Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Bonds From The Past ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )
Disclaimer: How many frickin times do I have to tell you people? I DO NOT OWN RUROUNI KENSHIN FOR GOD SAKES!! THERE, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?! WILL YOU STOP FORCING ME TO SAY THIS EACH TIME?!! IT'S HARD ENOUGH AS IT IS!!!! ::gasps for air after she is finished:: Whew, sorry everyone. Major anger spark, hehe. Anyhow, there you have it, now go on down and read the story damnit!! 6.6
Sanos air supply seemed to cut off in his throat as he stared speechless at the man standing in front of him. Aoshi and Saito were both stunned as well, gaping with widened eyes. The prey had already taken off for safety so they were the only ones around. When their shock sluggishly began to die down, the fighters observed the man and noticed the similarities they had heard so much about.
The fellow was tall, about an inch taller than Sano, being about half as lanky. His arms and possibly his legs had a firm muscular tone to it, showing he had a steady build and was quite strong. His baggy long red shirt did little to emphasize his strong chest, which, along with his shoulders, was covered by a gray T-shirt underneath the red garment. His rough callused hands were clothed with crimson fingerless gloves made of a cotton material, which reached the length of his whole wrists.
Around his palm area were silver bands connected and attached to a long and bulky strip of metal settled on his knuckles. Encircling his slim waist was a thick black sash tied together, the loose ends dangling only a couple inches away from his knees. A pair of seldom, unshapely dark pants hung around his legs, showing the tone of his muscles. Down on his feet lay a pair of firm yet loose black shoes with straps pulled over the material to keep them together.
Gazing into his face, his icy emerald orbs sent drops of apprehension down Sanosukes back, as if splashes of frigid water were flicked upon his skin. His hair resembled the shade of a midnight blood ruby, glimmering in the sun. His spiky mane lay pulled back into a tight high ponytail, the length guessed to be about near the shoulders. His long thin bangs lay suspended over his eyes, which made him look even more frightening. His facial features were just like Kenshins, only more angular in the face frame, due to the fact he seemed to be older than the wanderer.
As he raised his left arm to crack his knuckles, the three noticed something odd. An unusual scar engraved in the guys left wrist, beginning at the top near his hand and traveling around his arm like a snake, curling back up at the end. Another slash also set horizontally across the other mark, like a curvy cross-shaped scar.
Sano swallowed his surprise and spoke, "Well, I believe I deserve an answer. Why were you picking on them?" The stranger smirked, "Why would that be any of your concern?" Sano frowned, "Because I don't just walk by the street and ignore a couple of guys getting tossed around like trash by someone as creepy looking as you." The mans smirked evaporated, his eyes still as chilly. "I should of known something like that would come from Zanza, the fighter for hire."
Saito and Aoshi stood off, watching and analyzing. This man, he knows about the ahou. And he appears to be rather strong. But what kind of connection could there be between him and the battousai? Gazing down, Aoshi noticed a Japanese katana hanging from his left side, held up by the sash. He appears to have a right handed sword technique, which requires only a style suitable for a regular katana. But what exactly? And what are those metal things on his hands?
Sano began to grow irritated, "Well, are you gonna answer me or do I have to dig you up for the answer?" His fists tightened. "Like you could even do so." The stranger commented, his smirk returning. "But if you really insist on knowing, I was doing what you just saw because those son of a bitches were trying to cheat me out of a game. And I don't deal with cheaters very easily." He cracked his other fist and stepped up closer to the youth.
Sano stood his ground, "Even if that's the case, you shouldn't have went so far as to threaten their lives over a stupid game." He chuckled, "That's a mouthful coming from you Zanza. Then again, from what I hear, you never win anyway, so that wouldn't be a problem for you."
His angry chocolate brown eyes tightened with annoyance. Oh yeah, this guy knew all the buttons to push. He knocked his fists together, "All right buddy, I've had just about enough from you. Let's see how good you go up against me." The man stood still for a moment, looking as if he were going to shrug the ex fighter for hire away and leave. But then he positioned himself into a fighting stance, his left arm extended with the hand open, fingers curled downward. His right arm remained pulled back, into a fist. His legs resembled the same pose with their arm.
"Fine Zanza, let's just see if you can fulfill up to all the talk I've heard about you." Sano pushed his right leg back, leaning on his left. "You'd be surprised. But before we start, I believe you forgot to tell me your name. I can't very well beat the shit outta someone without knowing their identity." The man frowned, "Just because you might know my name doesn't mean you know who I am." Sano smirked in disgust, "Same difference. Now unless you wanna die unknown of, tell me your name."
He scowled with aggravation, but spoke, "I'm Ketsurui, a retired member from the Karasunaki of the Revolution." Aoshi's ears rang with the words, surprised. "The Karasunaki…" Saito nodded, "We should have guessed that he was a part of a group like that. A pack so ruthless they killed anyway who they considered the stand the slightest in their way to conquering Japan."
