Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Bonds From The Past ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or it's characters. ::Turns to a tall dark man in a business suit:: There, I said it, can I have my slurpee now? ::man nods and hands her a tall, mixed slurpee:: Yay, sugary goodness! (Not to be confused with lemony goodness ^_^)::sips it:: hehe, anyway, on with the program! ^-^


"There's some guy here in town that looks just like Himura?" Misao asked after Karou told her the whole story. Megumi and Misao were both at the dojo visiting with Karou to chat the afternoon away while the guys went about their affair in town. Karou sipped her tea before nodding,

"Yes, it's very strange. It's been bothering all of us, especially Kenshin. Sano heard about him, I saw him for a brief second, and he came to the Akabeko one day and talked with Miss Tae." She looked down, "We just don't know what to do. We agreed yesterday to simply not harp on the matter, but I'm not so sure if that's such a good idea."

Misao and Megumi thought for a moment, silent. "If you ask me, I say you find out every little bit of information you can get on him." Misao suggested. "I think I have to agree with Misao on this one Karou. You've heard and saw too much to simply ignore the whole thing." agreed Megumi.

Karou bowed her head slightly. "Yes, I suppose you're right. I had better find out about this man, more for Kenshin than myself." She looked at Misao, "Would it be possible for you and the others to look for some information?" "Sure, no problem. I'll talk to Gramps about it right away." She smiled, happy Karou agreed with her.

Megumi smiled, "Well, then, how about we move on to more pleasant matters to talk about? After all we are supposed to be enjoying the afternoon off from those annoying animals that they dare to call men." Karou and Misao laughed with her. "Yeah, you're definitely right about that Miss Megumi." Karou said. Then Misao started to talk about some new moves she had mastered and the three went on gossiping.


In town, Sano, Aoshi, and Saito were all walking along the way. They just having finished lunch and talking about the same thing the girls were; the appearance and word of the man identical to Kenshin. Yahiko decided to go visit with Tsubame the rest of his spare time and Kenshin, being the kind man he is, offered to walk with him there and return to meet up with the rest of the guys.

"Are you sure you weren't drunk or something when you heard that ahou? It seems rather impossible to me." Saito asked, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. Sano's brows connected in an annoyed glare. "Yes, I'm sure my brain cells were functioning normally when I heard that wolf." Saito smirked, replying with a simple "Whatever" before taking a drag on his smoke.

Aoshi hummed as he thought after hearing Sano's explanation of the red head twin. Another, that resembles Himura. Who is it? And is he as strong or even ... stronger than the battousai? He turned to Sano, "What else did you hear about this man?" "Not much really. Just that he gambles, fairly well I might add, and he's a good fighter with a bit of a sense of humor. The rest you know." Sano answered, digging his hands into the pockets of his hakamas.

The three stopped talking about it then and walked on toward the trade center (A/N: They might not have had these back then, but I couldn't think of anywhere else for them to go.) hoping to find some interesting products. While observing the metal scrape pile of all the old objects, Kenshin showed up, his arms pulled inside his yakuta. "Konnichiwa, I am back now. Find anything interesting?" He asked, nodding at the scrape pile.

The three turned to look at the small Rurouni, "No, nothing interesting today. Anything good happen while you were with Yahiko?" Sano asked. He had been dying for a duel with someone, even a pathetic street bum if it be the only option. Kenshin shook his head, "No, not really. Just the same as it was yesterday that it was." The four great warriors carried on enjoying the afternoon, talking occasionally about all that had been going on.

Suddenly, Kenshin turned to look and see a young lady struggling with some food packages. The former hiroki informed his friends that he was going over to help the woman and rushed off to fulfill his duty. Once they were a bit farther ahead, maybe about 200 feet away, they heard a loud commotion and turned to see a couple of men being pushed around and threatened by another who was not very visible from their view.

The trio frowned and rushed over with their silent speed. Just as they approached the scene, a short and scrawny man was being held in the air by the collar of his shirt by another; apparently being threatened over a gambling game. Sano walked up closer, his fighting ego seeping in, "Hey, why don't you try picking on someone your own size pal?" His fists connected in front of him.

The victim continued to whimper and shake, then was suddenly thrown off to the side carelessly by the torturer. He said nothing to the young fighter nor did he move an inch. "Hey, didn't anyone every teach you manners? You're supposed to answer a question when it's asked to you." Sano snapped, getting irritated by the mans silence. Suddenly, he noticed something. The man had red hair. Very dark red hair. He gasped as he turned around slowly, his dark eyes shining in the sun. "So we meet at last, Zanza."

A/N: Another cliffhanger, hehe, I don't know WHAT has been up with me lately, but…oh well. The next chapter will be really good, I promise that. See ya for now!