Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Bonds From The Past ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
Disclaimer: For the third time now, I don't own Rurouni Kenshin. I get more depressed each time I say that -_- Oh well, here's Chapter 3, and the personality of the strange man will be revealed shortly, so don't worry. ^_^
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post Chapter 2 by the way, I was having some difficulties with uploading it. Hope to God that doesn't happen again, o.O and also, be sure to review after you're done! I don't care if it's short or long, just please…REVIEW!! Ok, I'm done now…
The next morning was just as cheery and normal as the one before hand. Kenshin cooked, Karou and Yahiko fought, Sano freeloaded…. The usual deal. Around lunchtime, after everyone was done working and such, they all decided that a trip to the Akabeko would be good.
Karou hurried along and cleaned up, coming out to a patiently waiting Kenshin, a fidgeting Sano and a grumbling Yahiko. She was dressed in her favorite yellow kimono, her hair up in pink ribbon. Miss Megumi and Doctor Genzi were both busy at the clinic that day and were unable to attend as well as Ayame and Suzumi, who were with them at the clinic of course.
The four walked along the partially crowded street, chattering happily about the hush of the small town. When they stepped in, one of the other waitresses they knew less well greeted them warmly Akabeko style. "Konnichiwa everyone, nice to have you all back. Follow me." She led them to a table near the back and had them seated. Kenshin gave her their usual order, which consisted of a beef pot accompanied by rice and tea.
After she left, Miss Tae walked by, holding a tray to her chest and stopped when she noticed them. "Well, look who's finally back. It's been a long time it seems. How's everyone doing?" The others smiled. "We're all fine Miss Tae. We haven't seen much of you lately either. How have you been?" Karou asked.
"Same as you. Guess everyone's just so giddy about nearly a whole month with no fights or anything of the sort." Yahiko grunted, "Who wouldn't be?" She smiled and knelt down near the table. When she glanced at the smiling redhead, she blinked and studied him hard, seemingly oddly confused. "Is something the matter Miss Tae?" Kenshin asked, immediately catching her intense gaze.
Tae blinked and pulled back a bit, "I'm sorry for doing that. Say Kenshin, you weren't by any chance here yesterday were you?" Everyone eyed her peculiarly. "No, Miss Tae, I was busy cleaning yesterday. Besides, I would never come here alone de gozaru." He answered, taken off a little by her question. "Hmm. I see. I could have sworn I saw you yesterday, but then I got a closer look and realized it wasn't you. Awfully close though." Kenshin blinked and his eyes widened a bit. "What kind of resemblences were they Miss Tae?" Yahiko asked before Kenshin could.
Miss Tae thought for a moment, remembering as much as she could, and spoke, "Well, he had red hair just like yours, only his was shorter and a much darker shade of red. The facial features were almost identical to yours Kenshin. But then I noticed he didn't have the cross shaped scar on his cheek like you do, that was really the only thing that kept me from calling him Kenshin. I couldn't tell what his eye color was since his bangs were blocking his eyes." She smiled, "I talked to him a little too, since he helped me discard of a couple of drunks. He looked like the serious type, but he had a good sense of humor. He seemed like a really nice man."
Kenshin did his famous "Oro?" after Miss Taes description of the man similar looking to the wandering swordsman. Yahiko could only summon up a "Huh?" of confusion, whereas Sano and Karou both thought a bit differently. It sounds just like the man who saved me yesterday from those rowdy street jerks. Red hair, identical facial features, what kind of connection could there be…?
Sanosukes thought was somewhat more different. Hmm... Another guy that looks like Kenshin but isn't Kenshin. His eyes widened as he thought back to yesterday. 'I think I played against him. Though I don't think his name was Kenshin. He was good, drained me to the last penny.'
Oh man, I guess Biche wasn't lying. There really is another guy out there like Kenshin, but who? The two young fighters went into deep thought, perhaps the serious look on their faces frightening the others a bit. "Is everything all right? I'm sorry if it worried you or something." Miss Tae said, the fresh silence worrying her. Sano and Karous concentration broke at the sound of her voice, and they noticed everyone was staring at them. Karou giggled nervously like a silly schoolgirl, a sweatdrop forming on her head,
"Oh yes Miss Tae, everything's fine, don't worry. We're just a bit surprised is all." She laughed again, Sano thinking of nothing better to do than smile weakly and nod his head in agreement. Kenshins dark brows knitted together as he thought, digesting Miss Taes information. As he played over her question in his mind, a faint image came, but not clear enough for Kenshin to say anything.
