecture and the contents send shivers to her. She didn't like the idea of the rurouni being dead. She knew she couldn't live without her knowing he's alive... somewhere. Even if he really was going to leave her... she wanted him to go in one whole piece... not crippled not injured. She brushed a few red strands away from his face.

Kaoru hadn't been sleeping since the day Kenshin came back being bathed in his own blood. Nor had she been eating. She took the small rectangular shaped towel from his forehead and re-washed it in the bucket beside her. After that she squeeze the water out of it and place it back on his temple again. It has been a daily ritual since then. A slight knock was heard and a shadowed towered over her soon enough.

"Jou-chan... You should go rest or even eat." The respond he got was the shaking of her head.

"Still being stubborn Kaoru?" Sanosuke tried teasing. But then again... instead of her reaching for something to hit him with, she sat there as if he said nothing.

"Jou-chan..." Sanosuke tried once more.

"Onegai... let me at least do something for Kenshin... every time when such things happen... I am not there... I feel so useless... please... let me take care of him now... Onegai..." Kaoru pleaded softly. He gave a sighed and exited the room. He could feel pure sorrow radiating out of her. She shouldn't be... she should be happy... that's the missy he know.

'It must have been hard for her...'


"Hey! Kenshin! Could somebody feed me with the information of where we are heading to right now?" Silence met his question. Saitou and Kenshin continued the dark journey where only the moon's shine gave them the light to see. Sanosuke could sense that Kenshin was acting real strange as he wasn't talking much and when he did talk he meant business. Sanosuke could have sworn that Kenshin's violet hue held an amber tint. That only meant one thing. Something or someone really pissed Kenshin off. And that one thing meant the whole world to him. Battousai felt threatened and he is resurfacing.

"Hello??" Sanosuke tried again. Both Kenshin and Saitou came to an abrupt halt as their hands went to the hilt of the swords.

"Sano... we would appreciate it if you would keep quiet for the moment as we have company." Then both of them drew their katana out and gave the nearest tree a clean cut. Two shadows dropped down from the tree. Saitou got to one of them before he could have time to escape form him.

"Who are you? Who told you to come? Where do you come from?" The instincts of the wolf came immediately. This was the only clue they got. Saitou tightened his hold on the man who was trembling behind the sharp edge of the katana.

"I-" Before he could answer the wolf's answer, an arrow cut through the air and went right through the back of his head. Saitou grimaced as he threw the body to the ground. Kenshin was already on the run.

"Kenshin!!" Sanosuke called out to him, but to no prevail Kenshin kept running. He looked at Saitou who only gave the disappearing Kenshin a disapproved sight. They looked at each other and the first time agreed at one thing for once. They ran after Kenshin.

Kenshin heard the commotion behind him, ignoring the cries of his friend and his sworn enemy... he decided to take things in his own hand. For tonight... he wanted to be alone. He needed to be... after seeing his love being carried by one who he had once saved before. He wasn't paying attention to his surrounding. Suddenly, a deafening boom was heard. He stopped, eyes widen as he saw it coming for him. He ran back and cried to Sanosuke and Saitou.

"Get back! They brought a cannon along! Don't come any nearer!!" Those were the last words Kenshin yelled when the impact of the blow hit the tree just beside him. He held his arms in front of his face to avoid any injuries to worsen his state. He flew. For how far, he didn't know. He felt his ribs cracked when he felt his side crashing on to the hard ground.

Kenshin groaned at the intense pain he was receiving. He could feel his own blood seeping out of the wounds he had.

'Damn....' Kenshin cursed as he breathing became haggard. He closed his eyes. An image of a worried Kaoru with tears shining in her sparkling blue eyes came into his mind. He knew, Kaoru would scold him badly. The first thing Kaoru would call him... definitely 'Kenshin-no-baka'. He smiled softly at the thought. He heard, Sanosuke shouting at his ear drums. He started yelling cusses at him. His sharp hearing, took in a familiar voice.

"Ahou..." With that, his world went from reality to darkness and darkness to reality again. He didn't know what was going on until he saw Kaoru's teary eyes and worried expression. He raised his hand until it touched her smooth skin.

"It seems that I only know how to make you cry..." Then he felt his hands went limp.


"Sag ara san!" Soujirou's tenor voice broke Sanosuke's virtual world and brought him back to reality. Sano looked at Soujirou annoyed.

"What do ya want?" Sanosuke still didn't like the idea of Kaoru being so near to him. He knew those intentions behind Soujirou's mask. He liked... no that would be an understatement. He loved Kaoru and he wants Kaoru to be his woman. Sanosuke read him too well even though he had his mask worn all the time.

"How's Kaoru? Has she been eating?" Soujirou asked in deep concern. Sanosuke looked away from him and ruffled his already messy hair.

"No... She hasn't... she's being to tied up with Kenshin being unconscious for three days already. She getting weaker from the lack of sleep plus she hasn't been eating well." Sano replied calmly.