Ketsurui glared at the wolf, "Think what you want, but if you continue to insult my clan in front of me, then mark my word I will not stand by quietly." Saito smirked, "You seem like you might be a challenge. Sounds fun." With that, he took out a cigarette and after a flick lit of the match, threw it carelessly onto the surface, taking a puff as he turned to watch the fight. Ketsurui turned back to the young fighter, his emerald vision never losing its cold aura.
Sano picked up his pulled back foot slightly and gathered speed, charging at Ketsurui. He attacked as well, drawing back his left fist. Sano jumped to avoid being punched, and as he flew back down, he drew his right arm back, preparing for a knock to the face. How obvious… Ketsurui proceeded to block the attack with one of his own, but then Sano caught him off guard.
As he reached near him, his raised his left leg instead and delivered a flat foot kick to Ketsuruis cheek, causing the man to fly backwards as Sano landed smoothly on the ground. However, Ketsurui managed to break his fall as he did a backward somersault and fell feet first safely.
A sarcastic grin spread across his lips. His cheek was red and slightly bruised from the blow. "Guess I underestimated you. Not bad Zanza…" He spit off to the side, "But not good enough though." With that, he rushed off for an attack, possessing a speed that made Kenshins look like that of a child. This was displayed as Ketsurui used his fastness to trick the young fighter.
Jumping up, he delivered a swift kick upside the head. Sano went to punch him after regaining balance, but missed clumsily. Grabbing his shoulder, Ketsurui kneed him hard in the stomach, causing drops of spit to escape Sanos mouth. Sano had no time to attack as punch after punch sent horrific pain throughout his whole body.
Weakly clenching his left fist, he once again attempted at an attack, but he was dizzy and insubstantial from the dramatic blows. Ketsuruis' fist connected with his jaw, making him float into the air. But before he could go any higher, he felt the wind get knocked out of him as Ketsurui jumped, pulling back his right calve and sending his foot into the ex gangsters bandaged abdomen. Sano went flying backwards and crashed into the grass, not stirring the slightest bit.
Aoshi and Saito gasped softly, their narrow eyes unusually wide. I don't believe it. He actually beat him. I know the ahou's not that smart or the strongest, but he always has a way of turning the tables in his fights. This guy truly is something else. Aoshi rushed over to Sanos side, Saito following shortly after the former okashira. Their eyes froze in a large state of size when they gazed down at the man formally known as Zanza.
His chest and stomach were badly bruised, some being an apple red while the others were a fresh black and blue. Thin but steady streams of crimson traveled down his jaw from his lips. And his face, his young perfect face was badly bashed and his nose looked like it was threatening to have a waterfall of blood.
Saito leaned down and picked the fighter up, one arm supporting his legs while the other held up his shoulders. They both turned and glared at the opponent, who stood there quite smug and satisfied with his victory. "You bastard…" Saito hissed, his amber eyes fueling with fire, ignoring the soft scarlet getting into his uniform from Sanos stained yukuta.
A small wicked smile stretched across Ketsuruis face, "Ouch, that hurt…As much as a getting pummeled by a baby I suppose. I'd expect something more original than that from you Saito." Saito gasped, puzzled by the sound of his name coming from that man. Then he clenched his teeth, being careful as to not let his anger show too much or to have it cause him to squeeze Sanos bones beneath his hands.
Aoshi stepped up, "How about I fight him this time? That should be able to put an end to all this." Saito nodded softly, "If you wish. Just be on guard Shinimori, this guy seems much tougher than we thought. Do you have any medicine with you?" "Yes." He replied, sticking his hand inside the sleeve of his yukuta. He pulled out a small tan bag, tied at the opening with a thick string. "Here, this should be able to help those wounds. There's some bandages in there too." He said, throwing the bag to Saito.
He held out the hand gripping Sanosukes left shoulder and caught it. "Good thing Misao had me carry that around. I'd never thought I'd say this, but that girls worry can be pretty helpful sometimes." Saito smirked and bowed his head in agreement. He lowered Sano gently to the ground and began to take out the treatment. "Thanks Shinimori, I owe you one. Just be sure to teach that bastard whose boss." Aoshi grinned, pulling out his long sheath to remove his twin kodachis. "You can bet on it Saito…" He stepped up onto the battle ring and glared coldly at the red head.
"So, another disillusioned fool up for a beating? I don't know why you people insist on this, but…" He sighed and shook his head, "If you wish…then so be it." His fingers lingered near the hilt of his katana, his free one grasping the end of the sheath. Aoshi remained standing, his turquoise eyes matching the frosty glow of a warrior.
In the blink of an eye, he attacked, raising his kodachis and bringing them down in funky criss-cross pattern. Ketsurui held up his sword, catching the two small ones between his. Jumping back, he charged, thrusting it at Aoshi. He dodged, astonished at how clear the thrust was. But Ketsurui surprised him by bringing it down from behind. Aoshi leaped back, just barely missing the tip. A slim, but long tear broke up on his sleeve. He held up his kodachis, more cautious then before.