He seemed to scantily remember another red head, seeming only a few years older to Kenshins guess, and he was calling to him, holding his hand out. But the memory was too faint and dark. He gathered all the information he could think of until his head started to ache a bit, but had no such luck. Finally, he looked at Miss Tae and spoke softly, "I'm sorry Miss Tae, but I'm afraid I can't really seem to answer your description. I faintly remember someone else with red hair, but not enough to give a definite answer, that I do not." Miss Tae smiled, "That's ok Kenshin. No need to stress yourself over it. I'm sure it's not a big deal."
Kenshins lips lifted up in the corners forming a small smile, just above a smirk. Yahiko had already put the matter aside and now began to worry more about the food. Sano and Karou, however, could not give up on it so easily, but decided not to show everyone what they were thinking. Miss Tae looked over to the side, "Oh my, I better get back to work before too much time goes by. I'll talk to you all later." She rose to her feet, still clutching the tray, and hurried over to go on with her work.
Their meal arrived shortly after that, but the atmosphere was much more different than usual. Everyone was frighteningly quiet, despite the Kamiyakasshin youths loud chewing and swallowing. Sanosuke ate more heavily than either Karou or Kenshin, but still not quite as bad as his usual intake was. Probably because they were all simply too baffled by what they had been hearing lately.
One thing was for sure; the three were determined to discover whom this strange man was they had been informed about. After they were finally done, the 'family' paid their bill and initiated their travel back to the dojo.
Their quest back was just as silent as their meal. The four walked along side each other, oblivious to the noise surrounding them. Kenshin, noticing the intense look on Karous face, began to start gradually worrying, and finally questioned her about it, "Is everything ok Miss Karou? You're being awfully quiet, plus you look very serious about something."
Karou turned to him, an innocent gaze replacing her serious mediation. "Yes Kenshin, everything's ok, it's just…" He stared, waiting for an answer. "It was rather strange to hear that Miss Tae had seen a man like that, because I saw someone fitting her description yesterday on my way home." Everyone stopped and gazed at her.
"You actually saw someone like that yesterday Karou, and you didn't tell us?" Yahiko asked. Karou sighed, "Yeah, I did see someone. On my way home from getting the vegetables, a couple of street jerks tried to make moves on me, and some strange man showed up when one of them went to attack me. He knocked them all down with such ease. But I didn't have time to ask him anything." She looked up at Kenshin, "I had intended to ask you about it when I got back, but I suddenly couldn't seem to bring it up at the moment."
"Then after a while I figured I was just overreacting, though now I don't feel that way." The three men (A/N: I know Yahikos not a 'man' yet, but hey, I'm only human. Please don't hate me) were calm, neither knowing what to say. But then Sanosuke spoke up, "That seems even more stranger, cuz when I went gambling yesterday, one of my friends told me he had gambled with a red head who's name wasn't Kenshin." They gasped and turned to Sano now, even more puzzled by what was going on.
"Aw man, this is so weird. What the heck is going on around here?!" Yahiko asked, bewildered. Kenshin was silent, his soft violet eyes narrowing into concentration. Karou looked up, her instruments of vision full of firmness, "For now, I think all we can do is just simply not dwell on the subject for so much. If anything else happens, then I say we find out as much as we can about this man." The others nodded in agreement. "For once, you actually have a good idea Missy." Sano commented, smirking annoyingly.
Karous dark blue eyes enlarged, the pupils growing small, "Just what is that supposed to mean you lazy pathetic street bum?" The youth began to snap back at her, their argument catching some of the peoples attention as they went about their own business on the street. Yahiko began to laugh hard at the two, pointing as he did so. Kenshin beamed dimly, but it flickered away quickly as he noticed a figure.
It was off in the distance, watching them. The Rurounis eyes became a bit immense, and a small trickle of fear ran down his spine, but he couldn't study the figured silhouette long enough, for it had already set foot back into the shadows. A few slight strands of hair waving back at him as the stranger left once again, undiscovered.
A/N: A cliffhanger. I know, I'm horrible, but hey, we all gotta be evil once in a while. ::Smiles innocently:: I promise though, it all come out in the open real soon. You just gotta be wondering, "Who the hell is this guy?!" Oh well, if you REALLY wanna know, you're gonna have to keep reading, and like always, REVIEW!!!! Or I'll sick Saito on you… hehe ^-^