"If you could talk to her, try and persuade her to eat something." Soujirou looked at the ex-gangster surprise by what he had said. He knew that Sanosuke didn't like him a bit since their encounter at Shishio's territory. Now, this Zanza has ask him to talk to Kaoru and try to persuade her to eat. Although, he would do it even without his approval, it was still a shock to know how low Sano was willing to go for Kaoru. His little missy.

"Yes... I will. I'll make sure she eats and rest from now on." Soujirou smiled at Sano as he walked away from him.

"I still dun like that kid." Sano muttered under his breath as he walked the direction he was working on.

"Damn... where was I going just now?"


"Kaoru... I'm coming in..." Soujirou announced softly as he slid open the shoji. He saw no movement coming from Kaoru. He sighed and without invitation he sat beside Kaoru.

"Kaoru... you've got to eat... at least drink some miso soup if you really have no appetite." Soujirou persuaded. Kaoru just shook her head.

"Kaoru... you are getting too stubborn for your own good... please, if not for yourself... then for me... at least have something to fill your tummy. And also... I'll take care of Himura san while you'll be sleeping." Soujirou could feel Kaoru tensed up all of a sudden. A sudden violent shaking of her head was seen. He didn't know why, but he felt sadness overwhelming his smiling features. His smile drooped. He frowned, unhappy about Kaoru's behavior about being too self-less.

"Himura san wouldn't like it if you get starve and not even trying to get a wink of sleep... You have to do it Kaoru..." Soujirou tried once more, but his voice was deeper. He saw Kaoru opening her mouth, but nothing came out. She closed them back.

"I... I don't want him to suffer alone..." Kaoru tried to argue back hoarsely. She didn't have the voice to yell at anyone anymore. She knew she was getting weaker by each seconds. But seeing Kenshin in this state won't make it any better even if she had the daily routine during her life in the dojo.

"You are not being reasonable Kaoru..." Soujirou reasoned seriously.

"Please... just let me be... I don't want anything... except the safety of Kenshin... I feel so damn useless. I can't do anything right... I can't help, can't even cook a decent meal. I can't even fight for him... I can't help him in his injuries... he has Megumi san doing it... can't help him in his fight, he just won't allow me. He got Sano, Yahiko... I feel so... so useless... all I can do is suffering with him. Let me do that at least!" Kaoru tried her best to raise her voice to show how annoyed she was by herself. How useless she felt about herself. How she wished for once, she was stronger... even to let Kenshin trust her, even to let Kenshin... respect her in a way. She hated herself, loath herself for being so weak. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms pulled her into a hug.

Her whole body stiffened at the contact. Soujirou's lips brushed through her forehead, eyelids and then to her nose.

"No... I won't let you suffer... not now, not tomorrow, not ever." Soujirou whispered fiercely in Kaoru's sensitive ears. Her blue eyes widen as tears sting them.

"Kaoru... you are not even hurting yourself only when you restrict yourself to such unseen barriers..." Soujirou lifted her hand and placed it over his beating heart. Kaoru stopped the tears as blood rush to her face.

"You hurt me here Kaoru... it hurts to see you so distressed... and the worst part is... I can't do anything to ease it... only you can." With that he hugged her even tighter.

"I can't lose to him anymore..." Soujirou said those words, which only confused Kaoru to no end. He pulled away from her to look in those eyes; he had fallen in love with. He neared the ever so inviting plump red lips. Just as he was about to touch them, a sudden jerk broke them apart. There he's eyes caught the sight of amber ones. Kaoru was once again in the embrace of another. Those narrow amber eyes glared at him so penetrating, Soujirou was not backing out anymore after confessing what he has to say. He returned the challenging glare.

"That is the furthest you will go Tenken... I won't allow you to go any much nearer than that..." Kenshin... no... Battousai growled at Soujirou. The tension between Battousai and Tenken only grew intensely. The both of them were intent to take the woman in between them as their one and only. No other man would ever touch her; it was only either the Battousai or Tenken, which will win at the end. None of them would let the other win that easily. They didn't even care if it was fair or not. Like what the olden people has stated...

All's fair in love and war... and that is what they intended to do.


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

HOW WAS THAT?? The official start of Battousai VS Soujirou for Kaoru... will Kaoru allow this to go on? Will she ever find out who she will love in the end?? Dun worry.. the pairings are not set yet.. so there is still time to VOTE!! For your favourite pairing to win in the end... a small review on who you like would be greatly appreciated.. ^__^x Hope you'll enjoy these chappie ne!! Arigatou for the reviews again!!! Love ya!

::BIG thanks to these people who have reviewed::

EK, mikky, Yume Kuroi, Phoe-chan, Kriska, Madam Spooky, Sabrina-star, princezz kaoru, Tuesday Rain, Val, Isis 13, bishoujo, Kyaa Kyaff, Selph, Eeva Leena, digital*girl, marstanuki, dewey, Icegal, Nikka, Aya Komiyama, Triton Bloom, Sakuracherryblossom, H.E.R, Shizuka, Moonwind, KoNEko,murai, Chineseskimos69


Review and make Kamimura Kaoru HAPPIE!!!!