Saito lifted his gaze to catch a few glimpses here and there of the fight. He carefully applied the ointment to Sanos injuries and covered the ones needed with the bandages. After placing the bag aside, he sat near the youth and observed the battle going on between the ex-Oniwabon leader and the former Karasunaki mercenary. It was difficult to say what skills they were at in comparison.
When Ketsurui landed a few attacks, Aoshi followed right back. He wanted to say they were equal, but for some odd reason that word just didn't seem to fit in this case. The repeatedly loud clash of the two blades connecting brought Saito out of his meditation gradually. After what seemed to be about near 10 minutes, they stopped, standing at a nice safe distance from one another.
Both were breathing for air from all the display of energy, although Ketsurui didn't look as worn out as Aoshi. He smirked, gripping his sword tightly as he held it out in a sloppy diagonal position, the blade in an unusual direction. His left hand lingered over the metal as his heels dug into the ground, moving to a more fitting spot. Aoshi held his kodachis in front of him, crossed over the conjoining twin. Ketsurui attacked first, looking as if he were preparing for an ordinary thrust, but he had a trick up his sleeve.
As Aoshi started his own attack, Ketsurui dashed behind him with his undefinable speed and jumped. He shot down and sprung again at his challenger, doing a strange twist as he brought his katana up. "Koburatsuisuto!!" He cried, using the strength from his arms to bring the katana down in an unusual cross slash. Aoshi barely managed to make it. When he stepped back, blood oozed from the deep slashes that rest across his chest and one that lay around his shoulder blade.
He coughed a bit, tiny ruby drops spilling onto the dirt. He moved his kodachis to an upward pose, and once again tried an attack. He almost caught Ketsurui off guard when he swung one way then switched the other, but Ketsurui thrusted his sword up, the impact of the blade causing Aoshi's kodachis to loosen from his grip and go flying the opposite direction, landing tip first in the earth.
Ketsurui held his sword out, the tip pointing at Aoshi's chest. "Now that I have proven I'm stronger than you, all I have to do is decide is if I shall kill you or just torture you slowly." Aoshi glared at him, his eyes more full of evil than fury. I didn't want to have to resort to this, but... Aoshi pulled his wrists back, "Sorry to burst your bubble Ketsurui, but I have yet something else I can use." Ketsurui gave him a questioning glance, his mouth strained with annoyance. Aoshi smirked and jumped, showing his hidden claws and sending the pointy objects down flying at Ketsurui.
However, his plan did not go so well. Ketsurui stepped back, missing the first pair easily, and knocking the second off with a flick of his hand. Aoshi landed, dumfounded. How could he have suspected I had those? I certainly went too fast for him to tell. How...? Ketsurui smiled, not bothering to hide his arrogance. "That was a good try, Aoshi, but I already suspected you had hidden claws underneath those sleeves of yours. As our swords clashed, I heard another sound that reminded me of steel, and I knew it was coming from your yukuta. When you jumped to attack, I immediately knew then it was true."
He stepped up, crouching down on his knees a bit, "But I can play that way too…" Saito stared with interest as well as Aoshi. Ketsurui jumped, flinging his hands up to display four small but incredibly sharp claws that were attached to the strip of metal resting on his knuckles. He let out a fierce battle cry as he flung the claws down at Aoshi. The pointy objects cut across the ninja's flesh as well as his clothing, mercilessly sky rocketing down, thirsting for blood.
He jumped back a little, desperately trying to ignore the stinging pain from his cuts. Ketsurui landed, picking up speed from the ground and pounced at Aoshi, his right fist connecting hard with his nose. The ninja went flying backwards and fell with an "oomph" as his body crashed onto the soil. Saito abruptly shot up, stunned by the fact that both Sano and Aoshi had both been beaten by the same man, who hadn't even so much as broke a sweat.
Ketsurui laughed, "I guess that's two victories for me now. Honestly, you guys are such suckers. I can't help but crack up each time someone gets beaten like this." Saito looked over and burned hatred into the man's presence. Grabbing the sack, he walked to Aoshi's crumpled form. "Saito…" Aoshi said weakly. He said nothing, but his face screamed sympathy. "Can you move?" "Not very much. Maybe just enough to treat my wounds."
Saito helped the ninja to his feet and guided him over to the spot where Sano still laid unconscious, "Ok then, do so now. I'm going to go kill that son of a bitch and settle this once and for all. If you can, keep an eye on the ahou." He handed him the sack containing the medicine and walked over, standing directly 8 feet in front of the man. Making his amber eyes as intimidating as was humanly possible, he slowly drew his sword from the sheath, clutching it at his side. "I think it's time you knew what pain really feels like Ketsurui…"
A/N: ooooo, go Saito! That's my man all right. Hehe, just joking ^-^ Well, this certainly turned out to be a long chapter, and if you ask me, quite interesting. We know more about the mystery man now, but how is he connected to Kenshin? If you think you know, don't tell. Just wait and read. ::Laughs:: and like always, review people please review!!!
Karasunaki-Cry of the Crow
Koburatsuisuto-Cobra twist
Ketsurui-Tears of Blood