Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Bonds From The Past ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: Once again, I do not own Rurouni Kenshin ::makes a sad face:: anyway, here's Chapter 2.
Kenshin sighed as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. He had just finished mopping the floors. Yahiko and Megumi were finished with their tasks as well, everyone being quite tired and hungry.
"Well, I think I'll go home now. I need to get some sleep soon. Being the slightest bit tired when you're a doctor is simply too risky. Tell Miss Karou bye for me. See you two tomorrow evening." She undid the threads holding up her kimono sleeves and walked out, waving before closing the cardboard thin doors.
Yahiko sat down on the floor Indian style, folding his arms across his chest and glaring ahead, "Where the heck is Karou? For crying out loud, I'm starving!!" His stomach made a grumbling noise and his eyes drooped a little from the day's work. "I sure hope she's ok. I wonder if something happened to her."
Before Kenshin could try to reassure the boy, the sliding door was pulled open and Karou stepped in, still holding the basket in both arms. "Miss Karou, you're back. We were all getting worried that we were." Kenshin told her, relieved.
Karou nodded slightly and walked forward, "I'm sorry if I worried you all." Her steps were slow and heavy, her voice soft. "Is everything all right?" His gentle eyes shone a bit of concern. "Of course Kenshin. I'm just a bit tired, is all." She replied, stopping in front of him.
She had intended to ask him about the strange man who had saved her, but she suddenly couldn't seem to bring up. After a few moments of debating, she decided to forget about it. "In that case, why don't you go rest and I'll make dinner tonight?" Kenshin asked. Karou thought to herself, How kind he is. "Are you sure Kenshin? You seem rather tired yourself." "Oh don't worry about me Miss Karou, I'm fine, that I am."
Karou smiled and handed him the basket of vegetables. "Ok then. That would be nice Kenshin, arigato." He closed his eyes and smiled warmly before opening them again to turn around and proceed to cook, despite his slight fatigue. This must be my lucky day after all. Yahiko thought, happy Karou wasn't going to be cooking. For once though, he made no rash comments about it…today anyway. Karou sighed and walked toward her room to rest until dinner.
In town, the sun had left and now the glowing milk-white moon took its place, hanging in the air like a Christmas ornament. The small dot-like stars looked more like little tiny candles in the dark blue sea above. Everything except the bars, gamblers, clubs, late-night workers and such were closed. Most were at home, sleeping already or relaxing at home.
However, one man still walked, his feet leading him down a long dirt path. His head was down, so his eyes were still blocked by his bangs. He clutched the sheath strapped to his left side, Kenshin.... I'm back again. It took me so long, but I'm back. I'm going to find you again. I won't give up, I swear. And then I'll take you back... As the moon show down, casting a pale shadow overhead, the stranger disappeared into the dark patch of trees leading to the forest, alone.
A/N: Well, what do ya think? Was this chapter any better? I sure hope so ::looks up with big, chibi puppy eyes:: Who the heck is that guy? And how does he know Kenshin? Do you wanna know that badly? ::Thinks:: oh well, you'll have to keep reading to find out. ::Grins:: Well, there's only one last thing for me to say….PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! I NEED THEM VERY BADLY!!! Just…like…air…. ::Gasps:: anyway, please do so. The more I get, the better I feel about this story. Well, adios! ::takes off again on motorcycle:: Whee!!!! :: crashes into building and falls back, swirly eyed:: eh….help….